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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 28 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (Alleyway to Processing Center)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 28 – Chapter 5: Pittsburgh (Alleyway to Processing Center)

Head into the bus and go to the end of it to the left. There you can find a Comic Book for Ellie. After that go around the bus and look at the car nearby its opposite side to find some Crafting Items. After that head on down the street until you hear the gun shot. Immediately get into cover after that. There are 3 Hunters that are moving into the area. Wait for them to finish their conversation to learn more of what is going on. After that go over to the left-hand side and hide behind the blue dumpster. As the Hunters close in, move over to the left-hand side of it and wait for them to pass you by. After that it is a simple matter of waiting for them all to leave the area.

Once the Hunters have left the area go over to the bus that they climbed over to get in. Head over to the Bus but do not start up it just yet. Instead go around it, and wait by the red car. Ellie will point out that you could climb up onto the bus from there. Wait just a little longer and she will pull out a joke book and read a few out of it. Just wait around for her to finish reading them which takes some time.

On the other side of the bus go over to the booth in the far right-hand corner. Behind the booth you will likely find some parts. After that look below the counter in the booth to find an artifact: “Lost Hill Note”. Wait a while in the booth for Ellie to read the note on the wall about rations. Talk with her about it then it is time to go. Head on through the opening in the check point to the left of the booth. Just weave through the walls and get to the turnstile. Head on through to make it into the next part of Pittsburgh.

Just as you go through the Turnstile Ellie will mention she can hear Hunters ahead. Drop into a crouch and keep ready for them. This is going to be a bit of stealth to avoid getting swarmed. Before you go too far though head over to the left and through the opening. You can find some Crafting Items there. After that just go forward through the whole of the processing line. As Joel and Ellie make it to the other side they can hear some Hunters talking.

There are 3 Hunters ahead huddled in the military tent ahead talking about a “Tourist” who passed through last night. There are 4 more in the Bookstore nearby as well. Head over to the left as they talk to find an opening in the walls. Go to the right immediately after to find some Crafting Items. As the nearby trio finishes their conversation get to cover behind the wall, where the Items were. Use Listen Mode to track the Hunter as he goes from one end of the bus to the other. Just find a good spot and take him down. Now for the others.

Head to the other end of the bus then slip forward over to the right. Be careful as there is a Hunter on the far end of this area who does look in your direction once in a while. Go over to the right and through the opening to start tracking the second Hunter. Look for the pause point at the end of his patrol against the wall near the front of the processing area. Take him down then head to the back left opening. Just wait for the third and final Hunter in this area to come up to take him down.

Time to grab a few more things. Search around the back right-hand area of the processing area to find more Crafting Items. After that head through the tent the Hunters were talking in and search the wall to the South of it. You will find an Artifact: “Traitors Flyer” which can be easily missed. Finally head to the far back portion of the Processing Area and go down the alleyway on the right. Duck as you enter it because the other Hunters are inside the book store and could notice you otherwise. Head to the end of the alley and look to the left to find a Firefly Pendant. Now it is time to start into the bookstore.