Castlevania: Lords of Shadows - Resurrection DLC Walkthrough Dimensional Prison

Resurrection picks up immediately where Reverie left off. Gabriel will arrive at the Dimensional Prison in search of the Forgotten One. You also carry over your HP and items, as well as your magic bars.

Exit into the clearing and you'll be attacked by swordsmen and reapers. If you're like me and you have no holy water when you started this level, then you're gonna need a lot more help in doing this battle. Otherwise just throw a couple of holy water at the reapers, then take care of the swordsmen.

If you have no holy water, then you can proceed in two ways. The slower but safer method is to lure them back to the path you used and take them out one by one.

The other method is to keep airborne by using the seraph wings to jump up and charging the gauntlet, punching down, then holding Y to perform a falling wide area combat cross attack.

Whichever method you choose to go about this, it's gonna take a while since the reapers spawn a lot. Once the reaper s have stopped spawning tak the swordsmen down. Also I'll say this now. Conserve all your magic bars, you're gonna need them later.

After you've killed all the enemies, head for the gate and use your chain to pry it open. Then roll (dodge) towards the hole to get through the gate.

Head through the corridor and get to the room with the lava floor and a cutscene will begin. You'll also see the Forgotten one.

As soon as the Forgotten one has started climbing, head for the right side and use your seraph wings to reach the ledge that's too high for a normal jump.

From there use your chain on the chain point and climb up a litte, just so you're a little above the door that you used to get to the area, then start building momentum by moving left and right, then jump towards the ledge on the left side.

After getting on the ledge, the demon will notice you and start looking for you. Quickly shimmy to the left, then climb up the ledge above and Gabriel will be hidden by the metal piece that's blocking his side.

Once you're safe, head back down, then to the left and get on the ledges that have appeared. Use your chain and attach it to the chain point right above the newly revealed ledge.

Climb up a little and from here on you're gonna have to be quick. The lava will start rising, press X to make Gabriel jump off the wall, then jump and use the seraph wings to reach the ledge right behind him.

Now shimmy to the left and quickly pull down the piece of metal on the left side with your chain. After pulling it down a new ledge will be revealed.

"Jump over to the ledge on the left, then shimmy over to the right side and climb up once you reach the end. Wait for Gabriel to look behind him then jump towards the ledge behind him.

From there climb up to the highest ledge, then start moving to the left side until you get to the next face of the pillar.

Climb up the ledge above you, then jump towards the ledge on the left and climb up the ledge above that too. Now make your way to the left side.

Keep going left until you get back to the face of the pillar that's facing the center of the area. Climb up on the third ledge, then move to the left then drop down on the platform.

Make your way across the beam and please don't fall off. If you fall off and are prompted with the "Hold RT" to save yourself, the lava will catch up to you and you'll die anyways.

Once you get to the other side, use the seraph wings to reach the ledge above you. Then quickly jump towards the walkway on the right side.

Make your way up via the walkway and keep using the seraph wings to quickly get up on the platforms. Walking won't cut it, you need to either use cyclone boots or seraph wings to quickly climb up.

Jump towards the last platform on the right and jump up towards the ledge using the seraph wings. The Forgotten one will then resurface from the lava.

Quickly climb up the highest ledge on the left side and hide behind the piece of metal that's hiding that side.

A message will appear that the demon didn't see you. Once it appears, climb back down and head to the right side. Climb up towards the three ledges.

The Forgotten One will start pounding at the next seal. You need to dodge the debris that's falling. You can dodge, by going left, right or center. Always jump back to the middle ledge after dodging to avoid being too far from the safe ledge.

After successfully destroying the seal, the Forgotten One will fall back into the lava. Once he starts climbing attach your chain to the chain point and climb up. You still can't allow him to see you, hence you need to always be above him.

Get up on the highest ledge and quickly press the grapple button and pull down the piece of metal that's covering the next chain point.

Climb up the chain, then jump off the wall and use the seraph wings to reach the ledge that's on the opposite side of the wall that the Forgotten One is climbing on.

The Forgotten One will follow you and climb the same wall that you're on. When he jumps on the wall a ledge will be revealed right above the one you're on. Climb up to it and keep climbing the ledges that will be revealed each time he moves up.

When you get to the last ledge, head over to the left and wait for the Forgotten one to pass you.

