Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Induction

Once the cutscene ends and the door to your drop pod blows open, complete the QTE (Quick-Time-Event) to pull lever and re-seal the hatch. Once you land safely, complete the next QTE to release harnesses and open drop pod doors

Follow Cormack off the terrace and into building, eliminating the enemies running past end of hall.

In the atrium, activate Land Assist (EXO ability) and use it to slow your decent down the center of hotel.

Then exit into the large city square.

Follow Cormack into the command trailer, then move through the trench and into the street.

Several enemy soldiers will be waiting - clear them out and then move forward to trigger a Drone swarm.

Grab the car door to protect yourself from the oncoming Drone Swarm. Enter the turret of the immobilized tank and fire on the swarm to keep it at bay while the EMP system reboots.

Once the system is fully operational, trigger the EMP shockwave to destroy the swarm.

"Not on my Watch

Exit the turret and leap over the red van to enter an alleyway. Follow your squad into the lobby of a nearby hotel and engage the North Korean infantry who ambush you via zipline.

Once the first wave has been incapacitated, move further into the lobby and engage the other soldiers up the stairs ahead of you.


Use your extended jump to hover across the gap between buildings after clearing the lobby, then move through the destroyed building and leap down into the large crater. After the communique from HQ, begin making your way through the subway ruins towards Demo Team One's LZ.

Several soldiers and armed drones will attack you.

After eliminating them, head through the subway car and use a Threat Grenade to illuminate all of the targets in the station.

Once they've been dealt with, head upwards into the terminal and attempt to open the gate when Cormack asks.

After the Atlas mercenaries opens the gate for you, head up the stairs past the gate and back up to street level. Several soldiers are waiting for you.

Kill them before following the waypoint towards the end of the street.

To avoid the mounted MG blocking your path, cross the intersection and go into the restaurant across from you. Head upstairs and eliminate the NKA soldiers as you make your way through the various bars and restaurants.

From the second floor level, shoot the soldiers at the adjacent club and then aim down at the gunner and eliminate him.


After rounding the corner past the MG truck, a smoke grenade will go off and more enemies will ambush you.

Eliminate them and follow the waypoint up the stairs towards the noodle house.

Exit the restaurant onto the balcony and look through your binoculars to locate Demo Team One on the far side of the bridge on your right.

Eight soldiers wait for you on the other side of the bridge, near DT One. Stand your ground and fight off the waves of soldiers that attack from your 9, 10, and 12 o'clock position.

When the coast is clear, approach the Pickup and grab the charges from the dead body.


Inside the room it leads to is the final piece of intel for this mission.

Follow your allies under the bridge. While near the base of the bridge, your squad will be attacked by TWO heavy drones with AP armor. Kill the drones for Will to progress.After moving a VERY short distance, more enemy soldiers will appear atop the bridge near the Havoc launcher.

After eliminating them, move towards the Launcher.

Hand Will the charges to complete the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Atlas


After cutscene ends, it's time to play MEET KEVIN SPACE-WELP NEVER MIND THERE HE GOES. Complete the most uncomfortable QTE ever and pay your respects.

Then follow Cormack to trigger a cutscene and meet Jonathan Irons.

Head of the Atlas Corporation, he offers you a second chance and TIME JUMP to Camp David, Maryland.

You've got a shiny new robot arm and it's raining.

Follow Joker towards the objective waypoint and eliminate the targets on the porch.

Once the porch is clear, follow Joker up to the door on the right.

Enter the kitchen and stack up on the door with Joker.

Toss in a threat grenade and eliminate the hostiles through the door.

Head through the living room and down the hall.

Then stack up near the next door and place a Mute Charge when prompted.

"Eliminate the hostiles in the room and secure the President.

Follow Joker and PotUS back down the hall towards extraction and eliminate the drones and soldiers who appear outside the building.

Eliminate the enemy soldiers on the back terrace and by the pool before continuing towards the waypoint and fighting off more hostiles by the pool's edge.

Follow Joker towards the edge of the lawn and move into a prone position.

Let the enemy convoy pass by, then run across the golf green with PotUS.

Continue along the path and take cover behind the low walls, fending off the enemies ahead of you until your evac vehicle arrives.

Enter the car to end the simulation.

SURPRISE it's a training operation and you're working for a PMC.

