Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Chapter I: Besieged Village

"I wanted to explain the battle system of this game first before anything else. I was having a hard time with the game and thinking that my PC specs just wasn't up to par with the recommended specs for this game due to an input lag, however I realized that it only happens during battles so I went ahead and googled it up and see if anyone else was having the same problem. Well according to what I read that was actually how the battle system was designed, sort of a mechanism for anti-button spamming. That's why this note exists at the beginning of this guide, so that you're already aware that the game is unforgiving with button spamming and that it will get in the way of your battles.

The game officially starts by putting you up against a group of lycans or werewolves. This is a tutorial for the basic battle system. I would recommend you change the control bindings to something that would be easier for you to press as I found the original once didn't suit me, but it's entirely up to you.

After eliminating the first group of lycans head over to the statue of an old man holding a sword. This is a 'Health Font', press U to use it and it will fully restore your health.

More lycans will come and attack you, this time they'll leave some daggers behind. Daggers are secondary weapons that you can use for long range attacks. Press O to use them. Gabriel usually auto-targets the enemies but you do need to be facing towards the enemy for him to auto-target.

The next tutorial is for grabbing and tackling enemies. Press U to grab a nearby lycan and wait for the larger circle to collapse into the smaller one. Once it does press any to kill the lycan you're holding. Pressing the key doesn't have to be exactly when the two rings touch, your can press it as long as the larger one has entered the range of the smaller one.

Keep killing off the lycans until the warg comes and attacks you. It will pin you down and you have to button mash to get it off of you. The buttons are actually random so you have to watch out for it.

Eventually the warg will try to attack you and you can block it. The font of Castlevania is pretty hard to read. Press I to block the attack. Dodging on the other hand requires you to press I plus a direction.

"Quick tip on battles: You can use the Health Font even mid battle, if youre getting a little low on health don't hesitate to use it.

After the cutscene immediately grab the pole right beside you with U and the warg will come jump at you, and accidentally get stabbed by the wood. Ending the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Hunting Path

The level will start with Gabriel riding a weird horse. Some lycans riding on a warg will attack you, the game will teach you the basic controls. I would recommend that you take care of the lycans instead of the wargs.

Eventually the lycans will attempt to throw you off of the horse and you'll be given a chance to defend yourself. Just like with tackling, you need to press any button once the larger circle collapses into the smaller one to avoid getting thrown off the horse.

If you fall off of the horse don't worry he'll come pick you up as soon as you get rid of the lycans. I don't suggest you fall a second time though because a warg will attack you.

It doesn't matter how well you do the level, the horse will still disappear as you will need to continue through the rest of the forest on foot.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Dead Bog

When you gain control of Gabriel head down and follow the path. You'll eventually see a dead knight at the left side. Approach the body and press U to interact with it. You'll then receive a life gem. Get enough of these and your health bar will increase, make it a habit to inspect dead bodies.

Now keep following the path and you'll find another dead knight. Take the scroll that's on him, then look to your left. You'll notice that the wooden parts of the wall is shinning.

Jump towards the ledge and make your way to the right side. Press right and jump to get to the next ledge, then press down and jump to fall down to the ground.

Goblins will come and attack you as soon as you approach the clearing which appears to be their home. These guys throw bombs at you which you can approach and pick up with U to throw back at them. Kill the goblins and you'll find out what lurks in the water.

Pay attention to the water. You can see that the water is split into 2 colors: a darker and lighter green shade. The darker parts are where you can walk, unfortunately something will pull you down here. On the other hand the lighter green parts are actually poisonous gas, Avoid it as it will deplete your health quickly.

Drop down into the water and approach the bubbling part of it. Don't attempt to cross it just yet. Wait for the bubbles and ripple to disappear before you cross it.

Make your way to the platform at the middle of the swamp, then take the path on the right side and go up the steps.

Follow the path and jump down to the lower ground. You'll have to cross through more water. If you do happen to get caught by whatever is in that swamp, a button sequence will appear on the screen and if you manage to press it at the right time you can break free.

Now keep following the path and you'll eventually come to another clearing where you'll be attacked by some goblins. Kill them before continuing.

On the next clearing you'll find another goblin home and a suspicious looking tree. You'll be given a tutorial on grabbing goblins and getting their bombs.

Once the goblin drops a bomb, approach it and press U to pick it up. Gabriel will automatically throw it at the large tree. Repeat this until the tree falls down.

Once it falls use the tree as a bridge and make your way across the swamp and towards the other side.

You'll eventually come across a split in the road. Take the stairs on the left side and climb up. You'll find a some ruins at the top of it.

The door won't open so go to the left side and you'll find some glowing parts of the wall, use those parts to climb up and get inside the ruins.

Inside the ruins you'll find a grave. Approach it and Gabriel will insert his cross into the tombstone. Your battle cross will then gain a new ability.

Now go behind the tomb and press U to use the chain and attach it to the glowing part of the roof. Press up to make Gabriel climb up and press J when you get to the window. Gabriel will then shatter the decorative window and burst out.

A troll will come and attack you as soon as you leave the ruins. It will send out a shockwave at you. Press K to jump and avoid it.

The troll only has a few attacks, counting the shockwave, the second one is a blockable melee attack and the third one is a lunging attack. You can only block the melee attack if it isn't holding a pillar.

When it is holding a pillar get it to attack you and dodge out of the way, then attack him with 2-3 strikes from your cross. The pillar will eventually break.

Chip off of his health and the troll will eventually use a lunging attack. You can tell when he's gonna useit cause he will either jump back, pound his chest like King kong or both before doing it.

After guarding his attack it will leave him vulnerable for a follow up combo. Deplete his health and you'll be required to press U and finish him off with the ring sequence.

After killing the troll open the Brotherhood ark to receive an ammo capacity upgrade for your knives and head to the left side of the graveyard. You'll find a glowing spot on the tree, use your cross to attach to it and jump over the other side.

Now follow the path until you get to a branch in the path. Go left first, there's a health font at the end of it. Then head down the stairs to proceed with the level.

Jump down towards the first platform, then drop down on the side and shimmy over to the right side. Don't stop moving cause the ledge that you're holding on will fall.

Press U and start rappeling down the side of the rock. Drop down the platform below and jump to the other side, then make your way up.

You'll find another shinning spot, use your cross again to climb up. Then shimmy over to the left side and drop down on the platform below.

Don't jump back, wait for the camera to switch angles and you'll see another shinning spot. Use your cross to hook onto the shinning spot and jump towards the other side.

Now jump down on the lower platform and use your cross to get to the next one. Rappel up the side of the wall and enter the door.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Pan's Temple

As soon as the level starts you'll see a glowing stone right in front of you. Approach it and interact with it by pressing U and you'll receive a symbol on the meter at the right side of the screen.

Keep following the path down and you'll find a second glowing stone near a large fallen statue and heavy vegetation.

Go around the large root of the tree and you'll find a fallen knight. You'll find a scroll on him, then proceed to the right side and through the only path in the area.

You'll find the third symbol just befor you exit into the clearing. it's on the wall on the right side.

Continue into the clearing and you'll find another fallen knight carrying a scroll. Head into the small gap in the tree and towards the next clearing.

The fourth symbol is in the second clearing. It's on the right side near a small waterfall.

Head over to the end of the clearing and you'll find another glowing symbol beside a hole that's protected by a barrier.

Interact with the stone and you'll see a puzzle you have to solve. Well it's easy enough. Just change the symbols on the top panel to match the one that you've been collecting. There's one missing, punch in the only unused symbol in the middle part to remove the barrier.

Go through the hole and up the long winding stairs to reach Pan's room. You'll have to solve a puzzle once you get up there.

First select the second ring or the middle ring and turn it counter-clockwise once.

Now select the smallest ring and turn it counter-clockwise twice.

Select the largest ring and turn it clockwise once.

Use the smallest ring again and turn it clockwise twice.

Select the second ring again and turn it clockwise once.

Go back to the smaller ring and turn it clockwise once.

Turn the middle ring clockwise again once.

Back to the smaller ring, counter-clockwise once.

Select the large ring and go clockwise once.

And finally select the middle ring and turn it twice clockwise to solve the puzzle and the level will end.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Oblivion Lake

When the level starts head down the path and you'll end up at a frozen lake. Examine the knight's corpse to receive a gem. Then jump down on the frozen lake and keep going forward.

A cutscene will play before you can reach the end and you'll be attacked by a titan. It'll send a shockwave through the ground, dodge to the right and keep approaching it.

Get close to him and he'll try to crush you with his left hand. Stay still and start running when he's drawn his hand fully to avoid the blow.

Dodge his blow twice and his hand will get stuck on the ice. Use your cross to get up on his hand and shimmy over to the right and up. Stop moving and press U when he tries to shake you off to hold on to his arm.

Once you get to the part just below his elbow, start making your way to the right and he'll try to shake you off even more.

Make your way around his arm and you'll find a spot that's glowing blue. Get to it and start pounding on the rune. You can probably get in around 3-4 hits on it before the titan tries to shake you off.

Once you've destroyed the first rune, the titan will lift up his arm and attempt to squash you with its hands. Dodge over to the opposite side (if you're on the left side of the arm dodge to the right and vise versa). If you fail to dodge the titan will shake you off and you'll receive some damage plus you'll have to dodge his punches again.

After dodging its blow use the cross to attach the chain on its hand and Gabriel will climb on top of the hand. The titan will then pull its hand back and you'll be taken to a higher altitude.

Once he does lift his arm back press U to attach a chain on the titan's neck decoration.

Shimmy over to the left side of the breastplate and start stabbing the rune there. The titan will attempt to slap you off of his chest.

When the camera angle changes, you'll know that he's about to hit you. Press D and K to make Gabriel jump to the right and evade his blow, then go back to the rune and continue attacking it.

After destroying the second rune the titan will fall back a little and a part of its chin will start to glow. Press U to make Gabriel attach the chain to it and swing to the back.

From there climb down and get to the rune. Start pounding on the rune again. The titan will start to try and shake you off violently at this point. You can probably only get 2 or 3 hits at most before he will shake again.

If you've done more than 4 hits and he still hasn't shaken, watch for a shift in camera angles, he'll try to pull you down. Avoid it by pressing A and K to ju mp to the left side. Then get back to the rune and keep on attacking it.

When the third rune breaks climb up towards his neck directly from the third rune. Keep climbing until you reach the back of his neck. When you get there shimmy to the right and you'll be able to use your chain to swing towards the right side and on to his head.

From the head climb down and head to the right side. You'll immediately see the rune on the side of his head, right where an ear would be. Climb down and start stabbing it, you can put in 2 hits at most.

He will also attempt to pull you down here at a much greater rate. Jump to the left side when the camera angle changes to avoid getting thrown back to the ground.

Don't be too greedy with hits. Just hit when you can, it's better to take longer than to repeat the whole level again. After you've put enough damage on the last rune a cutscene will play and the level will end.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Chapter II: Enchanted Forest

When the level starts go forward and climb down the ledge. Gabriel automatically hangs on a ledge when you fall down near it.

On the lower platform climb down the ledge again and the hoop beside you will start to glow. Attach your chain on it and rappel down.

Don't be hasty with climbing down. If you go down too much you'll fall and receive damage. Stop climbing down once the hoop on the left side starts glowing. Press U to attach your chain on that hook.

Now drop down and follow the path on the left. Examine the knight to receive a scroll, then jump down to the water and follow the stream.

Follow the path at the end of the stream and you'll be attacked by some werewolves. You'll also receive a tutorial for magic and healing.

After the tutorial jump down from the cliff right in front of you and absorb some neutral magic orbs from the statue of an angel, then continue walking forward and up tha stairs.

Climb up the stairs and you'll be attacked by a group of werewolves. Kill them then proceed up the stairs. If your health isn't in full then use the light magic (Q) to regain some health.

Once you get to the top of the stairs go to the right side and follow that path until you get near the tree. Don't interact with the tree yet, instead jump down and examine the corpse of a knight to receive a magic medallion piece.

Eliminate the goblins and head back up on the platform. Use your chain to bring the tree down and use the chain on it again to swing over to the other side.

Once you get to the other side use the chain to rappel up the wall.

Proceed inside the ruins and to the left across the bridge. You'll see another ruined building at the start of the stream, head for it.

Use your chain to attach on the hoop and rappel to the top. Press J to smash through the decorative window and get to the other side.

Examine the knights body and you'll receive a focus scroll. The game will also give you a tutorial for it.

You'll be put up against a warg but it won't attack you until you get the focus bar full. Just take care of it the same way you did with the great warg. Remember that when its mouth glows it's going to attack you with an unblockable attack so you have to dodge it.

After killing the warg a group of goblins will appear. You need their bombs to take down the stone wall, press U to grab them and hit the ring sequence until they drop a bomb. Grab the bomb and Gabriel will automatically hit the door with it.

Hitting the door twice should bring it down. When it goes down take care of the left over goblins then proceed through the door.

Werewolves will attack you at the end of the path. Kill them then head to the left side of the large tree trunk. You'll find some walls here that you can climb.

Climb up the ruins and go to the left side. The hook on the top of the tower will then glow, press U to attach your chain on it and get to the top. Then shimmy over to the left side.

Another hoop will start to glow once you proceed to the left. Use your chain on it and Gabriel will swing to the opposite side of the area.

From there attach your chain on another tree and Gabriel will swing and fall down the large tree trunk at the middle of the area.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Underground Caves

Head inside the tunnel and keep moving forward. You'll find a ledge at the end of the path.

Drop down on the ledge and shimmy over to the left side and climb up when you can't move to the left anymore.

At the end of the ledge stop pressing all of the movement buttons and wait for Gabriel to look behind him then press K to jump. A cutscene will then play.

The giant spider will attack you and try to out power you. Mash the button that appears on the screen to get it off of you.

The spider has three attacks, two of those are blockable except for when it attacks you with the web which can bind you in place. There's really no obvious visual trigger for it except the spider lifting its front feet up so you just have to be quick and avoid it as soon as the white ball comes at you.

If you get hit by the web and poisoned by the spider's attack, activate your light magic to counter its effects and proceed with killing the spider.

Once you kill the spider head for the entry and you'll see a glowing point that you can use your chain to climb up the opposite wall.

Head through the tunnel and attach your chain on the hoop at the right side wall, climb down and jump to the ground.

On the ground below you'll be attacked by werewolves and a spider again. Take care of them quickly and use your light magic to restore your health. Make sure to always block attacks to make the battle easier.

