Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - Chapter 6: Ruins - Escape the Tavern, Find Annette and Kessler

Escape the Tavern

Once you gain control, head out of the room by locating the crumbling brick wall. Use your Pipe to break through, then head up into the attic, dropping through the hole in the floor ahead. Walk up to the soldier ahead of you, only to have him turn into a zombie. Take him out using your Pipe, and then continue moving through the hallway.

You’ll run into quite a few zombies as you move through the tavern, however, they aren’t hard to kill with your Pipe. Keep moving forward until you end up in the kitchen. From here you can exit out the back door where you entered last chapter.

Return to the Boathouse

Continue out of the tavern, taking out any zombies you encounter. The well you swam through last chapter has been demolished by the earthquakes, so walk down the tunnel until you run into some debris and witness a horrific scene.

Once you’re through the debris take out the zombie, and then interact with the chest where you stowed all your firepower last chapter. Grab your guns quickly, as another zombie will stand up to take you on. Kill it, then continue out of the room via the stairs. There’s really only one direction you can go, so keep moving through the hallways, taking out any zombies and zombie dogs you come across. You’ll also encounter a few gun toting zombies as you go, don’t sweat it though. They aren’t that hard to kill, and have the aim of a stormtrooper. After a few minutes of treading through burning hallways you’ll come to an exit. Drop down into the alley beyond, and keep pressing forward to a gate that will explode open with a horde of zombies behind it.

Kill the zombies, then continue up the steps and turn to your right. Press forward down the steps and through the next corridor to arrive at the docks where Blazkowicz, Kessler, and Annette landed the boat in Chapter Five: Wulfburg.

Find Annette and Kessler

Interact with the boat under the dock to find it empty, aside from Kessler’s double-barreled shotgun. A short cut scene will play, and afterwards Blazkowicz will have his hands on the last weapon of the game. Use your newly acquired Sawed-Off Shotgun to kill the zombie who drops through the roof, then head out the door to the main dock area.

Take out any zombies in your way, then dive into the water at the far end and swim through the busted iron bars. Climb up the ladder beyond, following the boardwalk all the way around to a dead end, and a climbable wall. At this next level, take a right (or left) and make your way through the enemies that you find along the way.

Reach Annette and Kessler

Take out any enemies, zombie or regular Nazi, and wait until you’ve cleared the area. Now locate the warehouse area (it’s hard to miss), and move to the far end of it to find an open door and a set of steps leading up. Follow them around to find a small opening that you can interact with, then interact with it to drop into the same room as Kessler.

Help Kessler Through the Blocked Doorway

After a bit of dialogue, Kessler will ask for your help. Head over to the blocked doorway marked by the indicator, and interact with it to hold the piece of wood up, and trigger a shot cut scene. After the scene ends, head to the window to see Annette fending off a group of zombies. Look up to find a cable, and zipline across.

Follow Helga to the Old Town

Take care of the situation here, then once its resolved head out the marked door to find a broken walkway beyond. Drop down into the water below, and swim through one of the archways, and interact with the large machine to bring this chapter to a close.

Continue straight into Chapter Seven: Old Town, or return to our main Wolfenstein: The Old Blood walkthrough page for more guide content, including collectibles.