LoL – Top Lane - how to play top lane with your junger

Been on top lane doesn’t mean that you have to be on your own. There are simple but affective tactics that you can do to make sure that you and your jungler do your job in farming up and pushing at the right time.


First of all, here are some of the best champions you can use to be most effective.


Probably the most used Top laner champion. Darius is a very punishing champion he is very strong and great to use late on in team fights. Darius has one very punishing weakness he is very slow so he can catch other enemies or keep up with fast moving teammates.


Very good champion to pick up and play. Hook yourself up with a couple of crit items and 2 – 4 swings and they be dead or running for their lives. 3 vs 1 no problem Tryndamere ultimate makes him super powerful and unable to die. Another slow champion so be careful of been ganked


A very good beginner champion, Garen is very good early to Mid game. In conjunction with a decent Jungler make him a bully in your lane. Late game he can take care of the enemy tank due to his true damage (thanks pre-season 6 update). Garen also is very tanky and is only limited by his cooldown.

The problems you can run into is enemies been able to flee due to having no crowd control. This also means that ones you start getting ganked or run into trouble unless your teammates are already around you, its already too late.


Irelia is great against Squishy (Low Health) Champions, her Ultimate allows her to Farm, Harass, heal and assassinate which is pretty cool. her mix of magical and physical damage makes her very hard to counter

Her weakness is that she is quite squishy herself and lacks the capacity to do any real damage to champions with sustain or tankiness  


Playing or teaming up with Pantheon either that been a jungler or mid to late game team attack can be devastating, he is a massive lane bully and farms up very well. He can sun targets for easy kills and thus snowballs hard

If you are playing as Pantheon you want to be ending the game around the 25 -30 minuet mark due that most other champions will surpass him late game. You will have to watch out for his Mana too as he is quite Mana hungry.


What make Riven good to go up top are her abilities which use no resource, she can give very high damage and has great crowd control.

Her problems come into play when played by new players as she is quite hard to master she can also be killed easy because if they have CC and high burst.


She has high mobility, high base damage and true damage. Using W blocks everything and she is a great pusher.

Without the correct tank Item she is very squishy. In early game her cooldowns are quite high and she is quite hard to handle for new players.

Of course you can use another champion you feel used to but they are some of the best.

Been in the lobby

Once you entered a matchmaking lobby don’t forget to tell your teammates that you’re going up top if your SoloQ. You don’t have to say anything else if you don’t want to but letting them know your going up top eases the minds of other players.

They should always be a Jungler, you most likely have a jungler in ranked game, playing in unranked games sometimes you will come across new players and you might have at 2 top. There is nothing wrong with that but it can be frustrating when you have been playing for a while.    

Top lane communication

Talking is always a good thing, as long as your jungler is nice and he understands his job you should be able to count on him. If not, you are going to struggle, 9/10 times though you should be fine in ranked games.

Gank gank gank.

You want to give out instructions to your junglers when he should gank (attack). The best way to attack is to let the other champion who you are fighting to push up onto you. While doing that you want to have a steady build-up of enemy minions.

The next step is to let your jungler know that you need him and to get into position. Once the enemy champion has pushed up towards your tower tell him to attack and gank him, both you and your jungler should attack him. Don’t forget to kill his minions for easy gold and EXP.

You also want to be around level 3-4 before starting your first gank it’s not a must but having your abilities higher does help out. You want to be doing the same techniques gain until you know you can beat them 1v1, so about 2-3 levels above him.

By this time, you probably notice that his jungler or back up has arrived to help him out. This is not bad news you should be able to at least take one of them out. Just do the same technique as the gank and if your using a champion like Darius you should have no problem in pulling them towards you and hitting them with your ultimate. After a while they will just give up or you will be just too powerful and be able to take on 1 v 2.

Thing to watch out for

Remember that they might be using the same technique as you so ward ward ward. Warding saves lives don’t forget it. This will let you know if they are going to gank you. Place them in the bush in the water and any other appropriate place.