Head for the exit after killing the enemies and look to the right side. There's a ledge that you can grab on and shimmy over to the left side and jump towards the ledge behind you.

Continue towards the left side and drop down when you get to solid ground. Follow the path and you'll end up with a choice of which path to take. Take the left one first.

Climb up the left side of the platform and head down the tunnel. You'll be attacked by goblins and you'll notice that there's a door that you can destroy.

Grab the goblins with U and throw the bombs that they drop towards the wall on the left side of the stage.

Eliminate the goblins and head through the door once you've gotten it open. You'll find a knight's body inside. Examine it and you'll receive a runic key.

Now backtrack to the split in the bath and take the path on the right this time. Follow it to the next open area and you'll find that there's no way to get across except via the spider webs. Head over to the spider web and walk across it. Do the same for the next one.

A spider will come and attack you. Kill the spider, but be careful not to die or else you'll have to make your way through the web again.

After killing the spider head up the stone steps and climb on the ledge, then shimmy over to the left side, jump down the next platform and enter the tunnel.

Inside the tunnel you'll find a glowing point. Use your chain to latch on it and get to the other side.

On the other side you'll find a knight's body. Inspect it to receive the second runic key, then jump down towards the left side.

Head for the door and interact with the panels on each side of it to place the runic keys in place and open the door.

Head inside the ruins and climb up the stairs. Gabriel will palce the cross on the tombstone again and you'll receive a new upgrade for your cross.

Now head to the back of the grave and you'll find a large wooden pillar. Use your chain on it and press up and down to "saw" through the pillar.

Go through the tunnel and head to the end. Use your chain to climb up and out of the hole to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Labrynth Entrance

Head for the large door as soon as the level starts. You'll immediately be informed that even a goblin's bomb can't bring this door down and a special gobling will come and attack you.

You need that wild boar. Focus your attack on the rider and his mount. That pig is sturdy, don't worry about killing it. Keep attacking until the rider dies.

Once the rider is dead clock the boar's attack and it will get stunned. You'll then be able to mount it by press U while it's stunned.

You can use the boar the same way you use the cross, but simply running towards a goblin will kill it in 1 hit, the boar is pretty sturdy too and it seems a lot of goblins will be needed to bring it down.

Run towards the opposite side of the door and build momentum. Then run towards the door and bash it. Hitting the door twice should bring it down. Keep the mount and kill off the remaining goblins before proceeding.

Once you've killed all the goblins execut the boar by pressing U and I together on your keyboard. Then head through the door and go to the left side. Climb up the beams and on to the platform.

Use your chain to climb up to the top and drop down on the other side.

Once you get to the other side you'll see that there's a stretch of wooden beams going over to the other side. Use the beams as a makeshift bridge and cross over.

Climb down the stairs on the right side to find a body of a fallen knight and collect a light gem from it.

Now go back up stairs and examine the knight's body, then head left towards the beam that stretches to the other side and jump to grab on the ledge.

Make your way to the left side and on to the wooden beam. Drop down when you get to the next platform.

Climb down the ledge and use your chain. Then press J and follow up with a jump as soon as you get within range of the next platform.

Now head downstairs and you'll find a gate along with a mechanism for opening it which is a bull's head. Press U and cycle through the control keys (like you would with an analog stick) to turn it around.

The werewolves won't let you through so easily and you'll have to fight a group of them twice before you can finally open the door.

Go throught he door and keep moving forward towards the ruins and make your way through it.

At the end you'll find a gap in the floor. Jump to make it to the other side. It's not that wide a simple jump can get you through it. head for the middle of the next area and some goblins will appear.

The goblins will take the bull's horn and hide it so you can't open the gate. Take care of the goblins quickly, they're not the main dish here. Also try not to lose a lot of your health.

After killing the group of goblins and a greater lycan will reveal itself. It's really no big deal, he attacks like a normal lycan except he's bigger and does more damage. Like the lycan all of his attacks are blockable.

The only real difference between this guy and the normal lycan is he can use the shockwave attack that the troll uses, and he can guard against your attacks too.

Block his attack and spam him with your own attacks to kill him off quickly. Just watch out for his shockwave attacks, you'll see him trying to punch the ground when he's gonna do it. Jump to avoid taking damage.

Once he's down grab the bull's horn and return it to the bull. Then interact with it and turn it around to open the gate and finish the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Waterfalls of Agharta

Examine the knight at your left side and head towards the large hole on the right side. Follow the tunnel and jump down on the lower platform outside of it. You'll be shown a glowing tree and no way to get across anywhere.

After being shown the glowing tree, a large spider will come up. Keep attacking it until you deplete its to around 15% of its total health.

The spider will start to glow, press U to mount the spider and you'll be given a short tutorial on using spiders as a mount.

Now head over to the glowing tree and press L to make the spider spout a web line towards it. Mash the button that will appear to pull the tree down.

Press U and I together to strangle the spider then use your chain to get to the other side via the tree you pulled down.

Go towards the path on the left side and drop down on the ledge at the end of the path near the stone wall.

Shimmy over to the left side and stop moving then wait for Gabriel to look behind him and press K to jump towards the other ledge.

Climb up on the ledge and go towards the broken bridge. Use your chain to get you to the other side. You'll be attacked by a lycan as soon as you get to the other side.

After killing the lycan head over to the left side and climb up the ledges at the side of the wall. Then use your chain to climb up higher.

Once you get high enough to reach the platform on the left, start running to the left and right side to create momentum, then jump towards the platform.

Head through the opening and you'll be attacked by a group of lycans. There's not a lot of them but if you're having trouble killing them remember that they're weak towards your dagger.

Go to the right side and you'll find a statue with a glowing head. Approach it and use your chain to pull it down.

Once the statue's face falls down, use it to get closer to the hoop at the right side. Then use the hoop to rappel down and drop on the ground.

Then go to the right side and you'll see a glowing point. Approach it and use your chain to get to the other side. You may need to get really close to the edge before the chain point lights up.

A cutscene will play after you get to the other side and an unavoidable encounter with a troll. Mash the button that will appear on the screen to get the troll to let go of you.

You'll then be attacked by a group of them. Focus on the large troll, he's the most dangerous. Use your light magic to replenish your health if you take too much damage.

Press U when the troll starts to glow and be careful that you don't accidentally kill him or you'll have to take on another troll and deplete its health.

Once you've successfully mounted on the troll, go towards the glowing rock at the back and smash it with J, then strangle the troll by pressing U and I together.

Beyond the rock you'll find a glowing point that you can attach to. Use your chain to get to the other side.

You'll find a health font on the next platform, use it to heal yourself, then head over to the path on the left side. Press U to use your chain and break the statue that's blocking your way.

Jump over to the next platform and more lycans will come and attack you. Kill them then head over to the left side of the platform, behind the tree. You'll find a glowing ledge here, use it to climb up the wall.

Shimmy over to the left towards the waterfalls and jump across to the other side. Continue towards the left until you're able to fall down on solid ground.

Head over to the left side and around the large rock formation and you'll find a glowing point that you can use your chain on. Approach it and press U to attach your chain.

Climb up the wall and drop down on the other side and another large spider will come and attack you, it will also break the bridge which is your only way out of here.

Deplete the spider's health and mount it. Then use it to make a web bridge by pressing L near the broken bridge. Strangle it after it makes a bridge then cross over to the other side.

Enter the building once you get to the other side and look to the right side. You'll see a statue that's glowing. Press U near it to use your chain and break it.

Inside you'll find a knight's corpse. Examine it and Gabriel will acquire a shadow magic medallion.

Now head back outside and go to the right. You'll find a neutral energy statue. Press F and H together to fill up both of your magic bars, then head back inside.

Head for the glowing plate beside the bars and activate your shadow magic by pressing E, then interact with it by pressing U to open the gate.

Go inside the next rooma nd you'll be attacked by lycans. Practice using your light and shadow magic on them, it's good to know when you need to use either one of these, especially for boss battles.

After killing them head over to the right sidem near the statue head and climb up on the ledge. Then use your chain to get up higher.

Start walking right and left while you're still hanging on the chain and jump to the right once you've gained enough momentum. Then press U while in the air to attach the chain on the next chain point.

Climb up the chain and shimmy over to the left side. Then use your chain to climb up higher. Create momentum and jump over to the platform on the left side.

Climb up the ledge on the elft side and jump over to the next platform. Once there climb up the ledge on the left side again.

The view will change. Make your way near the chain point and swing on it, then jump once it starts swinging to the right and attach your chain on the next chain point.

Climb up and press U to make Gabriel attach his chain on that hard to see chain point right across from where you are to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Agharta

After the cutscene you'll have to find a way to get to the girl, but you can't use the same route she did. Head for the broken bridge and jump to the right side then use your chain to boost you to the other side.

You'll be attacked by trolls when you get to the other side. Kill them then go forward and turn right at the end of the path, then go down the stairs.

Now keep going to the right side and down once you hit the ruins. You'll find a statue of someone that looks like he's kneeling, this means you're on the right track.

Head to the right and a chain point will appear once you get to the end of the path. Use the chain point to get over to the other side.

Approach the broken bridge and press U. The game will tell you that you can't cross it on your own and a Warg will climb up and attack you.

Deplete its health and it will start to glow, like the spiders and the trolls. Press U to mount it and you'll receive a short tutorial for controlling wargs.

Now double press W to make the Warg run towards the bridge, then press K to make it jump the gap. The warg will always need to run and create momentum before it can jump a gap.

On the next area you'll be attacked by lycans, use the warg to kill them since you still need this warg. After killing the lycans head over to the hole on the right side and you'll see another broken bridge, use the warg to jump across it then strangle the warg.

Look to the right side and you'll see a ledge that you can climb on. Climb there and go down the opposite side and head left. Trolls will come and attack you. Deplete the large troll's HP and mount it.

No head forward and turn left just beside the old tree and the camera will shift, revealing a hidden area of the map. Use the troll to break down the glowing metal gate and kill the lycans, then strangle it.

Head forward then turn right at the end of the path and you'll see a glowing ledge. Use it to climb up to the next platform.

Turn left and approach the broken bridge to make a warg appear. Deplete the warg's health and use it as a mount. Double press W to make the warg run, then press K to make it jump across the bridge.

Don't strangle the warg yet. Use it to get across the next 2 bridges.

Then continue running towards the wall near the vines and press jump to make the warg climb on it.

Once you get to the top strangle your mount and climb down the ledge on the right side, then use your chain to rappel down and the level will end.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Dark Dungeon

Start climbing down, then run left and right on the wall to create momentum and jump on the ledge at the left side. Shimmy over to the left side and drop down on the lower ledge.

Continue towards the left and jump towards the opposite ledge, then keep on going to the left side and use your chain to swing towards the next wall.

Then chain it with another chain hook towards the other side of the wall. Shimmy to the right side once you get to the opposite wall.

When you get to the end of the ledge use your chain and start climbing down, when you get near the walkway below press J to jump off of the wall and press K to jump towards the walkway.

Jump towards the ledge that's directly in front of the walkway and shimmy over to the left. Wait for Gabriel to look back and jump towards the higher ledge.

Shimmy further to the left and use your chain to climb down and jump to the ground, then enter the dungeon entrance and climb up the stairs to meet the girl.

After the short cutscene head over to the right side and follow the path until some mini demons appear.

The demons are usually above you so jump then attack with an aerial attack to damage them or you can pull them down with your chain by pressing U.

Kill the demons then examine the knight's corpse to receive the first rune. After taking the rune run back to the area where you met the girl.

Insert the rune into the stone and a bridge will appear. Jump down on it and follow the path to the left side.

Examine the large metal door and a giant spider will come and attack you, as well as some little demons. Take care of the spider and don't mind the demons so much since they only spawn endlessly.

Press L and make the spider attack the gate, then pull it down with the web and strangle the spider.

Head through the doors and you'll find a health font and another knight's corpse. Examine the corpse to receive the second rune and heal up.

When you leave through the gate again more demons will come and attack you. Kill them and head back to the bridge near the runes.

Jump back up on the higher part of the bridge and insert the second rune into the stone to create a full bridge.

Follow the path and climb up on the tree roots at the end of it. Then use your chain to climb up the higher portion of the wall and onto the ledge.

Shimmy over to the right and jump towards the ledge on the opposite side, then attach your chain at the chain point and start climbing up higher.

Jump towards the platform on the left side and fully recharge your light and shadow magic bar before proceeding.

After charging your magic bars use the chain point to cross the gap and some demons will attack you. A lot of them. Make sure to use both of your light magic if you're in need of health.

Keep killing them off and eventually a cutscene will start marking the end of the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Sanctuary Entrance

After the cutscene head down and hug the wall on the right side and you'll see a pillar with a bust on top of it. Enter through here and you'll find a hidden path.

Climb up the stairs and turn left heading further into the ruins. Some lycans will attack you, take care of them quickly.

Proceed further inside and turn left again towards the ruined stairs and use the ledge to climb to climb up the higher floor. Continue to the left and use the chain point to jump across.

After landing on the next platform, go down and around the wall to find the first crystal deposit. Press U to take the crystal from it.

Now go back up and turn right at the next corner. You'll find a chain point here that you can use to climb up higher.

Climb down the stairs and jump down when the path ends. Some lycans will com and attack you again.

Get rid of the lycans and go around the corner, you'll find a glowing part of the wall on the right side that you can climb on. Use the ledges to make it to the next platform.

Once you're on the next platform you'll be attacked by some lycans again. Kill them then take the second crystal near the health font.

Now go back to the other side and around the corner. You'll find a section of the wall that you can climb up on via ledges.

Climb up and use your chain, then start jumping off of the wall by pressing J and another chain point will light up. Jump and use your chain on it to make it to the opposite wall.

Start running left and right and create momentum then jump towards the ledge on the right and shimmy further to the right side by using the ledge.

Climb down on to the platform and keep running cause the floor will start falling while you're running on top of it. Jump towards the platform on the other side and you'll be safe.

Jump towards the only ledge on the left side and shimmy along the left side then climb down and jump towards the ledge on the opposite side and climb down on the platform on the right side.

Three greater lycans will come and attack you in this area. Use the daggers to cleave off a huge chunk of their HP to take them down quickly.

After killing the lycans head over to the upper left corner of the area and climb on the ledge and up on the higher floor.

Start walking towards the right and you'll find more ledges that you can climb on.

After climbing up the wall don't turn right, head down instead and you'll find another crystal deposit right beside you. Take the crystal and keep walking forwards after that.

