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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 3 – R-01: Coup D'etat (Beach to Hostage Situation)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 3 – R-01: Coup D'etat (Beach to Hostage Situation)

Head on over to the right and start up the stairs and over to the street. This will lead right into Ranked Battle 1

Ranked Battle 1: S – Rank
This is a lot easier than the other Ranked Battles in this game. You just need to wait for the cyborgs to close in. The best way to quickly get S-Rank is to wait and use a Parry Counter This will allow for a one-hit call on all of them. After that, only if it was a block and not a counter, play a defensive game. It is very easy to win this fight quickly using defensive measures.

After the first ranked battle of the file head forward and into the building in front of Raiden. Once inside Boris will contact Raiden on his Codec and give him a run down on what is expected out of Despreado. After that, look ahead and to the left. There you will see a stack of crates. Ninja Run toward the crates and Raiden will climb up to the next floor. Turn to the left and use Ninja Run to climb up the set of crates in webbing that is right there.

On the top floor look to the left of the doorway. There is a box Raiden can cut open. Do so to find some Repair Nanopaste. This functions like an Extra Life when it is equipped. Next turn to the chandelier. You want to get Raiden to jump out to it Ninja Run toward it and he will take care of the rest. Now head to the West and through to the next room.

In this room head over to the right and go right up to the edge of the ledge. You will see a cyborg below you. You can hit the prompted button to get Raiden to drop down onto him and kill him quickly. You should first head to the end of the corridor though and grab the second Repair Nanopaste. After all that head on out the far end of the corrdior, below where the paste was and back out into the open. There is apparently a situation in the area below and Raiden can do something to resolve it. Also, if Raiden heads over to the right he can find an Item Box with a Grenade in it.

This unranked fight is the frist chance Raiden has to deal with a hostage situation. In this case, the best solution is stealth and alacrity. If you hear the soldiers talking with the civilian, you have very little time. Start by heading over to the left-hand side of this stairway and cross over to the other side. Move up behind the cyborg and get a Ninja Kill on him. Now continue along the balcony and pause before the next corridor to the right. Use AR mode to determine the facing of the next cyborg. Wait for him to start moving away from Raiden and quickly move in and get a second Ninja Kill on him. Now continue to the far side of the corridor and drop down to the level below. Move up quickly behind the 2 cyborgs. You can easily get 1 Ninja Kill but it is very unlikely you will get 2 here. In you can, great, otherwise quickly engage the second guard and you will have saved the civilian. Just head over to him and talk with him to complete this quick little segment and collect the BP for it.

Take a moment and head back int othe building you just crept through. Look in the back left corner to find a grenade on the floor. Now climb back up to the floor above and head out onto the balcony toward where you saved the Civilian. Ninja Run up onto the roof using the crate. There is an item box on the roof of this building with a Holo-Chip (M). Grab it and you are ready to move on.