How hard can commanding a Spaceship be? If it was anything like what we are faced in FTL: Faster Than Light it would be left for only the most skilled and determined individuals. This game is not fooling around when it comes to slapping you around with missiles, lasers and drones. At one moment you can feel confident in your upgraded ship, only to end up in a Storm, with half your power, boarded, on fire, and leaking oxygen. I cannot even describe how many times I lost what I thought was an excellent setup to a surprisingly efficient foe, and my own mistakes. How to survive in FTL: Faster Than Light then? There are a few things to be aware of so that you cope a bit better, but they will by no means guarantee success. I only hope that by reading this guide you will have an easier time reaching zone 8. What happens after that? Let’s just say you are either that confident of victory, or you will be starting from square one all over again.
Once you are done here, why not check out our 5 Point Tip List for FTL?
We now also have a guide to some of the new tid-bits in the Advanced Edition of FTL.
If you are both very lucky and skilled you could be faced with the very same pleasure of defeating the Rebel flagship! Of course, more often than not, it will be the opposite.
In order to get a good grip on how to perform better in FTL: Faster Than Light we must discuss two important areas. How to protect yourself, and how to attack the enemy efficiently. Although you won’t be able to have an impenetrable defense you have to to tackle the problem of being under fire in two stages. Not getting hit, and resolving the effects of being hit.
Depending on the ship you start in you might have access to more or less powerful Engines and Shields. Both of these measures have the important task of not allowing something to damage your ship. This is of course wishful thinking that you will ever have enough Evasion and strong enough shields to stop the enemy from any damage. It is important that you do not completely forget about upgrading or improving them.
Evasion allows you to dodge enemy fire (except for beams). How high your Evasion is depends on your Piloting and Engine. If you have a skilled Pilot and Engineer to man the Engine, together with suitable upgrades you will dodge missiles with the use of barrel rolls and more complex techniques. It should be noted that improving the Piloting Modules does not increase your Evasion, it only allows for the Auto-Pilot to try and dodge incoming fire if no Pilot is present. Only through upgrading your engine can you actually increase your Evasion significantly. Your Crew’s skills will also benefit you, but since you might had noticed just how often and suddenly you can lose crew members best not rely on them purely.
Your shields act as your second line of defense. If they are strong enough (and we are talking about some incredibly strong shields, or Zotan shields) you can even stop missiles. In general, your shields are meant to stop: Beams, Lasers and Ion shots. Each laser shot, regardless of strength, will take away one shield point. Ion Shots will temporarily weaken the shield, by how much depends on the specific Ion weapon. Beams are “softened” by the Shields. So, for example, if you had a Beam with strength two, facing a strength one shield then the beam would be capable of doing damage within the ship for one point, instead of two. Take note that certain weapons ignore Shields. Missiles will punch through any shield, except for 5 point/Zotan Shields. Bombs are teleported inside the enemy ship ignoring shields as well, and only a high enough Evasion can make them “Miss”. In general if you lack a decent Evasion your Shields will only stop certain types of weapons, making you an easy prey for Missiles and Bombs. A sufficient spamming of Ion weapons will also eventually disable your shields, leading to disaster.
Taking these two points into account, what is more important, Evasion or Shields? The simple answer is, “Both.”. Evasion can only be so high (the highest I ever got, without penalizing myself was 40%) so the Shields protected me from almost anything else that I could not dodge. Of course, you are bound to be hit, by something, so what will you do when that happens?
There is a certain alternative to using Evasion, and that is cloaking. When cloaked you get a 60% evasion bonus, for a limited duration. The enemy weapons won’t be able to target you, while your own weapons will be able to load up, and even fire, while cloaked. The problem is that the Cloaking system has a mildly long recharge time, and until it is upgraded you will have only short moments of becoming invisible. Still, the Cloaking system is a good investment, especially if you want to dodge already fired missile salvos.
The Halberd Beam would normally inflict two points of damage per area it hits, but because of the enemy shield this is only reduced to one point per section.
In an ideal scenario nothing will so much as scratch your hull. In reality, the enemy will have such a wide selection of weapons that you are bound to get hit by something. The first rule of getting hit, do not panic. Follow these few steps in order to cope with any damage that you suffered.
