Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Introduction

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a third-person view adventure video game with a great story where you'll get to control the two brothers at the same time in order to complete different puzzles.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Prologue

The game will begin with a cutscene showing the younger brother; Naiee at his mother's grave, who has drowned in the sea while he was standing in the boat, unable to save her.

Shortly after the beginning of the first cutscene, the game will flash back to the scene of his mother's death where he was unable to pull her out of the water and save her life.

Once the flashback sequence is over and the game turns back to the present, you will get called by his elder brother; Naia to come and help carry their ill father to village's doctor.

This is going to be the first time you get to interact in this game and get used to the controls. You will have to line the brothers up on each side of the wheelbarrow and hold the 'interact' buttons (Space and Ctrl) to pick it up.

After picking up the wheelbarrow, you will have to steer it down the dirt path and reach the village's doctor.

On your way to the village, you will come across a wooden platform, get the elder brother to pull the lever in order to move the platform to the other side.

Once you've made it to the other side, you will have to get the father on the second platform.

Walk underneath the broken rope ladder as the Big Brother and boost Naiee up so he could reach the ladder and climb up on the rock.

After climbing on the rock, drop down the rope in order to help Naia reach the top of the rock.

Now that both brothers have made it up, walk over to the levers and interact with both of them in order to raise the platform with their father on it.

Once the platform reaches the top, interact with the wheelbarrow once again and carry their father in front of the doctor's house.

A cutscene will start playing after arriving in front of the doctor's house.

The doctor will let the brothers know that they must get water from the Tree of Life in order to save their father's life.

This is the point where the adventure begins, leave the doctor's house and go on a journey.

After leaving the doctor's house, you will have to get down the hill and cross the bridge.

Unfortunately, the boy guarding the bridge won't let you across, so you will have to take the path on your right and swim to the other side of the shore.

However, the younger brother is afraid to go in the water and start swimming, so you will have to get him on his older brother's back and help him cross the river.

Once you've made it on the shore, you will have to climb up the vines to reach the top of the cliff.

After finally making it to the other side of the bridge, the boy that was guarding the bridge will lock the doors leading to the town.

In order to get into the town, you will have to climb up the rock wall.

Once you've climbed on top of the wall, you will have to jump on some rock platforms and walk across the top of a wall in order to make it inside the town.

As you are going to make your way through the town, you are going to come across the same boy blocking your way once again.

In order to get rid of the boy blocking your way, you will have to get the little brother to squeeze through the metal bars and turn the crank to release the dog.

The dog will start chasing the boy that was slowing you down the whole time, giving you the chance to make your way to the bridge without being slowed down.

On your way to the bridge you will come across the boy that is going to terrified by the presence of the dog.

Once you've reached the bridge, you will come across a sleeping men, make the little brother throw a bucket of water on his head to wake him up and then walk up to him with the bigger brother and show him the reason you are there.

Shortly after showing him the piece of paper you've got from the doctor, he is going to lower the bridge and let you pass.

The Prologue is going to come to an end after crossing the bridge.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 1

You will begin the first chapter on a dirt path at the end of the village. Make your way down the dirt path.

Shortly after beginning the chapter, you will come across a closed gate, get the two brothers to open it.

After getting the gate open, keep on following the dirt path.

At some point, you will come across a drunk guy, don't even bother showing him the paper you've got from the doctor, just make a right turn on the smaller path and keep going.

After following the small path through the woods, you will reach a farmland guarded by a dog.

In order to get past the farmland without getting attacked by the dog, you will have to get one brother to distract him while the other one makes a run to the elevated parts of the farmland and repeat the process until you've made it past the dog.

Once you've made it to the other side of the farmland, keep on following the path leading towards the waterfall.

Make your way across the river and use the vines to climb to the top.

After climbing up on top of the rock, you will come across three platforms, jump on them in order to cross the river.

Shortly after crossing the river, you will come across a raised bridge.

In order to lower the bridge, you will have to put the little brother in the hamster wheel and cross the bridge as the bigger brother once it is lowered.