Climb through the hole on the wall and use the health font on the left side then jump down on the next area.

You'll find the last crystal deposit right beside the gate with carvings on it. After taking it examine the glowing statue at the right side of the door and a troll will spawn.

Deplete the troll's HP and use it to break the glowing statue to create a way for you to get back to the other side. Strangle it once you break the statue.

Climb through the statue that you broke and you'll be back to where Claudia is. Insert the full crystal into the statue by pressing U and it will open the door. Once the door is open take the crystal by pressing U again.

Head back through the door and insert the crystal on the left most statue that's glowing.

Now press U and turn the statue around 180 degrees so that it's looking to the right side now.

Go to the statue on the left and turn it around 45 degrees so that the light beams from it and towards the last statue.

And lastly turn the statue around 180 degrees so that the light beam is reflected by the mirror towards the gate right in front of it.

When done correctly it will form a triangle and the door will open. Enter the door to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Sanctuary of Titans

After the cutscene the titan will tower over you, keep your distance since getting too close will make the titan unleash a furious stone attack on you.

The titan will begin the battle with a ground stomp. It doesn't matter how far you are from the titan always jump as soon as it lifts its leg up to avoid getting damaged.

Its second attack will be to hurl a rock at you. This will always be its pattern, stomp > rock throw >stomp>... The rock is what you want and honestly it's really frustrating to do, I almost gave up on making this guide because of this level.

Apparently it was because I wasn't doing it correctly. What you need to do is press U and W at the same time. Meaning as you're trying to grab the rock you need to start doing WASD at the same time.
To make it easier to understand, this will be the way you're gonna have to press the keys:
You need to do it twice.

If done correctly Gabriel will throw the rock right back at the titan and stun it, giving you a chance to start climbing on it.

Once it's stunned get near it and climb up on it's left leg. Like the first titan boss this one will also try to shake you off, just press U to hold on so you don't fall, if you fall you have to redo the rock throw again.

Climb up towards the left side and shimmy to the right when you can't climb anymore, which is the third ledge from the top.

Climb up to the top of the titans leg and shimmy back over to the left. The camer's focus will shift and show you a glowing part on the right leg of the titan. Press U to attach your chain and swing over to that side.

Start climbing down, then shimmy towards the left when you hit a dead end. there's more ledges on the left side that you can climb down from.

Keep on heading down and towards the titan's knee and you'll see its first rune. Climb over to it and start attacking it. You can put in a maximum of 4 hits before it tries to shake you off.

It takes 10 hits to destroy the rune. Once the rune is destroyed quickly climb down below its knee cause it will try to crush you.

After the titan hits its knee, you'll notice that the hand will start glowing. Press U to quickly use the chain and climb up on it. Press U and don't let go until the titan stops trying to shake you off.

After Claudia successfully gets the titan's attention, start climbing up its arm and towards the rune.

Unlike the first rune you can actually put in a maximum of 5 or six hits on the rune on its elbow before it tries to shake you off. It also takes 10 hits to destroy it.

After you destroy the rune quickly go back to the right and down, the same way you climbed up on the arm. Around the third ledge down should be a safe spot for you, but you need to be quick about getting down or it will throw you off and you'll have to redo the rock and climbing back on top of the arm.
In case you do fall, you need to stab the place where the rune was in order to trigger the titan's attack.

Once the titan tries to hit the spot where the rune was its hand will glow again. Press U to attach your chain on it and get on the right hand.

It will attempt to get rid of you by punching the floor. Quicly press U again to get back up on its arm, this time you'll be able to climb.

Make your way up on the right arma and keep going until you reach the third rune.

Much like the first rune you can only put in a maximum of 4 hits on the rune before the titan tries to shake you off. It also requires 10 hits in order to destroy this rune.

Once you break the rune do not, DO NOT climb down. You need to climb up towards its elbow in order to avoid its blow. If you climb down even if it doesn't hit you, you'll fall.

After it slams its hand below you, a glowing rock will come around. Press U to attach your chain on it and wait for the titan to interact with it.

Once the rock is near its head, a part of the titan's helmet will start to glow and you'll be able to use your chain on it. Start climbing towards the last rune.

You can only put in a maximum of three hits on the head rune of the titan, then it will try to shake you off.

A cutscene will start once you put in enough hits on the titan's last rune. Press any key at the right time to smash the crystal into the titan's rune to finish the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Black Knight

The Black Knight is a very boring and repetitive battle. He has a couple of attacks which he repeatedly uses, all of them are dodgebale except his slam attack in which you need to jump to avoid it.

The Dark Knight is right handed and as such most of his attacks are geared towards hitting your right side more often. I would suggest you always dodge to the left to completely avoid his attacks.

Dodge his attack and land a 3 hit combo on him. I don't recommend using your magic bars this early in the battle. Just keep attacking him like this until you take off a fourth of his bar.

Once you take off a fourth he'll start to glow and is stunned. Don't attack him, just approach him and press U to make Gabriel pull off a piece of his armor.

Continue attacking him by dodging and hitting him with a 3 hit combo and he'll glow again once you get his HP to half. Pull off another piece of his armor and he'll use a new attack after he recovers.

The knight will plunge his weapon down into the ground and some sort of black water will come out of it. This black water will chase after you no matter where you go, if it catches you you'll be stuck and open for the knight's attack.

Other than his new attack everything will stay the same, except now you can only hit him 1-2 times and if you get lucky you can hit him thrice before the blob gets too close to you.

Don't try to attack him when there's 2 blobs that are chasing you, wait for one of them to disappear. That will lessen the chances of you getting caught up in it. Also you should use your shadow magic at this stage.

After leaving only a fourth of his HP left you'll be able to take off most of his upper armor.

After taking off most of his armor, he's attack pattern will still stay the same. Just keep hitting him and he'll eventually die and you'll own his gauntlet.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Three Towers

As soon as the level starts head towards the glowing statue at the middle of the area. You need to use the gauntlet in order to push it. Press and hold I, then press and J to use the gauntlet and smash the statue.

That won't be enough to open the gate, but it will destroy a section of the wall on the right side and you'll be able to use the ledge to climb over. On the other side head down and you'll be met by some lycans. Destroy them and proceed futher.

You'll find a neutral energy fountain at the next area. Fill up both of your bars and head over to the wall right in front of you.

Climb up on the ledges and drop down on the other side to get back to the statue.

Activate your shadow magic and use the gauntlet to push the statue through the door with explosive force.

You then need to push it one more time to get it to line up with the ledge and create a chain point for yourself.

Jump across the gap and enter through the door that leads into the ruins.

On the path to the right there's a crystal deposit. Take it if you want to, but if not then head for the path on the left side and jump down to the lower area.

Make your way through the gaps by jumping towards the next platform, they're a little far apart but Gabriel will make it.

For the last platform you need to jumo towards the ledge and shimmy towards the right side and keep going until you see the hidden chain point behind the rock appears.

Grapple onto the chain point and push away from the rock by pressing J, then jump and hook onto the chain point on the opposite side.

Shimmy along the ledge and jump towards the ledge on the opposite side, then continue going left and you'll see another chain point. Use your chain to get up and near the ruins's entrance.

When you get close to the gates, some lycans will come and attack you. Kill them off and eventually some fairies will come and help you. Once all the lycans are dead the fairies will help you open the gates. You'll also receive an item from them.

Head inside the tower ruins and you'll find a neutral magic fountain. Fully charge both of your magic bars and don't waste them. You're gonna need them later.

You'll find a bull's head at the middle of the courtyard. Press U to interact with it and start turning it until the gates right in front of you are open.

Head inside once the gates are open and you'll be shown a large door that you need to open using fairies. Take the path on the left first.

You'll meet a warg in the area, don't kill him you need a mount on this level. Deplete his health then mount him and go back to the center where the large door was.

Head over to the right side this time and you'll be attacked by smaller lycans. Kill them while still using the warg then keep going forward and take the path on the left. You'll see some vines that only a warg can climb. Double press W to run, then press K to jump on the vines and climb up.

Take the path in the middle and jump through the gap. Keep your warg to make the battle with the lycan group easier. The wargs can easily damage the greater lycans.

After killing the group of lycans strangle the warg and use the level at the left side of the gate to get it open. Head inside the gate once it opens.

You'll be shown three glowing ornaments and a large structure outside. You need to activate the panels first.

I'm not sure whether the order is random or it's fixed, but if it is fixed, then the order you need to touch the panels is:
From the left;
Light magic
Shadow magic
Shadow magic
After entering the correct sequence the large structure outside will shift and you'll be able to use it to go across.

Don't head for the mechanism just yet, instead turn left and you'll see a glowing chain point. Use it to get to the side of the tower.

Start running up the wall and shimmy to the left side once you get to the wooden ledge, then make your way up to the top of the tower.

Interact with the glowing stone at the top of the tower to acquire your first fairy. Then head down the stairs and you'll find a neutral element statue.

Fill your bars if you need to. After using the neutral energy statue head down the ledge and use your chain to climb down.

Jump towards the large structure and use your chain to swing from chain point to chain point until you get to the other side.

Once you get to the other side head down the stairs and to the path on the left side. Take the pole that's glowing on the ground and take it back to where you were earlier.

Attach it to the circular emblem with golden details and start turning it until you open the gate.

Now head outside and start climbing on the wall via the ledges until you reach the top of the second tower.

You'll find the second fairy deposit at the top of the tower. Take the fairy and head back down the same way you climbed up.

Take back the pole from the first gear that you placed it on and take it near the gate on the left side. Use the pole to turn the crank and a greater lycan will come and attack you.

Kill the lycan and proceed to turning the crank again, once the gate is open head through it and use the chain point to swing towards the next platform.

On the next platform you'll find another chain point that you can use to climb up the white wall. Climb up the wall and shimmy along the left side and up to the top.

At the top you'll find your last fairy deposit. Climb back down via the ledge on the right side and use the chain points to get down to the lower level.

Once you get back down you'll notice that you're back where you were after climbing the wall with the warg. On the left side you'll notice a chain point, use it to get back down.

Head back into the courtyard and start turning the bull's head again. A greater lycan will come and attack you before you can fully open the gate. It will also destroy the lever for the gate.

You'll have to fight the greater lycans, there's three of them and for some odd reason they cant die unless you stun them and do the reaction commands to kill them.

Deplete their health until they get stunned (the same way you do with wargs, trolls and giant spiders) then press U to start an action sequence and kill them.

Once you've killed all three of them head to the right side of the gate and pull down the glowing piece that's sticking out to create some ledges that you can climb on.

Climb back inside via the window at the top of the ledges and interact with the large door at the middle of the room. Gabriel will use the fairies to open the door.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The lord of the Lycans

Climb down the stairs and fill up your magic gauge, you'll need them a lot in this battle, also max out your health by using the health font if you need to. After preparing for battle head inside through the narrow path.

Cornell is powerful and he's also fast. Although damaging him isn't as hard as damaging the black knight, he still makes this boss battle hard.

Cornell like all bosses have a couple of attacks that he uses over and over again. Most of them are easy to dodge, but I don't recommend using your magic bars during the first stage of the fight.
You can dodge or block most of his attacks except the unblockable ones, which you can distinguish by the "whoosh" sound and the glowing weapon and the slam attack which you need to jump in order to avoid.

Cornell also occasionally charges up his weapon which causes extra damage. The good thing is his attack pattern remains the same.

You only have to remember one strict guidline at beating Cornell. Do not attack him, wait for him to attack you, then dodge and retaliate with a 3 hit combo of your own and dodge away again. Keep on doing this until you fully deplete his bar. This isn't the hard part yet.

After beating Cornell in his human form he'll turn into a werewolf and will be much stronger and much faster than his human form.

He has 4 basic attacks, a lunging attack which you will obviously see that it's coming due to the flashy effects around him. Dodge out of the way when you see that.
The second is a smash attack in which he uses his left hand to smash the ground, if you're close enough you can deflect this attack and leave him open for a retaliation. If not then jump to avoid getting damaged.

His last 2 attacks are similar. They're both claw strikes using his left hand. The first is blockable and the visual trigger is that his hand is aiming towards your head.
The second is not blockable and you'll easily be able to tell when it's coming due to the "whoosh" sound and the light around his right hand. Dodge out of the way when you see this.

When you get the chance to block his attack quickly transform into either light magic for healing or shadown magic for massive damage. Shadow magic also makes Cornell fall back and fall on the floor which is great cause you can switch to light after he falls.

After attacking him with either one of the magic abilities be sure to cancel it right after dodging in order to preserve your magic bars.

Always block Cornell's attacks when you can, doing so will automatically fill your focus bar and he'll drop neutral magic with every hit, then dodge and lure him away before absorbing the neutral orbs.

After leaving only a fraction of his health, Cornell will cast something on the statues around the arena. They'll start to glow and he'll be invincible at this point.

Quickly run away from him and attack a statue. After it breaks Cornell will be shown looking like he's in pain.

There are 8 statues all in all and they all require a different number of hits to break. That's not to say that there's a pattern, simply put it the first statue you break will require one hit. The second will require 2 hits, the third will require 3 and so on.

The last 2 statues are the hardest since you can't break them fast enough to do it without Cornell getting too close to you. So what you should do is get away from the statue and Cornell will follow you, wait for him to try and attack you then dodge out of the way and run back to the statue, then break it.

After finishing the last of the statues the game will go into a reaction pressing sequence. Just press the keys that appear on your screen to finish off the lycan lord and acquire your new boots.

Double tap forward to run and press K to jump over the gap, then climb on the ledge at the left side of the wall to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Mountain Fortress

After Pan leaves head around the path and keep going. Charge up your magic bars once you reach the neutral energy font and you'll be shown a view of your destination.

Stand in front of the door and activate your shadow magic, then press and hold I to charge the cyclone boots. Once it's fully charged press the movement keys to the direction of the door to smash through it.

Head inside the door and turn left at the end of the corridor. You path is blocked so drop down on the ledge at the end of the path and shimmy over to the left side.

Once you get up on the next area some small trolls will come and attack you. Kill them off quickly then move away from the end of the path and double tap forward to activate the cyclone boots, then press jump to make it to the other side. Make sure that you jump on the left side or you won't make it.

On the next platform some trolls will come and attack you again, kill them then head to the entrance on the left side and use your chain to get up on the wall. Move left and right to create momentum and jump towards the next platform.

Make your way through the side of the mountain and across the gap. Use the cyclone boots to jump the gap since it's too wide for your normal jump.