Enter the Jeep and enjoy a tour of the Atlus Corporation's compound. ALSO THEY SAY THE NAME OF THE GAME IN THIS PART.

"INTEL 02: When Mr. Spacey's Mild Ride comes to an end, head to the righthand guard post behind you before heading into the R+D building. There's an intel computer on the desk along the right wall.

Follow the doctors and interact with their equipment to beging the repairs on your arm. Complete the QTE's to recalibrate your arm.

Exit the lab and return to Gideon.

Follow him into the Holographic Range to meet Ilona.

Then grab a rifle and begin Target Trining and unlock the Overdrive (Slow-Mo) ability.

"Shoot the red targets while avoiding the blue ones to complete the session.

Follow Gideon to the Grenade Training Course and activate the indicated console.

Cycle and test the various grenade types.

Then run the training program again to move on.

Keep following Gideon to the Ready Room, then choose your loadout and enter the elevator.

INTEL 03: Before getting into the elevator, head into the Engineering room on the right side of the room. There's an intel computer on the cabinet next to the holo-map.

Re-start the PotUS simulation, now in assault mode.

Enemies are immediately aware of your presence, and so you will need to fight your way into the building.

Enter via the kitchen again, or through either door on the left or right side of the house.

The doors all lead into the living room, so breach whichever door you please and continue your assault on Camp David.

Head to the media room and breach the door, eliminating the enemies and securing the President.

Follow Gideon and PotUS back to the living room, and use your EMP grenades to eliminate the drones outside.

On the back patio, deploy your Assault Drone to eliminate the enemies by the pool.

Take out as many as possible before the drone is destroyed.

Then mop up the remaining forces before continuing down to the poolside level.

Head across the green once more, then down the path.

Open the door to the jeep that arrives to secure the President.

Eliminate the enemies that appear down the road to the right and use your Shield function to press through the wave of enemies.

After taking out the hostiles, your extraction vehicle arrives to end the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Traffic


After the cutscene with the spy drone ends and you've located both the prime minister and Hades, take control of the drone and observe the meeting.

When the feed cuts out, take control of Mitchell and accompany Cpt. Ajani.

Follow the objective marker after recieving a message from Irons and entering the apartment building.

Breach the door and move onto the rooftops.

Climb the transformer box onto the monorail tracks and follow Joker, Ajani and Gideon.

Head down off the tracks and activate your mag gloves on the side of the building with the hostages inside.

Gloves won't stick to glass, so you'll need to climb around the windows.

Plant the mute charge once you reach the roof and breach the roof.

Then eliminate the enemies inside.

Head through the office complex towards the objective waypoint.

"INTEL 01: After dropping into the building, it's in an office to the left of the Lagos seal that you breach the Hostage room from.

Tag the enemy targets inside and take them down through the wall.

Breach the room through the door and secure the , then release the prime minister.

Head down into the stairwell and follow Joker and Gideon into the bank across the street.

Exit through the other side of the building into rush hour traffic, then avoid being blasted by RPGs.

Eliminate the soldiers on and nearby the BioFuel tanker, as well as the snipers in the nearby apartment and the SpecOps troopers who descend from the overpass above.

Enemies will also asssault from the market to the left of the roundabout, and the apartments on the right.

This is a good space to use your Overdrive ability, as well as detonate the BioFuel truck.

After clearing the roundabout, head into the Shopping Centre (to the left of the tanker) and take out the enemies who ambush you at the next intersection.

Blast your way down the street past the Internet Cafe on the left.

Then follow Gideon through the red gate.

Dive into the alleyway on the right to escape getting hit by the truck, then immediately up the stairs to avoid being insta-killed.

"INTEL 02: After escaping the truck in the alley and dropping into the Rec Center, head up the stairs on your left and through the door on the second floor. Between the small desk and vending machines ahead of you is the second piece of Intel.

A Technical (pickup with mounted MG) will smash thorough market, along with several KVA soldiers

"Flank left through the buildings and across the market to get behind the machine-gunner and eliminate both the remaining soldiers and the gunner.

Mag-glove climb up the wall nearby the truck, then follow your squadmates to the side of the highway.

Eliminate the enemies in the highway median and cross like Frogger to the other side of the highway. (You can take out the enemies on the other side before or after crossing the street)

"Look Both Ways

Once you make it across, take down the soldier and attack dogs that come from the overwalk on the right.

