Information below is intended for persons with granted authorization only. If you're not an Agent with access status B, you shouldn't read it. The one who won't listen to this warning, will be entered on a list of people hunted by the Agency. All employees will have full right to use any means necessary to eliminate this person. Remember that our coordinators already know that you opened this document, so if you're not entitled, beware.
Greetings Agent. First we'd like to congratulate you on assigning this task. Eliminating organized crime from the streets of Pacific City is a true honor given only to the best. That's why now you're sitting in the Agency seat, weakened by the long stay in cryogenic chamber. Your body was put through a lot of improvements. Nanomechanisms as well as advanced genetics gave you the potential to be ahead of human limitations in many ways. You became an incredibly strong and agile tool of justice. Of course you need time to learn how to take advantage of your new skills, so don't expect too much at the beginning. With the course of carrying out subsequent missions, you'll be able to get at the height of your physical fitness though.
We have analyzed previous missions leading to eliminate gangs in Pacific City and created all information below based on them. Unfortunately, none of Agents managed to carry out this task, but their registration devices transmitted to us exact visual record of locations where every gang leader is staying. Thanks to that and also to our laboratory computer analysis, we prepared this document. Here you will find description of best ways to crack down on all bosses. Before you get to know the information about gangs, you need to learn of your skills and ways to improve them. You will also find out about weapon models suggested to use during the mission.
While preparing you to this mission, our labs concentrated on improving your agility, strength, explosives, driving and firearms skills.
Agility - it is certainly the most important skill of a good agent. It makes you move faster, jump higher and deal better with fall from heights. It can be improved in a few ways. First is to successfully complete Rooftop Races prepared by us. You don't have to participate in them though. Second is to climb on various buildings and rises and you should do it a lot. We equipped your vision chip in display with green orbs marked on it. By collecting them, you will improve your agility. Remember, that the higher given point is placed, the more experience you gain by achieving it, because you will need to put more effort to do it. The third way to improve your agility is to eliminate enemies at high altitudes - for example, when you're on the top of the highest building nearby and your enemies are on the street next to it.
Strength - it lets you not only lift heavy objects, throw them and strike more powerful, but also affects your stamina. In other words, the more strength you have, the more shots you can get before your body needs to be replaced. This skill you will improve by melee attacks or throwing various objects at your enemies.
Explosives - this skill you improve by using various explosive weaponry. The more skill you have, the more power will have explosions caused by you.
Firearms - you don't have to work hard on this skill, because it improves automatically with each shot enemy. The more enemies you shot, the more deadly accurate you will be with various pistols, shotguns and rifles. You will be also able to do more damage.
Driving - Pacific City is quite big and it's hard to move only by feet. This is why the driving skill is very useful. Vehicles let you not only to move faster, but they also give you cover on the gang territories. You will improve your driving skill by complete Road Races or just by run over your enemies. You can also try to execute car stunts in the spots marked on the display of your vision chip. Experience in driving will help you to change the course of flight after jumping into the air. Our analysis revealed that this particular ability isn't necessary to complete the mission of cleaning the streets of Pacific City.
There is also another thing that needs special attention - blue orbs. They are placed all over the city in amount of 300. Most probably you will find them in the hidden places such as behind the billboards, rocks or inside the buildings. Some of them can also be found on the roofs of the highest buildings, near spires, aerials and other constructions. Why do we inform you about them? The answer is simple: finding each one of them will get some experience towards every skill.
You have been trained to use any weapon without problem. You can choose any arms you want during the mission. Remember, that every weaponry which you deliver to the Agency supply points, will be stored there and its copies will be also in other magazines of our organization.
Our analysis clearly revealed that in most cases it's good to take machine gun, rocket and grenades on the mission. This will make you prepared for all circumstances. When it comes to guns, the best choice is Harlington HMG-90 - long-ranged, with good accuracy and capacious magazine. According to us, it should be your main ally. The other useful weapon is Watson HE99-X 'Firefly' - rocket with great striking power, precision and ability to fire five shells before reloading. It should be sufficient to give your enemies hell on earth. Each of described weapons you will find on the Shai-Gen territory, so it's good to pay them a visit and arm before you start eliminating the bosses. Then you just need to put the arms in one of the Agency supplies and use it whenever you want.