There are two types of damage that cannot be ignored in the long-term. Fires, and Oxygen system damage. A fire left unattended can spread, resulting in multiple system damage. If it is possible try opening doors in order to create vacuum in that area. Be aware, if you take too long the fire could be too strong for your crew members alone to extinguish it. If you are under-staffed, flee. If you cannot cope with the on-board fire, then you have no way of dealing with the enemy in front of you.
Oxygen system damage might not seem that important, up until you are faced with multiple hull breaches, or forced to extinguish fires through the use of vacuum. Once the Oxygen level is too low you might lose crew members from attempts at fixing the O2 System. If you have a spare crew member, or repair droid, make use of them to fix the O2 System. Be prepared that in some dire circumstances you might have to move more than one crew member to resolve this. If you are at a critically low level (10%, for example) then you should send the most skilled repair crew.
I am in a bit of a pickle here. Not only is my engine destroyed, but my shields have also been Ionized. I can either choose to attack the enemy with my Halberd beam, or try and fix the engine, hold out for as long as possible, then flee.
How to classify which modules are the most important? A lot depends on how determined you are, and your own personal calculation of whether you can still win, or not. If you are faced with multiple module damage, and assuming you have a start-up ship, and you are prepared to fight back, at any cost, focus on repairing first your Weapon System, then your shields. If you manage to disable the enemy weapons then your crew can fix the other Systems. Shields might protect you, but if they were not strong enough to withstand enemy fire in the first place you should first neutralize the enemy. Alternatively, focus on your Piloting and Engine Systems. Without these your FTL drive won’t charge up, and you will be left a sitting duck for the enemy. Your piloting module could be your Achilles heel, since you might not upgrade it, and as such the enemy will have to cause one point of damage to take it out, halting any escape progress.
It is likely that at some point somebody will try to board you. The problem with boarders is that, in some cases, they could outnumber you. Sometimes the boarders will target your key systems, so that their ship can finish you off. Fighting off boarders is not that hard, as long as you keep your head in place. If you have upgraded doors you can efficiently block enemy movement aboard your ship. On top of that, while the boarders are stuck in a hull section, trying to blast their way forward, you could try creating a vacuum in their area. Take note that you can use certain bombs on your own ship as well. So, for example, if you have four Mantis in a hull section you can try fire bombing them, or creating a vacuum. If you are unable to defeat the enemy before they reach a system ask yourself whether the system is important or not. Dragging your crew away while fighting the enemy ship could cost you a victory. If you have the time to first destroy the ship, do so, then defeat the boarders. If not, try to deal with the boarders as quickly as possible. If you have excess crew members, use them. Alternatively, if you lack a crew, use Anti-Boarding Drones. They might not be strong, but they are certainly tough.
Defeating y0ur opponent might seem like an easy task. It can be, but do not be fooled by somebody with few shields and numerous guns. When you face an opponent take into account the following: How Strong are his Shields? Does he have any Defense Droids? How many weapons does he have? Does he have Attack Droids of his own? These questions allow you to prioritize your fire. If you faced a foe with limited shield, numerous weapons, and no Droid, you could first focus on the shields, to take them out completely, and then fire at the weapons system. When faced with a ship heavily dependent on drones you might want to focus on the Drone Control system first, especially if the Defense drones impede your missiles, or if the attack drones keep damaging your shields.
In some situations planning where which weapons will fire and in what order is crucial for maximum effectiveness. In this example, if the missile managed to hit the shield generator and knock it out (it will pierce the shield without a problem) then the burst laser can focus on the Weapon System, without the shield blocking it.
Which weapon is good for what scenario? There are a number of ways to approach this question, so let us look at the extremes:
Laser Based Ship – You focus on employing Laser Weapons, especially Multi-Lasers. The obvious strength is that you do not need missiles or Drone Parts. The con is that you have to punch through the enemy shields, in order to do any real damage. This is where Multi-Lasers excel. Having in your grasp Burst Laser II or III cannons allows you to efficiently fire off salvos, which should have no problem piercing the enemy shields, even if they have a higher level, and damaging the systems and sub-systems within. The problem could be that you lack enough lasers to pierce the enemy shields. As such, having a backup weapon, such as an Ion or Breach Bomb, to target the Shield system is a great idea. Once the shield is down a Multi-Laser can quickly destroy the enemy ship’s systems.