"Follow Gideon and jump through the hole he cuts in the fence.

Complete the QTE's to leap onto the roof of a passing bus, then take out all of the hostile cars while leaping from buss to bus.

After falling off the bus, eliminate the other cars and complete the QTE to take out the last enemy vehicle.

Leap back to the bus and eliminate the chopper that appears overhead.

After it catches fire, jump immediately to the next bus that appears, then another just after and leapfrog your way to the truck.

Complete the QTE to cling to the passenger door, then kill the drivers.

Rescue the hostage by swimming to the rear of the crashed truck and opening the back door.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Fission


Before exiting your V-TOL copter, you'll need to eliminate the enemy soldiers on the roof below you.

Launch a zipline, then use it to get down to the LZ.

Fight your way up the left side of the road.

Then grab the Shield Drone to move forward.

"Fire and Forget

Head towards your objective waypoint at the far end of the street, using the shield drone to indentify targets behind cover. Pick up the Stinger missile from behind the wrecked van.

Cross the street to the nearby ammo crate to reload the launcher.

Use the Stinger to bring down the Titan spider tank - be sure to lock on to it's body, as you might shoot the missile through it's legs. Next, follow your squad into Reactor Entrance A.

Follow your objective marker and rappel down the elevator shaft and follow Gideon down the hall into Vekron Lab One.

INTEL 01: Inside Vekron Lab 1, inside the first cubicle on the right - between the window and a flipped table.

Make your way through Vekron Lab and follow Gideon through the large blast door.

The doors will cycle, and you'll enter the reactor.

Fight your way around the left side of the reactor chamber - this is a good place to use your Sonics and the MDL launcher that was in the outer chamber of the reactor room (with the blast doors).

After reaching the end of the pathway, head into the tunnel opening on the left side of the chamber.

Then follow Joker and Gideon into the cargo elevator and hit the swtich to ascend to the Turbine room.

Use your assault drone to eliminate as many of the 35 targets you can before it's destroyed.

Then make your way into the turbine room.

INTEL 02: Find the second piece of Intel by heading underneath the catwalk between the first and second reactor turbines on your right. The laptop is sitting on the crates near the wall.

Head to the objective in the office at the far end of the room and breach to door.

Head down the hall and follow your squad into the control room.

Here, interact with the console.

Leave the room via the side exit, and run with your squad to the exit.

"INTEL 03: After exiting the control room, grab the Intel computer off of the large spool of wire on the catwalk to your right.

After a cooling tower collapses, your extraction vehicle arrives to pick you up.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Aftermath

After the cutscene, follow Gideon through the refugee camp.

Joker will join you with the information that one of the KVA's top member's, Dr. Pierre Danois, is holed up in a nearby hospital.

Exit the refugee camp via the decontamination chamber and head towards the security checkpoint.

After Atlas HQ's message, pass through the security door guarded by two guards in XL-exo suits and head into the ruins of Old Detroit.

Dismount from your bike and tail Gideon down the left side of the street into the High School lobby.

Move through the abandoned halls until you reach a collapsed section of ceiling blocking your path.

Move with your squad into the room to the left to discover the remains of a Hazmat cleanup crew.

Move through the next door and go up the stairs to the third floor.

Proceed along the ledge past the metal beam.

Then let the KVA's in Hazmat suits pass beneath you.

After your fall, move through the door to your left and move slowly to avoid detection by the guard patrolling the hall outside.

"INTEL: On the shelving unit in the hall, just past the door where you let the Hazmat guard pass.

Head back around (to the right from the door you exited out of) and kill the guard behind the chain link fence, then head up the stairs.

Avoid the guard who appears to your right buy going through the door on your left. Sneak through the room full of mannequins and follow the hall around to the left.

Complete the QTE when the guard attacks.

Shoot the second guard who has appeared in the hall.

Follow your objective marker to exit the building and escape down the fire escape.

INTEL: After dropping down from the fire escape, head into the trailer on your left. The Intel is in the far compartment on a table.

Kill the enemies in and above the bar across the street.

Then head into the bar and up the stairs through the back door.

Clear the room at the top of the stairs, then proceed through the office into the atrium.

There are many of enemies in this area.

So make good use of your ExO abilities.

