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How to play Beat the Boss 2 for iOS: Walkthrough, FAQ and Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to Beat the Boss 2 for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch! This game is the sequel to the smash hit Beat the Boss for the iOS, taking everything that you loved about the original game and adding much to it, such as a limited exploration and crafting/construction element, and while it might seem like a strange match in a game such as this, it ends up working quite well in this game, making it even more fun than the original. Read on for the beginner’s guide to Beat the Boss 2!

Kick the Boss 2 has much the same basic gameplay elements at its core as Kick the Boss. Basically, you pick from a variety of weapons, and with them, you attack the Boss over and over, while he makes constant disparaging comments about you and your “work”, as well as other things. Each time you attack the boss, you earn coins, and after you attack him enough times, you will kill him, causing you to earn experience points.

When you earn enough experience points, you’ll gain a level, and with each level that you gain comes a new rank, from various forms of student rank and beyond. After you reach level 5, you’ll unlock the ability to enter the workshop, which will allow you to build weapons using weapon pieces that you earn when you kill the boss. They will appear hidden inside small, two-colored balls that look kind of like Pokeballs.

When you kill the boss, he will remain “dead” for a span of around 20-30 seconds. You can either wait for him to revive, or you can use a heart. When the boss dies, the “heart” button will pop up in the upper left corner of the screen, with a number inside it denoting how many hearts you have left. Tap it in order to revive the boss early.

Click here to continue on to part 2 of the Beat the Boss 2 beginner’s guide!