Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #1 - Pyrrhic Victory

In this mission, I am going to use the recommended weapons.

Help your teammates fight against the MPLA soldiers on the field.

Take out the mortar crews behind the rocks.

Once you've taken out the mortar crews, call for air support and eliminate the first wave of tanks.

"Eliminate the mounted gunners hiding behind the rocks.

Once you have taken care of the mounted gunners, take out the second wave of tanks.

Get up on the Buffel.

Take out the last wave of retiring enemies.

Get inside the helicopter.

Once you have reached the barge, you will get hit by an RPG missle and you will have to jump out of the helicopter onto the barge.

Clear the decks of any enemies remaining.

Once you have cleared the decks, take control of the mounted machine guns and take out the enemy boats.

After taking out the enemy boats, head inside the container and rescue Woods.

Pick up the Valkyrie Launcher located on the deck and destroy the Hind.

After reaching the shore, follow Hudson through the jungle.

Head inside the village and try to find a radio.

Enter the builiding through the window without being seen by any enemies.

Approach the radio operator, which turns out to be Menendez. Order him to radio Savimbi for backup.

After Menedez smashes the radio, enemy soldiers will enter the house and Mason (the player) is going to use Menedez as a human shield. After a brief standoff, Menedez is going to be shoot by Mason in the eye.

After dealing with Menedez, head through the jungle. Try to hold back the enemies until you reach the pier.

Once you reach the pier, you will find a boat to escape. However, a helicopter that appears to be an enemy one appears out of nowhere and suddenly starts providing support for you and your teammates agaist the enemies that were following you.

After landing, the helicopter is revealed to be Savimbi's, who has come to extract you and your teammates.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #2 - Celerium

At the beginning of the mission, you have to descend a cliff using your nano-gloves and a rope.

Rendezvous with Salazar and Crosby at the top of the cliff.

Glide to the landing zone using your specially designed suit.

Once you have landed, start investigating the base while heading towards the main temple.

After arriving at the main entrance, leading inside the temple, let one of your teammates blow the door up.

Once you are inside the 'temple', head downstairs through the bunker.

After fighting your way through the bunker, at some point you will find Erik, a Tacitus employee who has been locked in a crate.

Erik is going to inform you about the Celerium and its use.

Be ready to defend the bunker of incoming enemy forces.

After taking out the enemy foces, follow Erik inside the room where the Celerium drive is being held.

After following Erik inside, he is going to give you the Celerium drive and start telling you of Menedez's plot, unfortunately he gets shot right in the neck as he tells you something about ''Karma''.

Then, you and your teammates will have to fight against incoming enemies once again and make your way to the rest of the team.

After meeting up with the rest of the team, hand the Celerium chip to Briggs. This will be the end of the 2nd mission.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #3 - Old Wounds

You will have to rendezvous with a contact from China.

You will have to follow them to the Mujahideen base.

Once you've arrived at the base, follow Zhao inside the cave.

An Soviet attack will start not long after entering the base to discuss the deal with Rahmaan.

Head to the weapons cache and defend it from incoming enemies.

After successfully defeding the first weapons cache, head to the base and defend it.

On your way to the base, you are going to encounter a few Russian tanks; take them out using one of the RPGs found nearby.

After successfully defeding the weapon cache and the base, you are going to get called back at the Mujahideen compound.

Once you have successfully reached the Mujahideen compound, you are going to witness a massive Russian attack.

Afterwards, you and your teammates are going to charge in head-on towards the Russian army.

After your horse will get knocked off, you will have to avoid getting run over by the tank by holding Left and Right Mouse Button at the same time.

After destroying the take, the mission will skip to Kravchenko's interrogation.

You will have to repeatedly tap 'F' to resist killing Kravchenko, so you can get the good ending.

At some point, Woods is going to shot Kravchenko in the head.

Rahmaan then betrays you and the rest of your teammates and leaves you in the middle of the desert.

After some time, Reznov will appear to rescue you and your team.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #4 - Time and Fate

The mission with start off with you and the rest of your teammates waiting on a cliff near Raul Menendez's house.

Then, the mission will switch you to Menendez's perspective. Who's sitting beside his sister, after a short amount of time they are getting assaulted and captured by American soldiers.

An American soldier grabs Menendez's sister and starts taunting her and slamming her, breaking a glass object. Then, Menendez goes mad and escapes the soldiers that are holding him and stabs the soldier in the neck multiple times with a sharp piece of glass.

After being given the sedative, Menendez will pass out.

Once you regain your consciousness, Noriega is going to release you and call it 'a favor', then Menendez attacks him.

After attacking Noriega, you will have to rampage through the village to save Josefina. At this point, you will have unlimited bullets and a bigger amount of health.

Once you've reached the house, the mission will switch you back to Manson's perspective.

After switching to Manson, you will see what happened 15 minutes earlier from the ''good guys' " point of view.

After watching the cutscene, you will have to follow your teammates and fight your way through the village.

After fighting your way through the village and successfully reaching the mansion, go down the ladder and head inside the lab.