At this moment, you're inside our main quarter at the center of Pacific City - the terrain of your mission. By looking at the plans attached to this document you have surely noticed that all the city can be divided to three areas linked by bridges. Each of them is under control of one crime organization. The curious thing is that the gangsters are pleased with the status quo and don't manifest territorial inclinations. The war of gangs would surely suit us, but well... This way the task of eliminating all enemies is on your shoulders, Agent. When it comes to street clashes, the peacemakers will support you, but on the enemy territory you will be left to your own devices.
All gangs have the same authority structure. There's the main boss at the top of it, who is supported by four trusted generals and two additional commanders. By eliminating following henchmen, you will weaken not only the boss' bodyguard but also the whole organization.
Remember, that we granted you superhuman agility not without a reason. City contains not only crowded streets full of cars but also a lot of roofs which will help you to get faster to any destination. Your opponents will be surprised when you'll attack them from on high.
The Agency supply points are worth mentioning as well. They are storehouses placed all over the city and they have been taken by the enemy. Once you recapture them, you'll gain a perfect place to store the weapons. You will be also able to use them as teleports to move to the different locations much more faster. The supply points taken by your enemies are marked on your radar by changing color symbols. Once they're yours, they will turn red. When you'll approach them, you'll see they are marked by an orange shaft of light.
Complete the following tasks to unlock achievements and their allotted gamerscore.
Los Muertos is a gang which we suggest to cope with first. They are definitely the weakest enemy. It doesn't mean you can disregard them though. That's why before you start eliminating Los Muertos bosses, you better work a bit on your skills - most of all, agility and strength. You will find a lot of green orbs in the amusement park "Fun Land" on the south territory of the gang, near the big wheel. It's also good to recapture a few supply points along the way - the exact location of them you will find on your map.
Once you strengthen your body a little, you can set off to the Shai-Gen territory (the fastest way is through the bridge on the north). After a few street clashes, you should possess a Harlington HMG-90 gun and Watson HE99-X 'Firefly' rocket. They will be your best buddies from now on. Now you're equipped well to start the elimination of Los Muertos bosses.
Agency supply points on the Los Muertos territory
Los Muertos bosses locations
Your first target will be Juan Martinez, the treasurer of Los Muertos. Killing him will disrupt the information flow inside the organization and will make harder to trace your position, Agent.
You will find Martinez on the roof of one of the buildings. He will be surrounded by his bodyguards. Don't worry though - you don't have to force your way through all of them. Instead go to the Agency supply point - Hillside Housing.
Run around the roof of the building until you see the view showed on the picture above. You see the dark little tower on the neighboring building with the agility orb on it? This is where you need to go. Jump across the roofs and climb up.
On the top of the orange building you will perceive Martinez. Few "Firefly" rockets should do the trick and you'll don't have to deal with the bodyguards. Of course good sniper position will surely make you want eliminate the enemies seen below. You can do it to improve your skills but it isn't necessary to complete the mission. Congratulations, Agent, you have just killed the first boss. There's twenty more left.
Violetta "Santo Maria" Sanchez is responsible for Los Muertos morale. Her brothel assures constant inflow of new gang members. Eliminating Violetta will surely undermine the will to fight and decrease the number of new Los Muertos.
The last place where "Santo Maria" was seen is well protected building in the south-east part of the city, near the highway. This is where we suggest to attack from.
When you will reach the building, you will be attacked by a group of enemies. Kill them using grenades and reliable "Firefly". After clearing the surroundings, look around the buildings nearby and you will find the one seen on the picture below.
Jump the fence, climb on this building and you will be not far from Violetta Sanchez. If you play it well, you'll manage to surprise her. You just need to get from the orange building to the blue one and from there, guided by the radar, reach her hideout. The fastest way to eliminate Sanchez is to knock her over and finish off with few kicks.
Jose Guerra is the owner of a popular night club, but this is only the cover for drug trade. Eliminating this boss will cut down addicted Los Muertos from the source of their narcotic. They will become weaker and less effective in the process.