Missiles Based Ship – The enemy has shields? Pft. Fire off a few missiles at their weapon systems and they could have a Tier 4 shield, you don’t care! That is, up until you run out of missiles, or the enemy has multiple, or even one, Defensive Drone. Defense Drones are the bane of missiles, and later on also Laser weapons. As such, even though you could have the perfect weapons to turn the inside of your opponents into Swiss cheese you first have to get rid of those Droids. The solution? Bombs. Lasers and Beams are only ever any good if you know that you can punch through the enemy shields. This is a very expensive route however, and taking out an enemy by spamming missiles can result in your downfall.
“Bomber” – Bombs are your thing? Teleporting explosives into key elements of the enemy ship, then detonating them and watching how the crew suffocates, or burns to death? It is a beautiful image, but I would hate to disappoint you, it is never that easy. Breach and Ion bombs are the best Bomb-based weapons you can get your hands on. An Ion Bomb will disable the enemy system for a long time, while a Breach bomb could turn a perfectly functional section of the ship into a dead-zone. Firebombs? Yes, they are also a delicious weapon to use, but alone they might not be that effective. A competent enemy crew will put out the fire before it does any real damage. As such, if you want to use fire bombs make sure you have a way of ensuring the fire stays lit. If you manage to take out the enemy’s O2 system then the fire could well suffocate the entire crew. If the Medbay stays functional however the enemy crew could recover and put the fire out. Take note, enemy weapons can still fire if the Weapon System is intact. Using bombs might be inefficient if you desire a quick victory.
Beam Based ship – Beams could work as weapons, at the beginning of the game. The moment the enemy gets Level 2 shields however you will be lacking almost any attack ability. How to use beams effectively? The first and obvious step is to knock out the enemy shields, then surgically target the beams into critical areas around the enemy ship. So, for example, use a Multi-Laser to weaken the shield, then target your beam weapons at the Shield system. If all goes well you could start a fire, resulting in even more chaos for the enemy. It is important that your beam weapons are charged however. Timing is crucial since if the beam jumps in too late then the shield could already soak it up.
Drone Ship – Attack Drones are awesome! Beams? Lasers? They are destructive! As long as the enemy does not have the shields to stop them. Using masses of drones is expensive, because you will have to use Drone Parts (unless you have the Recovery Arm installed). Is there any point in using Drones then? Yes, if you manage to knock out the enemy shields. Ion Bombs or Ion Cannons can solve that job efficiently, giving your Drones enough time to turn the enemy ship into a burning ruin. There is a substantial problem however, Drones are not smart. Your attack drones will randomly target spots on the enemy ship, meaning that you could be under extremely heavy enemy fire, while the drone keeps firing at an empty hull section. Using deployable Ship-Boarding drones sounds like a good idea, as long as the enemy is not strong enough to repel them. Alone, they might not be enough to defeat a ship. However, if you send them at a time when the enemy is weakened, and you would prefer to capture the ship, rather than to destroy it, then they might just be your solution.
Ion-Based ship – The only way how you can defeat an enemy through the use of Ion based weapons is by permanently taking out the enemy’s O2 System, and keeping it that way. Although you have the means to do that (Ion Bombs) it might as well be impossible, because the enemy weapons could take you out before anybody suffocates. However, a ship based on the heavy use of Ion weapons is deadlier than any cruiser fitted with missiles, lasers or beams. The reason is simple, Ion weapons can sabotage the shielding, allowing your Drones or other weapons to find their mark. Ion Bombs could be considered the single most “OP” weapon in the game. The weapon itself needs only one energy bar to function, the bomb teleports onto the enemy ship (ignoring all shields, unless there is an active Zotan shield present), and then causes four points of Ion Damage. If you have a troublesome shield or system you want to take out desperately the Ion Bomb will provide.
No matter how well you prepared yourself for a foe, a Plasma storm often kicks you in the shins when you least expect it. You have to suddenly juggle between your different systems, deciding on what you need to defeat, or run away from, your foe.