Once you reach the ruined door turn left and climb on the ledge, then jump to the ledge on the left side and make your way up.

Once you get up on the next platform some trolls will come and attack you. After you've killed the first batch of trolls a giant will appear behind the fortress wall.

After you've dealt with all of the trolls the giant will start smashing at the walls, which will cause parts of the walkway to fall down. Stay at the middle and wait for the rubble at the right side to fall down. Then use your cyclone boots to jump the gap.

Use your chain to jump over to the next side and the giant will squish his hand through a hole and attempt to find you. Attack his hand until you deplete his health to make him go away.

Once he leaves use your chain to swing across the 2 chain points and make it to the next side. Immediately fill up your magic bars after the cutscene.

The giant will come out of the walls and attack you, there's nothing special about the battle. If he uses his right hand dodge to your right, and if he uses his left hand dodge to your left to avoid his blows.

Occassionally he'll use both hands. Dodge towards the ledge or towards the giant to avoid it, When you successfully dodge an attack retaliate with a combo of your own.

After depleting half of the giant's HP he'll become invulnerable. Wait for him to slam his right fist down and jump when he does. Then approach it and press U to use your chain.

After blinding his right eye the game will proceed in the same way, except now he will occasionally scratch his blind eye giving you a chance to fill up your magic bars.

He'll also occasionally pull out a rock from under the walkway and attempt to slam it on you. Dodge it and attack his hand to destroy the boulder.

When only a tiny bit of his HP is left he'll try to smash you with his hand again. This time you'll destroy his left eye leaving the giant blind. He'll sniff you out and attack.

With both of his eyes blinded the giant will be furious and attack you with faster attacks. You need to dodge them but don't stray away from the middle of the area.

If he starts growling at you, position yourself infront of the large triangular stone at the middle of the stage and press U to attach your chain and pull his head down on it to kill him.

After killing the giant head over to the right side and jump the gap then continue following the path, you'll see another large gap at the path on the right side. Use your cyclone boots to jump the gap and get to the other side.

Follow the path and turn left when the path splits. You'll see a ledge at the right side wall. Climb on the wall and use your chain to jump over the blockage.

After dropping down on the opposite end some trolls will come and attack you. Keep killing the trolls and wait for the large troll to appear.

Deplete his health and press U to use him as a mount, then head over to the glowing gate and use the troll to smash it open. A cutscene will play soon after.

After the cutscene head up the stairs and a chupacabra will steal all of your relics forcing you to chase and look for it.

Climb back down the stairs but don't go through the gates, you'll see some rocks on the left side that you can climb on, use it to climb up.

Turn left and fill up your magic bars if you need to, then head over to the ledges and make your way across.

Climb up on the tallest ledge and use your chain to swing over to the other side, then drop down and press U to nab the chupacabra and get back your relics.

After getting back your relics jump down on the right side and make your way back to the stairs that lead to the castle fortress.

Climb up the stairs and make your way to the main entrance. Activate your shadow magic, then press and hold I to charge your cyclone boots and press A to smash through the door.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Crow Witch

After getting inside the castle head over to the left side staircase and exit through the shattered window.

Climb up on the stones at the right side and use your chain once you get up on the highest stone, then start climbing up on the chain.

Shimmy over to the left and climb up on the crow statue then hug the wall and use your chain to scale the wall. Press J once you get on top of the decorative window to smash through it.

Once you get inside head for the center of the room and a small cutscene will play, leaving you with a cloth swordsman. They're not strong, just block their attacks and retaliate until they're dead, but like most enemies lately they have unblockable attacks so watch out for when their swords start to glow.

After killing the swordsmen, follow the crows and head up the stairs, then use your chain to jump towards the higher floor.

On the next floor you'll be attacked by the phantoms again, they'll display a new skill this time. They can electrocute the water and damage you when you touch it, also you can't grapple these guys you get shock damage when you do.

Kill them then head for the wall beside the stairs and you'll see a chain point. Use the chain to get up higher and use the ledges to get up on the next floor.

Once you're on the next floor head out the door that leads to a balcony. If you need health then head back inside and go around the corridor to find a health font, if not then charge your magic bars and climb up the ledges on the left side of the balcony.

Make your way to the top of the caste and head down to the middle of the circular area to trigger a cutscene.

This battle plays a lot like the second titan battle, but it's a wholeeeee lot easier than that one. The only thing that makes this complicated are the witch's hatchlings.

Wait for the Crow witch to hurl some eggs at you, she'll throw 3 at a time. Press U when it starts to glow and like the titan battle perss WASD to send it back to the crow. She'll take a lot of damage from that.

Now you have to deal with the 2 eggs that you weren't able to send back and have turned into little crows. They're easy to kill, just dodge to the left and attack them 2-3 times, then dodge again. For some reason this makes them not attack as much and you'll never get hit.

Watch the hatchlings closely, when they hide behind their arms the momma crow is gonna attack you, dodge out of the way to avoid getting damaged. Another good indicator that the large crow is gonna attack is her health bar will turn from gray to orange.

Kill the crow hatchlings and the witch will send more eggs your way. If you're fast enough you can send back 2 eggs at a time.

After getting the witches HP to half she'll get stunned and start glowing. Approach her and use your chain to get up and ride on her.

She'll attempt to smash you on the ground, so mash the button that appears on your screen to stop her from doing so. She'll end up hitting herself on the ground and remain immobile for a few seconds.

While she's down on the ground approach her and start hacking away at her health until she goes back to the sky. After she leaves take care of the hatchlings and wait for her to hurl eggs at you again and repeat the process.

After depleting her health she'll start to glow while she's on the ground. Press U to make Gabriel attach the chain on her head and pull it off, killing the witch and ending the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Veros Woods

Head forward towards the snowy path anc you'll be met by some goblins. Take care of them then go towards the path on the right side.

Where you will once again meet up with your best buddy the chupacabra, he'll steal your relics again and you'll have to chase after him.

Follow it towards the goblins camp and take care of the goblins, this isn't gonna be so hard just yet.

Follow the chupacabra down the path in front of the camp and turn left on the branching path. Use the health font, you'll need it. Then follow the chupacabra again.

The next goblin camp is the hard part, you need to take on a bunch of goblins plus a boar without your relics. If you have a dark crystal, wait for the goblins to spawn and when there's a lot of them use the crystal. This will kill the boar too but another one will spawn alone which is easier for you.

You can easily take care of the lone boar with the help of a fairy. Keep the boar dazed and just keep on attacking until the boar starts to glow, then mount it.

Go towards the opposite side of the door and start running towards it to smash the door open. You may have to hit it twice to open it.

Strangle the boar and head for the health font, then climb up on the ledge right behind it to climb up the higher floor.

Once you're at the top don't attempt to jump towards the chupacabra, he'll electrocute you and you'll fall down. Instead summon a fairy to bug him, once it has his attention jump towards him and grab him with U to get your relics back.
There's also a neutral magic statue inside the cave, use it to refill your magic bars.

Now climb back down and head to the path on the left, you'll find another goblin camp.Take care of the goblins and keep on heading forward.

You'll find a neutral magic statue and a wall right beside it. Fill up your shadow magic bar and activate your shadow magic. Then press I and charge up your cyclone boots to burst through the wall.

Keep on following the path through the snow and towards the small village at the foot of the mountains.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Wygol Village

When you get to the village move towards the center of the town and turn right, a cutscene will start to play and you'll be reunited with Zobek.

After the cutscene ghouls will start to attack you, unfortunately you don't have the secondary weapon to deal with them yet. Kill the ghouls with the help of Zobek, but be careful they're poisonous and so is that green smoke coming out of the hole in the ground.

Once you've taken care of the ghouls you'll have to block the hole that they came from. Stand in front of the statue and press U to make Gabriel use his cross. Press L to call Zobek and mash the button that appears to use the statue and block the hole.

The second hole is on the left side. Take care of the ghouls then go behind the statue and use the gauntlet by pressing I and holding J to smash the statue and push it forward.

Once the statue is in place use your chain again and call Zobek for help to block the hole.

The third hole is by the gate, but the statue is inside a building and too far from the hole. To get to it, go beside the wall on the left side and you'll notice that it's a weak wall. Use shadow magic and press I and smash through the wall using your cyclone boots.
If you don't have any shadow magic, just stand beside the wall and press H. There's a neutral magic statue beyond the wall, you can't see it but you can still get some neutral orbs from it.

Head inside and use your gauntlet to smash the statue and get it beside the hole. Eliminate the ghouls once you've gotten the statue in place and use your chain with the help of Zobek to block the last hole.

A piece of the statue will partially destroy the gate. Activate your shadow magic and use the cyclone boots to burst through it.

Head inside the building in front of the gate and climb up the stairs that leads to the tomb and you'll receive your cross's third upgrade.

Approach the wheel at the right side of the room and use your combat cross as a lever to get the door beside it open. Head inside the door once it's open.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Abbey Catacombs

Vampires will come and attack you as soon as the level starts. Unlike the ghouls you can't grapple these guys, you need to deplete their health the normal way.

After killing the first group of vampires head for the gate and you'll find a pole that's glowing on the floor. Take it and more vampires will spawn, take the pole to the device at the middle of the room.

Leave it on the floor beside the device and help Zobek take care of the vampires first, you can't turn it anyways the vamps will get in your way.

Once you're safe take the pole again and insert it at the right side of the device, then start turning the device to open the gate.

When the gate is open press L to call Zobek and he'll hold the door open for you. Quickly run towards the other room and Zobek will get locked at the other side.

Activate your shadow magic and use the gaunlet to smash the statue through the gate so that Zobek can come in.

Head back into the first room and take back the pole from the device and take it with you to the next room. Use it on the device at the left side to open the gate right beside it.

Remove the pole from the device again and take it through the gates with you.

Place it at the left side of the device and start turning it until the platform gets to your side of the area. When the platform is in place call Zobek to hold the device for you.

Jump on the platform and Zobek will let go of the device, making the device go back to its original position. Wait for the platform to get to the other side then climb up the stairs.

Get on the circular platform and take the first key, then jump down towards the opposite side of the room and take back the pole from the machine, then head back to the center room.

This time put the pole into the device at the right side of the room and start opening the gate. You don't need to take the pole with you anymore, just head through the gates.

The ceiling will come down on you, quickly press the buttons that appear on your screen and wait for Zobek to hold up the next ceiling block.

While Zobek is holding up the ceiling you need to walk past him and towards the next block and hold it up for him again. Keep on doing this until you reach the end of the corridor.

Take the second key and head back into the center room. Those are all the keys that you need.

Insert the keys into the lion heads at each side of the door to open it. Once it's open head up the stairs and make your way to the courtyard.

Head through the courtyard and to the other side, use your shadow magic and smash through the wall using your cyclone boots.

You'll find the level for the sundial, but you'll be attacked by vampires as soon as you step into the courtyard again.

Place the lever at the right side of the dial and start turning it until it's pointing towards the door with the magic seal on it. Then call Zobek to hold it for you.

Once Zobek is holding the dial in place run to the right side and use the cyclone boots to run faster, then go down and left towards the large portal to break the seal. Head through the doors to end the chapter.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Abbey Library

Make your way up and around the corner and you'll see an open door. Head inside the door and a cutscene will play.

After the cutscene you'll be put up agianst two knights, you'll have to take care of them on your own since Zobek is locked inside the small room.

They've got a limited number of attacks which you can block except for the ground smash which you have to jump to avoid getting damaged. The range of the smash is large so make it a habit to jump no matter how far you are.

Keep attacking the knights and eventually their shields are gonna glow. Once it starts glowing use your chain to pull it off of them.

After fully depleting the knights health you can grapple it to quickly kill it. Once both knights are dead Zobek will open an entry for you to climb up to the next floor.

On the next area push the mirror forward with your gauntlet and turn it 45 degress to the left so that it reflects the light and the door will open.

Head for the next mirror, push it back so that the light hits it and turn it to the left just enough so that the light bounces off of the mirror and towards the hall on the right.

Now head inside the hall and use the gauntlet to push the mirror forward to reflect the light and open the door.

Your path is now blocked by the mirror, turn left and follow that path, you'll find another corridor to exit from and head for the door you've just opened.

Climb up the stairs and take care of the little devils, then head for the light beam and push the mirror forward, then to the left. Once you have the mirror in place turn it towards the left so that it reflects the light towards the next mirror.

Activate your shadow magic and push the second mirror all the way to the left, then turn it around so that it's reflecting the light towards the hole in the wall on the opposite side.

You'll notce that the light points towards a wall. Go beside that wall and activate your shadow magic, then use your cyclone boots to smash through it.

Inside the next room you'll be attacked by another knight, take care of him quickly, he shouldn't be too much of a problem on his own.

Push the mirror forward once you've killed the knight and turn the mirror around to about 45 degrees to the northeast.

Now go back to the first room and push the other mirror all the way through to the next room.

Push it to the left and turn it around so that it reflects the light from the mirror in the room where the knight spawned and towards the door.

Now that the door is open head through it and end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Abbey Tower

Head out the area and towards the right. Some ghouls and small devils will come and attack you, take care of them then head down and up on the small hole on the right side of the wall.

Follow the path and climb down to the left side and keep moving forward. Use your cyclone boots and jump the gap, then pull down the bridge.

Head through the bridge and kill the small devils that will appear. Now use the combat cross on the gear at the right side of the gate to open it.

Go through the gates and around the rubble, then climb up the stairs and jump towards the ledge on the opposite side.

Shimmy over to the right and jump towards the higher ledge. Then continue to make your way up the side of the tower.

Quickly make your way to the right side and up the next ledge and get your chain on the chain point before the ledges start falling.

Continue climbing up the ledges until you find the next chain point. Create momentum by running to the right and left, then jump towards the platform on the right.

Head through the ruins and use your cyclone boots to jump the wide gap and onto the ledge. Shimmy over to the right. Stop at the end of the ledge and wait for Gabriel to look back then jump the ledge behind you.

Keep climbing up until you find the next chain point, then start swinging from side to side until the chain point on the left side activates, then press U to attach to it.

Climb up the chain and onto the ledge, then use your chain to climb up the blocked window at the top. Once you're directly in front of the window press J to smash through it and acquire the relic.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Brauner

When the level starts use the health font and use the chain point to get through to the other side of the barricade.

Vampires will come and attack you, they're not gonna be so hard for you to kill now that you have the holy water flask.Sart off by killing a couple of the vampires and when there's a lot of them wait for them to come close then throw a holy water flask, followed by a wide range combo which you can activate by pressing L.

