Fallout 4 Guide: How to Power Your Settlement

So you’ve become a pro at scrapping and building settlements, and now you need to figure out how to provide power to your new settlement.

First, check what kind of connections you need – if something needs Power but there’s no number listed, then it needs to be near a Pylon or Conduit (they provide energy by creating a sphere of power that envelops everything close by). However, if something says it requires Power and there is a number besides it, there’s a little bit of a process to connect it to a power source.

In order to connect something to a power source, you need to place a Generator. After that, you just need to connect a wire from the Generator to the Pylon or Conduit (on a PC, you can do this by pressing the space bar in the workshop’s menu).

If you get a Switch, you can add a sphere of power in addition to the one created by the Pylon or Conduit. It’s a lot like routing wireless internet signals throughout a house; you don’t want to leave too much space between the power sources in order to get full coverage.

However, note that a Conduit can only power another Conduit if that Conduit is wired. 

For more simple Fallout 4 guides and tips, check out a few of our explainers: increasing inventory space, changing your field of view, skipping the intro video, unlocking frame rate, which settings to turn on or off, basic and advanced console commands, and disabling mouse acceleration.