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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 4 – R-01: Coup D'etat (Ranked Battle 2 to The Bridge)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 4 – R-01: Coup D'etat (Ranked Battle 2 to The Bridge)

Head forward from the perch and forward. This will lead to the second Ranked Battle of this mission.

Once again it rest on getting a counter parry to quickly kill most of your foes without much effort. The cyborgs are easy enough so focus instead on initially countering the Gekko that has jumped in. Get a parry in on it first and win out on the button challenges to get a Zandatsu opprotunity for a quickly kill. After that quickly dispatch the 2 pairs of Cyborgs that come after Raiden. Once again, counter and use Zandatsu to quickly finish the battle.

Once the fight is over head over to the left-hand side of the area and have Raiden Ninja Run up the wall there. He will find a Blue Item Box. This can only be opened using Blade Mode and slicing through the lock. Inside is Data Sotrage 4. Head over to the opposite side of the area to find another Item Box with a Holo-Chip (S). With those items collected head on up the stairs to the North and toward the next part of the level.

This is unranked combat so you can handle things in whatever manner you would desire. The easiest is stealth, killing just one Cyborg who stands nearby the boxes Raiden can use for cover, then working your way to the North then West to cut across. Just be sure you time it so the guard is looking away and the Gekko is elsewhere.

For a more complete Stealth Kill approach, you start with the soldier who is in front of the boxes near where Raiden gets the Rocket Launcher. Get a kill on him then return to behind the boxes. Be sure the Gekkos are looking away when you do this. After that, move around the corner from the crates to ensure you have blocked the line of sight from the Gekkos. As the Gekko begins to cross the bridge move in quickly and perform a Ninja Kill on it. Continue on to the far side of the bridge now. Kill the first guard when the Gekko has turned around. Quickly close the distance to the second hugging the left-hand wall to ensure the Gekko below does not spot you. Move in for the Ninja Kill when it turns away. Now just move in behind the Gekko and take it out to finish the deal.

If this come to combat and stealth does not quite work then start with Gekkos. Use a Parry Counter to take them out or jsut block until you can trigger a Zandatsu on them. After that, deal with the soldiers by Ninja Running into melee and taking them down.

When the fighting or sneaking is done, Raiden will be able to reach the Marker without much trouble. There he will find a door to open. This is not available while in active combat so be sure everything is dead or ignorant. Open the door and head in. Straight in front of Raiden is VR Terminal 1. Approach and interact with it. This will unlock a new VR Mission for Raiden. Now head on up the stairs and down the corridor at the top of them. Head toward the end of the corridor to trigger the next cutscene. Be on guard as there are interactive elements. After the next ranked fight will begin.