Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #1: Once Upon a Time in Stinking Springs

You will start off on a dirt path. Make your way to the barn up on the hill.

Go through the wooden barn and make your way back to the hideout.

You can also press "O" to see the current objective.

You are going to encounter two thugs on your way back to the hideout. Take them out and keep on moving.

After dealing with those two thugs, head back in the village and rescue Billy the Kid from the group of thugs that have surrounded their hideout.

Down the path, more enemies will appear. Use your Concentration ability to slow down time by pressing 'Q' and take out as many enemies as you can.

After dealing will all the thugs you are finally going to reach the village.

Head inside the farmhouse.

You are going to meet Billy the Kid upstairs, who's going to give you a new weapon.

Start taking out the thugs surrounding the farmhouse.

Shortly after, one of your friends will get killed. You will have to replace him and start defending the rear of the farmhouse.

After taking out all the enemies surrounding the farmhouse, head to the stable and bring the horses out of there.

Once you've reached the stable, you will meet Sheriff Garret.

This is going to be your first duel. Try to maintain the crosshair on Sheriff Garret in order to focus on him.

When he brings out his revolver, quickly press Left Mouse Button to grab yours and shoot him.

After winning the duel, it turns out that is not the way it happened and the game will show you what has really happened before entering the stable.

Head inside the stable and get the horses for the second time.

After entering inside the stable, Sheriff Garret will notice that you are not Billy the Kid and the mission will end afterwards.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #2: A Fistful of Hot Lead

You will start the mission in a jail.

Shortly after starting it, a set of keys will land inside your cell. Grab them and get out of your cell.

After getting out of your cell head inside Deputy Bob's office.

Pick up Deputy Bob's shotgun, found in his office and make your way out of the jail through the roof.

Watch out for the enemies on the stairs. Take them out and reach the roof.

After reaching the roof, woden planks will appear in front of you; allowing you to jump from roof to roof.

Once you've got off the roofs, make your way through the town.

Watch out for the enemies around the town. Try to take cover as much as possible while in combat.

After making your way to the middle of the town, you will get assaulted by enemies from different directions. Use your quick reflexes ability to get rid of them.

Take out the rest of the enemies in the town and make your way to the stables found at the edge of the town.

Once you've reached the stables, Deputy Bob will appear and challenge you to a duel.

The mission will come to an end after taking him out.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #3: A Bullet for the Old Man

You will start off in a canyon

Make your way through the canyon.

You will come across a lot of enemy cowboys on the canyon rocks above you. Try to take cover as much as you can and take them out one by one.

You are going to start running out of bullets and enemies will start surrounding you.

Suddenly, a way to escape the cowboys will appear right next to you.

Enter the little hole in the rock leading to a big caves system and escape the cowboys following you.

After making your way out of the cave, you are going to find some ammo for you weapons and some dynamite as well.

Get rid of the remaining enemies that followed you all the way to the exit of the cave and make your way to the Old Man Clanton.

Once you've made it to Old Man Clanton, take out the cowboys next to him and make your way uphill.

After making your way uphill, start throwing dynamite at him and try to take cover as much as possible since his Gatling gun can take you out in a few seconds.

The mission will come to an end after taking your last shot and killing him.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #4: Gunfight at the Sawmill

The mission will start off in a forest, near the sawmill.

Follow the dirt path and reach the sawmill.

Make your way through the sawmill and fight against the bandits.

Once you've made it past all the bandits, head to the lumber yard.

After reaching the lumber yard, a short introduction of Curly Bill will appear.

Once the introduction's over, you will start a fight against Curly Bill. Try not to stay in the same place for too long or else he's going to find you and take you out really fast.

It's also worth mentioning that he has got a lot of health. Try to shoot him in the head and use Concentration mode as much as possible, and once you've run out of bullets, run away from him as you reload your gun and regenerate health.

After taking out Curly Bill, you will have to duel Johnny Ringo.

