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Disco Zoo – Tips and Tricks Guide: Hints, Cheats and Strategies, Page 3

There are shortcuts for almost everything in this game. For example, if you want to go anywhere in your zoo without having to scroll all the way there, tap on the map screen and you will have buttons that will take you straight to the entrance and the helipad. Also, you can tap on any one of the animal pictures to go straight to the associated enclosure.

Disco parties are the reason that this game is called Disco Zoo. To start a disco party, go to the main entrance area, and tap on the pink button that says “start a disco party”. You can pay 1 Discobux to party for one minute, 10 Discobux to have a disco party for one hour, and 50 Discobux to party for 8 hours. This is actually about all that you can do with the Discobux, so go ahead and use your Discobux on the parties.

Do save up your Bux, however, for when you have as many animals as you can, so that you can earn as much money as possible. During a disco party, animals will earn you 2 times more money, and they will not fall asleep. Plus, when the party is over, their awake times will be reset.

When you get bored, keep looking at your zoo and tapping coins. Oftentimes, huge coins appear, although these are rare. The most expensive coins that have been found so far are worth 100 coins apiece, although these are about as common as Discobux are I.E. not all that common at all.

The maximum number of animals that you can get in your zoo, period, is 1,050 animals. If you go to the leaderboards in Game Center, you’ll see at least one person with some ridiculous number of animals, like 9 quadrillion. This is done purely by hacking the game.

The easiest way to do this is by downloading iExplorer on your PC, hooking your phone or iPad up to the computer, and then rifling around the files of the game and seeing what you can change and you can mess with – and you don’t even need to jailbreak to do this – but I don’t vouch for the effectiveness of any of it. If you need to reset it, though, simply delete the game and then reinstall it, though everything will be reset if you do this.

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