Bigfoot: Chasing Shadows Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Bigfoot: Chasing Shadows Walkthrough
Welcome to the Bigfoot: Chasing Shadows Walkthrough!
Uncover the truth as Linda goes in search of a legend and winds up fighting for her very survival!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Bigfoot: Chasing Shadows game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips & Information

- The options menu allows for the adjustment of music and sounds volume (A).
- You may play this game in windowed or full screen mode; it also supports wide-screens.
- The custom cursor may be disabled as well as enhanced effects if your computer is running slow.
- For a more challenging game, uncheck the “Show Tips” box.
- From the main screen you may manage player profiles (B).
- While you play you will earn extras that can be seen from this menu (D).

- You will sometimes receive calls in the game- to answer, click on the phone icon (E).
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the meter to refill (F).
- The interface has 3 tabs- Inventory, Items, and Objectives.
- The Inventory tab has a hammer at the top and holds the items you use to accomplish tasks (G).
- The Objectives tab has a check box and lists your current objectives (H).
- The Items tab had a magnifying glass at the top and lists hidden objects and tasks (I).
- The question mark in the lower right will give you a brief tutorial (J).
- The hand icon indicates that you can move an item.
- The magnifying glass icon means that you may take a closer look.
- The green arrow shows that you can walk in that direction.
- Too many missed clicks will cause Bigfoot to grab the cursor and temporarily disable it.
- Some items need to be moved to reveal what is hidden behind them- they are marked in white.
- Some hidden object lists are spread out over several scenes, so make sure to look for other locations.
Chapter One

- Take the LOGS and place them in the fireplace (A).
- Take the MATCHES and use them on the fireplace (B).
- After someone bangs on the door, look out the peephole (C).
- Use the down arrow to return to the room.
- Find the SPONGE and use it to wipe up the green liquid twice (D).
- Take the MINUTE HAND and use it on the clock (E).

- Move the shovel and the orange crate (marked in white).
- Find all the items on the hidden object list in the three locations.
- Look in the tool box for a close-up to find the TAPE and an apple (F).
- Take the RAKE and use it to knock down the lemon (G).
- Take the lemon.
- Note the hanging bag (H).

- Walk left to the garden (I) and move the hat (J).
- Take the hidden objects then walk down.
- Walk up to enter the shed (K) and take the two hidden objects.
- Walk down to return to the workshop.
- Use the SCISSORS on the hanging bag.
- Take the apple that falls from the bag.
- Click on the phone icon above the hint button to receive a mysterious call.

- After finding the secret lab, you can save one of the animals.
- Use the KEY CARD on the card reader to disable the lasers (L).
- Use the KNIFE to unlock the guinea pig’s cage door (M).
- Use the RAG to block the acid pipe (N).
- You have unlocked a Top Secret document.
- Click on the Top Secret button to read the document (O).
- You will also be able to access it from the main menu.
- Press the Continue button (P).

- Click on the phone icon above the hint button to receive a call from your boss.
- Shortly after you arrive at the porch scene, you will receive another call and will go back to the animal lab.
- Hover your mouse over the guinea pig to learn he is hungry.
- Give the APPLE to the guinea pig (Q).
- He then decides he wants to play- give him the hamster wheel (R).
- During the game, you will see the animals flash on your phone, you can return to take care of them if you would like to refill your hint. You do not need to return, except to release the other animals.
- Select ‘Return to Main Scene’ in the upper right corner (S).

- Click on the car key for a close-up (T).
- Take the key and the MAP PIECE.
- Move all the items marked in white.
- Take the SCREWDRIVER and use it to open the box on the top shelf (U).
- Find the remaining 7 MAP PIECES.
- Once you have all the MAP PIECES, they will go to the table in the lower right corner.
- Click on the pieces for a mini-game (V).

- The object of this jigsaw-style mini-game is to place the pieces into the frame and reform the map.
- Left-click to take/place a piece.

- Find all the items on the hidden object list in the three locations.
- Look in the green box on the shelf for the knife (W).
- Move the lower right chair back to find the rope after you get the other visible items (X).
- Note the bushes below the window on the left (Y).
- The BEAKER and the HEDGE CLIPPERS will go automatically into your inventory.