It's not hard to guess that Guerra is in his club. Depending on where you will attack from, Agent, your target will retreat to another position. We suggest to attack from the front so you can catch him in the parking place.
But before you start your offensive, concentrate on eliminating the guards patrolling the club. The convenient spot to do it from is the Agency supply point called Royal Vista. You will have a great view (check the picture below) and the storehouse nearby will provide you with new ammunition.
Once you recognize the Guerra's personal army is decimated enough, set about the main attack. Run around the club and take it from the front. Eliminate the groups of enemies using the grenades. Then take the rocket and make your way to the main gate of the building.
Inside go upstairs and clear the area killing all enemies came running. At the back of the building go down toward the sea. You'll find a parking lot along the way. Guerra with his bodyguards are hidden there. Eliminating them shouldn't be a problem for you, especially with all these cars ready to blow up.
Our sources inform that there's a possibility to get an additional reward here. After killing Guerra lift his corpse, leave the parking lot and go upstairs to the landing. Step on the platform placed above the sea and throw the body into water. We guarantee you will be satisfied with the result.
Rafael Diaz is a great racing driver and mechanic. It's not hard to guess that he provides vehicles to Los Muertos. Eliminating him will surely cause decrease of gangsters cruising around the city.
In spare time, Diaz organizes car fights in his seat in the northern part of Los Muertos territory. The place is strongly guarded and mad drivers on the huge arena are deadly dangerous. We suggest you to be careful and avoid indirect attack.
Luckily, our sources informed us about secret passage leading directly to Diaz whereabouts. To use it, get to the Agency supply point: Radio 410 Tower. Then go south toward the racetrack captured by Los Muertos. Soon you'll perceive breaches in the wall of the building which you may use to get inside it. We suggest to turn left and continue a well-trodden path for a while though.
If everything goes right, you should reach the fork of the road. Choose the down path and get to the pipes sticking out the building. One of them will help you to get near Diaz. Jump inside and then go down. Soon you will find yourself on the back of the room where your target is.
Destroy the wall using explosives and kill Diaz ("Firefly" or strong kicks should do the trick). Now you just need to get out the garage. Soon the door to the arena will open and you will see mad enemies. Quickly take one of the cars standing nearby and evacuate through the gate.
Rodrigo Alvarez is Los Muertos coach. He owns sport club Sportiz where he's training recruits. Eliminating him will make gang members slower and their melee attacks won't be as dangerous as before.
The seat of Alvarez is on the west side of Los Muertos territory. Our sources inform, that your target spends most of the time on the beach behind the building. You can reach it directly from the sea, but we suggest to kill at least some of Alvarez bodyguards first.
First go to the rocks surrounding Sportiz club from the north. From there you can easily and quickly eliminate gang members guarding the building. Now you can either jump inside and take position on the platform (seen at the right side of the picture below) or retreat and jump into water. The second solution may seem easier, but swimming toward the beach will expose you to the shots from the shore. That's why we suggest you to use the first proposition.
Once you get to the terrace, you'll see Alvarez inside the natural rock formation in the shape of a ring. Your position will let you eliminate the coach of Los Muertos from a distance. If you prefer direct combat, you can also kill guards on the beach, jump down and then deal with Alvarez himself. Be careful though, because he likes to throw grenades and sometimes even uses his deadly grenade launcher. We suggest you to take this weapon after killing the boss - it might be useful if "Firefly" would bore you.
The quickest way back from the beach is through the sea. This way you will avoid enemies came running from the building. After swimming under the rock arc and then several dozen meters more, you will be finally safe out of shooting range.
Ramon Gonzales is the main weapon provider for Los Muertos troops. Eliminating him will surely make the fire force of your opponents weaker.
The seat of Gonzalez is the old lighthouse on the northern territory of Los Muertos. It is placed on mountainous, full of Gonzales' thugs terrain. That's why you shouldn't hurry, Agent.
Your hunting begin from the Agency supply point: Radio 410 Tower. Go to the north-west from there and soon you'll see the lighthouse afar. Running across will surely make you hit by snipers on the hillsides. That's why, as soon as you'll see a path along the mountain, take it and run down eliminating all enemies.
