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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 2 – R-00: Guard Duty (Ranked Battle 1 to File End)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 2 – R-00: Guard Duty (Ranked Battle 1 to File End)

After the fight turn to the left and start for the gap in the collapsed building. Head inside and turn to the right. Head up the stairs and turn to the left, jumping the gap in them. Just head to the open windows to spot your target. While the scene implies hurry, it is not a timed event so there is none.

Head down into the drainage area below. Move forward through the first area and underneath the metal pipe. After the pipe, before you reach your target you will spot a small metal grating. Use the Slide attack to slice through the metal and once again to get Raiden into this hidden room. Turn around and look at the bottom of the stairs out. Raiden will find Data Storage 1 there. You can use Ninja Run to get out of this area then resume your chase.

There is a massive metal door blocking your way forward. Raiden will slide under it. After that you need to simply run forward and slice through whatever happens to get in your way be it fencing or pipes if you want. Keep at it until you get to the first rooftop. That is when Raiden will enter into the Second Ranked Battle.

Ranked Battle #2: Metal Gear Ray
Immediately close in the Metal Gear and start slicing at its head. If you can manage it quickly enough you can interrupt its fire barrage of plasma fire. If not, dodge its double sweep with the cutter then move in and continue attacking its head. It will likely soon provoke a Blade Mode Opprotunity. Slice through the armor and focus on getting at the rest of it. Just remember that it likes to fill the gaps in its attack pattern with machine gun fire so use Ninja Run to avoid the worst of the damage.

The second attack is almost always a head butt. Move in and parry this to get another Blade Mode opprotuity to slice at its head. After this it most likely will open fire with its turret then plant its one arm on a side of the arena. Face it and you can either use Blade Mode to slice through the missles that will hit Raiden or you can jump them. The choice is yours.

After those attacks it will do another head butt into the right-hand wall. Move into position and parry it. This will give another chance to get Blade Mode on the head. Follow that up with the most attacks you can. The final attack of this sequence is that it will swing its arm in at Raiden. Once again, aim to parry this attack.

After all that it is time to enter into the killing sequence of this battle most likely. Start by Ninja Running forward. Hit any other prompts that show up as Raiden begins to slice through his opponent. After that it is time to run down the clocktower to complete the job. Keep tothe right-hand to have the best chance to avoid the incoming obstacles. At the conclusion of this, just hit the prompted button to finish off the Metal Gear Ray.

Play resumes iwth Raiden on a train. Just press forward with Ninja Run. When you reach the edge of the supply crates, where ahead you can see your target and the other Cyborg, start to inch forward so Raiden will drop down onto the very edge of the train car he is on. Here he can collect Data Storage 2. Be careful as if you even nick the next train car the final cutscene of the file will begin. Now Raiden and Sam have their first fight. Honestly, there is no way to win it. Do what you can or jsut prvoke him into attacking you to finish out the file.