Move to the window at the far end of the atrium.

Take out the KVA troops in the courtyard below, then get behind the ambulance and oush it down the street.

Stop pushing the vehicle if you need to clear the area around you of enemies.

Then return to the ambulance and resume moving it towards the hospital entrance.

Head to the base of the stairs inside the emergency wing, then head up to the second story.

Fight through the KVA after they flashbang your squad and breach the door at the opposite end of the area (past the MRI machine)

Complete the QTE to breach the door.

Defend yourself...

...clear the room and collect Doctor Danois.

Head back out the door you came in, the go up the stairs through the door to your left. Follow Gideon into the next room and BAM.

Once the dust clears, leave your new allies to cover your escape and follow Gideon back to your bikes.

Ride your hoverbike along the path, avoiding machinegun and rocket fire from the various enemy vehicles pursuing you.

Keep following Gideon, while also avoiding becoming a stain on the front of an oncoming train.

Coninue along your escape route until you manage to make it back through the security gate.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Manhunt


After the cutscene, initiate the comms scan with the tablet on the table.

Cycle to a secondary camera after the first scan fails.

Using the third camera, scan the OBVIOUSLY NOT A BAD GUY bad guy in a hoodie and leather jacket between two market stands.

Follow Ilona from the cafe and into the alley.

Once she splits off, head up the stairs to.

Eliminate the guards Ilona is distracting.

Once you've subdued the guards, Ilona will take the keys to the KVA safehouse.

Follow her inside and take down the guards in the next room.

Keep following her up the stairs to the communications room.

There, kill the guard at the computer.

INTEL 01: Follow Illona to the outside balcony. Before you change into your EXO suit, look to your right and the INTEL is sitting on a bench.

When the room is clear, change into your EXO suit to continue.

Take control of the WASP drone and zoom in on the conference room.

After identifying Hades, fly the drone above the truck full of ATLUS soldiers. Eliminate the guard at the vehicles door when prompted.

Then, take down the two guards on the second-level balcony.

Watch as your allies make their way through the building, help them if necessary, then eliminate the three KVA agents on the left side balcony.

Fly around to the rear of the building and signal a MUTE BREACH.

Then eliminate the enemy soldiers inside.

Fly further around the rear of the building and eliminate the two guards at the top of the stairwell.

Shoot a car in the parking lot to trigger an alarm.

Shoot the guards that approach, then continue around the other side of the building to eavesdrop on Hades's meeting.

Take him out.

After the blast, take down all of the KVA agents that appear in the parking lot and on the roof of the nearby building.

Attempt to eliminate the trucks as they escape.

Then follow Ilona when the WASP drone is destroyed.

Head out of the safehouse and eliminate all the KVA soldiers in the alley.

Follow Ilona through the fencing and into the market...

...taking out enemy soldiers and saving as many civillians as possible.

Pass through the gift shop ahead of you and into the next alley

"INTEL 02: Follow the path to the left, past the Souvenir Shop with the blue awning. Continue left to the back of the large red building (home of the Playful Dolphins restaurant). Head up the stairs and the Intel is next to the bed in the apartment on the second floor.

Breach the gate in the back (by tearing it off it's hinges) and head upstairs.

Once you make peace with the fact that the sniper that has you pinned is in posession of some kind of Eraser-style super gun, follow Ilona and run as fast as you can to avoid being turned into human Jell-O.

Jump down from the window.

Use and EMP grenade to eliminate the drones that appear.

Keep running to avoid sniper fire and enter the restaraunt.

Head through the back door and up to street level.

INTEL 03: After speaking with Torres, go upstairs and run across the street into in the jewelry store (behind the van). Intel is sitting on the counter.

Take out the drones that appear, then use the nearby van and cars as cover to avoid taking damage as you follow the waypoint up to the second level balcony of the restaraunt to your right.

Grab the Stinger and fire it at the church tower to kill both the sniper and any religious imagery the city had.

Head back to street level and push the transport truck aside.

Then follow Ilona over the balcony onto the street below.

Plant explosive charges in the middle of the road, then detonate them as the convoy passes over them.

Pick up the MDL as you head towards the crash site,

eliminate all of the KVA soldiers in the area.

Open the door of the crashed truck.

Complete the QTE's to complete the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Utopia

"INTEL: Turn around - it's behind you on the reception desk in the lobby.

