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Guncrafter (iOS) FAQ, Walkthrough and Beginner’s Guide, Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the beginner’s guide to Guncrafter for the iOS! Click here to go back to part 1 of the guide.

You can only put one lair of blocks on the first grid, but once you buy the second grid, you can make guns that are 2 blocks thick. With each further grid that you buy, you add one more block of thickness that you can do. Also, while it doesn’t necessarily matter what your gun looks like, study what real guns look like, and add more weight to the front of the gun, and you’ll experience less kickback each time that you fire a shot.

As you earn coins, you can also buy better materials. Wood is the only material that you can build guns with at first, but you can buy plastic for 50 coins, steel for 150 coins, followed by glass, aluminum and gold. The more expensive the material, the better your range, reload speed, accuracy and damage done per shot will be.

In each round that you play, you have to destroy blocks to earn points, and most of the time (unless you have really powerful gun materials) it will take more than one shot to break a block. Most of the blocks are worth one point apiece; some of them, however, such as the red blocks and the black blocks, are worth three points for each one that you destroy.

There are also special blocks that you can break – the present boxes, which earn you 4 coins apiece, as well as 1 point for each one that you break. If your opponent gets to them first, though, then you won’t get anything from them, even if you cracked them first.

The winner of the round not only gets 5 coins for winning the battle, but they gain quite a bit of rank as well. You get more rank for beating a PvP round than you do for beating a practice round, but you earn rank for winning either one of them. Losing earns you a whole lot less rank than winning.

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Increasing your rank has one major benefit in this game, and that is to unlock new stages. Each stage is designed after something different, as well as having a differing number of blocks, and of gift boxes. The more gift boxes the stage has, the better your potential of earning more coins.

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