8 Amazing Fallout 4 Character Creations

Everyone knows one of the most important parts of Fallout 4 is crafting the perfect protagonist. But while most people tend to make an avatar that reflects their own likeness, some heroes take it a step further. Here are the best characters we've seen so far.

Bob Ross

Everybody's favorite painter is roaming around the happy little wasteland.

Beavis and Butthead

This probably took a while.


We knew he was alive.

Notorious B.I.G.

Oh Biggie Biggie, can't you see, sometimes your ability to scrap copper just hypnotizes me.

Robert Downey, Jr.

Or Tony Stark, depending on how you look at it.

Ron Swanson

This is probably the best one.

Walter White

He is the man who scraps.

Elizabeth from Bioshock

Wait, which game is this?

For more awesome Fallout 4 moments, check out our list of 10 times Dogmeat was a total weirdo. We also have guides! Check out a few of our many explainers: increasing inventory space, changing your field of view, skipping the intro video, unlocking frame rate, which settings to turn on or off, powering settlements, hacking computers, basic and advanced console commands, and disabling mouse acceleration.

You can also read our review of the game here.