Follow Gideon as he waxes poetically and heads down into the maintenance room of the security building.

Meet with Ilona and watch the footage that she recieved from Hades before his death.

After irons leaves, complete the QTE and follow your mysterious savior's waypoints.

Climb up the inside of the elevator shaft with your mag gloves,

Then run across the roof to avoid the swarmers

Dive over the lowered security gates.

Swim into the pipeline after landing in the water below.

Surface in the sewers and climb up the ladder to open the manhole cover above.

Jump over the concrete wall, then head through the alley and up the stairs to pass through the apartment upstairs.

Make your way along the balcony until your benefator instructs you to drop to street level.

Keep running into the cafe and head up the back stairs to the dwellings above.

Take out the Atlas operatives as you move from apartment to apartment, making your way up to the roofs.

Jump across to the construction platform, then head towards your waypoint through the market to reach the docks.

Eliminate the Atlas troops waiting for you.

Then use your EMP grenades to take on the AST that appears.

After eliminating your opposition, get into the boat.

Pick up the Grapple Hook attachment.

Drive your boat down the canals, diving beneath the surface to avoide Swarmers and other watercraft.

The dive ability also lets you avoid missile attacks as you make your way to the underground canals.

Keep driving and diving until you "accidentally" smash your boat through facade of a large building downtown.

Use your Grappel Hook on the scaffoldings to ascend up to the roof of the building you crashed into.

Take out any guards you encounter, then continue to grapple up the face of the tower until you can grapple no further.

Use your Mag-Gloves to climb up the construction elevator shaft, then grapple up to the skybridge and shoot your way inside.

Eliminate the soldiers at the other end, then head up the stairs to the balcony opposite the large crane.

Mag-glove jump onto the Crane structure and climb across.

You've completed the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Sentinel

Use your grapple hook to reach the ledge opposite your insertion point.

Follow Cormack up to the ledge above, then across another ravine to climb to the top of the cisterne.

fter approaching Irons's compount, use your new tagging ability to mark all of the patrols and drones around the building.

Let two of the first three guards head inside, then perform a Concealed Kill on the third from the safety of the nearby bush.

You can whislte to attract their attention, which will bring them in range of your grapple attack.

Make your way towards the security office, sticking to brush cover and using the tops of buildings to avoid detection.

There are two guards outside the door to the security room - either kill them quickly and quietly or avoid them entirely, then ascend to the roof of the security building.

Avoid being seen by the drone nearby, then place an EMP to avoid being detected by the security system and drop into the room.

"INTEL: On the desk to your left, after dropping down into the security room.

Interact with the console to give Cormack control over the compound's cameras, then head back up t the roof and make your way towards the next waypoint.

Drop over the wall into the next section, then take the time to mark any guards you don't already have targeted.

Grapple to the roof on the far right of the courtyard, then head through the brush and head up to the building's roof across from you (above the two guards).

Drop down onto the tennis court, then run to the bushes ahead of you.

Grapple up to the catwalk above you and eliminate the guard before moving towards the driveway full of parked cars.

Use your grapple to reach the balcony above the roof over the main entryway of the house.

Then finally up to the second-story balcony.

Head inside to reunite with Cormack.

INTEL: On the bookshelf to the left of the fireplace in Irons' office.

Interact with the touch screen on Irons's desk to gather intel on an upcoming arms deal.

Kill the two guards who burst in.

Then rapell down the elevator cable to the level below.

Take out the guards and two vehicles will appear.

Go prone to crawl underneath them.

Then mount yourself on the belly of the car.

When they reach the hangar, follow Cormack and grapple up to the top of a nearby shelving unit... eavesdrop on the meeting.

INTEL: Before grappling up to the scaffolding, crouch-walk underneath the shelving unit ahead of you for the final piece of Intel in this mission

After the meeting, follow Cormack up the stairs to reach the airfield, then kill the guards and grapple on to the side of the departing plane.

After attaching the tracking beacon on the plane...

...drop into the water and follow Cormack to complete the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Crash

Once you land on the with of Pandora, use your Mag Gloves to move along the wink.

Plant a laser charge on top of the fuselage.

Follow your now-captive aircraft through the snow until you land at the rendezvous point.

"INTEL: Nestled between three crates next to the crashed cargo jet is the first piece of Intel in the mission.