The holy water takes off a huge chunk of their HP and leaves them vulnerable to your attacks which makes it great for taking care of a large number of vampires.

After killing the lesser vampires their commander, Brauner will arrive and attack you. Throw a holy water at him as soon as the battle starts, this will stun him and leave him open for a combo.

Sometimes Brauner will throw his double blades at you. You can catch the blade with U once it gets close to you and Gabriel will send it back to Brauner.

Once you've gotten his health down to half he'll get stunned and you can grapple him. When done successfully Gabriel will tear his wings off.

Continue attacking Brauner until you deplete his health to a fraction of his bar. He'll get stunned again and you can deliver a finishing blow to him and end the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Castle Sewers

As soon as you enter the sewers head for the health font and heal up, then go near the lever at the right side and flip it by pressing U.

The water flowing from the statues will stop and you'll be able to make your way around the walkway. Quickly get to the other side before the water restarts.

Approach the gear at the right side of the area and use your combat cross to start turning it. Some skeletons will pop up before you can finish turning the gear.

The skeletons are easy to kill. Just block their attacks and smash them with a full combo. The only annoying thing is that they'll reanimate twice before finally dying.

Once you've taken care of the skeletons head back to the walkway on the right side of the room and jump down onto the walkway below.

Use your cyclone boots and jump towards the opposite side of the water. Don't fall on the water or attempt to walk on it for too long it will deplete your health pretty quickly.

Once you get to the other side grab some knives from the bag and punch the switch with your gauntlet to activate it.

Use the cyclone boots to run across the spiked floor and get to the other side before the spikes come back. The gate will close as soon as you get near the gate.

Now turn around and equip your daggers as your secondary weapon. Activate your shadow magic and throw an explosive dagger at the switch. The force will re-activate the switch and the gate will open again.

Head out the gate and use your chain to climb up the wall .
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Castle Courtyard

Climb up the chain and use the wooden plank to get across the other side of the wall. Then use your chain to climb to the top.

Walk towards the gate and use the health font to replenish your health bar, then jump towards the ledge at the left side of the gate.

Get to the top most ledge and jump towards the ledge on the right side and drop down from there. You'll find yourself near the castle's main entrance.

When you try to use the wheel mechanism at the center of the area some knights will spawn and keep you from doing so.

Quickly kill the knights then use the mechanism to open the hatch and jump down the hole.

After dropping down from the hole you'll see a neutral energy statue. Fill up your magic bars and wait for the skeletons to appear.

After fighting with the skeletons some vampires will unleash a warg at you, you can use daggers at the warg to quickly deplete its health. Once its HP is down press U to mount it.

You'll notice that the first pillar on the right side is glowing. Double press the movement key and head for the pillar, then press K when you get near it to make the warg climb up on it.

Kill the vampires once you get to the top, then strangle your mount when all the vampires are dead. After killing the warg head for the open hole at the end of the walkway and drop down on it.

Follow the path and drop down on the lower floor towards the gates and interact with the mechanism at the right side of the gate and some skeletons will spawn.

You probably noticed that skeletons re-animate a lot and are absolutely annoying to deal with. You can attack them while on the ground with a slam attack with either your chain or gauntlets, you can also use a holy water vial but that's a bit of a waste.

After killing the skeletons head back to the mechanism and get the gate open. Replenish your magic bars, then head up the stairs.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Maze Garden

From the start of the level head forward past the well and into the maze. You'll have a couple of different ways around you, take the one on the upper right side just beside the statue.

Keep following the path on the right side and you'll eventually come up at an area where there's a rail on the floor. There are weird enemies here that suck the life out of you, luckily they die really quickly.

Follow the rail down and you'll find a large pillar. Activate shadow magic and use your gaultlet to push the pillar forward.

Now run up to the pillar and start climbing on it. Once you get to the top wait for Gabriel to look behind him then press K to get to the pillar on the opposite side and drop down from there.

Now go down and around the wall and the game will show you some sort of fountain on the other end of the gate, but you have no way to get there.

From the gate head to the right and just keep following that path until you get to a clearing. There's a giant spider here. Beat it and take with you as a mount.

From where the spider was, take the path on the left side and make your way to the upper left path, you'll see a lion statue here.

Past the lion statue is a long path. Follow the path and turn right at the first corner, press L to make the spider fire a web at the gate and mash the key to get it open.

Now head back to the gate that you passed by earlier after getting on this side of the maze and press L to make the spider weave a bridge. Strangle the spider and make your way to the fountain.

To solve the puzzle select the middle statue and rotate it clockwise 2 times. You'll then acquire the vampire key.

Now go back to the gate that you first opened with the spider and head through it and up the stairs.

Turn left and you'll see a large gate. Interact with the emblem at the left side of the gate and Gabriel will insert the vampire key into it. Leave through the gates once it opens.

Activate your cyclone boots and jump over the gap. You'll notice that you're right back where you were at the start of the previous chapter.

Make your way up the ledges and across the gate again. The knights won't spawn this time.

On the large black door you'll find a similar plate on the right side pillar. Insert the vampire key into it to open the large door.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Castle Hall

After entering the castle you'll be shown the exterior, most prominently the windows, which you'll notice is glowing in some parts.
Take care of the vampires first, then approach the windows and quickly tear down the wooden planks and finally the curtain to let the sun shine on the vampire's hole and prevent them from returning.

Now head to the back of the room and you'll find a mirror statue. Push it to the left side with your gauntlet and pull down the curtain right in front of it. Then turn the statue so that it reflects the sun from this room to the next room.

Head for the gate and use he mechanism right beside it to get the gate open. Head inside and you'll be attacked by a knight and some vampires. If you have a dark crystal, I recommend using it to make the battle easier.

Do the same to the window right in front of the hole once you've taken care of the enemies. Tear down the planks and remove the curtain to prevent the vampires from leaving their hole.

Now head to the right side and you'll find another gate that leads to some sort of an altar. Use the mechanism at the side to open the gate.

You'll find a statue at the right side of the room. Use your gauntlets and push it to the left and push it back into the second room.

Now turn the statue so that it reflects the light from the first statue and into the altar gate. The gate will open once the light hits it and you'll be able to enter it.

I'm not sure if the patterns are the same but if they are. then you need to touch the plates inside the door in this order:
From the left;
Shadow magic
Light magic
Light magic

There are also plates outside the gates, on the pillar at each side of the gate. Use shadow magic to activate both of them and the gate in the main hall will open.

Head into the main hall and sun will set... and vampires will start pouring out of the hole again. Great. You need to kill these vampires or else the door won't open. A vial of holy water is really in need here, use them if you have them.

Head inside the door once it open and you'll be met by a vampire girl, who'll invite you to play a 6 piece chess game. It doesn't have the same rules as chess, but it's pretty easy to understand. Of course the whole minigame can be cancelled if you don't want to do it.
I can't tell you how to beat this minigame, specifically because it's randomized and she has an AI meaning she won't just follow what she did the last time.
If you do decide to play it though, I would suggest you take good care not to lose your necromancers (the two at the middle of the board) early in the game, they're the most powerful. I managed to beat 3 of her pawns with only 2 necromancers left on my side.

After beating Laura head for the entry on the left side of the room to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Refectory

When the level starts head down the corridor and a cutscene will play, showing you how the butcher feeds the ghouls in the castle.

After the cutscene head to the right and down the stairs. You'll meet up with the ghouls, kill them.

After killing the ghouls, head inside the room at the left side of the fireplace and take a piece of meat from the cauldron and head back into the dining hall.

Place the piece of meat down on the plate and ring the bell at the right side of the room. The ghouls will then come out of their holes and swarm the meat.

After the cutscene head to the right side and you'll see that one of the gates the ghouls used has a glowing chain point on it. Use your chain and head inside the hole.

Follow the tunnel and take a left turn at the end of it. A cutscene will start, leading you into the kitchen where you have to fight the butcher.

This battle is pretty easy, most of his attacks can be blocked, except for the one where he lifts his cleaver up straight into the air, which is unblockable and you need to dodge it.
Like Cornell the butcher will also stumble when you block his attack, then activate your shadow magic.

Block his attack, then unleash a combo on him. You can put in as much as 5-6 hits on this guy, then roll away to safety and wait for him to attack you again.

Occasionally he takes some stuff from the kitchen and uses it. If he takes meat he's gonna heal himself, quickly block his attack and attack him to destroy the meat in his hands. If he takes a knife get away from him and prepare to dodge, he's gonna throw it at you. If he takes a bottle, roll around the place, preferably near him and around him. He'll spit flames on you with the bottle, but staying close to him also makes him throw the bottle at you, dodge it then continue blocking his attacks and attacking him.

Once his HP is almost gone, the butcher will take a pot from the stove and drink the contents, then use the pot as a helmet. He'll be invulnerable.
What you have to do is jump and attack him, this will cause the pot to turn around and blind him. His sword will glow once you've blinded him. Use your chain to pull it away from him and watch Gabriel end the battle.

The butcher will leave a key once he's dead. Take it then place it inside the keyhole at the door on the left side. Exit through the door once it opens.

You'll end up in the dining hall after exiting the room. Head down and climb up the stairs again, refill your magic bars then turn left right beside the neutral magic statue and you'll find a hallway. Place the key at the end of it to open the door.

Head into the room and you'll be attacked by a knight and a couple of skeletons. If you have a dark crystal, use it. That will make the battle a lot faster. If not then you have to do it the hard way, by blocking and countering.

You'll need to light up the plates at the bottom of each suit of armor to open the large door. From the left:
Light magic
Light magic
Shadow magic
Shadow magic
Light magic
Shadow magic
The door will open after that, head through the door to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Balcony

Go forward, back outside the castle walls and you'll be attacked by a group of vampires. Get rid of them then take the path on the right side.

Climb down the ledge at the end of the path and use the wooden beams to cross the gap and get to the other side.

Make your way to the left side and around the pillar of the castle. Drop down and you'll be attacked by those phantom swordsmen that you met at the crow witch's castle.

Get rid of them then climb up on the ledge at the left side of the balcony, jump to the right after you hit the statue, then continue climbing up.

Drop down at the left side of the roof and climb down on the lower ledge, then shimmy over to the right side and use your chain point to climb down.

Swing away from the all and press K to make Gabriel jump towards the opposite side of the wall you were on. Shimmy over to the left side and climb down the ledge.

Jump in through the window to get inside the room. You'll be attacked by 2 skeletons here.

You have to kill the skeletons cause one of them has the key that you need to open the door at the roof. I don't recommend using the crystal on them since there's jsut 2 and there's no knight to mess things up for you, but you do need to be careful cause if you die here then you'll have to repeat everything from the phantom swordsmen up to this point.

Head back out the window and climb on the ledges to make it back to the other side. You can't jump back to get on the chain point so instead you'll have to drop down from that ledge.

Go over to the right side and jump up the wall, the chain point will then light up and you can make your way back to the roof.

Head to the left side around the roof and you'll find a gate. Insert the key into the keyhole at the right side of the gate to open it.

Go through the gates and use the ledges at wall and make it inside by climbing through the shattered window.

You'll find a glowing pinball looking machine at the right side of the gate. Examine it and you'll immediately see that you need to solve this puzzle.

The pattern to solving the puzzle is to drop the ball at the left, then center five times and finally left. After solving the puzzle the gate will open. Head through it and up the stairs to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Electric Laboratory

After arriving at the laboratory you'll immediately see that it is indeed protected by electric walls. Head over to the left side and stand on the glowing button on the floor. Then press I(i), followed by L to punch the button and change the rod's color.

Head over to the right side and do the same on this button, then punch the third button to remove the electricity blocking the door.

In the next room then puzzle will be slightly more difficult. Start by punching the button that's immediately in front of the door, the blue rod will then move to the right side.

Now go to the left side and you'll find a large battery, well it doesn't look like one, but it is. Use your gaunlet and push it down, then push it to the right side.

Move the blue node over to the left side again and head for the right side of the room.

Now move the battery forward and to the left so that it's place inside the golden part of the large machine. This will cause the machine to change the color of the red rod opening the path for you.

Go to the next area and punch the button at the wall and the rods at the left side of the room will change. Now make your way back down and move the rod to the right side again to gain access to the left side of the room.

Make your way to the neutral energy statue and activate your shadow magic. Face the button and throw a dagger at it. This will cause the rods to shift again and open a path for you.

Stand right in front of the door and throw another dagger at the button while shadow magic is activated and the rods will shift one last time allowing you to leave the room.

The next room is the hardest of the three. Go to the middle of the room and turn left towards the only path that you can currently take.

Activate your shadow magic and smash through the weak wall at the end of the path, you'll find a button inside. Punch it to change the rod colors at the upper left side of the room.

Now that the path is open head over to the second button that you can reach and punch it. You'll be able to reach the red glowing item now. Take it and a cutscene will play.

The machine will come and attack you. 2 of its attacks are unblockable, one is the common physical attack with light coming out of its claws and the second is an electric charge from its tail. Dodge out of the way for the unblockable attack and jump to avoid the electricity.

Other than that this guy is completely beatable, block his attack and retaliate with a combo of your own, then dodge away and wait for him to attack you again.

When you've depleted its health to about 3/4 the machine will go and recharge itself, gaining full health. The first one is unavoidable and it will fully recharge its health. The second time it tries to do it quickly go over to the button and punch it to damage the machine.

You have to do this thrice before the machine will break down and you'll be able to continue solving the puzzle.

Now head back to the switch at the side of the room and hit it to open up a path, then head back into the middle of the room.

Turn the device at the center of the room twist it clockwise twice and a path will open, allowing you to go to the lower right side of the room.

Here you'll find another button that you can press, activate it and it will open up a path for you at the lower left side of the room. Now head back to the device at the middle.

Twist it clockwise twice and you'll be able to reach the button at the lower left side of the room. Punch the button and the rods will change again at the lower right side of the room.

Now twist the device twice clockwise again to leave the path to the lower right area open. Then head to the door and wait for the platform at the right side to get close and jump on it.

Wait for the platform to reach the other side and jump on the platform at the lower right corner of the room. Punch the button to activate it and the puzzle will be solved.

Head for the middle of the room and out the door to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Chromatic Observatory

In the next room you'll find a health font and a neutral energy statue, fill up both your health and you magic bars, then approach the device at the middle of the room and use it.

At this point you won't have much of a choice since you only have the red lense. Select the red lense and press U to move it towards the moonlight. The light will then turn red and reflect on the red door.

