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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 58 – Going Back In (Chasm Stronghold)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 58 – Going Back In (Chasm Stronghold)

Time to work on rescuing Sam from Mathias. Climb the platforms to your left to get started. Head through the cave into the next part of the cliff side. Use the various ammo containers to restock on anything you are low on. You are going to need the ammo sooner or later and right now it is always going to be sooner with the Stormguard. With the ammo in hand head through to the bridge that sits nearby. Lara will struggle against the wind and it the bridge she is crossing that will give way. It is when she lands that things get really bad.

This area overall has some unique features you can take advantage of. First, there are Orange Spheres wrapped lightly in rope. These are explosive containers. You can approach and shove them around. If you push them into a crowd of Oni and blow it up with some quick shooting then you will deal with all those Oni. Next would be the cover most of the Archers use. Most of them have Rope Coils on them. This means you can use a Rope Arrow to quickly yank at it and pull it down, exposing the archer. If there is more available cover they will duck for it but it is good to use that time to kill them.

The area she is now in largely populated by Oni. Many will be firing arrows at her and a number of them will also rush her. Start by going forward and over to the right. This will cut the hail of arrows that are coming down on Lara for now. If possible try to climb onto the platform just over to the right of where you are hunkered down. It does not always happen but there is a chance for the Stormguard to do a major rush and charge at you. Just keep up your fighting until some of the Stormguard use Explosives to bring a Stone Tower down.

The fight changes some at this point. You have to fight Archers and Pikemen at close range now. The Shotgun is a great weapon as the Pikemen will move in to get close kill. While the shield can take the blast fairly well, the spread of the shots help get some of the pellets through to the Oni behind it. Take your time to finish off all the ones who rushed you at this location.

When the Stormguard have been dealt with in this immediate area head up along the tower. Cross it and then hug against the right-hand wall to avoid the incoming arrows. Now, more than anything, let the Oni come to you. It is a lot easier to deal with them in the fashion they charge at you. It limits the overall risk from each of the attackers.

For this first section you have 2 more Pikemen that will head directly for Lara in addition to 2 Archers on the Platform ahead. Focus on the Pikemen first as they can one shot Lara and are more heavily armored. A steady trigger finger and good dodging will go a long way to take them all down. After them just charge up the embankment, firing up at the Archers. If their cover gets annoying, use a Rope Arrow to pull it down.

The second part of the area is found over to the right. You have more Archers to deal with in the first wave. There are 2 in the building to the East of your present position. Head toward it and kill them off.  As you do, keep any eye on the tower to the South. There are 4 – 6 archers that will appear in this wooden tower. It is very simple to just launch a few grenades at it and watch it collapse after they explode.