The mission will end after killing Johnny Ringo.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #5: The Magnificent One

You will start off in an area near a canyon. Use the dirt path and make your way to the mine.

On your way to the mine, you are going to encounter a few bandits, take them out and head to the mine entrance.

A wooden bridge leading to the mines will appear in front of you.

Cross the bridge and head inside the mine.

Make your way through the mine and find Henry Plummer.

You will come across some explosive barrels. Avoid shooting them, or else the whole mine is going to explode.

However, on your way out of the mine, a bandit will try to shoot you. Dodging the bullet will hit the explosive barrels behind you.

After the barrels got hit, they will produce a chain explosion inside the mine. Sprint to the exit and exit the mine before it blows up.

Once you've made your way out of the exploding mine, you will fall into the water and get hit by a falling minecart and die.

Greaves (the character you're playing as) will rewind the story and come up with a new plan to get inside the mine.

Climb down the ladder marked with a start above it.

Enter inside the mine through the back entrance.

You are going to encounter a few enemies as you go through the mine. Take them out and keep on moving.

After going through the mine and exiting on the otherside, you will get to choose between climbing up the wooden structures using an elevator or the wooden ladders. The elevator will lead you to an ambush, so climbing up the ladders is the best choice.

Once you've climbed all the way up to the top, head to the orange ramp and jump inside the area underneath it.

A short introduction of Henry Plummer will appear.

When the introduction's over you will have to fight him.

The best way to take him out is using dynamite because he will mostly hide behind the wooden covers.

The mission will end after taking Henry Plummer out.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #6: Be Quick or Be Dead

The bandits will start attacking you as soon as the mission begins.

Take cover and start taking them out.

After taking all the bandits head inside the saloon and start looking for Hardin.

Once you've made it inside the saloon, Greaves will start the story from the beginning.

Follow the dirt path through the forest.

You will come across three camping bandits. Take them out and keep on moving.

After entering inside the town you will have to take out the bandits for the second time.

Once the town's clear, head inside the saloon.

Take out the rest of the bandits inside the saloon.

Once the saloon is completely clear, Hardin will make make his appearance and duel you.

Hardin's going to use a dual wield revolver. The best thing to do is dodge his shots untill he runs out of bullets.

Greaves will explain that instead of killing Hardin, he just sent him to prison, but Hardin got killed after being set free. This will be the end of the mission.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #7: Dances With Renegades

You will start off on a mountain.

Follow the dirt road up the mountain and find Renegades' hideout.

Get across the river using the rope bridge.

After crossing the river, you will get attacked by an Apache warrior. Shoot him and keep on moving.

You will get attacked by more Apache warrior. Take them out and keep on moving.

Make your way up the hill and head inside the cave located nearby.

Inside the cave, you will get attacked by more Apache warriors. Defeat them and try to find Grey Wolf inside the cave system.

The tunnels inside the cave will lead you to an area flooded by water.

After getting inside the water, Grey Wolf will make his appearance and will start messing with Greaves' mind.

You'll get a vision where you will have to kill a lot of Apache warriors while having unlimited concentration.

After getting back to reality, Grey Wolf will start running away and you will get assaulted by more Apache warriors. Take them out and get out of the flooded area using the fallen rocks.

Make your way through the caves and reach the exit.

Start chasing after Grey Wolf.

He is going to lead you into a trap and you will get surrounded by Apache warriors. Try to survive the ambush.

After dealing with all the warriors, a pathway out of there will appear in front of you.

After escaping the trap, you will see 'Grey Wolf' transforming into an actual wolf and getting away. The mission is going to end afterwards.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #8: They Call Me Bounty Hunter

You will start the mission inside a bar with Ben. Grab the guns on the table and head outside.

Shoot down the bandits and make your way to the bank.

Enter inside the bank and take out the rest of the bandits.

Break inside the room at the end of the hallway and apprehend the Dalton brothers.

After shooting them down, Dwight will let you know that's not the way it happened and you will be playing from his perspective now.