Once you'll run to the forested terrain, dodge between the trees and get to the building placed right in front of the lighthouse. Your next task is to climb on its roof.
You will have great view on the lighthouse from there. You will also see Gonzales standing on a small terrace on the wall of the building. Now you can try to eliminate him from the distance using invaluable "Firefly" (to improve the flight of the bullets, shoot while jumping) or go up through the rocks and defeat Ramon with few accurate blows. If everything goes right, you just need to kill the main Los Muertos boss now.
Don Domingo Garcia is the main leader of Los Muertos. His death will put an end to the whole organization.
This boss stays in his residence on a small island on the western territory of Los Muertos. You can reach it in few ways. We strongly advise you against frontal attack, because before you get to the main building, you'll have to deal with many armed enemies. Our analysis showed that the best way to barge into Garcia house is to use the cave which functions as a harbor.
That's why as soon as you approach to a safe distance to the residence, jump into water and swim closer like you was going to swim around the island from the south. Soon you'll perceive an exit of the cave (on the left side of the picture below). Swim inside.
Inside you'll have to eliminate the first group of opponents. Moving gradually on, you'll reach a tunnel leading to the house. Use it to get to the higher level.
Soon you will get outside. Going up you'll reach a gate - destroy it with an explosion (when its structure will be damaged, you could clear the area with few kicks). After a little while your eyes will met another gate. On the left of it, you'll see a tunnel. Turn into it.
You'll reach another road. Be careful, because enemies will blow up the bridge leading to the main terrace of the residence. Jump over the cleft (it's advisable to have agility at second level then). Soon you will get to a small square with fountain at the center. This is a dangerous place because of the snipers shooting at you from the roof. Before you'll move on, it's good to get rid of them.
Soon you'll reach a small annex on the top of the building (picture below). Los Muertos boss - and few of his bodyguards - will be most probably inside it. Don't run there, instead successively eliminate enemies throwing one grenade after another. When you'll stay one-on-one with the boss, you could kill him using grenades or rocket launcher. Fallen by the blow, he could be finished with few strong kicks.
Now you just need to evacuate from the building. Take one of the cars from the parking lot, ram into the gate and gang members and leave this dangerous place.
Based on the profile analysis of captured gangsters, our scientists established, that probably Los Muertos without their leaders will try to gather and broke out street riots. Some even said that the best place to do it would be the amusement park on the southern territory of the gang. So if you find out that this kind of action is actually taking place, go there and kill Los Muertos survivors. This way you will eliminate first gang controlling Pacific City. There are two more left.
Volk is crime organization which conscripts former Russian soldiers into it. Its troops have military training, strong weapons and great resistance. They rarely attack singly, preferring group offensive. They will be much tougher to beat than Los Muertos.
The Volk area of influence is the part of Pacific City with unpleasant name - Den. It consists mostly of industrial works. There are some higher buildings and mall at the centre. This part of the city, just like the one of Los Muertos, make up two islands connected by the bridges.
Agent, before you start eliminating Volk bosses, take control of the Agency supply points placed on their terrain. In addition, make sure that you have agility at level three. By the way, you can also work on gaining the same strength level.
Agency supply points on the Volk territory
Volk bosses locations
Igor Bigarov intercepts trucks which are driving through the city. He provides Volks with military armored vehicles. Eliminating him will decrease the amount of street patrols and hijacking of trucks which will positively affect the mental state of Pacific City residents and help you to act more efficiently.
Bigarov operation center is storehouses complex on the east side of the south island. As soon as you get there, expect a lot of assaults from Volks hidden on the roofs. The best spot to start the action is Hi-Power Tower supply point.
First try to eliminate as many opponents as you could, but stay close to the supply point. When the area will be sufficiently cleared, take more ammunition, head toward the Bigarov transport base and jump on the roof. Kill the guards on it and try to clear the area using containers with flammable substances.
On the roof you'll perceive few metal sheets. If you lift them, you'll be able to jump inside the building. Do it. Then, following directions on the radar, get to Bigarov. Of course, you'll have to deal with groups of opponents along the way.