Head inside the room and you'll immediately notice that there's a decoration on the floor at the center of this room. Save that for later, take care of the vampires first a total of 6 will attack you which isn't much and you shouldn't have any problem dealing with them now.

Stand at the lower left corner of the floor and activate your shadow, then charge up your cyclone boots and dash forward and around the square in a clockwise manner.

Hold I and keep pressing the different directions that you need to go to, but don't let go of the I or else you won't be fast enough to go around the square.

Head up the stairs and go inside the room, examine the knight's body to receive the green lense. After taking the lense the gate will close and you'll be attacked by a phantom. Defeat it and the gate will open again, then head back to the center room.

Heal yourself and fill up your magic bars, then use the statue and align the red and green lenses to create a yellow light and the yellow door will open.

Like the red room, vampires will also spawn in the yellow room. Although they won't be as much as those in the red room. Take care of them then activate your shadow magic and stand on the right side of the diamond floor decoration.

Also the same with the red room, you'll have to run around the diamond shape in a clockwise manner while using cyclone boot's dash ability.

Examine the knight's corpse inside after the gate opens. Phantoms will come and attack you again, this time there's gonna be two of them. After beating them and re-opening the gate, head back to the center room.

Use the device again. This time you'll have all 3 colors. Select the green lense and remove it from the light's path, then select blue and adjust it so that the light hits it and the beam will turn purple and open up the room in front of the device.
Heal and take as much magic as you can with you before entering the door.

Head inside the purple door and Laura will attack you with her dolls. These guys are dangerous, they're highly aggressive. They have a long range attack with the floating needles, which is blockable. A short range attack which can both be blockable and unblockable and a slam attack which you need to just in order to avoid.

When the battle starts don't move around too much, just get an idea of how they attack and what you need to look out for. Once you've gotten their basic attack pattern down start going on the offensive.

Block their attacks, the easiet one to block is the needle attack, then retaliate with your own combo. It's best if you activate shadow magic just after blocking their attack, then deactivating it after landing a few blows, this helps you conserve your magic bars.

After depleting their HP bars these guys will start to glow, just like all the other monsters. You need to approach them and press U to grapple them and activate the quick time event.

Don't use your dark crystal at this battle, you have to kill them with the reaction commands or else they'll just respawn endlessly.

Once you've gotten through half the battle, you'll see black goop appearing on the floor again, the same one as with the dark knight boss battle. Avoid the goop and keep on attacking the dolls until they die.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Outer Wall

After the cutscene drop down on the broken part of the veranda and shimmy over to the right side, then jump towards the ledge on the wall at the opposite side of where you dropped down.

Attach your chain to hoop and continue to make your way up and around the castle pillar.

Shimmy over to the right and jump across the broken part of the wall and attach your chain to the hoop, then start climbing up higher towards the castle roofs.

Approach the large gate after climbing through the walls. Attempt to activate one of the plates at the side of the door and a group of vampires and skeletons will attack you.

Take care of the skeletons first since they're more dangerous than the vampires. If you have some holy water vial, activate light magic and throw a vial at the enemies to cause massive damage.

After you've taken care of the enemies, you'll have to activate the plates at the side of the gate to open them. The order is:
Left side, from the gate:
Shadow magic
Light magic
Light magic
Right side, from the gate:
Shadow magic
Shadow magic
Light magic

Now that the gate is open head through it and jump on the chain that's connecting the castles. This will serve as your bridge to the next caste.

There's a break in the chain and you'll have to confront some gremlins before you can continue. They're annoying but as usual easy to deal with. Just jump in the air and start doing combos, they should go down quickly.

Once you're safe from attacks interact with the device at the center of the platform and you'll notice that it controls the fence around this platform. Wind it up, then let go. The fence will then turn back to its original position.

On the right side of the platform there's a staircase, this is actually where you need to go. What you need to do is wind up the mechanism, then catch the opening as it turns around and make it through then land on the stairs. You will need to use the cyclone boots to be able to catch the opening.

Then make your way down the stairs and examine the dead knight's body to receive the tower key. Some phantoms will come and attack you here and you'll need to take care of them before you can proceed.

After defeating the phantoms, use the device at the center of the room to open the gate and head back upstairs.

From there head up towards the right side, climb up on the chain and get to the next castle.

From the chain head up the stairs and into the area, use the health font if you need to, then insert the key into the keyhole at the right side of the gate. Enter the gate once it opens.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Clock Tower

At the clock tower look to your right and you'll see a beam that stretches from the platform that you're standing on towards the other side. Use the beam to cross the gap.

When you get to the other side wait for the platform to come back to you and jump towards it once it's close enough, then wait for it to approach the revolving platforms at the right side and jump on those.

From the revolving platforms jump towards the gear and Gabriel will hold on to the ledges above it. Climb up to the second ledge and shimmy over to the right. Wait for the gear to stop moving, then jump across to the other side.

Wait for one of the revolving platforms to get close enough to catch you, then fall down on it and jump towards the next one.

Wait at the end of the revolving platforms, there's another platform here that goes up and down. Jump on it when it's close enough for you to reach, then ride it up and jump on the next platform.

Use the device and pull up the mechanism to create a bridge for yourself, then make it across and towards the platform on the left side where the electricity is flowing.

Hook your chain onto the chain point and get near the first electric charge. Watch the second electric line and get a feel for how to time this correctly.
What you need to do is press J and Gabriel will jump off of the wall, wait for him to step on the wall again and press J again, this time he'll push away with more force. Press up at the same time and he'll land above the first electric line, jump again and press up to make it through the second one, the keep climbing up until you grab onto a ledge.

From there shimmy over to the right side and jump towards the ledge on the opposite side. Wait for a platform to get under you, then drop down on it.

Jump on the platform that's blocking your way and wait for the one that you were stepping on to get through it and jump back on that one. Wait for it to get near the gear, then jump towards the ledge.

Shimmy over to the right side and drop down on the platform, then jump towards the next platform and double tap D to activate the cyclone boots and jump towards the ledge on the right.

Drop down on the lower ledge and shimmy over to the right until the next platform is directly behind you. Wait for Gabriel to turn around and look at the platform then jump on it.

Now jump down on the platform at the right side of the one you're standing on and fill up you magic bars completely.

Climb up on the ledge with the electricity running on it and quickly make your way up when it shuts down. Take a break on the fourth ledge and wait for the electricity above that to shut off before proceeding.

Shimmy over to the left side and drop down on the platform, then jump towards the chain point and use yout chain when it starts to glow. Jump off when it gets near the platform on the opposite side.

Start turning the device at the middle of the platform and the machine you fought at the electric laboratory will come and attack you.

The battle is still the same as the previous one except it can't recharge anymore, which makes the battle easier and it will gain a new ability to throw green glowing bolts at you.

The area is also a lot bigger than the previous one, making this battle a whole lot easier than the first encounter. Just dodge it and attack until you deplete its health.

Once you've gotten rid of it go back to the device and keep turning it until it creates a walkway for you to reach it.

Head across the bar and step on top of the platform. It will automatically start going up.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Olrox

Olrox is Braun's brother, however unlike he's brother this one is a bit harder to read and a lot harder to kill, mainly due to his annoying feeding habits.

He can teleport around the area to confuse you, then land a blow with either his blades using his right hand, which is unblockable. Dodge away to avoid it. Or he will use his left hand and attack you with his claw, deflect it to get a chance to attack him.

Much like Braun, Orlox will also throw his blades at you, however, unlike Braun, you can't catch them so simply avoid to the sides when he does. The good thing is though that when he throws his blades you can easily avoid it and he's vulnerable to your attacks until he gets his blades back.

With that in mind you're just gonna have to be patient with this as it will be a long and dragged out battle.

After depleting his health, Orlox will disappear and re-appear beside one of the iron maidens at the side of the area. He'll open it up and drink blood from the lycan corpse that's inside. Get close to him and start attacking him. He'll leave after being hit thrice, leaving the iron maiden's doors open.

When he leaves, you'll have a chance to attack the lycan's body that's inside and destroy it. There are 4 iron maiden's all in all, meaning Orlox will regenerate his health a total of four times. Pretty annoying.

After destroying all of the lycan corpses and depleting Orlox's health one last time, he'll stand at the middle of the stage, dazed. Approach him and press U to start the button sequence and kill him.

immediately after killing Orlox, you'll have to solve a puzzle. The platform which you used to get up to this point was splashed with Orlox's blood and that is the key to opening the door to the Dark Lord.

Examine the plate on the ground and you'll notice some fire around it. Try to press any movement key to move the blood and a fire will die out after every second. To make it worse the blood runs slow.

The first one is easy, from the starting point go left, then turn up on the first corner, then left at the first corner and up towards the circular part of the puzzle.

Now from the second circle go down and turn left at the end of the path, pass through the first corner and turn up on the second corner to reach the second circle.

From the second hole, this is gonna be the most difficult, but this is the right pattern. Turn up, then left, then down, then left again and up, ignore the first corner and go all the way up towards the end of the line and right towards the cup.
You'll barely make it if done correctly, there's not much space in time before it resets, you may have to repeat this part a couple of times before you make it to the circle on time.

The fourth one is also a stretch, but a lot easier to do compared to the third one. Go up and turn right at the first corner, then go down when you've hit the end of that line turn down, then right and up the second corner, finally turn left towards the circle.

The last one is easy, turn up from the fourth hole, then turn left and down on the second corner, turn left again and up towards the end of the line, then turn right and go up towards the last circle.

Flames will shoot out from the plate and the door will open. Exit the area through the large door and be prepared to take on the next dark lord.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Throne Room

As soon as the level starts refill your HP and fill up your magic bars, then head over to the stairs and climb up to the top.

After the cutscene Carmilla will float up at the middle of the room and summon some lower vampires to attack you. Switch to your holy water and throw one at the ground when a group comes to swarm at you, then use the wide range attack (L) to get rid of them quickly.

When Carmilla starts to float down back towards the ground start rolling to the side, she'll unleash a lightning attack which can't be blocked.

After eliminating all of her lesser vampires, Carmilla will tranform into her vampire form. She'll take down parts of the floor making your battle ground a little smaller.
She's got a couple of attacks: two claw attacks, attacks from her right hand are unblockable most of the time, meaning they can be blockable, but I don't recommend risking it unless you have quick eyes. Attacks from her left hand are always blockable. Unfortunately it's hard to hear the "whoosh" sound from unblockable attacks due to Carmilla hissing every time she attacks you.

Early on at the start of the battle she will also have the ability to summon lesser vampires to aid her. If she summons them, lure them closer to Carmilla and throw a holy water vial. This way you're killing them off quickly and damaging the boss at the same time.

If you get thrown to the ground Carmilla will stab you with her claw and attempt to feed from you. Mash the button that appears on the screen to prevent her from doing so.

Block her attacks if you can and unleash a combo of your own. If you're having a hard time blocking her attack then you have another option, which is to dodge her attack and retaliate, then roll away and wait for her to attack you.

Once you've taken around 1/3 of her health bar Carmilla will start to glow. Run up to her and press U to make Gabriel grapple her. Stage 2 of the battle will begin at this point.

She'll have two new attacks at this point and will no longer summon lesser vampires. The first is summoning a swarm of bats, which you can easily avoid by rolling to the side and getting away from them.

The second is an electrical charge where Carmilla will fly up to the sky and create a large electrical attack on the floor below. Dodge it by rolling away, then jumping just in case you're still within the range.

Other than that the battle will proceed the same way. Block her attack and retaliate, then dodge away and block her attack again.

After bringing her HP down to almost nothing, Carmilla will jump back on her platform and attempt to kill you with a lighting charge, Gabriel will then use his gauntlet to fight it back. Mash the button at the screen to win the power struggle.

After the power struggle Carmilla will crouch down on the ground, protected by a blue orb. You can't hit her with anything now, what you have to do is use the gauntlet and punch the orb. The battle will end soon after and Gabriel will earn his wings. No, really you get wings.

You still have to do a few timed reaction pressing after the orb though, but you should be able to breeze through that without a problem. Carmilla is nowhere near as hard as Cornell or even the Laura's dolls.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Bones Forest

At the beginning of the level head to the back and you'll find both a neutral energy statue and a health font. Use both if you need them, then head for the boat and use your seraph wings to climb up the high ledge.

Shimmy over the left and keep going until you reach the platform on that side. Then you'll need to use the seraph wings again to climb up the ledge.

Go forward and you'll see a huge gap that you have to cross. Make some space and double tap forward to activate the cyclone boots, then jump and wait for your jump to reach its full length and press K again to activate the seraph wings and extend your jump. You should be able to reach the ledge this way.

In the next area you'll be attacked by zombies, headless ones that bury their bodies underground. Killing the heads won't do anything, you need to go after their bodies.
Double jump using the seraph wings, then press and hold I (i) and wait for some of the bodies to go below you, press L afterwards and Gabriel will use his gauntlet to smash the ground.

Doing this will reveal the zombie's body and it will stick out and start glowing. Approach it, then press U to grapple the body and destroy it. Do the same for all the zombies until you've killed all of them.

After killing the zombies, follow the path on the left side and use your seraph jump to get to the entrance at the side of the wall. Just jump over the ledge and aim for the hole, then use the seraph wings to extend the jump and get inside the hole.

On the next area you'll see that you've got a long way to go. Double tap forward to activate your cyclone boots, then jump off of the ledge and use your seraph wings to extend the jump. Then use the chain point to propel yourself forward and extend the jump again with your seraph wings and finally hook onto the chain point to get to the other side.

The chupacabra will immediately snatch your stuff away as soon as you climb up on the edge. Stupid little shit. Chase after him by climbing on the ledge at the right side.

Climb up the rock and follow the chupacabra inside the cave, a troll will attack you inside.Beat the troll and take it with you as a mount.

After getting on the troll, head to the right side of the cave and you'll find a glowing part of the wall. Use the troll to smash the wall and head inside.

in the next part of the cave some small trolls will attack you, take care of them then look towards the right side wall and you'll find another glowing rock. Smash the rock and you'll find the chupacabra inside. Take back your items, then go back to where the chupacabra stole your stuff from you.

Now that you have your artifacts back head for the fiery part of the forest and make your way through the large gaps in the road and towards the shack at the other side.

After landing near the house the ground that you're stepping on will fall and you will fall with it. Press U to make Gabriel hook onto the chain point and swing to the other side, then jump to activate the seraph wings and Gabriel will grab the ledge at the opposite side.

Shimmy over to the left side and jump towards the ledge behind you and continue making your way to the left. Drop down on the ground when you get above it.