You will be on top of the building right in front of the bank. Take out all the bandits on the roofs.

Once you've dealt with all the enemies, make your way to the back of the bank.

Climb up the water tower and make your way inside the bank through the roof.

After making your way inside the bank, take out the rest of the bandits and search for the Dalton brothers.

Take out the Dalton brothers for the second time.

Greaves will let Dwight know that is not the way it happened.

You will be playing from Greaves perspective now. Follow the dirt path and make your way to the bank.

After reaching the town, deal with the bandits shooting at you and chase Dalton brothers down.

When the chase over, one of the three brothers will decide to face you.

While fighting him, try not to stay in the same place for too long. Take the shots and start running away while reloading and repeat.

The mission will end after defeating Emmet Dalton.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #9: Bounty Hunter is Still My Name

You will start the mission in a river, hunting the two remaining Dalton brothers down. Some deputies will join you, trying to help you find them.

Make your way down the river.

After making your way down the river, you are going to reach a flooded swampy town.

Use the red ribbons to make your way through the flooded town. They will be pointing into the right direction to go.

On your way to the Dalton brothers, you will encounter quite a lot of enemies. So try to take cover as much as possible and take them out one by one.

After making it through the flooded city, you will come across a steamboat.

Eliminate all the bandits on the steamboat and get inside.

Once you've made it on the top deck, you will find a vigilante next to a door.

After breaking inside the door, the whole boat will catch on fire. It turns out that the vigilante was working with the Daltons.

Your main objective now is to get off the burning deck alive.

After successfully making it out of the burning deck, you will come across a gatling gun. Use it to wipe out all the bandits remaining.

You will have to face the Dalton brothers after taking out all the bandits.

Try to focus on the Dalton brother on the right, he's the one who's going to draw his weapon and shoot at you first.

The mission will end after taking both of them out.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #10: Not So Great Train Robbery

After starting the mission you will have to make your way through the forest.

At the end of the forest, you will come across a destroyed bridge. Climb all the way up to the top of the bridge using the crashed train cars.

Once you've made it to the top of the bridge, jump onto the train.

Make your way through the train and eliminate all the robbers.

You will come across a cargo door with a red ribbon on it. Open the door and keep going further using the side walkway of the train.

While in combat outside the train cars, try to be as careful as possible not to slip and fall down to your death.

Shortly after starting to fight the bandits outside the train, The Wild Bunch will make their appearance.

Take out the remaining bandits and start chasing after the Wild Bunch.

Breach through the last train car and deal with the bandits inside.

At the end of the train car you are going to find a gatling gun. Use it to take out last two waves of bandits.

After eliminating the last two waves of bandits, a duel will take place against George "Flatnose" Curry.

Take him out and the mission will end.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #11: 1:30 To Hell

You will start off in a forest, in the middle of the night.

Make your way to the Wild Bunch's camp.

Take out all the bandits in the camp and make your way down there when the fight is over.

Once you've made your way down to the camp, you are going to find a map marked on a big rock. You are going to find out that the bandit's target is actually the bridge.

The story will be skipped forward to the next morning after reaching the bridge that was going to get destroyed by the bandits.

Make your way to the overpass and prevent the bandits from blowing it up.

Once you've reached the overpass, start disarming the bombs that were placed by the bandits.

You might encounter a few enemies while disarming the bombs. Take them out and keep on moving.

After disarming all the bombs, you will have to get on the other side of the overpass, through a small cave.

When you've reached the other side of the overpass, you will notice a burning fuse moving really fast.

Start chasing the fuse and extinguish it before it reaches the bombs.

Disarm the last three bombs remaining.

After disarming all the bombs, get off the overpass and make your way up the moutain path and find the rest of the bandits.

Once you've climbed up the cliff path you will get attacked by bandits. Take them out and follow the railway.

You will have to fight against Kid Curry, who's at the end of railway.

Try to approach him as much as you can when he temporarily stops shooting. Use the dynamite to destroy his gatling gun.

