Guide Fiora League of Legends S6


(Innate): Fiora regenerates 7 + (1 × level) health over 6 seconds each time she deals physical damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.

Tips :

The green lights show the value of the regeneration.

HP regeneration.

Offers Fiora quite a good sustain in the lane phase.

You can only have one stack on the sbires or neutral monsters.

If you've had 4 stacks in a trade then try to keep the heal by attacking the enemy champion again to keep the 4 stacks as long as possible.

The ultimate gives one stack per attack.

Attacking a sbire or a turret only refreshes if you only have one stack.

Fiora's Q activates the passive.

Lunge (Q)

(Active): Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within 4 seconds at no mana cost.

  • Cost: 60 mana
  • Range: 600
Tips :

Fiora charges at her target.

Fiora's dash and harass spell.

   You will not escape.
This spell ressembles Irelia's Q, but doesn't apply the effects on impact.

Lunge lets you deal a decent amount of damage at your target, as well as letting you stack your passive so that you can heal more.

It is possible to use this spell to escape by charging at a minion, or to chase by doing an auto-attack between each charge.

The idea for doing the most damage is to dash at your opponent, hit him, wait for the cooldown of the attack, then dash and hit him again.

Since you have two dashes it is also possible to dash at the opponent then dash again at a minion to back.

By playing between the grass and dashing at an enemy sbire it will be possible to really brain the opposing jungler. 

It is possible to cross the walls if you have vision.

The cooldown of the spell only starts at the end of the 2nd dash and the spell does not have a casting time.

    Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 seconds

    Physical Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+0.6 per bonus attack damage)

Riposte (W)

(Passive): Fiora's attack damage is increased.

(Active): Fiora parries the next basic attack within 1.5 seconds and reflects magic damage back to the attacker. Works against champions, monsters, and large minions.

  • Cost: 45 mana
Tips :

Fiora uses Riposte against enemy attacks

Defence and attack: all in one!

   You won't attack me
Riposte cancels the attack damage on Fiora but not the physical spells, for example Riposte does not block Pantheon's Q.

Riposte doesn't block the "on-hit effects" like Irelia's W or the damage from Wit's End.

Riposte does, however, block damage from Renekton's W (but not his stun) as well as Shyvana's Q or Gangplank's Q.

The spell's passive damage bonus is excellent in the early. 15 physical damage lets you miss less last hits and be very powerful in trades.

It is not possible to block an attack from a tower however, unlike Pantheon's passive.

The idea is to use the active just before the impact of your opponent's attack to be sure that he will not run during the the 1.5 seconds of parry.

    Bonus Attack Damage: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35

    Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 seconds

    Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+1.0 per ability power)

Burst of Speed (E)

(Active): Fiora gains additional attack speed for 3 seconds. Each autoattack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her movement speed for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Killing a champion refreshes the cooldown on Burst of Speed. Assists reduce the cooldown by half of the base amount.

  • Cost: 55 mana
Tips :

Fiora has a halo beneath her feet.

Some attack speed and some potential movement speed.

   The spell is refreshed when you kill an opponent
The spell's cooldown is quite low, 11 seconds without cooldown reduction at level 5, so this can be very interesting to do at the start of a teamfight. At the end of the spell cast the ultimate, then the spell will practically be ready again. 

However if you think you can lower an enemiy's HP a lot, using this spell at the end of the ultimate lets you recover it if your opponent dies. Also the movement speed bonus, which can last 9 seconds, is independent of the attack speed bonus of 3 seconds.

Burst of Speed resets the attack animation, letting Fiora attack twice by using it after an auto-attack.

It is the best attack speed bonus of the game, but it is very short. You must therefore make sure to use it at the right moment and not before taking a control.

The increase of the movement speed bonus can be used to escape by using your Q on a minion to put distance between yourself and your opponents and increase the length of the movement speed by an additional 3 seconds!

The movement speed bonus doesn't proc under the towers.

    Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds

    Attack Speed: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 %

    Movement Speed: 7 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 15 %

Grand Challenge (R)

(Active): Fiora dashes around the battlefield, becoming untargetable in the process, and striking random enemy champion(s) 5 times, dealing physical damage. Successive hits against the same target deal 25% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target. Each strike applies on-hit effects.

  • Cost: 100 mana
  • Range: 400
Tips :

Fiora has a halo beneath her feet.

Fiora's burst

   The ultimate that deals monstrous damage in teamfights
Don't use this spell if your opponent can become immune or untargetable, like Akali or Vlad with their W, because this cancels your ultimate. Also don't use it if you are blind, or during Jax's E.

The first person you use your ultimate on will take the last hit, unless the target dies beforehand. The hits between the first and last will be in the proximity of the target and will do progressively less and less damage.

Tiamat or the Hydra activate with this ultimate, so you can have an ultimate that does huge zone damage if your opponents are quite near, also the active of the item is very interesting on Fiora who has a lot of damage.

Do not use this spell to engage because at the end of your ultimate you will be near your first target and you could potentially find yourself in the middle of the enemy team. 

You become untargetable for 1.25 seconds and not immune, which has the effect of losing the aggro from the tower, but DoT, like Swain's Q and E, ignite or Fiddlestick's Drain will still do damage to you. Note that a hit from the tower that has already been sent will still do damage! The idea is to cast the spell just before the tower fires. 

The ultimate procs the "on-hit effects", which can also let you lifesteal, it is best to use it when you are not under the effect of a heal reduction like igite.

Careful, the range of the ultimate is very very very small! Fiora's dash will help you to place it easily.

The spell has a 0.25 seconds casting time.

    Cooldown: 130 / 120 / 110 seconds

    Physical Damage per Strike: 160 / 330 / 500 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage)

    Total Physical Damage on One Target: 320 / 660 / 1000 (+2.4 per bonus attack damage)



Très bonne capacité à chase en raison de nombreux gap closers.

Une capacité à infliger énormément de dégâts en très peu de temps.

L'ultime peut faire des dégâts conséquents en teamfight.

L'ultime applique les effets à l'impact.



Que des dégâts physiques.

Pas de contrôle.

Vulnérable aux contrôles.

Pas de réelle escape, donc vulnérable aux ganks.