Head inside the small tunnel and double tap the forward key to activate your cyclone boots and jump over the ledge. Activate your seraph wings and use your chain to swing across and use the seraph wings again to make it to the ledge on the opposite side.

Climb up the ledge and use your seraph wings to reach the next one. Then shimmy over to the right and make your way up the ledge.

Use the seraph wings to climb up the next ledge and head down the path to end the level.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Woes Moor

Babayaga will send you off to look for 3 keys. After the cutscene head down the path on the left side and head into the town ruins.

When you get to the clearing the game will immediately show you a flock of crows. Approach the wheel underneath the pole that their standing on to shoo them.

Follow them to the next post that they'll stand on and shake it again. The crows will land on the scarecrow this time and it will come to life.

This guy has a wide range for his attacks and has a boss like status due to his health bar, but this battle is in no way hard. Just block his attack and retaliate with your own attacks and he'll die in no time.

The scarecrow will drop a key once it dies. Take the key, this is one of the keys that Baba yaga sent you to find.

After killing the scarecrow, head over to where the crows are standing and shake the pole again. They'll move to the pole at the right side and a second flock of crows will arrive at a different post.

Take the path right in front of you and go around the side, you'll find a barricade. Use your chain to take down the barricade and go through it.

Head up the path and you'll find the area where the second flock of crows landed. Shake the pole to make them move to the poles below, then follow them.

Go back down and this time take the path to the right side of where you fought the first scarecrow.

Shake the pole near the wall and the crows will move to the one right in front of it. Leave this flock alone for now.

Go back to the crossroads and shake the pole where the first group of crows are sitting. Shake the pole and they'll move to the pole on the left side of this one.

Now go back to the second batch of crows and shake the pole, they'll move to the pole that you just shook before this one. Follow them there and they'll attempt to move to the next one, but the previous batch is there so they'll move further to the right.

Follow the crows and shake the post that they're standing on one more time. The crows will then land on the second scarecrow and you'll be able to fight him.

The scarecrow will be just like the first one, take it down quickly and retrieve your second key. These bosses doesn't seem like they were designed to be bosses.

Head back down to the crossroads and the game will inform you that the crows have moved to a different location. Follow them to the side of the barn.

You'll find the first batch of crows at the back of the barn. Shake the post and make them move, then follow them and shake the post again. They'll move on to the next post. Leave them alone after that.

From the last post, go left, then down. You'll find a glowing part of the wall. Use the chain to pull it down and you'll find a third flock of crows inside.

Charge up your magic bars and keep on shooing the third set of crows (the ones from the barn) until they reach the scarecrow.

Defeat the last scarecrow and take his key, then backtrack to the beginning of the village and use the sack to get back to Baba's hut.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Music Box

Once you're inside the music box take the green cylinder from the middle of the room and place it into the device at the upper right corner of the area.

The green cylinder will be placed at the first slot by default. Select the metal button at the far right side to start playing the music.

Now head over to the path on the left side and you'll see some spikes that are moving about and a counter below. The counter is how long the music will play, when the music stops the spikes will also lock in place preventing you from passing.
Wait for the spikes to retreat, then double tap the W button to activate your cyclone boots and make it throught the spike traps unharmed.

Take the red cylinder at the middle of the room and head over to the glowing circle at the left side. Baba will then come pick you up and place you back to the center room.

Interact with the device again, this time you'll have both the green and red cylinders. Place the red cylinder at the first slot, followed by the green one, then play the music.

Once the music starts playing head over to the right side path and wait for the steps to pop-up. Make your way to the other side via the steps, then turn left and enter that path.

Wait for the red part of the music to end, when the green starts playing the spikes will move again. Quickly dash through it with your cyclone boots to make it past the trap.

Take the magenta cylinder at the middle of the room and step on the glowing circle again to get back to the center room.

Use the device again, the magenta cylinder will be placed at the third spot by default. Select the magenta cylinder and switch it with the green one. The order of the cylinders should be: Red, Magenta, Green, then play the music and head back to the right path.

After getting across the same gap as you did when you got the magenta cylinder, this time you'll head for the right side path instead of the left.

Wait for the magenta music to start playing and the sharp cogs will retreat inside the hole. Get near the gears and roll underneath them the same way you dodge attacks (i+W).

Run through the spikes and jump up the ledge. Take the yellow cylinder and step on the glowing circle again to get back to the center room.

Place the cylinder into the device again and rearrange the cylinders. This time you'll need to place them: Red, Yellow, Magenta, then Green. Play the music after arranging them in this order.

This time you're going to head for the central path, which is to the left of the device that you put the cylinders in. Wait for the platforms to pop-up and make your way across the gap.

At the center room fill up your shadow magic, but don't take too long cause everything is timed as long as the music is playing. Head for the path on the left side afterwards.

Activate your shadow magic and Press I to charge up your cyclone boots. Wait for the fire to turn off then dash through it with the boots, do the same on the second fire.

Take the last cylinder and step on the glowing circle to get back to the center room.

Interact with the device one more time and the blue cylinder will automatically be placed at the last slot. Exchange the blue and yellow cylinders, then play the song.

Head through the center path again, the same one you used to get to the blue cylinder, only this time you'll take the path right in front of you instead of the left one.

Time your run carefully and make your way across the electric path. You don't need to go into shadow mode this time, using the cyclone boots in your normal form is enough to get you through.

Now keep going forward and wait for the magenta music to start playing. Then roll underneath the cogs and jump towards the ledge.

Turn right at the next clearing and make a dash through the spiked floor when the spikes have retreated into the wall.

Take the blue rose at the end of the hallway and you'll be returned to your normal size. Baba will also send you over to the titan graveyard.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Titan Graveyard

At the beginning of the level jump over to the other side of the platform that you're standing on with the seraph wings. Then use the seraph wings again and jump towards the ledge at the left side.

Make your way to the third ledge, then shimmy to the right side and continue to make your way up. Use your chain to swing towards the ledge beside the chain point.

Then shimmy to the right, make your way up the ledges and use your chain to get up to the higher ledge.

From there shimmy to the left side and climb up, when you can't climb anymore stop pressing the directional keys and wait for Gabriel to look behind him and jump towards the ledge, then make your way up.

Now follow the path and a small cutscene will play, showing you the vast range of the graveyard. After the cutscene drop down on the hole at the end of the path.

Climb down the ledge and make your way to the right side then use your chain to continue climbing down further and drop on the ground below it.

Use your cyclone boots and jump towards the ledge on the left side, then shimmy over to the left and use your chain to drop down the ground.

Move forward and jump across the gap by using the cyclone boots paired with the seraph wings to make the jump. Be careful here, if you fall on the fog your hp will quickly drain until you die.

From there make your way to the next platform at the left side, most or rather all of the jumps here will require you to use the seraph wings and cyclone boots combo so keep that in mind every time you make a jump.

After landing at the platform you'll be attacked by a group of crawlers and skeletons. The crawlers are new enemies, but they are a lot weaker than the skeletons you should be able to deal with them easily.

After killing them, head back to the previous platform and jump towards the stretched out hand at the left side. You seraph wings should suffice for this jump.

Climb up the hands and use your cyclone boots to create momentum, then jump off of the titan's pinky and ring finger and use the seraph wings to reach the next platform.

On the next platform you'll be introduced to a new enemy. Apparently when a crawler enters a coffin it becomes a bad ass coffin creature.

The coffin crawler has a very high defense, you can barely land any real damage on it if you're just dodging and attacking it. Throw a vial of holy water to damage it as well as quickly eliminate the little crawlers around it.

Then just focus on blocking the coffin crawler's attacks and landing combos of your own. I don't recommend wasting your shadow bar at this point, you still need to kill a lot of these guys later on.

After killing the coffin crawler it will drop a piece of the titan's rune. Take it, then insert it into the plate at the upper left side of the area. The titan will then come to life for a short time and move its hand.

Make your way across the titan's arm and jump towards the next platform. Be careful not to fall down on the gas or you could die and you'll have to repeat the whole thing again.

Now head for the next platform that's right in front of where you are. A cyclone boots, plus seraph wings jump will be enough to get you across unharmed.

From there head to the right side and use your cyclone boots and seraph wings to get across to the other side. Follow the path and you'll find more coffin crawlers.

This time there's gonna be 2 of them and a couple of normal crawlers. Lure them and get them as close together as possible, then throw a holy water vial and proceed to killing the coffin crawlers.

The coffin crawler will drop another titan rune fragment. Take it then head back out the cavern and across the poison fog.

Now take the path to the left side and you'll find a titan's hand grabbing on the land. Use your seraph wings to get on the hand and on the land.

Use your cyclone boots and seraph wings to jump towards the left side and make your way up the hand towards the left side of the platform.

Insert the rune piece into the back of the titan and it will begin to move for a while, creating a path for you to use.

Head back down and underneath the titans arm, then grab on the ledge at the right side of the arm and make your way across it.

Perform a run with the cyclone boots, then jump and boost yourself forward by using the seraph wings to get to the other side.

Climb up the platform and you'll be attacked by more coffin crawlers and normal crawlers. Throw a vial of holy water on them then take care of the coffin crawlers.

Once you've gotten rid of the crawlers, head for the ledge at the side of the rock and use the seraph wings to reach the platform.

From there, get up to the hand and activate the cyclone boots and jump towards the hand on the opposite side. Use the seraph wings to extend your jump and make it over safely.

Once you're safely back to the other side, place the second rune fragment in the titan's rune and the titan will move its left arm and create anoterh path for you.

Head back to the front of the titan and go under its arm again. You'll be attacked by a group of crawlers and skeletons.

Kill the enemies then head for the ledge at the right side of the platform. Use your seraph wings to reach it, then shimmy over to the right side and jump towards the ledge behind it

Now shimmy to the left and continue making your way up to the titan's shoulder. Jump on the arm and make your way down to the platform right in front of it, use your cyclone boots and seraph wings to make the jump.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Fire Pinnacle

Pan will appear before Gabriel and transform, he'll then challenge you to a match. Pan has an unblockable attack but he almost never uses it, other than that he's predictable and will use the same blockable attack over and over again.

Block his attacks and hit him with your own combos. You don't even need to roll away, he'll just spam the same blockable attacks at you, block them then unleash a combo. Keep repeating this until take off a good chunk of his HP and you'll be able to grapple him.

After the first grapple, Pan will return your light magic and he'll proceed to attack you with his own light magic activated. Deflect his blow and hit him with normal attacks. Don't activate light magic for now.

Grapple Pan again once he hits half his bar, he'll return your shadow magic soon after that, this is where you really need to work with both of your magic to beat him.

Pan will attack you with either light or shadow magic. Block his attack and activate the magic that is the opposite of what he's using, meaning if he's using shadow, you have to use light to damage him.

When you've fully depleted his health, Pan will send out a desperate attack at Gabriel and throw a double bladed sword at him. Press any key at just the right time to send the blade back and end the battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Fire Cemetery

After reaching the canyon, quickly dash forward and jump, then use your seraph wings to reach the ledge right in front of edge.

Quickly shimmy over to the very end of the ledge around the corner and wait for Gabriel to look behind him, then jump towards the ledge behind.

Drop down on the ledge at the opposite side, then shimmy over to the right and jump towards the ledge on the right side.

Make your way to the top and you'll meet some zombies that are barely moving and are easy to kill. Drop down on the ledge at the left side, right beside the rock.

Shimmy over to the left and be quick about it. The ledges will start falling as soon as you touch them, keep going to the left until the chain point lights up, then grapple onto it.

Climb down from the chain and shimmy to the right, then follow the path and you'll be shown a short cutscene. Heal up on the health font first before you proceed.

Use your cyclone boots to jump off of the edge. Don't immediately use your seraph wings, when Gabriel gets close enough to the ledge, but high enough to get on it use the seraph wings and latch on chain point. From their climb up and the chupacabra will steal your items again.

After it takes your items the chupacabra will teleport right in front of you. Approach it and it will enter the large cage at the middle of the area, you need to solve the puzzle to get back your items.

Immediately after the cutscene, head to the path on the right side and attack the light pillar with J until it reaches the end of the path.

Now take the crystal from the crystal deposit, if you don't already have one and place it into the switch at the upper right side of the crystal deposit.

Manipulate the second pillar and turn it around so that the light beam hits the first pillar that you moved. Then head over to that pillar and turn it around to make the light beam pass through the small crack on the wall in front of it. A face should get destroyed on the cage.

Now push the second pillar down the path and keep on pushing it until you reach the end of the line, from there push it to the left until it reaches the end of the line to the left too.

Turn the pillar around and point the beam towards on of the faces on the cage to destroy it.

Backtrack through the line and take back the dark crystal, you won't be needing that switch anymore. After taking the crystal, head through the center of the area and towards the left side, near the health font.

Here you'll find another switch and a light pillar. Push the pillar all the way to the right, then down and put the crystal into the switch.

Now spin the beam around and make it go through the small crack in the stone right underneath the health font. Once you've placed it, follow the beam.

After following the beam, you'll find a crack on the floor, similar to the ones that the pillars can be moved through. Follow the crack to the right side and you'll find the first pillar that you used. Start moving it back to the left side until the light beam touches it.

Then just spin the pillar around and make the beam go through the path and into the face on the cage. The cage should open now, take back the dark crystal from the switch and your equipment from the chupacabra.
Little note though, don't use the dark crystal in battle until it mentions in this guid to use it. You'll need that crystal for the next boss battle.

After taking your items from the chupacabra, the camera will shift. Showing you a direct path to a large gate at the end of it. Head for that gate.

At the gate you'll be attacked by an army of zombies. Activate light magic then throw a vial of holy water at them to kill them off quickly, there's a lot of them but they do stop respawning after a while.

After killing the zombies, it's time to solve the puzzle. Fill up your shadow magic at the neutral energy fountain. and head for the glowing gongs nearby. Activate shadow magic and punch the gong with the gauntlet, don't let go of I (i), Gabriel will automatically charge his cyclone boots, once it's ready quickly dash to the other side and press J to punch that gong. If done correctly the gates will open.

Fill up your magic bars, then head inside the gates.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Crematory Oven

When the level starts, don't stand around and fight the creepers, instead head towards the center room and start smashing as many coffins as you can to prevent the creepers from turning into coffin creepers.

Quickly take care of the creepers, but make sure that you don't use your dark crystal here, you're gonna need it against the Gravedigger.

After killing the creepers, the gate leading to the over will open. Heal up and fill your magic bars before proceeding.