Once you reach the evacuation vehicle, push the large container into it so it can take off.

Keep fighting the Atlas troops until a second spider-tank appears...

...blowing a hole in the ice and sending you and your squad tumbling into the crevasse.

Follow Cormack and Ilone through the ice cave until your hear Atlas troops nearby.

"Eliminate the two guards at the top of the ice drift.

Follow Cormack towards the objective waypoint, eliminating Atlus soldiers until you come to a thin ice bridge.

Complete QTE to destroy the bridge and take out the heavy AST.

After regaining your weapon, proceed through the rocky passageway.

When you come to the ice-capped room where water begins flooding in, get into a prone position to swim through the small tunnel.

On the other side, follow Cormacks lead...

And eliminate the Atlas squad on the bank above you before continuing through the caverns.

Move into the next chamber and eliminate the remaining forces that arrive.

Several Atlus soldiers will appear at the far end of the multi-pathed icey tunnels to your left.

Eliminate them before heading up the rock wall at the end and out into the mountain pass.

Move carefully along the edge of the cliffs, using EMP grenades to eliminate the drones that appear nearby.

Head through the small opening at the end of the path to reach a cavern overlooking the crashed Sentinel cargo jet.

Grab the nearby sniper rifle and eliminate all of the enemy soldiers on the field below.

Once the Atlas troops are down, head towards the cargo container.

An enemy V-TOL will arrive and punch a hole through the ice.

Swim towards your objective marker and climb out of the ice to reunite with an old friend.

"INTEL: The final Intel laptop is next to the right side of the crashed V-TOL jet.

Fire it at the VTOL to bring it down.

Then slide down the glacier to recover the cargo.

Boost jump up to the helicopter to attach the crate and complete the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Bio Lab

After the cutscene, sprint after gideon from cover to cover while attempting to escape the helicopter.

INTEL: inside the first hut Gideon runs into, on the left.

Make your way accross the fields and wade through the river before climbing up the vine-covered wall into the forest above.

Activate your cloaking function to avoid being seen by the helicopter, then move up into the brush cover.

Follow Gideon's lead, using your cloaking device to avoid being detected by patrolling drones (your cloak function will not lose power while cloaked).

Follow gideon and use your cloaking ability to get the drop on the two Atlas soldiers walking nearby.

Move up to the hood of the jeep, then cloak and head to the path along the right-hand side of the clearing.

Let the vehicle pass by and move plant a mute charge near the stopped truck.

Take down the guard at the passenger door of the jeep, then follow Gideon deeper into the woods.

Cross the road and take cover behind the low brush.

Then keeo following Gideon until you run into the crowd of AST's. Fighting would do no good, so cloak and let them move past you.

Move ahead and let the patrol run past you before attempting to circumnavigate the Seeker.

Your cloak is useless against the seeker, so you'll need to sprint forward into new cover once it passes by.

When the beam passes again, sprint across the road behind the stacked logs and crawl under the felled tree into the next clearing.

Follow Gideon up the path to rendezvous with Cormack and Knox.

Rappel downthe face of the cliff and marvel at the change of scenery (admit it, you thought it was a glitchy environment).

Follow your sqaudmates towards the entrance of the refinery and kill the guards.

Plant a mute charge at the foot of the door.

Breach the door with Gideon and eiliminate the soldiers inside.

Follow Gideon through the laborotories and head up the stairs.

Head through the door...

And interact with the computer console to begin the upload.

After your friends get all Thermite-happy, follow them towards the lab's exit and take out all of the Atlas guards, scientists and soldiers you come across on your way out the door.

Pass through the Main Compound Synthesis chambers, making sure to take out the EMP sensors mounted on the walls.

Make your way downstairs to the Compressed COld Storage area.

Plant the FRB device on the storage containers.

Re-equip or update your arsenal in the armory room, then make your way to the transport facility outside.

Fall in with Cormack and Gideon as you press forward towards your objective.

Take out the Atlas forces and make your way to the red and white structure on the far end of the enclosure.

Approach the entryway to trigger a battle with an AST unit. Use your EMP grenades to weaken him, then take him down with a high-powered weapon.

"Follow Gideon into the central structure.

Then climb the ladder to plant a signal jammer on the antennae on the roof.