Enter the passage leading to the main building. You can eliminate guards through the window. You will find Biragov in the room left to the place shown of the picture below.
Once you see him, use the rocket launcher right away. This way you'll force him to extinguish fire and he won't see you coming. Few strong kicks should eliminate Biragov. Now you just need to jump down, kill the guards, get into an armored car and evacuate running over gang members along the way.
Natalia Gryzunova takes care of Volk fitness. Eliminating her will weaken the enemies a lot.
Her training facility is placed in the City Memorial Observatory on the north. We know though that every few days this ruthless woman goes to the city centre to see to some dirty business. She will be much easier target on a strange territory. Wait until with a group of bodyguards she appears there and then inflict punishment on her. The best spot to start the action will be Maxims Arch supply point.
Once you leave the shelter, look around and you'll see a building with Maxim sign on it. It will be placed west from the supply point. Jump onto it and you will find yourself in a good sniper position. It is a great opportunity to eliminate the Volks on the buildings nearby (especially on the roof of the mall, surrounded by the green neon light). Take notice on a small cell at the centre of the roof (seen on the picture). It will provide you cover from enemy fire.
Once you clear the area enough to came close to the centre building, do it, and then use "Firefly" to take Gryzunova out.
Siergiej Juriev controls the black market. Eliminating him will cut down the weapon delivery and gangsters will be poorly armed in effect.
Juriev operation point is an old refinery on the south-west of northern Volk island. The complex is well guarded, so you need to be careful. Computer analysis showed, that the best way to barge inside is from the north gate.
After passing the gate, try to stay away from main road. Instead turn behind the first buildings and approach slowly to the Juriev (check your position on the radar). You'll have to run near the containers with crude oil along the way. Few missed bullets might thwart your plans, so you better blow them up yourself first.
Our data shows that Sergei is afraid of an attack so he has hidden in well guarded building which is impossible to invade from the outside. According to our sources, there is a way to lure Juriev and his thugs. To do it, you'll need to destroy three valves. It will cause a series of explosions inside the building where the boss is hidden and force him to get out.
To do it, you'll have to climb on the roof of the building north of Sovetnik hideout. You will recognize it from characteristic blue container on the roof (check the picture below). You will reach it using buildings nearby (take notice of revealed levels on the right).
First destroy the valve on the building where you're standing now. It will be marked on your display by red exclamation mark. Then jump on the big, cylindrical container. From there, blow up the other twos using the rocket launcher. Now you need to turn back to the Juriev hideout. Soon with few bodyguards he will show on the roof. Several rockets should fix the boss.
Our sources inform that you can get near the building in which Sergei is using sewers under the refinery. You will find the entrance closed by a metal netting near the south gate. Destroy the cover and get inside. Be careful though, because Volk patrols are controlling the sewers as well.
Viktor Rabotnikov is a perverse sadist who has hidden in his residence with great arsenal of Volk weapons. Eliminating him will let the Agency to take over a lot of gang arms.
Rabotnikow house is placed on an island on the east part of Volk territory. It's easy to reach because it's shallowly there. You can practically run without having to swim.
Our sources inform, that in spite of appearances, Rabotnikow residence is very easy to infiltrate and the boss himself can be quickly eliminated. There's a possibility to easily improve your firearms and explosives skills though. To do it, before you attack Viktor, swim to the island from the left side of main entrance. Be careful, because there are water mines there. When you'll perceive a group of rocks with a small green field in the middle, climb onto it. You'll have a good view at the Volks working down there (check the picture below). Knowing that there's the weapon stored in the boxes, lead to a series of explosions which will quite quickly decrease the amount of gang members. Try to conserve the rockets though, they will be helpful while eliminating the boss.
Once you finish, jump into water and swim around the island to get to the east side of it. Then, as soon as you'll find yourself at the height of Rabotnikov (check on the radar), jump on the rocks and the boss will be on your sight. Spare no rockets and after a little while murderer and sadist will become a smoking corpse.
Boris Mikhailov provides Volks with new immigrants. Eliminating him will cut down the inflow of new recruits.
