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Guide to Beat The Boss 2 for iOS, part 2: More tips, tricks, cheats, hints and strategies

Welcome to part 2 of the tips and tricks guide to Beat the Boss 2! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

Whenever one of those pop ups comes up advertising another game, you can either tap on it or you can tap the x button in the corner to close it. If you tap on the ad itself, you’ll earn 500 free coins no matter if you download the game or not. If you tap on the x in the corner, then you won’t be taken to the app store, but you won’t get any coins either.

No matter which weapon you choose to play with and decide you have a preference for, upgrade the weapon as soon as possible to increase the coins that you earn from it. Not only will you earn more coins from each hit that you land, but the weapon’s shots or hits will come faster, look cooler, and usually they will do more damage to the boss, allowing you to gain levels much more quickly.

Complete the quests as quickly as you possibly can in order to maximize the amount of free coins and diamonds that you can get. Each of them is typically very easy to complete. If you can’t figure out how to complete a quest at first, experiment and tap on items in the background and eventually you’ll figure out the way.

Each time that you get a brand new weapon part after killing the boss (the item that comes in the thing that looks like a Pokeball), go to the weapons menu and tap on any one of the ‘workshop weapons’ to go to the weapons workshop. The game won’t notify you if you have a complete weapons part list for a weapon, but if you do then the weapon will be ready to build providing that you have the coins or diamonds for it.

See all of those stages in the map area with the Coming Soon signs on them? They will come in a future update to the game. Keep checking back in the updates section in the App Store, look for Kick the Boss 2 to show up, and when it does, tap it to begin the update.

Click here to continue on to part 3 of the Beat the Boss 2 tips and tricks guide!