Defend yourself while Cormack gets the door open, and regroup with him inside the facility.

Head up the stairs with your squadmates and through the lab en route to the vehicle hangar.

"INTEL: On table inside Auto-Assisted Fabrication, before moving into the vehicle hangar.

Pilot the tank out of the facility while simultaneously eliminating the opposing Atlas forces.

Make your way up the road into the woods and eliminate the enemy tank and helicopter

Follow the road and continue taking out hostile infantry and armor to reach the extraction zone some 500 meters away.

Just before reaching the LZ, you'll be faced with assaulting a large hill coated with three tanks, many infantry units and several helicopters / V-TOLs.

After reaching the top of the hill, exit the tank and board your extraction vehicle to end the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Collapse

Follow the roadway,

Until a bus blocks your path.

then head to the right through a construction zone.

Drive through the construction pathways until you're foreced into oncoming traffic.

Using the roof-mounted cannon, fire on the attacking vehicles as you cross onto the Golden Gate bridge.

Keep fending off enemy cars until your truck flips, then get out and proceed on foot.

Eliminate the Atlas soldiers present on the bridge, using the low-sitting cars as cover or the taller busses and trucks as vantage points.

Your EXO loadout is equipped with sonic blasters.

Use them to stun nearby enemies and give yourself another advantage in combat.

Fight your way across the bridge towards San Francsico until you reach the group of Sentinel members surrounding the target van.

Open the rear door of the van...

And enjoy the fireworks.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Armada

Climb up and out of the wreckage of the bridge.

Shoot your way through the Atlus troops' ranks until you reach the Railgun control panel on the south side of the ship's deck.

There are enemy units with EXO suits of their own now, and they're much harder to kill than their generic counterparts.

After planting the first jammer...

Cross to the northern side of the deck and slap the second jammer on the other railgun.

After securing the second jammer, follow Gideon and Cormack to start making your way towards the bridge.

INTEL: after entering the hole in the ship's command deck, pick up the intel on the computer console to your right.

Follow Cormack through the door on the far side and down the hall.

Once Mitchell toggles his night vision, take out all of the Atlas soldiers holed up in the galley.

Once you've eliminated all the soldiers in the kitchen, head out the door and onto the Hangar Deck, where you will also eliminate all of the enemies.

On the Hangar Deck, an AST will appear.

Use your EMP grenades and the nearby Heavy MG to bring him down - along with all the rest of the soldiers and EXO units in the area.

Eliminate all enemies and Cormack will open a door on the opposite end of the Hangar Deck.

INTEL: Follow Cormack through across the catwalks above the hangar deck, then head straight after passing through the first navigation terminal. (Cormack heads to the left - do not follow him). Intel is at the end of the hall in a small room with a broken steam vent.

Head the stairs and follow Cormack across the catwalks above the hangardeck.

At the top of the next flight of stairs, toggle your night vision and eliminate all of the Atlus soldiers in the server room.

Head upstairs into the bridge.

INTEL: On the navigational terminal in the bridge, before you use the targeting computer.

Use the railguns to destroy the two cargo ships on either side of the Navy destroyer to end the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Throttle

Pilot your jet and take out anything without a Sentinel ID tag - this means pretty much everything you see.

Advance through the canyons, splitting off from Gideon when he veers to the right.

Keep blasting everything in sight, while also avoiding enemy fire and collapsing rocks and bridges until you make it out of the canyon.

After the cutscene, follow your squad through the archway to the left once you abandon your flyers.

"Use your grapple ability to traverse the various ledges, train tracks and storefronts so that you can avoid taking too much fire from the Atlus soldiers or MD Turrets.

Grapple up to the MD turret furthest to the right.

Interact with it to pull out it's operator and take it over for yourself.

Use the turret to then destroy the other two MD units.

As well as the enemy V-TOL that appears nearby.

Use the MD turret to take out the AST's with it's alternate fire: targeting rockets.

After several waves of the heavy mech suits, exit the turret and use your grapple ability to cross the plaza and head towards the cache of Stinger missiles on the other side.

Collect the stinger missiles to end the mission.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Captured

After being thrown from the back of the truck, regroup with Cormack, Ilona and Gideon in the prisoner pen.

Once the elevator stops, follow your firends and their captors through the prison camp.

TIP: Don't look around too much, or the guards will beat you to death.