Once you've crossed the bridge, you will have to carry a sheep back on the other side and put it in the hamster wheel.

After crossing the bridge, keep making your way up the rocks.

At some point you are going to come across a friendly giant that will decide to help you out.

Follow the giant, he's going to show you the way through the huge rocks.

He is also going to give you a hand and lift you up in order to reach higher places and be able to make your way to the cave.

Once you've made it to the last cliff, the giant is going to grab both brothers and do a dive into the water below.

After doing the dive, you will have to get past a lake and meet up with the giant on the other side of it.

To do so, get into the water and let the little brother get on his bigger brother's back to help him cross the water.

After successfully crossing the water and meeting up with the giant on the other side, he is going to show you the way inside the cave. The chapter will come to an end after entering inside the hole that is leading to the cave.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 2

You will begin the second chapter inside the big cave you've managed to find in the previous chapter.

Shortly after beginning the chapter, you will come across a pretty solid metal gate.

In order to get past the gate, you will have to get the little brother to squeeze through the metal bars and start rotating the lever to open the gate for the bigger brother.

After getting the both brothers past the metal gate, keep making your way through the cave.

At some point, you will come across a working waterwheel, grab on the bars and drop down on the stone platform located on the right.

Once you've made it on the lower stone platform, start heading east through the cave.

Shortly after getting past the waterwheel, you will come across a large gear on the floor and a spinning rotor right next to it. You will have to find a way to stop the spinning rotor powered by the large gears in order to cross the water.

Make your way up the stairs in front of the large gear and start looking for the fallen column. Once you've found it, have the two brothers carry it back to the large gear.

Put the column between the two large gears in order to stop the rotor.

Once the rotor has stopped, you can finally cross the water and get to the other side.

After crossing the water, walk around the gap and head downstairs.

Once you've made it downstairs, you will come across a weird mechanism. You have to use it in order to bring out both sides of the bridge. The controls might be a bit tricky at first, but you will get used to it.

Cross the bridge once it's opened and jump across the huge rocks.

After getting past the rocks, you will come across another waterwheel.

Jump down on the lower rock and give the little brother a boost up the short ladder.

Once the little brother has made it up the ladder, have him jump on the crane in order to stop the waterwheel from spinning, then get the bigger brother to climb up using the metal bars.

Cross the stone bridge and make your way around the pool.

You'll come across another mechanism, this time you'll only have to push it forward to make the rail start moving.

When the rail has started working again, you will have each brother to grab on a chain and make their way to the next ledge.

Once you've made it past the rail part, you will have to make your way up some rock platforms and climb up the vines located on the wall.

After climbing up the vines, you will have to make your way up to the zip-line by using the broken structures and rails found inside the cave.

Use the zip-line to quickly make your way down on some rock platforms.

Unfortunately, the rock platforms are not going to be stable, so you will have to make a run for it to reach the other side safely.

Once you've safely made it to the other side, you will come across a giantess stuck inside a large cave.

In order to free her, you will have to get the little brother to squeeze through the metal bars and avoid making any noise by stepping on the bones while approaching the giant guard.

When you've finally approached the giant, you will have to grab the key from him and make your way back without making any noise.

After helping the giantess escape, the giant guard will rush inside really angry.

At this point, you will have to defeat the giant guard, while avoiding to get hit at any costs.

To get him out of your way, you will have to make him follow the little brother inside the cage and have the big brother pull the lever and close the door behind the giant guard while the little brother squeezes through the metal bars and leaves the giant guard stuck inside the large cage.

After getting rid of the giant guard, the giantess will come back and decide to help you out by dropping a chain so you can climb up and follow her.

Once you've climbed up the chain, you will have to help the giantess once again by using the mechanism to move the platform over to ledge so she can keep going.

After helping her out, move the platform between the gap so the two brothers will be able to follow her.

Right after crossing the bridge, you will be able to see the reunion of the giantess and the friendly giant that helped you get to the cave entrance.

Unfortunately, the reunion will be interrupted by the giant guard who managed to escape from the cage.