Fight your way through the laboratory, which is full of enemies.

Once you've cleaned the laboratory, climb up the ladder and head to Menendez's house.

After getting inside the house, Woods will lose control and focus on killing Menendez and Mason is going to try to stop Woods from doing so.

However, Woods will push Mason away from him and throw a frag grenade. The frag grenade will roll inside Josefina's room.

The mission ends with Mason waking up after the building was destroyed and seeing Menendez in a body bag, believed to be dead.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #5 - Fallen Angel

You will start off the mission behind a CLAW. You will have to fight your waythrough the flooded building and gain access to Anthem.

You can also access the weapons mounted on the C.L.A.W. and target large groups of enemies by pressing '1'.

Avoid being seen by the MQ drones or else the enemy forces will be alerted and you will be taken out quickly.

Once you have reached the Anthem, use your grappling hook to climb up on the roof.

Silently take out the enemy soldier who's guarding the place.

Identify Raul Menendez, he is wearing a white suit.

Proceed through the building and record the rest of his conversation.

After being noticed by Raul Menendez and his soldiers, escape the building and rendezvous with Salazar.

After meeting up with Salazar, clear the rail yard by any enemies remaining using Brutus and Maximus (the CLAW robots).

Once you have taken care of the enemies in the rail yard, get inside the car and escape.

After reaching the extraction point, you are going to be spotted by the Chinese soldiers.

Their commandant turns out to be Zhao, he has also appeared in the third mission of the game. He is going to let you go and this will turn out to be the ending of the 5th mission.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #6 - Karma

This mission starts off with you (Mason), Salazar and Harper arriving at the Colossus resort located in the Cayman Islands.

After entering the elevator inside the Colossus resort, you will descend to the lowest level of the building.

After deploying Ziggy, you will be able to control him through the vents. At some point, Ziggy will jump on a guard and start scanning his retina. After obtaining the retina scan, Ziggy is going to get crushed by another guard who noticed it.

After Ziggy getting smahed, you and Salazar will head to the CRC Room. Karma is revealed to be a woman, after accessing her bio, the computer will inform you that Karma is at Club Solar, inside the Colossus resort.

After getting the wanted information, you will have to fight your way to Club Solar.

Once you've reached the club you will notice Harper trying to convince Chloe (Karma) that she is in danger.

DeFalco and his men will enter the club just before Harper is trying to extract Chloe. DeFalco takes 2 hostages and threatens to kill them if Karma will not show herself. After DeFalco kills the first hostage, Chloe surrenders not wanting to cause another death. DeFalco's men will start shooting at the crowd afterwards.

After killing DeFalco's men, you will have to hurry up and find DeFalco and Chloe.

Once you have found DeFalco, take out his men and then kill him, but be careful not to shoot Chloe.

Once you've rescued Chloe, head to the plane that's waiting for you. This will be the end of the 6th mission.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #7 - Suffer With Me

Several hours after meeting with Alex Mason and Mark McKnight, you will start the actual mission on a boat heading to Panama to capture Noriega.

Head through the airport and take out the enemies left.

Once you have killed the enemies at the military base, head to the hotel where Noriega is.

After capturing Noriega, you are going to be informed by Hudson that Noriega will be exchanged for another prisoner. You will have to fight your way to the Panama Canal through the streets full of enemies.

Once you have reached the army checkpoint, Mason and Woods will split up. You are going to start playing as Woods.

Once you've reached the Panama Canal, Hudson will tell you that the prisoner is actually Menedez and will ask you to kill him.

After taking the shoot, Woods will remove the bag to confirm the kill, he will notice that the target was actually Alex Mason and not Menendez.

Shortly after, you will get ambushed by Menendez who shoots your kneecaps and knocks you out afterwards.

After a short while, you will wake up in a room, with Mason's dead body on the floor, Hudson tied to the chair and David (Alex Mason's son) tied to a pole. Hudson will tell you that he had to manipulate you in order to save David from getting killed by Menendez.

Menendez will let you know that one of the three people in the room must be killed. Hudson will tell Menendez to kill him. Menendez will first shoot Hudsoon in his knees and then slits his throat with Josefina's heart shaped pendent.

The mission will end after Menendez will leave the room and David will wake up to see the corpse of his own father.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #8 - Achilles' Veil

In this mission, you will play as Farid, a CIA agent that is undercover and working for Raul Menendez in an attemp to see what he is planning.

Follow Menendez on the outdoor stage with the other soldiers, shouting "Coldis Die!". A VTOL will appear out of nowhere, but gets quickly taken down by one of Menendez's man. Menendez will tell you afterwards to meet him at the Citadel.

You will have to fight your way through the enemy soldiers and successfully reach the Citadel.

However, you will meet Menendez halfway to the Citadel and you will see Harper being taken as a hostage.

Menendez will suspect that you're the traitor, so he will ask you to kill Harper and prove him that you're not. At this point, you get to choose to either kill Harper, or shoot Menendez. The best choice would be to attempt to shoot Menendez and get shot by him, that way Harper will be spared.

