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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 1 – R-00: Guard Duty (Beginning to First Metal Gear Ray Battle)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 1 – R-00: Guard Duty (Beginning to First Metal Gear Ray Battle)

It is recommended to take a moment to run through the tutorial if you have not played any of this game before. It helps get a feel for how Raiden moves and lets you get practice in combat without any risk. This includes a Parry Tutorial which is very important. After that watch the opening cinematic that explains the events before the game.

Once the opening ends it is time to deal with 3 Cyborgs that are intereted in the President that Raiden's company is guarding. This first fight is unranked to keep on guard. Ause this time to get a better grasp on using the parry mechanic alone. After that head forward and go around the corner. There are 4 more Cyborgs waiting on the other side of it. A few of them have guns. You can use Ninja run to deflect some of the incoming fire from small arms so take advantage of this to close the gap. Use the attacks that lead out of the Ninja Run to kill the guards off. Take a little time to look around the area for healing items. When you are ready to move on head over to the chainlink fence and slice through it with your blade. On the other side is a cutscene then a fight against a Metal Gear Ray

Ranked Battle #1 Metal Gear Ray
While this is the first ranked battle, unless it is a subsequent playthrough, gettting through this quickly is not a high priority compared to simply surviving it. Metal Gear Ray has a number of attacks it can use:
Head Attack:
Using its head it can "bite" at Raiden and do a running charge. Can be parried to trigger Blade Mode. The first time it will let Raiden slice through the head plating. The next two times will let Raiden Slice through the shoulder-mounted guns.

Leg Attacks:
The Ray will attempt to stomp Raiden. Look on the ground for the red marker and stay out of that area. Those can be parried to destroy the armor on the leg.

Tail Swpie:
The Metal Gear will not consistently use this attack. It can be parried though as it closes in on Raiden. This will give him a blade mode opprotunity to slice it off (For an achievement/trophy). You can provoke this attack by standing in front of the Metal Gear but not underneath it's body. Just remember to parry to the Metal Gear and not the tail.

Arm Attack:
The Metal Gear atttacks Raiden with one its 2 arm blades. This can either be evaded or parried. There is no Blade Mode Opportunity associated with it.

Machine Gun:
The Metal Gear Ray will fire on Raiden with its machine guns. Simply use Ninja Run to evade or deflect all the bullets.

Rocket Salvo:
A Barrage of Rockets comes at Raiden from the Metal Gear. It is possible to use Blade Mode to slice the rockets but that is strictly for amusement. Just watch where the red markers are to know where they are going to land.

Laser Beam:
The Metal Gear unleashes its powerful Laser Beam on Raiden. This cannot be parried, only avoided. Get out of the way of it!

Now it is time to cut through the armor and use the various attacks to get at the parry opprortunities to slice through the armor. This will inflict the most damage to the Metal Gear Ray. If you can parry the Tail attack then you can slice through most of this Ray's health with only a little effort, once oyu get the trick of provoking this attack. For the first run, just survive the fight.

You need to learn the attacks and the animations. You also need to complete this battle inside of 3 minutes. As the Metal Gear often starts trying to "bite" Raiden, begin by parrying the attack to get through the head armor. After that focus on one of the 2 legs. Move in and start slashing away until Ray tries to stomp you. Pause in your assault and go for the parry opprotunity presented. This will let Raiden enter Blade Mode again and let him through the armor on the leg. After that, land and resume your attack on the leg. If you are quick enough you will trigger a second Blade Mode Opprotuity. This lets Raiden slice up one of the Gun mounts on Ray.

Ray is feeling the wear from the attacks. If it jumps to the middle of the street that the fight is happening on then move to be underneath its head. This has a good chance of provoking the Tail Swipe attack. Parry this to get the most health you can in a single blade mode. After that, focus on the remaining parts that you can trigger blade mode on. Close in on the other leg and slice through its armor and its subsequent turrent. After that, focus on the head, parrying the bite and charge attack to get the head around and the turrets there. When it comes to the end of the fight just charge in with Ninja Run, evading the Plasma Beam, and begin the button sequence.