After he passes, shimmy back to the right and use your chain to climb up the surface.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows - Resurrection DLC Walkthrough Boss Battle: The Forgotten One

Let's jot down his attacks first. At mid range, the Forgotten one will do 2 different attacks that he'll cycle from. The first is a sweeping mace attack, which you can easily see when he smashes his mace at the left or right side of where you are. You can

"the second mid range attack is a straight mace smash. This one's a little harder to dodge than the sweep, since it swoops down and creates a smash effect that will damage you if you get hit by the smoke. You can also attack him when he uses this but the time frame is too small so I won't recommend it.

He also has a dropping attack, but he will use this whenever he feels like it. The Forgotten one will jump up and a shadow will appear above you, start running using the cyclone boots before the shadow appears and you'll be able to dodge it. You can also use the seraph wings to dodge away, but the boots are easier.

The Forgotten One also has a couple of smashes that he will use when you're close too him for too long or are landing blows at him, easily seen since he will either use his leg, mace or spear to do it. There's also a cast delay for it so you have enough time to dodge it.

He has the most attacks with the sword, he can sweep it (dodge by rolling towards him and towards the arm that he's sweeping you from, or simply dodge away), single sword cleave (dodge to the left or right, you'll know it's a cleave when he puts his right hand behind him and props out a sword).

And lastly dual sword cleave, he'll do the same gesture as single sword cleave, but with both hands, he won't hit you as you will always be in the middle of this attack, but he will try to squish you in between the swords. You can jump over the blades, or jump towards the Forgotten one to avoid it.

I wanna talk about his occasional growling. You'll see this immediately at the start of the battle. This is a really good opportunity for you to land a couple of blows on him, just run up to him and start hitting.

Now the way that you need to approach the battle is by hitting his leg first. The boss battle will be difficult the first few mins, but once you get used to it, you'll be able to predict him more efficiently.

The Forgotten One is also quite cocky, he'll laugh at Gabriel's attempts at attacking him, but this is good for you. He'll be vulnerable the whole time he's laughing, just keep dishing some damage on that exposed right leg.

After damaging him enough, the Forgotten One will stand at the middle of the arena and shoot a ball of light at Gabriel. Block it to send it right back and stun him.

Now approach him and start pressing the QTE that will appear on the screen. Just keep punching his sides and Gabriel will expose his left torso.

His weak point will then shift to the torso. This is what makes this battle really difficult, you have to be precise with where you'er hitting him. You can only attack his exposed parts to damage him, any other part will just be deflected, meaning in order to deal damage, you need to be up in the air and hitting the glowing parts.

Your best bet at landing hits on him while keeping yourself safe is the sweeping chain attack. Another good attack would be the double sword cleave, but you have to jump towards him so it's a little risky. This battle will really test your patience. Eventually you'll damage him enough to start the special attack sequence.

This time he'll attempt to smash you with a boulder. Run away and dodge the rock, then grapple it to start the QTE and end this battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows - Resurrection DLC Walkthrough The Underworld

Great... more platforming. The moment the game starts, hug the left side of the platform and drop down on the rock that will appear there.

The rocks will move towards the Forgotten one, but like the previous level you can't allow him to see you. Wait for the second rock to pop-up, then jump on top of it.

A third rock will then appear on the right side. Use the seraph wings and jump towards it. That's basically all you need to do. Just keep jumping on top of platforms.

After a while, a pillar will come down and the platform that you're standing on will stop moving. Jump onto the ledge at the side of the pillar.

Once you're on the pillar, shimmy over to the right side so that you're on the face that's hidden from the Forgotten One. He'll turn around and investigate the pillar.

He'll first investigate the right side of the pillar. Shimmy over to the left side to avoid being spotted. Wait for him to get behind the pillar, then shimmy to the right.

Stay on the right side and wait for the Forgotten One to lift the pillar and start using it to open the seal. Press the QTEs to stay on the pillar while he's bashing it.

Wait for the pillar to float towards the end of the path, then use your seraph wings to jump towards the surface at the end of it.

Flaming knights will immediately attack you. Fighting them is optional, if you think that you can gain a couple of magic bars fighting them, then go ahead and do it, but if you're gonna lose HP and magic bars, then just skip them.

Head for the center of the area and use your seraph wings to jump on to the higher surface, then follow the path and prepare for the last battle.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows - Resurrection DLC Walkthrough Boss Battle: The Forgotten One - Finale

You'll have to press QTE right off the bat. This guy is no joke, he literally made Satan look like a baby. Hopefully you conserved your Shadow and Light magic up 'til this point.

As soon as the battle starts he'll start roaring at the air. Quickly run at him and land a blow or two, then dodge away to safety.