The Gravedigger has a lot of attacks, but only two of them are blockable. The first is his shovel attack, but I won't recommend trying to block it cause it's too much of a risk as he might use an unblockable attack and it will be too late for you to attack him.
The second is his tentacle attack, this one is easy to catch. Try to keep him looking towards the camera. You'll hear a click sound when he's gonna use this and his helmet will also open. Block it then counterattack.

The Gravedigger has 3 unblockable attacks, the first is smash attack which you can jump to avoid. The second is a linear ground attack, roll to the side to avoid it and the third one is the shovel attack, which you can dodge to avoid as well.
He can also summon some creepers from the ground, attack him while he's summoning them to deal some damage.

The whole battle will comprise of you mostly dodging his attacks and retaliating while he's recovering and blocking his tentacles.
When you manage to block his tentacles, activate shadow magic and attack him, then after 3-4 hits deactivate shadow magic, then roll away.

After his HP is almost gone, the Gravedigger will kneel in front of the oven, completely dazed. Don't grapple him. Instead head to the right and you'll find a switch for the oven door. Open the door all the way and the Gravedigger will be back on his feet.

This is where the dark crystal comes in. After he gets up and you successfully open the oven door, use the dark crystal and it will damage him enough to send him back to kneeling in front of the door.

Now grapple onto him and start pressing the key that will appear on the screen and push him into the oven. You only have 1 shot at this, if you fail you're gonna have a hard time without the crystal.

Don't let your guard down just yet, the Gravedigger will make one final attempt at killing you by trying to pull you down into the lava. Press any button at the right time to avoid this.

You won't fall into the lava, but you will fall down the oven. Shimmy over to the right and climb up the platform. Then climb on the ledge and jump on the ledge at the right side.

From there shimmy to the right and jump towards the ledge behind you and continue moving to the right of that ledge.

Use your chain and climb up the wall, then shimmy over to the right side and use your chain again to get to the pillar beside the one you're climbing on.

Make your way through the ledge and jump on the ledge right behind it, then climb up the platform and jump to the other side and use your chain to climb up the wall.

Move a little to the left and make your way up to the platform, look to the left and you'll see another ledge. Make your way up to the highest platform via the ledge.

Then use your chain and swing over to the pillar right in front of you and shimmy along the left side of the pillar and climb up near the spike on the left side.

A chain point will start to glow, hook your chain on it and swing to the wall, then scale it all the way up to the top and climb on the last ledge.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Necromancer's Abyss

As soon as the level starts you'll be immediately confronted by your first puzzle. Head up to the device that's right at the end of the path and examine it.

You need use the contraption to align both the sun and the moon with the hole on at the middle of the tower to unlock the path.

The solution is in the scroll that the dead knight is holding. Punch in the symbol M with the curved end at the first slot, then put 24 on the second slot. It may be a bit difficult to look for it because of the way that the fonts were designed, but just keep scrolling and yo'll find it. Finally select the full dark circle with a smaller white ring inside it and execute the order.

Now head to the left side and make your way through the really cool bridge and towards the next puzzle. Chapter XI just seriously wants your brain fried.

You'll notice that there's a patter on the circle right in front of where you are and there's these patterned tiles around you.
The first row, nearest to the center , represents the down.
The second row right above it represents left.
The third row represents right.
The fourth row represents up.
What you need to do is follow the pattern that's written on the wall and punch the floor while following that pattern.

The order that you need to punch the floor is:
Up, right, up, up, left, down, left, up, up, right and finally up.
Once you've finished punching in the keys stand on the glowing bit at the middle of the platform and punch it. That will make the device follow your code and trace it onto the stone pattern right in front of the platform.

Once the gate opens use your cyclone boots and seraph wings to jump the distance and land on the other side of the gate. Then turn left and enter the portal there.

This part is a little tricky. There's a portal on the left side of the area, but when you go through it you're teleported above the ground with nowhere to go. What you need to do is go through the portal and immediately use the seraph wings once you get teleported.

Doing so will allow Gabriel to reach the platform that's above the portal. Jump on the ledge right in front of it and shimmy to the right, then touch the mirror to leave the area.
Side note: The reapers that appear in this room are dangerous, then can cleave off a huge amount of your HP with one hit, use holy water on them to kill them quickly or just run past them. Make sure you have at least one holy water vial for later.

On the next platform dash forward with the cyclone boots and use your seraph wings to reach he next platform. You can also wait for the moving one to get near you and jump on that if you want to.

Now get on the next moving platform and take it up to the top of the cliff. Some reapers will spawn here, but you should just ignore them and conserve both your HP and holy water.

Dash towards the edge and use your seraph wings to get to the ledge that's on the other side, then climb to the top and make your way across the platforms and towards the next mirror.

Here you'll meet your first necromancer. It has a few attacks, first off don't try to block its sword attacks, too much risk as it will rarely do a blockable sword attack.
Second staff physical attacks are your best bet at blocking and getting a combo on the necromancer.
And third, true to the enemy's name, it will summon zombies at the cost of its own life. When it does summon zombies, get away from the first batch and it will throw a second one. Kill all of the zombies to instantly deplete the necromancer's health

L attacks are especially effective against the zombies, due to their large number, holy water is also a good option but remember to save at least 1 bottle for later.

Once the necromancer's HP is low it will start to glow. Grapple it and press the buttons that appear. When it dies two portals will appear at the sides of the gate.

Take the one on the right first cause it's longer. You'll arrive at another portal puzzle, go to the right and enter the portal there.

You'll be thrown into the air, activate your seraph wings and keep press D to make Gabriel go to the right. He'll hit the wall and slide off of it, but since you're pressing the right movement key, he'll continue moving towards the right. Touch the mirror portal after that.

At the next area another portal puzzle is in place. There's a moving platform and 2 portals. You need to wait for the moving platform to get near the second portal, then go through he first to land on it.

Once you're on the platform, wait for it to go to the left side and shimmy to the right. Then climb up the side of the cliff and up the stairs.

Be careful of the reapers around this area and make your way to the mirror portal at the end of the stairs.

This is where you'll need the holy water. As soon as you get to the room reapers will spawn, don't touch the mirror yet. Let the reapers spawn, then throw a vial of holy water on them. Once they're gone, stand on the glowing circle right in front of the portal and punch it with your gauntlet, then touch the mirror.

You'll be teleported back to where you fought the necromancer. Touch the portal on the left side this time.

Jump towards the ledge on the left side of the platform and make your way to the left. Drop down on the portal and you'll be teleported.

You'll start falling down and a chain point will light up. Quickly press U to use the chain and swing over to the platfrom on the left side.

Once you land on the platform, go to the right and make your way around the path. There's a ledge at the end of it, fall down on it and climb down. Then shimmy over to the left side and jump onto the next ledge.

From there jump towards the ledge right behind you and make your way further to the left side and around the bit of metal that's sticking out.

A chain point will appear. Grab onto it and continue making your way up the wall and onto the surface.

Climb up the stairs and punch the button, then head back to the main area through the portal.

The third portal should be available this time around. Head through the gate and into the portal.

After arriving at the next area you'll be attacked by a second necromancer. The battle still plays the same except this one can summon reapers. Throw a vial of holy water at them when they appear. Other than that you can kill him the same way you killed the first one.

After defeating the necromancer another portal will appear at the back of the area. Touch it to proceed.

From here on it's just climbing up. Double tap A to activate your cyclone boots and use your seraph wings to get to the ledge on the left side.

Now shimmy over to the right and across the gap towards the next ledge, then climb up on the higher ledge and use your chain to climb up the next section of the wall.

Once you're at the top of the chain press U and Gabriel will attach the chain on the higher hoop. Climb up and start running across the wall to create momentum, then jump towards the platform on the left side.

Use your seraph wings to climb up the next ledge, then shimmy over to the left and jump across the gap towards the ledge on the other side.

Make your way to the next platform then dash towards the ledge using your cyclone boots and use the seraph wings to reach the other side.

Continue climbing up and you'll find a very wide gap, use your chain to get across. Move from chain point to chain point until you get to the next platform.

Run and jump towards the first portal, then quickly use your chain to grapple on the chain point and jump towards the next portal.

After being teleported, quckly press U again to latch onto the hoop and climb up to the surface. Turn left and you'll see another chain point, use it to climb up on the structure.

Use your cyclone boots and seraph wings to jump towards the portal on the other side of the platform and touch it to make it to the next area.

Touch the health font right after you get teleported, then jump across the gap and use your seraph wings to reach the upper ledge.

From there it's a straight climb to the top. Once you get to the stairs prepare for another titan battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough The Dracolich

the Dracolich will be flying around the platform that you're standing on at the start of the battle. Wait for it to get close, then dodge away when it starts breathing flames at you.

Underneath it you'll find a glowing spike, press U to grapple on that spike and get on the Dracolith.

Once you're on the Dracolith, things will be easier. Shimmy over to the left side of the spike and climb up to the spine. Make sure to press U when it tries to shake you off.

Jump across the next 2 vertebras and climb up, then walk across the stretched out flesh in between the next vertebra and climb down on the last one.

Once you've climbed down, jump to the vertebra on the left and drop down on the rib bone. Walk to the end of the rib and drop down on that too.

Now this is the tricky part and probably also the part that you will most often fall off of the Dracolith. You need to jump towards the rib bone on the right, the problem is the bones move around a lot. Don't jump towards the bone when it's too far away. Wait for it to get close then, then jump.

Make your way to the third bone on the right and wait for the spike under the Dracolith to light up and press U to grapple on it.

Shimmy over to the right and make your back up to the spine.

Now jump over to the vertebra on the left and climb up. Walk across the stretched out flesh and drop down on the last vertebra.

From there you need to make your way to next clean rib bone on the right, that's the 5th rib bone on that side, not counting the one you climbed down from.

Climb back the rib and up the spine. Continue to make your way to the left side and down on the last vertebra, walk along the rib and drop down at the end of it.

Now jump towards the lone rib bone on the right side and another spike underneath will glow. Use your chain again to grapple onto it.

Shimmy to the left side of the spike, then climb back up the spine through the spike. Make your way to the left side via the stretched out flesh and drop down on the last vertebra again.

Climb down the rib bone and another spike will glow, use your chain to get to it, then shimmy to the right side and start climbing back to the spine.

Jump to the next vertebra and climb up, then make your way to the rune. Finally you get to the first rune. Press J to attack the rune, you can hit it up to 4 times, then prepare to get shaken off.

After smashing the rune, make your way to the other side via the part of the spine that got crushed and drop down on the side of the spine.

Jump towards the next vertebra on the left side and climb up on it, then walk along the flesh and drop down at the last vertebra. Jump across to the next one on the left and drop down on the rib bone.

Climb down the side of the rib and jump across to the third third bone from where you are. Then climb up and head for the second rune and destroy it.

After destroying the second rune, the Dracolith will then start to ascend to the skies, changing the position of it's body and allowing you to traverse its lower part.

Shimmy around the side of the spine and underneath the Dracolith, then make your way up. You'll immediately se the rune. When climbing up you'll find that a piece of flesh is blocking your path. Shimmy to the right and continue climbing up.

Shimmy over to the left, then climb up to the last rib and go to the right, then drop down directly in front of the rune and destroy it.

After destroying the third rune, the Dracolith will go rabid and throw Gabriel off and attempt to eat him. Press any button at the right time to activate the seraph wings and avoid it.

After landing back on the Dracolith, head to the right and climb down towards the spike.

Shimmy to the right side of the spike and climb back up on the opposite side. Make your way to the neck bones and start jumping towards the left.

You'll find the fourth rune on the last bone before the head. Start smashing it, when it finally breaks the Dracolith will fall to the platform.

It will climb back up and you'll see the last rune inside its mouth. The Dracolith's jaw will automatically start glowing. Press U to latch onto it and enter its mouth.

Now comes the tricky part. As soon as you enter the Dracolith's mouth it will attempt to kill you by breathing fire at you. When you get inside its mouth quickly press W and K to jump up, regardless of whether you can see Gabriel or not.

Start press J immediately after that and the Dracolith will abandon its attack and screech in pain. After a few strikes it will throw you off and you'll have to repeat the process again until the rune shatters.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Walkthrough Final Fight

Feeling lost yet? Well Satan is the last boss of this game and he's a complete pushover. The battle starts off with Satan on the offensive. He has a few attacks that you need to look out for at this point.
The ground destroying attack can be avoided by jumping, doing a double jump with the seraph wings is better.

Other than that he has 2 staff attacks that are unblockable and some that are blockable. Don't attack him just yet, keep on avoiding his hits and eventually his staff will glow in either blue or red. Meaning light or shadow magic.

Once he starts using magic, he turns into a pushover. Basically if he activates light magic and you have light magic activated, you are completely immune to his attacks and he's immune to yours to. Basically all you need to do is stand your ground and wait for him to deliver a blow that you can block.

He'll occasionally summon reapers with both light and shadow magic immunity, if he does. Just run around and wait for him to create magic circles, then stand on top of the opposing color (if you're using light magic stand on top of a red one) and Satan will dismiss the reapers and attack you. Avoid his attack by quickly switchin magics.
For example you have light magic on. Step on a red circle and wait for Satan to attack you, then quickly switch to Shadow magic and back to light magic to avoid getting damaged.

When you successfully block his attack, switch over to the opposing magic and start attacking him. He'll soon switch to the same magic as what you're using to stop you from dealing more damage. You then repeat getting beaten up and waiting for an opportunity to counter, switch magic after blocking, then attack him. That's basically how the whole battle will go.

Satan will get dazed after losing 1/4 of his HP. A barrier will erect around him, what you need to do is run across it and activate the same magic as the one the barrier is made of. Meaning if the circle is blue enter in light magic and shadow magic when the circle is red.

You have to do this quickly and with little error. Get hit too much and Satan will recover and you'll have to down his HP again. Once you get to the middle grapple Satan.

After getting beaten up, Satan will become more aggressive. He'll now change magic properties without you attacking him so be on the look out for that. Other than that you're still immune to his attacks, continue blocking his attacks and retaliating.

Once his HP is nearly gone you'll have to face an upgraded version of the barrier from earlier. They'll be large and intersected this time. You can take some time on this, but not too much.
Wait for the rings to give you enough space to traverse it, then proceed through it and activate whichever magic you need to pass through the barrier.

Satan will then be down for the count and you'll only have to press a few more quick time events to finish the battle. After the quick time, you can sit back and watch the ending unfold.