- Walk left to the garden and find the shovel (A).
- Walk down to return to the porch, then walk right to the dining room (B).
- Look in the round suitcase to find the compass.
- Find the remaining items on the list.
- Walk down to return to the porch.
- Use the HEDGE CLIPPERS on the bush below the window.
- Take the fire extinguisher.
Chapter Two

- Find the PLUG and use it to stop the barrel from leaking (A).
- Collect the ROPE and the LONG STICK.
- Find all the garbage.
- Left-click, hold and drag the garbage to the garbage can in the lower right (B).
- Find all the animals.
- The LONG STICK will automatically appear sticking out of the garbage can.
- Use the ROPE on the stick, the use the BEAKER on the ROPE.
- Left-click and hold the stick and drag it so the beaker is in the green spill to take a sample (C).

- Use the TROUGH on the falling water to divert it away from the cages (D).
- Use the KEY to open the lock on the turtle’s cage (E).
- Use the HAMMER on the acid pipe on top of the cage (F).
- Use the MAGNET to remove the tacks from the cage (G).
- You can now view another Top Secret document.
- Click the continue button in the upper left corner.

- Find all the items on the hidden object list in the four locations.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- Note the coffeemaker (H).
- Click on the wood door on the left, then walk left to the garden (I).

- Take the GLUE and the red cup (J).
- Walk down to the kitchen, then down to the workshop.
- Take the blue cup (K).
- Walk up to the shed.
- Take the cookie and the HAIR DRYER (L).
- Walk down and left to return to the kitchen.

- Use the COFFEE POT on the coffeemaker (M).
- Use the COFFEE on the coffeemaker (N).
- When it finishes brewing, take the FULL COFFEE POT and pour coffee into the three cups (O).
- Place SUGAR into each of the 3 cups (P).

- The object of this mini-game is to repair the camera.
- For ease of explanation, pieces, inventory and locations are color coded.
- Left-click and hold to drag the camera parts into place.
- Aqua: Use the GLUE on the viewfinder and place it at the rear of the camera.
- Green: Take the right wire and attach it to the upper front of the camera.
- Green: Try to take the left wire and the coffee spills on the microphone.
- Pink: Use the HAIR DRYER on the microphone.
- Green: Take the left wire and place it at the front of the camera on the previously placed wire.
- Green: Use the tape to repair the break in the wires.
- Pink: Place the microphone on the top front of the camera.
- Yellow: Place the screw at the end of the microphone on the camera.
- Yellow: Use the SCREWDRIVER to tighten the screw.
- Blue: Use the DUST CLOTH to clean the lens.
- Blue: Place the lens at bottom front of the camera.
- White: Place the cover on the lens at the front of the camera.

- The object of this mini-game is to fill the glasses with color juice by playing the match-3 game.
- Click on two pieces of fruit to swap positions and form a chain of three or more identical fruits (Q).
- The color of the matches you make determines the color of the juice (R).
- Fill up all the glasses to complete the challenge.
Chapter Three

- Use the CAMERA on the tire tracks to take a photo (S).
- Find all the items on the list.
- Enter the cave (T).

- Use the FLASHLIGHT to see in the cave.
- Find all the items on the hidden object list in two locations.
- Walk right to go deeper into the cave (U).

- You can look out the back entrance of the cave if you like (V).
- Find the apple core, blanket and pillow.
- You are automatically returned to the front of the cave.

- Take the BLACK LIGHT and move it over the scene to find 7 acid spills (W).
- You do not need to click anywhere.
- Once you have all 7 spills, use the CAMERA on one of the spills to take a photo of the scene (X).
- Use the FIRE EXTINGUISHER on each of the spills (Y).

- Take the REMOTE and use it on the 3 cameras (A).
- Use the CODE on the lock to the hedgehog’s cage (B).
- Use the PLUG on the acid pipe in the cage (C).
- Click ‘Continue’ in the upper left corner.

- The object of this mini-game is to restore the picture.
- Click on two pieces to swap locations.
- Once a piece is in the correct position, it will colorize.