This time you will have to take him out for good. To do so, you will have the little brother to make him destroy the four chains on the ground by standing in front of the statues they're attached to long enough until the giant guard will start running at you, when he does it, make sure to get out of his way before it's too late.

When all the chains are destroyed, have the bigger brother pull the lever to open the trap door and then make him fall inside by blindly charging at the little brother.

Once he's inside the gap, get both brothers to make the giant lose his grip and fall in the hole.

When the giant guard is finally gone, the friendly giant will help you get out of the arena.

The chapter will come to an end after leaving the cave and saying goodbye to the friendly giant and the giantess.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 3

You will begin the third chapter by a campfire in the middle of a forest.

Follow the path through the forest and use the torch to scare away the wolves that you will come across while making your way through the forest.

As you make your way through the forest, try to keep the little brother as close as possible to his bigger brother.

Right at the end of the forest, you will come across a graveyard. Keep on following the dirt path and make your way down the hill.

Once you've made your way down the hill, ring the bell located next to the house.

An old lady will come out of the house and open the gate for you after showing her the paper.

After getting past the graveyard, a wolf will try to attack you, forcing you to jump into the water.

You will have to get the little brother on his bigger brother's back before he drowns and start swimming.

At some point you will start approaching a big waterfall, get on the rock located right in front of waterfall before it's too late.

Use the tree to get past the river safely and keep on following the path.

At some point you will come across a tree branch, use it to get across the waterfall.

Unfortunately, the little brother will fall into the water right after jumping off the tree branch on the rock. The bigger brother will jump into the water and try to save him.

Luckily, the little brother will manage to jump on a ledge and avoid falling down the second waterfall, afterwards the bigger brother will grab a tree branch and push it towards the little brother to help him cross the gap.

Sadly, this isn't over yet. The tree branch will break and the bigger brother will have to get his little brother past the evil tree stumps while he avoids getting too close to them.

At some point, an evil tree branch will push the little brother into the water and once again, have the bigger brother to dive into the water and swim towards him in order to save his life.

After bringing the little brother on the river's bank, follow the path leading north.

At the end of the path, you will come across a giant woman's hand that will lift you up on a rock.

The bigger brother will start feeling dizzy shortly after reaching the top of the rock.

Interacting with the woman will make her get right hand off the rock, revealing their dad. The chapter will come to an end once the cutscene is over.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 4

You will begin the chapter on the river's bank, right after the little brother coughs up all the water and it turns out the last part of the third chapter was an illusion.

Follow the path and make your way among the huge rocks.

You will come across a man that wants to hang himself, quickly get the bigger brother to hold him while the little brother climbs up in the tree and unties him.

After saving the man from commiting suicide, keep making your way up the rocky path until you get to a windmill.

Have the little brother to squeeze through the metal bars and use one of the windmill's blades to get on the other side.

Once the little brother has made it to the other side, pull up the left part of the bridge and have the little brother rotate the lever until the right part is out, then let the left part drop down and combine with the right one to create a passable bridge.

After crossing the bridge, follow the mountain path until you reach a goat pen.

On your way to the goat pen, you will notice a structure on top of the mountain and as you've already guessed, that's where you're heading.

Once you have reached the goat pen, grab two goats and climb up the rocks until you reach the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, you will be greeted by a scientist, he will throw you a gear on the ground and ask you to repair his elevator.

After repairing the elevator get to the scientist and ask him for permission to use the hang glider.

This is where the fun part begins. Have both brothers to interact with the hang glider in order to start flying away.

Try to avoid any obstacles as you fly between the mountains to the tower.

Unfortunately, on your way to the tower, flock of birds will fly right into your hang glider causing it to fall down and crash into a rock.

You will have to climb all the way up to the tower.

Once you've made it inside the tower, the first thing you are going to see, is a bird stuck inside a cage.

Make your way all the way to the bird's cage and find a way to free it.

The bird will offer to help you out by giving you a ride for getting it out of the cage.

