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Guncrafter (iOS) FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 3

Welcome to the third part of the Guncrafter beginner’s guide! Click here to go back to part two of the guide.

The PvP mode doesn’t simply pit you against another player in a live battle, despite what you might think. The PvP mode runs the other player’s data and the gun they use for shooting blocks, but the actual control of the shooting is still done by the computer. In the practice mode, the computer controls both the type of gun and the firing of the gun itself.

Also, each time you begin a stage, you begin it standing in a different area of the stage. This is why the exact stage will look just a little bit different every time, despite being the same structure each time that you play it.

Aside from what has already been mentioned, there are some options on the main menu that can fundamentally change the game. For one, you can change the control scheme so that you can swipe instead of having to tilt the phone. Also, if that vibrating that the game does every time you shoot is annoying you, you can turn vibration off to stop the phone from vibrating. This can be done in the menu that looks like a target.

Go to the menu shaped like a Nintendo 64 controller, and you’ll find a bunch of other games by Naquatic that you can download. Hit the “share” button and you can brag via Facebook or Twitter about your exploits, or challenge your friends via Game Center and Facebook.

Hit up the trophies menu, and you can check out all kinds of achievements that you have accomplished or can accomplish. While you don’t earn any rewards for doing any of them, you do get bragging rights against everybody on Game Center that you play against.

That’s all for Guncrafter! Enjoy the game!