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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 59 – Going Back In (Chasm Stronghold to Chasm Shrine)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 59 – Going Back In (Chasm Stronghold to Chasm Shrine)

The fight continues on after that with another heavy wave of Warriors and Pikemen. Head over to the structure to the Northeast of where you came in. This provides a decent amount of cover from the directions the Stormguard will be charging. The first part of the wave is a lot of Warriors coming at you. Just keep moving and deal with the Archers that appear a little after them while sorting out the Warriors. Once again, the Shotgun is a great choice to quickly tear through their armor and kill them.

The second wave is where things get challenging. You have Pikemen joining the fight in addition to several Archers and more Warriors. Keep on the move and look for any explosives you can use to quickly deal with the Oni. Keep moving and make sure you do not get surrounded. That will spell nearly instant death for you. Just keep shooting and do not relent at all until the fight is over.

The fight will be shown to be over with a very strong burst of wind. It will break away some boards and reveal a Rope Coil. Hit it with a Rope Arrow to yank the boards away and reveal the next passage you need to take. Head up the ramp and toward the door. An Oni Stalker will make its appearance and attempt to crush Lara with its mace. A true gale will come through and nearly sweep Lara from her feet now but it will knock the Stalker out of your way. With that scene over head into the nearby hall and over to the left. This will let you pause a moment and rest at a camp site.

Inside this hall there are still a few things to grab. Just a little East from the camp you can find the first relic of the area (Kansu Burial Urn) on the table. After that head for the door opposite the one you came through. Look to the right of this door to find the first document of the area (Soldier: Last Stand). After that just go to the door and use the Climbing Axe on it to break through and into the Shrine itself.

Once in the next room go straight forward and drop down. Turn to the lefty and look into the nearby cells. You will find the second Relic (Ban Chiang Vase). Turn around and head for the wall on the right that you can climb up. Next head for the wheel on the opposite side. Once again use the Axe to spin it and bring the elevator up. Look to the left of the wheel on the floor. There you will find the second Document (Whitman: Crossing The Line).

Time for a little more looting. Turn around from having collected the document and run up the ramp on the right. Jump for the boards and climb up them. Follow the balcony along and then jump the gap, going between the corpses. When you land on the smaller balcony, look to the left of the crates to find the local treasure map. After that loot the Salvage Crate.

With all that in hand jump across the gap to get over the entrance you came through. Now turn to the cage you raised up and use a Rope Arrow/Ascender to smash through some of the wall. Now head down to the wheel on the right-hand side of the room. Use the Axe to close the floor panel and then head to the left-hand side to lower the cage onto the panel. Once again, climb up to the upper balcony using the ramp and line up your next shot on the cage. This time, as the cage swings back, have Lara jump onto it.

A cutscene runs as Lara lands in the next room. After that take some time to explore the area. To the South of where you start you will find the final document you can collect (Hoshi: An End). After that head on out to the East, down the passage. This leads to the Sacred Passage Base Camp. Look to the South of the Camp to find the final Relic (Satsuma Vase). This represents the Point of No Return and the last Camp you can fast travel from. There is just one more and you can only upgrade at it. Head back through to any areas you missed things and collect them at this time.