After you come to, note the ridiculous and uneccessary religious imagery, then be super bummed out when Spacey shoots Cormac...

And smashes your cool robot arm.

After coming to once more (you passed out again), follow Gideon through the hallway full of vaccu-sealed corpses.

lona and Cormac are following behind. Take the EXO suit from the guard Gideon killed and head through the next door.

TIP:For the rest of the mission (since you have only one functioning arm), you can no longer reload your weapon and must continuously pick up new firearms. You can also no longer sprint.

Use the console to override security and open the door.

After the intruding soldiers have been dispatched, you'll get separated from Ilona and Cormack.

Follow Gideon into the next room and up the stairs, dealing with any Atlus guards you encounter.

"INTEL: After being separated from Ilona and Cormack and heading up the stairway behind Gideon, head through a dore into Mantiocre Research and Testing (where two janitors / scientists will surrender), head into the Network Access room on the right hands side and pick up the intel at the rear of that room.

Follow Gideon through the door that opens at the end of the hall and head down the stairs and into the decontamination chamber.

Pass through the "bag room" and through the hall outside the test chamber.

Follow Gideon into the Testing area, where several Atlus guards are waiting.

Fight through the testing labs into Cold Storage, making use of your Overdrive ability to deal with the multitude of enemy soldiers.

Breach the door leading into the morgue.

And breach the large glass chamber at the opposite end.

Then escape through the body hatch.

"INTEL: In the glass chamber at the end of the autopsy room, Intel is siting on the lefthand console.

Complete the QTE to move the casket and provide an escape route.

Follow Gideon up the stairs and through the halls before heading back outside.

Use Overdrive to take out the waiting soldiers, then move up the ramp on the righthand side.

Eliminate the remaining guards on the central platform and move up the stairs on the lefthand side.

Go through the door into a small room overlooking the loading dock.

Then follow Gideon back outside and into the nearby V-TOL chopper.

After the chopper (inevitabley) crashes...

Enter the AST EXO suit that dalls nearby.

Smash the wall at the end of the room.

Kill everything in the courtyard beyond.

Continue through the contstruction site, turning any Atlus soldier you come across into pulp.

Then smash through the wall back into the facility.

Several other AST units will appear.

Strafe between cargo containers and use your missiles and rockets to destroy them.

Once they're down, take out the tacticals and drones in the next courtyard.

Use your AST to break the lock on the final gate.

Regroup with Ilona and Cormack in their escape truck.
Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough Terminus

As the transport choppers fly you and your giant OP-ed exo over the canals of New Baghdad...

Various Atlus vehicles and soldiers will attempt to destroy your suit - kill them with violence.

"INTEL: Before following Gideon towards the Rocket Bay, continue into the room at the end of Maintenance Bay 02 to find the first piece of Intel in this mission.

Then follow Gideon towards your underwater objective.

Bypass the rubble via the opening on the righthand side to reach the Breach Point waypoint.

Make your way through the corridors and head towards launch chamber.

Follow Gideon around the edge of the rocket chamber, eliminating any Atlus troops in your path.

Move down the stairs to the second sub-level and continue to descend on the ramp.

Use your HMG and swarm missiles to take out multiple targets simultaneously.

INTEL: After descending down the first flight of stairs in the Launch Bay, there is a room labelled "Server Control" to your left. Behind a stack of computers is an Intel laptop.

At the opposite end of the third sub-level, three Atlus AST's will arrive.

Eliminate them before continuing on your path towards the end of the chamber.

Move through the doorway Gideon makes...

And head down the hall towards the ventilation hatch.

INTEL: in the CHECKPOINT room across from where Gideon smashes down the door before heading to the ventilation hatch

After tearing open the hatch, jump down the shaft and head towards the rocket platform.

After fighting your way through the rocket exhaust...

Unload your entire arsenal on the rocket to stop the launch.

Once you awaken, use your good arm to take out the Atlas guards firing on you and Gideon, then black out again.

When Gideon wakes you up for the third time, listen to some vilainous soliloquizing by Spacey.

Then hit the release switch on your EXO suit...

And give chase to Irons.

Avoid the closing door.

And melee the guard who attempts to stop you.

Then perform the QTE's to catch and dispatch Irons.

Congratulations! You've completed the game! WOO-HOO!!!