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Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games – How to get free tokens

Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games is the latest of the oddball games by Melbourne Metro Trains, which was originally intended to raise awareness about safety around trains before going viral. This one features a competition mode called the Dumbest of the Dumb. To compete, you need tokens, but once you run out you can’t play it, at least until you get more tokens – which can luckily be done for free. Read on to find out how to get more tokens for free in Dumb Ways To Die 2: The Games!

The most obvious way to get tokens for free is to spin the wheel at the end of the round. You’ll have a chance at earning up to three tokens in one shot if you do this, and the best part is there’s no max level of tokens, so if you are lucky you can keep winning indefinitely.

But there is no guarantee of winning, and it tends to happen very rarely. What the game does not tell you is that you get two tokens per day to play with, for free. So wait until the next day and you will have two free tokens in your possession, which can then be used at your choosing.

If you don’t want to wait until the next day and you want your tokens right away, shut the app off altogether – don’t minimize it, shut it off. Then set the time on your phone ahead by exactly one day and go back to the game. You will have your two free tokens. Use them and then set the time ahead by another day (add an hour this time just to make sure the phone stays caught up) and do the exact same thing whenever you want more tokens.

Make smart use of your tokens by practicing all of the games first before you take on the Dumbest of the Dumb tournament. Get your money’s worth by not going in unprepared. Play all of the other levels (Drown Town, Dumb Dome, Freezerville, and eventually Adrenaland) first.

If you really get impatient or just like to play and you want a LOT of tokens, unfortunately, the only recourse is to purchase them (or get really lucky at the wheel). That’s how you get a whole lot of tokens.