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Lords & Knights – Medieval Strategy MMO for iOS Resource Guide part 2: Get massive amounts of wood, stone and ore

Welcome to the second part of the Lords and Knights resource guide. The first part of the guide covered the basics, but this part contains the meat that will REALLY get you set up.

When invading other kingdoms, take handcarts, ox carts, AND a large enough number of troops, so that you can actually steal a good number of resources and not just get your carts destroyed. Kingdoms with a higher number score are more likely to have more resources, but are also more likely to be tougher to beat since they are further into the game. Find abandoned kingdoms or raid Free Castles to get easy resources.

You can again use the library to your advantage when it comes to getting more of these resources. There are not as many research options as they are for the farm, but there is one that will increase all production by 5 percent.

The tavern is a HUGE resource booster, but most people forget about it because they don’t know its true potential. Sure, the overtime jobs and the hunting job won’t earn too much in the way of resources, but as you upgrade the tavern, more jobs to send your soldiers out on become available. These jobs include chasing bandits away, collecting taxes and others which will earn you hundreds, and even thousands of each resource each time you complete the job.

Lastly, try to take over other kingdoms (you’ll need a lot of silver to pull this one off). If you take over another kingdom, you’ll instantly have that much more capacity to gather and store resources, and to train troops/handcarts with which to steal resources from other kingdoms. Also, if you are in an alliance, and you need resources, you can pool them with others, using handcarts to deliver them and forth. Make sure, however, to return the favor when your allies need help. Also, if you have multiple kingdoms, and they both have high level taverns, you can make INSANE amounts of resources if you have the required troops to fill all of the jobs.

Make sure to keep up on your copper, silver and gold, as well, because those are also very important resources.