It is likely that there is a reason why you would want to capture the enemy ship. I won’t stop you! Heed this though, it is rarely easy. Depending on the enemy’s strength, and your own, you might have to approach this in three possible ways: Burn them out, Suffocate them or board them.
Burn them out – Fire bombs and Fire beams are ideal for this. Starting fires on the enemy ship will ensure constant damage to the enemy crew, and their modules. Take note, if the enemy crew is competent enough they can put out your fires before they take effect. Furthermore, if a fire destroys an enemy module/system the ship will lose one hull point. Before starting a mass fire analyze whether the enemy has enough hull points to withstand the destruction of all its systems. If not, the ship could be destroyed before the crew dies. Where you place the fires is also important. Targeting the O2 system is a good idea, but targeting other areas, such as the weapon system or engine is also useful.
Suffocate them – Fire is dangerous, because it could lead to the enemy ship exploding. The other solution is draining the enemy ship off oxygen. Two points must be accomplished here. The destruction of the O2 system, and multiple hull breaches. Destroying the Medbay is optional, but could make this plan far easier (the enemy will not have a way to send in healed crew members to fix the breaches). There is a “but”. If you lack Breaching bombs you will have to use missiles, and if the enemy has defense drones this might be a near impossible task, if you lack any other weapons. Fire will also drain oxygen, but it could lead to the ship exploding. Boarding Drones when dispatched onto the enemy ship will also cause a hull breach, wherever they land.
Board them – Boarding is a difficult art. Most ships have a limited teleporter size, and you could end up sending only two crew members, only to pull them out in the next instant. Mantis and Rockmen are good at performing boarding actions, because their health/attack values are higher than usual. Rockmen are also immune to fire, so sending them into a blazing inferno you just started could cost the enemy dearly. HOWEVER, they can still suffocate. It is useful to have either improved Sensors or Slugmen in your crew, to give you intelligence on enemy crew numbers, locations and the overall state of the enemy ship. Using Drones to aid your boarding crew is a good idea, also because the Drones won’t suffocate. Once you take out all the enemy crew the ship will be yours! Take into account though, the enemy ship can still fire at you if it has a functional weapon system. If the enemy has improved door sub-systems your movements could be heavily impaired.
It will very rarely be the case that you will get enough scrap for the upgrades you planned, or the weapons/modules/drones you wanted. A lot of the time you have to say “Carpe Diem!” and use whatever you have on hand, to the best of your abilities. Take into account that as you progress into the next zones you will need stronger weapons, shield and engines. You do not need a numerous crew, but it costs you nothing, especially if you rescue more members from slavers. Four is the magic number, to man the cockpit, engine, weapon and shield systems. After that, everybody else can be used for boarding, defenses and repairs.
As you travel from sector to sector you will pass by numerous Stores. Some of these stores could have a rare weapon, and if you have a huge supply of Scrap lying about it might be a good idea to buy it. Of course, it is just as likely that at the next node you could find the weapon simply floating in space.
Do not be disheartened if you end up with a completely random setup. Sit down and think how best you can use it. Perhaps the Ion Bomb will match your tactic better than the Multi-laser you hoped for? Maybe you should keep the repair drone, in case you fail to find more crew members? Do not cross out options, only because they did not fit your dream. If FTL teaches you something it’s how to improvise.
If you would ask me, “What is the most important thing in FTL?” I would answer “Knowledge”. If you know about the strengths and weaknesses of different weapons, realize which systems to target first, which last, you will cope far better than if you shot everything at random. Knowledge how to fight boarders, extinguish fires, how to perform repairs. Of course, a knack for quickly analyzing data is also important, but without knowing what to do with it you would not cope that much better. In case you ever need a source for different types of information (regarding weapons, equipment, ships and more) check out the FTL: Faster than Light Wiki page. Remember though, it’s not just the information but what you do with it that’s important.
If you somehow manage to defeat the final boss do brag about in the comments. I managed to do so just hours ago while (funnily enough) making screenshots for this Guide. In case you want to know what setup I used check the above screenshots!
Need some extra information, ideas or hints? Check this brand new article about FTL: Faster Than Light!