Mikhailov resides on a board of Mary Jane, large shipping vessel anchored in the docks. Getting there will require much skill, Agent.
Head to the beach west to the docks. Swim along the fence (watch out for the mines), jump on the stairs and enter the docks. Then run toward the vessel and after a few leaps you should be on board without having to fight most of Mikhailov army.
Once you're there, you need to get to the bridge. You'll meet a group of enemies along the way. Eliminate them, retreating down to regenerate energy and reload if necessary.
You will find Mikhailov on the bridge. Don't go inside though, instead shoot from the distance. A combination of grenades and rockets should definitively solve the problem with the boss and his guards.
Olga Romanova is a big woman who likes explosives. With her small army she took over the quarry on the northern Volk territory. Eliminating her will decrease the fire force of rocket and grenade launchers used by gang members.
The quarry is strongly protected by the guards with very good marksmanship. Olga stays in a cave at the rear, so before you get to her, you'll have to deal with many armed and well trained enemies. Unless you use the back exit...
First head north, running around the quarry. You should reach the observatory which used to be Gryzunova base. From there you'll get to Romanova whereabouts. Remember Agent, that without agility at level three, there's no way you could make it to the cave this way.
Jumping from one rock to another, get to the top. Then turn left and run along the quarry face. Soon you'll perceive a highway - it is near the cave where Romanova is (check on your radar). Now is the hardest part. You need to slowly slide down the hillside toward the highway. After a little while, you'll see a blue orb on the edge of a rock. This is the spot from where you should jump down. Soon you will be in front of back entrance to the cave.
According to readings of our devices, there's a lot of explosives inside the cave. You can use them to take down Romanova bodyguards and weaken herself. Be careful though and don't get into the field of fire.
After killing Olga Romanova, leave the cage using the same entrance you came. This way you'll avoid struggling through the quarry. Jump down, get to the highway and return to the centre of the city. Prepare, because you're going to face the main leader of the Volk.
Vladimir Golyak is ruthless Volk leader. Thanks to his contacts in criminal world he managed to create a perfectly functioning organization that terrorizes Pacific City for years. It's time to put it to an end. This is your task, Agent.
Golyak stays at the platform on the south-east territory of Volks.
Paradoxically, getting to the main boss of the gang isn't as challenging as it was in case of his subordinates. Platform consists of three parts connected by the pipes. You need to reach the top of the highest part, where Golyak is.
First get to the first part. There will be a group of enemies waiting for you but you shouldn't have any problem to kill them. Then make your way to the middle platform.
Using the pipes, run to the biggest part of construction. This is where the real struggle will take place. Try to avoid staying long in one place. Your target is the top of the platform. When the fire weakens, hide and recuperate. Avoid falling into water at all costs, because you'll have to climb again.
Once you get to the spot from where you can jump to Vladimir, launch a rocket and few grenades to eliminate the guards. Then jump up and finish him. Instead of coming back the same way, just jump into water and easily swim to the shore.
Our research revealed that when the hierarchy of authority will fall, reaction of gang members will be the same as Los Muertos - they will gather somewhere near the centre and start disturbance. You will find them on the central place of south island. Eliminating them shouldn't be a problem for you.
Shai-Gen organization rules on the north-east part of the city. It is definitively the most affluent of all gangs in Pacific City. Its members are very tough, strong and accurate. They also have modern technology and weapons created by Shai-Gen laboratories. These enemies surely cannot be disregarded.
Their territory is an exclusive district of Pacific City, the seat of most corporations and companies which provides service for the richest residents. Buildings here are higher than anywhere else. There's even several skyscrapers.
This kind of terrain is a perfect practice area for a developing Agent. Use it to boost your agility at level four. Work also on your strength (level four as well). The other skills you will improve while eliminating following criminals.
Try also to gain access to all Agency supply points. The easiest to achieve is Bubble, which you may use as the most westward magazine on the Shai-Gen territory.
Agency supply points on the Shai-Gen territory
Shai-Gen bosses locations
Thadeous Oakley is PR specialist. Thanks to him, Shai-Gen organization is perceived positively by the residents of Pacific City. It also increases the amount of new recruits. Eliminating Oakley will make people see through gang intentions.
