Guide Orianna League of Legends S6

Clockwork Windup

(Innate): Orianna’s autoattacks deal an additional 10 / 18 / 26 / 34 / 42 / 50 (+0.15 per ability power) magic damage every hit. Additionally, attacking the same target within 4 seconds deals an extra 20% magic damage on the second hit, and 40% extra on the third and further hits.

Tips :

When Orianna attacks her target, she deals magic damage that is shown in purple.

Bonus damage for normal attacks.

   Makes it easier to harass and last hit
A very good passive to last hit more easily as well as harass your target in the lane phase. You will miss fewer last hits thanks to this important damage bonus.

When Orianna attacks the same target again it increases damage dealt to 20% for the 2nd attack and to 40% for the 3rd. This damage increase lets you harass your opponents better.

Works well in the late game with a Lich Bane when you have a lot of power.

Doesn't work on the towers!

The passive is not applied if your opponent blocks or dodges damage from your normal attack. 

Command: Attack (Q)

(Active): Orianna commands her ball to fly towards the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies that the ball passes through and that are in the target area. However, the ball deals 10% less damage for each subsequent target hit down to a minimum of 40% damage done. Her ball remains behind at that location afterwards.

  • Range: 815
  • Cost: 50 mana
Tips :


Orianna commands her ball to fire towards a target location. The colour of the arrow at the foot of Orianna depends on the distance of the ball.

The ball's positioning is essential.

   The spell has a weak cooldown
A spell that lets you scout because the ball gives vision. This is very useful for avoiding an invade, of for not jumping head first into the bushes without vision.

This spell lets you do damage as well as position/reposition the ball.

The cooldown of the spell decreases as you level up, letting you reposition the ball more often.

Be careful if Orianna tries to hit her opponent when her ball is too far from the target zone, the enemy can easily avoid it, or move away from the ball when Orianna is in cooldown. One solution could be to back or recover the ball so you can use it at a short distance.

This spell isn't good for pushing because the more targets the spell goes through the more its damage is reduced. Similarly, when harassing you must try not to go through too many minions.

A good opponent will tend to place himself near the middle, then once you send out your ball he will change sides, to have more time to avoid it. If your opponent uses this technique you can  push him to move to the side with your jungler to make an easier gank.

    Cooldown: 6 / 5.25 / 4.5 / 3.75 / 3 seconds

    Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.5 per ability power)

    Minimum Magic Damage: 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 / 72 (+0.2 per ability power)

Command: Dissonance (W)

(Active): Orianna commands the Ball to emit an electric pulse around its current location, dealing magic damage to all units around it and leaving an electric field on the area for 3 seconds. The field speeds up allies and slows enemies that walk over it. This effect diminishes to normal over 2 seconds after leaving the area.

  • Cooldown: 9 seconds
  • Diameter of AoE: 500
Tips :

The ball creates a blue wave around it.

The multi-purpose spell

   Movement bonus/increase and damage
An excellent spell to harass, push, fight in retreat, as well as for preventing your target from escaping. It's basically Orianna' Swiss army knife.

Very useful to move about quickly on the map or give your allies movement speed. For example giving speed to Skarner who uses his Shurelia so that he can use his ultimate on a weak isolated target.

This spell works very well with the ultimate!

The speed bonus can be used to escape a gank, your opponents will have to avoid the zone if they don't want to be slowed..

    Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 mana

    Magic Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+0.7 per ability power)

    Initial Movement Speed Modifier: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 %

Command: Protect (E)

(Passive): The allied champion the Ball is currently attached to is granted bonus armour and magic resistance.

(Active): Orianna commands the Ball to fly to and attach onto an allied champion, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and shielding the allied champion when it arrives for 4 seconds.

  • Cost: 60 mana
  • Cooldown: 9 seconds
  • Range: 1100
Tips :

Orianna's very powerful shield.

Bonus resistance, a shield and damages.

   Lets you place the ball under you or on an ally
An excellent spell that gives you a ?resistance bonus and lets you survive a burst thanks to the shield.

This spell would allow Orianna tank an ultimate from Karthus with not only a shield but with bonus resistance.

This spell works well with the Hecarim or Malphite's ultimate, all you need to do is attach the ball to a champion and wait for him to do his ultimate while being careful not to be too far otherwise the ball will come back to Orianna. After you allies ultimate you should use Orianna's.

The ball also does damage to units it goes through. This makes it interesting to send the ball with your Q slightly behind the opponent to follow up with W then the E immediately, so that you also hit with the shield if you have enough mana.

Doesn't protect the towers.

    Bonus Armor & Magic Resist: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30

    Shield Strength: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240 (+0.4 per ability power)

    Magic Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.3 per ability power)


Command: Shockwave (R)

(Active): Orianna commands her ball to unleash a shockwave after 0.5 seconds, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and flinging them into the air a set distance towards, and possibly over, the Ball.

  • Diameter of AoE: 800
  • Fling Distance: 350
Tips :

When the ultimate is cast, the area of effect is shown with a white circle.

An excellent zone control.

   A very effective ultimate to change the position of your opponents in a teamfight
Orianna's maion control spell, that lets her attract weak targets to her allies and change opponents' positions in teamfights, as well as giving her a control. The position of the ball in relation to the opponents is very important, to achieving an excellent ultimate requires practice. 

It is interesting to follow up with Orianna's W to reduce the movespeed of her victims and deal heavy damage.

Very powerful in teamfights, you must pay attention because a decent opponent could flash outside the effect of the ultimate to avoid death.

The ultimate is a bump, this tosses opponents and is not affected by resistance.

Once again Orianna's ultimate works excellently with champions who have zone controls.

At the end of the ultimate, the units are all attracted to the ball.

    Cost: 100 / 125 / 150 mana

    Cooldown: 120 / 105 / 90 seconds

    Magic Damage: 150 / 225 / 300 (+0.7 per ability power)


Orianna's range is quite good.

Orianna has a shield as well as a movespeed bonus/increase that lets her survive ganks better.

Orianna' Q gives vision and avoids doing facechecks.

Works excellently with ultimates like those of Malphite and Hecarim, which dash and provide a zone control followed by the control from Orianna's ultimate.

Orianna's passive is very useful for harass in the lane phase.


Orianne requires a bit of training when using her ball.

Quite manavorous so you must be careful how you use her abilities.

If you don't have good control of her ball then Orianna is not vey useful in teamfights.

You must watch out for ganks because Orianna is not as safe in the lane phase as Morgana.