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Lords & Knights – Medieval Strategy MMO for iOS Advanced Resources: How to get more copper, silver and gold

Previously, we talked about how to get more food, wood, ore and stone in Lords & Knights, but those aren’t the only resources in the game; not by a long shot. Copper, silver, and gold, are three others, and while they do have uses that might be less obvious to the beginning player, they’ll be like precious metals (well, because they ARE… but you know what I mean) as you go further into the game and look to expand your empire and dominate your rivals. So how do you get more of all of them? Read on and I’ll tell you.

Copper is sent with your troops when you send them on spy missions to scout out the strengths, weaknesses, resources etc. of other castles. Silver is used to take over other castles, while gold is used to buy premium power ups, such as allowing you to upgrade more than two buildings at the same time. All three of these are administered in the keep, and the first two (copper and silver) are traded for by using other resources.

The trade ratios start off at 8:1 for copper and 90:1 for silver, which are terrible ratios, but by upgrading the keep, you upgrade the ratios a LOT, especially the silver one. By the time your keep hits level 10 your ratios will be down to 1:50 for silver and 1:6, 5, or 4, for wood, stone and ore in that order.

You need to be astute at keeping your silver and copper, as well. Make sure not to send any less than 1,000 silver when you are trying to take over another castle, because if you send ANY less (even 999), then forget it. Your silver is GONE. To make copper worth it to your spy, you need to give him more copper than the opposing castle has. If you don’t, then he’ll get arrested and be unable to return, but if you do, then theoretically, he can bail himself out and bring back the information that you need, thus making the spy mission successful.

There is only one way to get more gold, and that is to buy more of it using real life money through the app store. Tap on the Profile page and then go down to the Gold Coins button, tap it, and you’ll automatically be presented with a number of payment options ranging from a 99 cent option to a $49.99 option.