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Lords & Knights – Medieval Strategy MMO for iOS Resource Guide: How to get more food, wood, stone and ore

Lords and Knights brings a deep strategy gaming foundation to the iOS and Android platforms, but despite all of the complexity and involvement of the gameplay, most of it still centers around four basic resources: Food, wood, stone and ore. Read on to find out how to get more of all of those resources, so that you can do more building upgrades and house more troops in your kingdom.

Food is not a finite resource in the traditional sense in this game; rather, instead of showing how much food you have left, the status bar will show how many people your existing farm can feed. The far right number at the top of the status bar will show you how many people you can feed, but the most important thing is whether the number is red or white. If it’s red, you need to upgrade your farm. Upgrading the farm is the only way to get more food, since you can’t steal it from other players.

You can upgrade your farm to insanely high levels, as well, by making use of different research in the library. Initially, you can only upgrade your farm to level 10, but go to the library and research crop rotation, and you’ll end up being able to upgrade it to level 15. Research the Yoke and your upgrade ability shoots up to level 25 max. Research the cellar storeroom, and your upgrade level will skyrocket to a maximum of 30 for the farm.

Wood, stone and ore are all finite resources, however, that can be earned in many ways. The most basic way to earn them is to upgrade your lumberjack, your quarry, and your stone mine, as upgrading these will increase the amount that you earn every hour. Upgrade your wood store, stone store and ore store in order to hold more of all of them.

The market will allow you to trade one resource for the other, as well. Go to the market and you can initially trade resources on a 3:1 ratio (trade three to get one), but by upgrading the market you can better that ratio. In addition, you can ‘recruit’ handcarts, which will allow you to bring back more resources from kingdoms which you invade. Even better, once you upgrade the market to level 6, you’ll be able to “recruit” ox carts. Ox carts work the same as handcarts, except that they hold a whole lot more resources apiece.

These tips are helpful, but the best tips are up ahead in part 2 of our Lords & Knights resource guide.