He'll also have a new mid range attack, which is practically throwing a set of 5 spears or spikes at you and these spears will explode upon contact. This is perfect for you, if the Forgotten one uses this, run up to him and start landing blows, then dodge after he recovers from his attack.

His other new attack is a quick dash, he usually uses this when you're too far away. You should keep him at the center of the arena as much as possible, since it's really hard to dodge his smashes when you're near a corner.

Double sword cleave, single sword cleave, sweeping mace, spear bombs are the best attacks to land a hit on him, other than when he's roaring. Try to keep as close to him as possible, but far enough so you can dodge his smashes.

Other than these he'll still keep the same attacks and attack pattern as the previous boss battle. The hand is an easy target so you shouldn't have much difficulty bringing his HP down.

Always dodge towards the right (his left), so that every time he attacks, you're a lot closer to his weak point and can land an extra blow.

After getting his HP down, the Forgotten One will once again use a special attack. Get out of the rock's way get behind one rock.

The Forgotten one will send out an electric charge and hit a random rock. That rock will then become a bomb and explode after a while. Wait for him to turn the rock that you're standing behind, then use the gauntlet to push it towards the Forgotten one.

He'll then get stunned, run towards him and press the grapple button to start the QTE and reveal his next weak point.

This is when things get a little hard. That shoulder is so high up that you'll have either attack from the back with one jump or from the side with seraph wings boosting you up. The problem is there isn't much time and you can probably only land a hit or two when you use the seraph wings.

With that said, your best options for attacking the Forgotten one is either the spear bomb attack, the sweeping chain or the double cleave. Any other attack will be too short of a span for you to do any real damage.

Try to dodge entirely on the left side, since dodging to the right would mean you would have to go around him before you can land a blow, which is again, too time consuming.

But if you're patient enough, you can dodge to the left after any of his attacks, then jump and land 2 hits, dodge away, roll back, dodge to the left, hit twice... and so on. It's gonna take a while but this is a stable way of dealing damage while keeping yourself safe.

"Of course he still gets furious after a while of failing to hit you. Get close to him and use Shadow magic if you have it, then start dealing some major damage.

It may just be me, but I think that the shoulder was a lot harder to deal with than the last weak point. So depending on your preference you may wanna conserve your shadow magic for later, or use it all up now. I never had a chance to use light magic in this battle. He's too fast for me to be able to heal my HP.

After dealing the last set of damage needed, he'll go into special attack mode again. This time he'll throw 3 spears at you. Dodge the spears, then use the grapple to pick them up.

After picking it up a crosshair will appear on your screen. Use the analog stick to manipulate it, the crosshair will turn red once you're locked onto the Forgotten one. When it turns red, press X to launch the spear at him.

The speed at which the Forgotten One will approach you is going to get faster with every spear you throw at him. By the time you pick up the 3rd spear, he'll be running straight at you. Quickly target him and throw the spear to stun him.

Approach him one more time and grapple him. Press the QTEs and the last of the Forgotten One's weak point will be revealed.

Now things get complicated, really complicated. You can only reach his head by using the seraph wings and it will be so much harder to dodge his attacks now that he's gone completely rabid. At the beginning of the fight he'll roar again, use the cyclone boots and dash towards him, then use the seraph wings and land a couple of blows to his head before dodging away.

Double sword cleaves are your BFF for life now. He's far too fast for you to be dealing damage on him any other way. In other words he's too overpowered.

Keep yourself close to him, but not too close that you can't dodge a smash or sword sweep attack. Just keep dodging his attacks and wait for him to use the double cleave attack.

When he does, jump up towards his face and activate your shadow magic if you still have some left, then just keep on smashing his head until he finishes his attack. Then dodge away and wait for another opportunity.

A second attack that you can exploit is the spear throwing. Just make sure to keep yourself close enough to be able to get to him using the cyclone boots, before the third spear. Any later would be pointless cause you probably will only be able to land 1 hit.

Sweeping mace attack is also good for dealing damage, just use your cyclone boots paired up with seraph wings to close the gap and start attacking him.

It's gonna be a tough battle and your biggest enemy will be predicting the move wrong, especially the single handed cleave. Just keep yourself at about 3 inches from him to get him to spam double cleave more.

"Finish off the last of his HP and a cutscene will begin. Marking the end of the last DLC for Castlevania: Lords of Shadows.

This battle was really hard and you really need to learn his moves. You'll get beaten up a lot at first, but eventually you'll learn how to dodge and retaliate. Patience is seriously a virtue in this battle. Hands down one of the hardest bosses I've played in a while.