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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 5 – R-01: Coup D'etat (LQ-84i)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 5 – R-01: Coup D'etat (LQ-84i)

Ranked Fight 3:
This is a fight that helps refine one's ability to parry. It is very important to understand the attacks that will be coming at Raiden:
Pounce: This is one of the more common attacks. LQ-84i will glow red and launch itself at Raiden. As it likes ot do this attack in rapid succession it is a great chance to parry or parry-counter. IF this hit connects it will propel Raiden away.

Claws: LQ-84i attacks Raiden with its claws. It has a high chance to stun Raiden. Aside from that, it can be parried so it should be attempted.

Wall Pounce: Much like the Pounce it begins with a Red glow as LQ-84i attacks Raiden from the wall. It is harder to dodge than the standard pounce by jumping or Ninja Running. However, just like the Pounce it can be parried.

Chainsaw Swing: A vertical or horizontal area of effect attack done with its Chainsaw. Somehow this can be parried to prevent damage.

Chainsaw Combo: A 3-hit Combo attack that LQ-84i uses. Each hit must be parried individually to completely avoid damage.

Knife Throw: LQ-84i will jump back and hurl 3 knives at Raiden. This can be parried.

Pin and Stab:
This is one attack you are better off avoiding all together. LQ-84i will leap around Raiden with a faint orange glow. Keep a close eye on it during this set up. From there it will crouch then launch itself at Raiden. While this attack can be parried know it is a very small window of opprotunity. It is better to evade the attack by waiting until LQ-84i crouches then jumping into the air and executing the longest air-borne combo you can.

With that understanding Raiden will be able to counter and evade the attacks and the battle gets a lot easier. The first round will give you a good feel for how the fight will proceed. Just keep a good eye out for the parry opprotunities and it will not take too long before you can handle most of what this construct can throw at you.

When Raiden gets LQ-84i down to 70% or less, it will call in 3 Cyborg reinforcements. Attempt a parry counter on the lead to get a 30-hit combo or to simply take them all out in quick succession with Zandatsu follow ups. Any you do not immediately get are easily finished off with standard attacks or another parry counter.

This will resume the fight with LQ-84i. It will go much like the first round. Get it down to 40% health and it will call in another reinforcement: a Gekko. Once again aim for a quick finish using a Parry Counter. After that it is time to finish the fight with LQ-84i. He will start to use the Pin and Stab attack a lot more. Just keep on your toes and ready with a parry. It will not take too much to reduce LQ-84i to 10% where you can execute it. At the conclusion of the fight it will throw a codec call at you. Answer it to get its final words. The fight is concluded.