The seat of this boss is a giant dome on the north-east territory of Shai-Gen. Officially, it's an expo center. In real, it's a cover for brainwashing done by Oakley and his co-workers. You will get inside using a tunnel from the west.
The dome is surrounded by the water. You can easily see a glass tunnel leading on the shore. Its entrance is near, behind the big Expo Center sign. Go inside. Act normally so the guards won't be suspicious and leave you alone. Get to the exposition room - there's a car show at the moment.
By our calculations, the best way is to jump onto terrace around the dome. Run along it and eliminate all opponents you see. Once you reach the building, head to the smaller dome in the middle (check the picture below). Inside you'll find stairs. Go up and you'll get to the Oakley hideout.
Before you deal with him, kill his bodyguards. In case of energy problems, you can hide in one of descents to lower floor, wait a little and come back healthy and strong again.
You will find Oakley on a little platform above. He will be protected from shooting by bulletproofs panels. That's why jump up and throw few grenades inside (check the picture below). It should eliminate the guards. Now you just need to finish off the boss.
To get outside, retreat to the big dome and blow up the door using rocket launcher. Go through and jump on the roof of glass tunnel - the one you came here. After a few second you'll be on the shore again.
Baltazar Czernenko is scientific manager of Shai-Gen. This mad scientist created an emotion controller to bend peoples to his will. He now works on supersoldier project - an emotionless machine destined to kill. It's time to put an end to his terrible research. We hope you'll do it, Agent.
You will find Czernenko in P.C.N. Institute of Research. The fastest way to get there is using the Comfortitude LTD supply point.
Go west and walk around the Institute until you reach the cylinder shape buildings. Climb onto them and run across the roofs toward the central dome. Be careful, because you'll have to deal with guards and their "Fireflies" along the way.
Jump down the dome toward the entrance. One of our Agents managed to get inside and showed us this picture:
In the main building there are cells filled with mutated soldiers. You can use grenades to open them. Thanks to letting some of these monsters out, you'll keep the guards busy. Of course, it's not important for mutants whether they attack you or your enemies. Now you must get to the top of the building.
There you'll find the office of the mad scientist. Use rocket launcher to remove a sheet blocking the way. Now throw several grenades inside - just in case. If Czernenko manages to survive somehow - finish him off.
You'll get out the Institute through the underpass which you will enter from the base of the building. Jump down along the red chimney at the center of the dome (check the picture below) and go outside through the corridors.
Vitaliy Rzeznik is security manager of Shai-Gen corporation. He organized his own hit squad which in equipment and training respect can compete with state army. Eliminating him will weaken Wang, Shai-Gen main boss protection and eliminate few traps set for our Agents.
Rzeznik stays in the round building on the eastern territory of Shai-Gen. We advise you against trying to get to it from the lower part. Barging through the roof is much more easy and convenient.
Jump into water and swim to the rocks which support one of the building walls. You'll clearly perceive they are forming a sort of stairs which you can use to get up. Jump on the roof from there. Find an entrance to the glass staircase. After getting down, you'll reach the conference room where your target should be staying.
After killing Rzeznik, leave the room, go back to the roof and jump into water. This way you'll avoid forcing your way through boss' thugs.
Melissa Fang-Yin is in charge of Shai-Gen secret service. Eliminating her will disrupt communication inside the corporation members which will make you harder to localize.
According to our information, Fang-Yin stays in the modern information centre near the Intellicenter Agency supply point. We suggest to attack from the top.
Starting from the Intellicenter roof head south and jump to the structure in the shape of ring. Then take a leap toward the identical building. Another jump should take you near the sphere where Melissa is.
You should find yourself on the roof of transparent tunnel connecting two buildings. Take off it and land near the entrance to the sphere on a small platform (check the picture below). Meanwhile watch out for the guards, because they may knock you off and force to do all the jumps again.
Inside the sphere, on the platform in the centre, you should find Melissa. Run up and shoot few times from "Firefly" to kill Shai-Gen head of secret service.