After saving Harper's life and get killed by Menendez, the game will switch you to Section who's fighting his way through the streets filled with enemy soldiers on his way to the Citadel.

Once you have reached the Citadel, a friendly VTOL will wait for you and your teammates.

After entering the VTOL, you will notice Menendez that has been captured. The level will end after some Navy SEALs will tell you that Menendez is going to be interrogated.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #9 - Odysseus

The mission will start off with a cutscene of Menendez being interrogated by Salazar. Menendez will request to speak with David Mason shortly after. Then, you will have to enter the interrogation room and talk to Menendez.

Shortly after entering the interrogation room, you will be interrupted by Briggs who's going to tell you that the ship is under attack.

After receiving the news from Briggs, you will head outside to let the other soldiers know about it. When you'll turn around, you will see Menendes who has taken Salazar as a hostage. He will tell you to drop your gun down and turn around or else he will kill Salazar, then you will get knocked down.

You will be woken up by Salazar, who's going to tell you that Menendez has escaped.

After taking out the enemies on the ship, a soldier will let you know that rebooting the ship's security system will allow Menendez to access the server room. Unfortunately, you will not be able to inform Briggs in time.

Then, the game will shift you, and you will start playing as Menendez.

After taking Briggs as a hostage, Salazar will betray them and kill the soldiers and Chloe (if you took the same decisions as in this walkthrough, you will get the same ending and if you did not, you are going to get a different ending).

Salazar will tell you to spare Admiral Briggs, but you get to choose whether or not kill him. Shooting him in the leg would be the best choice.

After killing/sparing Admiral Briggs, Menendez will proceed to upload the virus into the network.

The game will shift you back to Mason afterwards, who's going to have to go through the ventilation system and enter the command room.

After reaching the command room, you will notice that the system was infected. Then, you will have to follow Harper and chase after Menendez.

After leaving the room, you will encounter Salazar who has surrendered. Harper will execute him for betraying you.

Once you've left the hanger, you will notice Menendez who is getting away in his jet. You will have to fight your way to the friendly VTOL.

The mission will end after boarding on the VTOL.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #10 - Cordis Die

The mission will start off in a MRAP cruising through Highway 110, with the U.S. President on your right, who's worried about the city's condition.

After a short amount of time, a missle will hit the helicopter causing it to crash into the MRAP. Mason will black out afterwards.

After waking up, you will notice Harper giving orders to the other soldiers and agents. He's going to tell you about the SAM turret you could use on the incoming drones.

Once you've entered the SAM turret, shoot down the incoming drones.

The SAM turret will get hit by an incoming missle afterwards, forcing you to jump out of it, then you will have to regroup with your squad at the end of the highway.

Rappel down the highway.

Get inside the MRAP and drive away while the freeway falls apart.

After reaching the the city, you will see a truck rushing towards you, then the screen will black out.

After regaining consciousness, fight your way to the Plaza Downtown.

Once you've took out all the enemies on the streets, head to the MRAP through the Plaza.

Anderson will tell you that she is hit and has to immediately land the jet. You and the rest of the team will start advancing towards Anderson, but a building will fall down and Mason will black out once again.

When you reach the jet, you will see her unconscious body next to it. LAPD will arrive and bring her to an ambulance.

Then, you will have to get inside her jet and protect the ambulance from any enemy helicopters and drones that are threatening it.

A drone will attack the convoy, you will have to detach from the convoy and chase it down.

After taking out the enemy drone, parachute out of the damaged jet and land next to the evacuation point and the mission is going to end.
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough Mission #11 - Judgment Day

The mission will start off inside a VTOL. You will be playing as David Mason, along with four other teammates and Harper.

The aircraft is going to get hit by a missle, so you and your team must jump out early.

After reaching the ground, you will encounter a big number of Mercs guarding the entrance to the facility. Take them out and head inside the facility.

Once you're inside the facility, fight your way to the control room.

Once you've reached the control room, Menendez will launch a live webcast and initiate the self-destruct on the entire drone fleet flying over New York, explaining that the armed forces are crippled without them. Mason will figure out that Menendez is trying to escape disguised as a U.S. soldier and proceeds to the military checkpoint where he was seen.

After you've reached the military checkpoint, slide down and kill the two remaining Mercs.

Menendez will attempt to kill Mason, but he draws out a combat knife and stabs Menendez in the left leg and then stabs him in the shoulder and grabs his gun and points it at his head. At this point, you will get to choose wheter to kill or capture Menendez. Capturing him will be the best choice.

Menendez will be taken to the prison if you decided to capture him.

The ending of the story depends on your choices throughout the story. If Mason survives, Chloe dies and Menendez survives, he will be taken to prison. It is also revealed that Alex Mason survived after getting shot by Woods and they reunite. The Celerium worm infests the power plant close to the prison where Menendez is being held, which will let him escape. He heads to the Vault and kills Woods.

After Menendez kills Woods, he is going to travel back to Nicaragua where his sister's grave is, digs up her corpse and then sets himself on fire.

This was the Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Walkthrough, I hope you have found it helpful.