Sadly, the bird isn't going to make it far before falling down on the ground. The chapter will come to an end afterwards.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 5

You will begin the fifth chapter right where you left off at the end of the previous one.

Cross the bridge found at the very beginning of the chapter and keep following the path.

As your make your way through the land, you will come across dead giants.

In certain parts of the land, dead giants will block your way and stop you from making any progress, so you will have to get them out of your way or go around them.

After getting past all the dead giants, you will come across a blood waterfall leading to some sort of ritual area. Make your way down there to have a better look at what's going on.

Once you've finally made it down to the ritual area, have the little brother stay on top of his bigger brother and get them covered in blood.

After getting covered in blood, get to the girl they're trying to sacrifice. As you make your way to her, they will bow in front of the two brothers.

Have the little brother to start untying her.

Follow the girl and make a run for it before they start attacking you.

The chapter will come to an end after escaping from the ritual area.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 6

You'll begin the chapter inside a cave, follow the girl down the stairs.

She's going to lead you to a boat. Have the two brothers get inside the boat.

The controls might be a bit tricky at first, but you will get used to controlling the boat in no time.

You must make your way across the river

As you make your way across the river, you'll come across some killer whales. I'd recommend you to take it slowly through these areas and avoid the whales as much as possible.

Once you've made it on the land, try to keep up with the girl.

At some point, you'll come across a saw stuck in a tree stump. Have the two brothers take out the saw and use it to cut down the tree and use it to cross the gap.

After crossing the gap, keep following the girl through the snowy lands.

The girl will lead you to a fortified village, use the catapult found outside to get into the village.

As you make your way through the town, you will encounter an invisible giant monster, hide behind the frozen bodies to avoid getting noticed by him.

Unfortunately, at some point he's going to see you. Make a run for it across the bridge and avoid bumping into frozen bodies.

Right after reaching the other end of the bridge, it will collapse and the invisible monster will fall down. The chapter will come to an end afterwards.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Chapter 7

You will begin the chapter on a mountain path right next to a wooden bridge.

After crossing the bridge, you will come across a cave entrance.

Head inside the cave and make your way through the dark tunnels.

The girl will transform into a giant spider right after entering a bigger area of the cave and get you trapped inside a cobweb ball.

A few moments later, you will wake up in a new place, move from left to right to get down.

Once you've made it down, the spider will take out the bigger brother out of the cobweb ball and try to kill him.

Have the little brother knock over the spider while the bigger brother rips off one of its legs. Repeat that until the spider is dead.

Sadly, the big brother will get stabbed right at the end of the fight and the spider will die afterwards.

Have the little brother help his older brother move through the cave.

As you make your way through the cave, an avalanche will start and will push you deeper inside the cave to your destination.

Have the little brother climb up to the top of tree to get the cure, while the bigger brother rests

Once you've made it to the top of the tree, grab the cure and jump down the hole behind the fountain in order to get to the bigger brother faster.

The cure isn't going to help him at all, as he's already dead.

Drag the bigger brother's dead body inside the hole that little brother dug.

The chapter will come to an end after the little brother will finish burying his bigger brother.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Walkthrough Epilogue

The hurt bird from chapter 5 will make its presence after burying the big brother.

The bird will take the little brother back to his town.

As the bird flies all the way back to the town where the journey has started, you will be able to see the places you've been through again.

Once the bird has made it to the town, the little brother will have to hurry and get to the doctor before it's too late.

The little brother will have to face a few tough obstacles on his way back, but he will manage to get past them.

Once the little brother has made it back to the doctor, the doctor will quickly take the cure from the little brother and give it to his dad to drink it. The cutscene will come to a final afterwards.

A new cutscene will start playing shortly after, showing the little brother on the shore.

Once the cutscene's over, make your way up the path amd get to the house.

Cross the bridge located right next to the house and be ready for another sad cutscene.

Once the cutscenes are all over, the game will come to an end.

Credits will start rolling in, once the cutscenes are gone.

That was my Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons walkthrough guide, I hope you found it helpful.