After destroying his gatling gun, he is going to duel against you.

Once you've shot him down the duel is not going to be over. He's going to take out his revolver and shoot at you. Dodge his bullet and shoot him in the head.

The mission will end after killing him.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #12: Death Rides a Steel Stallion

The combat will start off really quick as you head inside the train car. You have to take take out 3 bandits and move on.

This mission is more straightforward compared to the rest. All you really have to do is fight your way through the train cars and find Jesse James.

After reaching the third train car, Greaves will start his story from the beginning.

After starting the story from the beginning, Greaves will jump through the roof inside the train car.

Fight your way to the front of the train.

On your way there, you are going to encounter a lot of enemies. Try to take cover as much as you can.

You will get attacked by a bandit using a gatling gun. The best way to take him down is using dynamite.

Use the gatling gun to take down more enemies heading towards you.

Take out the last enemies remaining and enter inside the train cars, where you left off at the beginning of the mission.

Eliminate the bandits inside the train car for the second time and make your way to the engine - that's where Jesse James.

The engine will explode while trying to approach it. Avoid getting hit by any flying remains of the train engine.

After surviving the explosion, you will have to duel Jesse James.

The mission will come to an end after Greaves is going to wound Jesse James really badly.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #13: Without Forgiveness

You will start off in a forest right next to the mountains.

Follow the dirt path through the forest. You may come across a few enemies on your way.

After reaching their camp, the Apache warriors will start attacking you. Take advantage of the concentration ability and eliminate as many warriors as possible.

Once you've dealt with all the Apach warriors, continue making your way up the hill.

After making your way up the hill, a big storm will begin causing some huge rocks to start falling down the hill.

The game is going to take you somewhere else afterwards. You will have to make your way up the hill to Frank James and avoid getting hit by him.

On your way up the hill, make sure to take cover behind the huge rocks when needed and sprint from a rock to another one; making it harder for Frank to hit you.

Once you've reached Frank's cabin, start throwing dynamite at his cabin to bring it down.

His cabin is going to fall down the cliff. However, Frank is going to survive and you two will part in peace.

Make your way to the cave where Reed's hiding.

Once you've made your way inside the cave, Jim Reed's gang is going to start shooting at you. Take cover behind the rocks and take them out one by one.

Jim Reed is going to show up for a duel after taking out his men.

The mission is going to end after winning the duel against Jim Reed.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Walkthrough Mission #14: The Good, the Bad, and the Dead

You will start off in a forest. Follow the dirt path and find Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid.

As you make progress through the forest, you are going to get attacked by some bandits. Take them out and continue your search.

You will come across a ruined house, make your way on the other side of the house.

After making your way through the ruined house, you will reach a ghost town.

You are going to get attacked from all sides by actual ghosts.

Take out all the ghosts and use the dirt path to make your way up to the cemetery.

Once you've reached the cemetery, more ghosts will start surrounding you. Try to change your possition from time to time and try to take cover behind the gravestones.

After dealing with all the ghosts, Sundance Kid will show up and start a fight against you. He is going to have a lot of health, so try to use the same strategy you've used while fighting Emmet Dalton; shoot him and run away while reloading.

Once the fight is over, it turns out that Sundance Kid did not die.

You will start a duel against them. However, this time is going to be a little different. You will have to use the Q and E keys to switch your Focus on the enemy who is looking at you.

Butch Cassidy is going to be the first one to pull his revolver out. Shoot him and don't forget to switch to Sundance Kid (by pressing Q) and take him out before he shoots you.

After dealing with both of them, one final cutscene is going to play.

It turns out that Ben is actually Bob.

You will have to make a decision. Either take your revenge and kill Bob, or you can choose to forgive him and let him live. I'll choose to forgive him in order to get a good ending.

The cutscene will continue playing on for a short amount of time.

Once the cutscene's over, the game will come to an end.

This was my Call of Juarez: Gunslinger walkthrough guide, I hope you found it helpful.