Mrs. Timbol has a very important function in Shai-Gen. She recruits and trains new gang members. Eliminating her will weaken the troops protecting main boss' residence.
She now stays in her seat west from the Intellicentre Agency supply point. That's why we suggest you start your action there, Agent.
Just like in case of two preceding bosses, Timbol took a liking to the top of the building. She stays in a transparent room which you will reach from the roof. You shouldn't have much problem with jumping onto it from the neighboring buildings.
Don't bother with enemies on the roofs along the way. They can't meet your speed. Jump onto the building on the west. Don't change direction and climb on the roof of next building. Now one last jump and you will get to the glass room (check the picture below).
You will find the entrance aside the tunnel. Run through it and concentrate on eliminating the boss. Then deal with her guards.
Colonel Axton Cowell is honoured army commander who became Shai-Gen member for an unknown reason. He is in charge of personal protection of the main leader of the corporation.
His operation base is skyscraper on the west side of Sha-Gen territory. According to our information, the only way to get to him, is using the elevator. The entrance to it is in the hall on the ground floor of the building.
Begin you action in Stripey's Caf Agency supply point. Go down heading west. You should get near the Cowell skyscraper. Run to its main entrance (check the picture below). Clear the hall from guards using grenades and rockets.
Inside go to the back. You should get to the elevator. Stand on the arrow spot to call it. Once the door opens, run inside. Going up reload your weapon and regenerate energy.
You'll get to the room with few circles on the walls. Running around and using stairs, you must get to the highest one. You can also try to jump between them. Watch out for Shai-Gen soldiers though.
On the top you'll perceive an exit to outside the building. Go there and you'll see an construction which will help you to get close to colonel (check the picture below). Before you'll go up, we suggest to throw some grenades for safeguard. This way you'll clear the area of enemies equipped with grenades and rocket launchers. You wouldn't want to be push off the building by an explosion, wouldn't you, Agent?
Now there's only few steps left for the dome where Cowell is hiding. Eliminate him with already known way, without entering the building. When this boss will be defeated, there will nothing to prevent you from barging into main leader seat.
Zuang Lun Wang seems to be a good-natured old man. In fact, he is extremely intelligent and devious opponent, who managed to create powerful crime organization and make it look like an ordinary corporation.
Since now, his whereabouts was a secret. Now we know for sure, that you will find him on the top of skyscraper near the building where Cowell stayed. Getting to Wang is quite a challenge.
Forcing your way through all levels of the building doesn't make any sense and it would drastically reduce your chances to succeed. That's why we suggest you to use another way. The action should start at the Stripey's Caf Agency supply point. You can get to the upper parts of Wang skyscraper with a series of leaps.
Climb up using red moldings. Then you will have to kill few guards. Thanks to the chimney inside you will make your way to the roof. Turn toward the neighboring skyscraper. This is where you target is. Stand exactly like on the picture shown below. Take a run-up and jump. You should catch a hollow in the building wall. Take off up and you will get to a small corridor which will lead you inside.
Once you're inside, head up eliminating running up guards along the way. Soon you'll reach a room resembling church interior. There will be huge golden bells inside. You must get at appropriate height to jump to their top. From there, through a hole in the ceiling, you will get to the highest level of the building.
You will reach a room with characteristic Japanese paper partition walls. Clear the story and head toward the staircase. Regenerate yourself and run up.
You will reach the roof, where Wang made a little garden. The boss himself will be staying in the building resembling pagoda. Shoot few rockets at it. Watch out for the running up guards though. In case of too big energy loss, go down to the staircase, reload your weapon, regenerate and return to the roof. Another series of rockets should be sufficient to end the biggest crime organization in Pacific City.
There's great probability than also in this organization a group of thugs would want to take revenge on city residents for their defeat. According to our findings, the riots will take place near the Comfortitude, LTD. Agency supply point. Go there and deal with all enemies. Be careful, because there are soldiers with rocket launchers standing on the roofs. Then your mission will be completed and Pacific City will be free from crime.
It's all you need to know, Agent. Now it's time to grab your weapon, choose a vehicle and leave safe Agency seat. Go on, the fate of Pacific City is in your hands.