League of Legends Full Masteries Guide

With the new preseason on the way, you might have run across a few player fighting without any masteries. Now with this guide your will be able to choose a mastery list for a whole range of champions for marksmen, Jungle Tank and more. Instead of using micro-math, masteries are more choice of two different options with a final 3 at the bottom.


As you should now marksmen champions have had a massive update, you can check that out here. But for setting up your masteries here is the full rundown

Furry or Sorcery

The first choice you will choose is furry for marksmen speeding up your attack speed by 4%

Double edge sword or Feast

Pick Feast, it will give you early sustain, while the double edge is only useful late game. Staying alive in the early game is the key to successes to winning in LoL. But if you just want to go all out in giving out damage then choose double edge sword.

Vampirism or Natural Talent

This is more for late game. As you progress through your match, you will be getting attacked so you want to be able to gain health back as quick as possible. It is still a difficult choice between them both, but Vampirism pulls out just in front in term of survival.

Bounty Hunter or Oppressor  

Bounty Hunter. In most scenarios, Bounty Hunter comes out on top. The more champions you kill, the more powerful you become. Poke-type CC champions can use Oppressor but should probably stick to Bounty Hunter.

Battering Blows or Piercing Thoughts  

For AD marksmen, Bettering Blows is the clear winner with great armour penetration  

Warlord's Bloodlust, Fervor of Battle or Deathfire Torch: 

For the final choice you really only have two options. Warlords bloodlust or Fervor of Battle.

WarLord’s Bloodlust. Critical Strike heals for 15% of the damage dealt and grants you 20% attack speed for 4 seconds (2-second cooldown). If you want to survive late game this is the choice for you especially if you are using a critical hit based marksmen. It also allows you to scale items much quicker compared to Fevor of Battle.

Fevor of Battle. Your basic attack and spells grant you a stack of fervor for 5 seconds (max 10 stacks). Each stack of Fervor adds 1-8 bonus physical damage to your basic attacks against champions, based on your level.  Superb with auto attack champions with not a lot of critical damage. It is a safe bet for those still learning their champion.

Cunning or Resolve

Most marksmen will suit cunning rather than Resolve. Resolve is for people who want to be more defensive while Cunning has immediate results.  

Wanderer or Savagery.

 A player who spends most of their time out of combat will choose Wanderer as it affects their speed only out of combat. So the most player will be using Savagery to give them 5 extra spell boost to basic attacks.

Runic Affinity or Secret Stash

Secret stash helps out a lot in the early game to keep you out on the battlefield longer so you can farm that extra gold and EXP while Runic Affinity helps out the mid to late game with its ability to extend red buffs. Depending on what kind of player you are either could be chosen.   

Merciless or Meditation

There is only one choice here, and it's merciless

Bandit or Dangerous Game

Another one of those depending on the player. Bandit is great for Early to mid while for the most confident players who know how to attack then “Dangerous opponent” is great.

AP Mid Laner Masteries

Standard AP Caster

Ferocity masteries are more suited to AP Mid than Cunning but if you like to win from scaling harder, then cunning could be a better option.

"Burst" AP Caster

The masteries above are great for those 1 v 1 fight as the cunning is far better. This is done by taking out the 7 % magic penetration for 8.4% magic penetration while the flat damage scaling happens every three spells.

Support Masteries

AP Poke Supports

Completely the same from standard AP caster apart from “last hitting” are swapped. This is done for gaining more gold rather than 5% health on kill/assist, also been able to kill slow/impaired champions with 2.5% increased damage to them.

Ranged Utility Supports

If you are using support champions like Jenna, Soraka and Alistar. This will be the set up for you. To give you massive resistance to allies health or shield you should be choosing Windspeaker’s Blessing. Your heals and shields are 10% stronger. Additionally, your shields and heals targets’ resistance by 15% for 3 seconds when used on an ally other than yourself.  

Tanky Support Masteries

You properly going to keep this exactly the same apart from the bond of stone or strength of ages. The “Strength of Ages” will make you stronger more quickly, but Bond of Stone is a more useful late game from its extra source of damage reduction for your carries.

Jungle Masteries

AD Jungle Masteries

Nothing will shock you too much here, but you could if you wanted to choose Fervor of Battle" or "Deathfire Touch". Deathfire will help your ganks a bit more, but Fervor of Battle will be more useful for you after team fights start breaking out.

Tank Jungle Masteries

The first champion set up to use all three tables. If you are using a Tanky Champion to go into the jungle, you will be focusing utility and imitation/peeling power. You should choose on what you will be focusing on “Strenth of Age” you will be able to scale up faster and be able to tower dive early on while “Bond of Stone” will give your team more peeling power.

Top Lane Masteries

There Two ways to play as Top laner. If you are heavy with CC pick the Masteries above as it makes use of healing buffs available. This is great for Champions like Darius, renekton or Lirelia. Otherwise, pick the lane below if you are high auto bust attacker like Layce, wukong or Fiora. You will be giving yourself 35% movement speed if your can deal 20% of your champion max health within 2 seconds.

Final notes

This is a guide to help you choose the best masteries for a mix of champions, there will be better ones out there for specific champions. You can test and switch out different masteries if you wish if that is more suitable for your play style. The patch as only been out for a short while and changes could happen.