Beginners Guide League Of Legends Going Bottom

Whos is the guide for

This guide is for people who need to understand what is needed from you if you have chosen to go bottom. Going bottom is very important to be able to give your other teammates the boost buffs they need to take on other champions with ease. You also need to understand and talk to your team mates to be able to push or defend MID.

Before game

Of course before starting match you need to have a couple of champions ready along with their masteries set up and Runes. I say you should have a couple set up because you want to be able to support your team mate that will be fighting alongside you. If you can choose your champion first then they should pick a champion that should fit your play style. If they pick first you should think about what champion goes best with them. For example, if they pick a tanky champion you should go support. This means if they start attacking the enemy players you can play a supporting role and vice versa

Early Game

So if your reading this guide you most likely know what BOT is but if you don’t BOT means bottom it is at the right side of the map on the elongated curve. There are a couple of point that you should take interested in that those are in the water and jungle but I will get to that later.

When you first spawn don’t forget to buy your first Items and wards (Wards are important) you want to place your first ward in the bush in the water to make sure they don’t flank you. Next check out the grass bush to make sure there not hiding in them. This is good for making sure you are pushing up first rather than them. Getting a early kill is good but only do it if you can and there is no risk in dying yourself.

Here are good places to put wards

In early games you want to be farming up as much as you can so that you can upgrade you gear and level up to level 6 so that you have your ultimate then is time to push more and take on the enemy champions.

Mid game

At 2:30 the dragon will spawn at that time you most likely will be too weak to be able to take it on even with other team mates to help you out. It would be best to fight him at Level 9 this is when you should have taken down a few towers and pushing towards the enemy base. Killing the dragon is very important for bottom players has it gives your whole team a boost and stacks your boost every time it is killed up to 4 times on the 5 it only lasts for 180 seconds.

Dragon Buff

  1. DRAGON'S MIGHT: +6% attack damage and ability power
  2. DRAGON'S WRATH: +15% damage to towers and buildings
  3. DRAGON'S FLIGHT: +5% movement speed
  4. DRAGON'S DOMINANCE: +15% damage to minions and monsters
  5. ASPECT OF THE DRAGON: Doubles all previous bonuses and your attacks burn for 150 true damage over 5 seconds. This stack only lasts 180 seconds or until death.
  • Dragon has a UNIQUE Passive called "Ancient Grudge", which grants it 20% bonus damage to and 7% damage reduction against enemies with Dragon Slayer, per stack.

You must not forget to keep warding around this area so that you know if the enemy team is planning to take on the dragon. As you can see killing it will give you team a massive boost. The dragon spawn is in the blue dot below

Watching out for Ganks

You will notice around MID game that enemies will start disappearing, if there not at the dragon then they might be going MID to try and push down to your base. You must try and stop them but better yet you do it first, around 7-12 minutes in mention to your team mates that you should push down the MID lane, if they agree push as hard as you can. In early levels of LoL they will not except it before it too late. By this time, you will be on your way to winning the match. Once you have pushed up to their base drift off to an open lane and push up.

Late Game

You should be now a very high level and a lot of action been around their MID base. At this point you want to be pushing up lanes that you are no longer in, this will make your minions stronger and lead to the inevitable win. Make sure when you are in their bass that your fellow teammates are around you. This will make you a must stronger than attacking 3 champions at once even if your minions have been upgraded. Hold of just in front of their base and go in together. Tower diving is not as bad as it is in early games as the last two are very weak and once there down its all over of the other team.

If you are losing

If you are on the losing side, then you want to be killing the other champions as closely together as you can. At this point you can push up MID as fast as you can, as at this point the respawn time should be 45+ seconds which is a lot of time to do some damage.

Going Bot Tips

  • Keep killing the dragon
  • Wards save lives
  • Watch out for ganks
  • Before starting your match chose an appropriate champion that goes well with your teammates.