- Use the BEAKER on the telescope in the lower right corner for a mini-game.
- The object of this mini-game is to find the unpaired molecule.
- Click on matching pairs to remove them from the board.

- Move the chair and the bottle.
- Find the 3 flash drives and the 3 paper sheets.
- Find the SECRET TEXT (D).
- Look at the briefcase (F).

- Find the three elements from the paper on the periodic table (G).
- Enter the atomic weights from left to right, regardless of row, into the lock (H).

- This hidden object list is for the briefcase and the lab office.
- Move the agenda in the briefcase.
- Locate all the items on the list.

- The object of this mini-game is to escape 3 rooms with slider puzzles.
- Click and drag the pieces to move them.
- The solution for the first room is numbered 1-12 (#1).

- The solution for the second room is numbered 1-9 (#2).

- The solution for the second room is numbered 1-16 (#3).
- Move the burgundy couch a second time for move 16 (I).
Chapter Four

- Use the GLOVE on the valve handle to turn off the acid (J).
- Click on the 2 cage locks to open the cage (K).
- Use the FIRE EXTINGUISHER on the flames in the cage (L).

- Find all the items on the hidden object list in the two locations.
- Move the two items marked in white.
- Look in the box for an apple and a wrench (M).
- Note the flat tire (N).
- Locate all the items on the list.
- Walk up to the clearing to find an apple and a mushroom (P).
- Walk down to return to the vehicle.
- Use the JACK on the flat tire.
- Click on the jack 3 times to raise the vehicle.
- Use the WRENCH on the flat tire.
- Place the SPARE WHEEL where the flat tire was.
- Click on the jack 3 times to lower the vehicle.

- Click on the cell phone icon to use the phone.
- Find the light switch center right- watch for the hand icon (Q).
- Move the chair and the desk drawer.
- Find all the items on the list.
- Move the chair back to find the mitt.
- Click on the monitors in numerical order to turn them all on.
- Click on the books to raise or lower them according to the monitor below (R).
- Use the PRINTER CARTRIDGE on the printer (S).
- Use the PAPER on the printer.
- Look at the drawer on the right side of the chair for a mini-game (T).

- The object of this mini-game is to find the correct charger.
- Left-click, hold and drag a charger over to the cellphone.
- Drop the charger on the device to see if it is the correct one.
- Repeat this process until you find the working charger.
- Back in the office, use the mouse on the desk to move the cursor to “Print.”
- Take the printed piece of paper from the printer.
- Click on the cellphone icon to answer the phone.

- Again, click on the cellphone icon to answer the phone.
- The object of this mini-game is to find the missing words for the letter in the word search puzzles.
- Highlight a word with your mouse to select it.
- There are 3 words to find on each word search puzzle.
- Find the three words on page 1 (#1).

- This is the second of three pages.
- Locate the three words in the word search grid (#2).

- This is the third of three pages.
- Locate the three words in the word search grid (#3).
Chapter Five

- Flip the switches to turn off the electricity (A).
- Use the NAIL PULLER on the squirrel’s lock (B).
- Use the GLOVES to remove the paper from the squirrel’s cage (C).

- Find all the items on the hidden object list in the two locations.
- Move the barrel and the branch.
- Use the CAMERA to take a photo of the tire tracks (D).
- Click, hold and drag the 3 eggs to the nest (E).
- Note the lock and the boat (F).
- Enter the storage shed (G).

- Move the net and the produce.
- Locate the remaining items on the list.
- Walk down to exit the shed.

- Try to put the DIVING GEAR into the boat.
- Click on the frog to make him leave the boat (H).
- Put the DIVING GEAR into the boat (I).
- Balancing the boat requires you to put the tank, one flipper, the flashlight and the life jacket in the front of the boat- the rest goes in the back.
- Place the OARS on the boat.
- Use the KEY on the LOCK (J).

- Click on the 2 red buttons to turn on the monitors (K).
- Find the differences between the 2 scenes.
- You may click on the upper or lower monitor.
- Click again on the 2 red buttons to turn off the monitors.

- Move the leaf by the barrel and the weapon at the lower left corner.
- Use the CAMERA to take a photo of the barrel (L).
- Find the items on the hidden object list.
- After several finds, you will lose your mask- click on the middle bottom to find it (M).
- Use the KNIFE to cut the ropes on the barrel (N).
- Use the OAR to move the rock (O).

- Use the SHOVEL to dig near the propeller (P).
- Find the remaining items on the list.
- Use the CAMERA to get a photo of the goldfish (Q).
- He will disappear after a few passes- missing the photo will not affect your game.
Chapter Six

- Use the ROCK to break the spotlight (A).
- Take the BONE (B).
- Use the WIRE CUTTERS to unlock the dog’s cage (C).
- Give the BONE to the dog.

- Walk left to enter the dining room.
- Click on the three fallen chairs to turn them upright.
- Use the CAMERA on the footprint on the door (D).
- Find all the items on the hidden object list in four locations.
- Note the 2 footprints (E).
- Walk up to enter the closet at the upper left (F).

- Find the hidden objects in this second room.
- Move the rug from the trap door.
- Use the CROWBAR to open the trap door (G).
- Take the BUG DETECTOR (H).
- Walk down to exit the closet.
- Use the SPONGE on the 2 footprints.

- Walk down again to exit the dining room and enter the porch (I).
- Use the SPONGE on the 4 footprints (J).
- Find the thermometer and the pen.

- Walk left to the garden (K).
- Find the paint roller and the cigarette.

- Walk down and return to the porch (L).
- Use the BUG DETECTOR (M) by moving it slowly over the area.
- Use the TWEEZERS (N) to remove the 3 bugs detected.
- Walk right to the dining room, then up to the closet (P).
- Use the BUG DETECTOR to find 2 bugs.
- Use the TWEEZERS to remove the bugs.

- Walk down to exit the closet.
- Use the BUG DETECTOR to find 5 bugs (Q).
- Use the TWEEZERS to remove the bugs (R).
- Turn off the light and pull the drapes shut (S).
- Use the AEROSOL on the wall above the TV (T).
- Reveal the message (U).
- Open the drapes and turn on the light.

- The object of this mini-game is to arrange the photos to form a picture.
- Not all the pieces will be used.
- The image will be 3×3.
Chapter Seven

- Move the bin and open the shoe drawer.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- On the close-up view of the desk you will need to move the shoe insert to find the watch beneath (V).
- Use the BOOT PARTS on the sewing machine (W).
- Take the boot.
- Use the WATER, then the ASPIRIN on the glass (X).
- Drag the glass to the shoemaker (Y).
- Select the back left rack of shoes for a mini-game (Z).

- Find matching pairs of boots.
- After each match, the boots will shuffle.
- Take the remaining, single boot.

- Click on the control to disable the ultrasound (A).
- Use the KEY to unlock the cat’s cage (B).
- Use the CLOTH to remove the drawing in the cage (C).
- Click “Continue” in the upper left corner.

- Place the BAIT JAR anywhere in the clearing (D).
- Your cursor will turn to a camera lens.
- Take pictures of all the requested animals.

- Move the football and the wall picture.
- Use the MAGNET on the bottle to get the KEY (E).
- Take the KEY when it falls and use it on the small chest.
- Move the wallet and take the FEATHER (F).
- Use the FEATHER on the man’s foot several times (G).
- Once you can get the KEY from the coffee table, use it to open the cabinet (H).
- You will need to move the wallet to the right in the small chest to find the document.

- Push the red button on the projector (I).
- Load the 5 piles of slides into the projector (J).
- Use the right/left buttons to select the face and nose that is shown at the bottom (K).
- Page through the eyes, ears, and lips until one appears on the lower sketch.
Chapter Eight

- Use the SPRAY BOTTLE on the 3 areas of smoke (A).
- Use the WIRE CUTTERS to cut the wire going into the deer’s cage (B).
- Use the KNIFE to cut open the deer’s cage (C).

- Move the bucket aside.
- Move the two levers so they are opposite to open a hiding place (D).
- Reverse the two levers to open another hiding place.
- Find the items on the hidden object list.
- Use the CROWBAR on the manhole cover (E).
- Look in the manhole, move the hat and take the BONE.
- Give the BONE to the dog, then take the piece of paper he was sitting on (F).
- Make note of the camera (G).
- Look at the lock on the gate for a mini-game (H).

- Piece together the paper money to find the code (I).
- Enter the code on the keypad (J).

- Use the SCREWDRIVER on the camera for a mini-game.
- The object of this mini-game is to create a green connection from left to right, without creating a red connection.
- Click on a square to rotate the position of the wires.
- Once you have disabled the alarm, use the SAW on the gate.

- Move the container and the boom box.
- Locate all the items on the hidden object list.
- Give the NUT to the squirrel (K).
- Use the PAPER CLIPS on the squirrel’s cage lock (L).
- Use the KEYS on the safe (M).

- Turn the keys (N) so each position matched the scratches on the safe (O).

- Inside the safe, move the package and the chest (P).
- Take the diamond, 2 cash wads, and the scroll of paper.
- Place the BEAKERS on the stand (Q).
- Use the TUBING on the beakers.
- Use the MATCHES on the burner (R).
- Take the GREEN LIQUID and use it on the microscope for a mini-game (S).

- The object of this mini-game is to find the unmatched molecule.
- Click on matching set of 3 to remove them from the board.

- The object of this mini-game is to reassemble the picture.
- Click on two squares to swap position.
- The squares will colorize once in the correct position.
Chapter Nine

- Use the STICK to reach the red button and raise the lattice (A).
- Open the 2 latches on the owl’s cage (B).
- Use the GLOVE to unscrew the light-bulb (C).

- Move the paper on the floor and open the fire cabinet.
- Locate all the items on the hidden object list.
- Note the alarm panel on the left wall.
- Place the COFFEE CUP in the water dispenser and click to fill with water (D).
- Take the COFFEE CUP and use it on the spider on the keyhole of the door (E).

- Once the spider is gone, use the NAIL and the HAIRPIN on the keyhole (F).
- Click on the hairpin twice and one on the nail to unlock the door (G).
- Use the AXE to break open the alarm panel and push the red button.

- The object of this mini-game is to find your way through the maze.
- Use the mouse to click on where you want to walk.
- You progress will fill in the map as you move about (H).
- This map has the solution only.

- The object of this mini-game is to make it to the exit door without being detected by the cameras or the lasers.
- Take the SPRAY CAN and the SCREWDRIVER (I).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (J).

- Use the SPRAY CAN on the left camera (K).
- Open the cabinet to hide the right camera (L).
- Take the SCISSORS (M).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (N).

- Take the stool to the right of your feet and place it in the next section (O).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (P).

- Use the SCREWDRIVER on the grate then use the SCISSORS to short it out (Q).
- Click on the back button 3 times (R).
- Move the grate and take the GUM (S).
- Click on the forward button 3 times.
- Use the GUM on the left camera (T).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (U).

- Take the RAG (V).
- Take the stool to the right of your feet and place it in the next section (W).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (X).

- Take the STICK and use it to break the right camera (A).
- Use the RAG on the left camera (B).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (C).

- Take the stool to the left of your feet and place it in the next section (D).
- Click on the ‘Forward’ button (E).
- Open the door (F).
- Press the button on the right if the door to raise the bars (G).

- Find all the items on the hidden object list in the two locations.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- Note the entrance to the storage room (H).
- After you have collected all the letters take the key card to activate a mini-game (I).

- Move the items marked in white.
- Use the CROWBAR to open the barrel (J).
- Walk down to return to the lab (K).

- Drag the letters down to spell out a name (L).
- Spell ‘GIBSON’ (M).

- Use the KEY CARD on the machine (N).
- Use the RED HANDLE on the machine and push it down (O).
- Use the HAMMER to break the glass, then push the red button (P).
- Place the BLACK LIQUID BOTTLE on the end of the reactor (Q).
- Use the RAG on the bottle (R).
- Use the MATCHES to light the rag (S).
- Congratulations! You have completed Bigfoot: Chasing Shadows!