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. Plays May 13, 2012

Neon Kelly, Deputy and Features Editor – Dark Souls, PS3, Xbox 360

Dark Souls screenshot

I can't shake it off. It's been several months since I sliced up Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, but in Dark Souls death is as temporary as it is perennial. Beat the game, and you soon reappear back in your prison cell, ready to start the journey (and cycle of suffering) anew. The only difference is that you keep all your weapons and upgraded stats... and the enemies are even more proficient at reducing you to a fine red paste.

It's not the enemies I'm fussed about, however: while I was more or less a nice guy on my first playthrough, this time the gloves are off. I've been invading other player's games left, right and centre. True, most of my incursions have ended in my violent death, but I shall not be deterred – it's time to bring the pain!

So, next time you get one of those dreaded invasion messages, keep your eyes peeled: I'll be the one hiding in the shadows, clutching a Dung Pie.

Martin Gaston, Reviews Editor - StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, PC

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty screenshot

Look, is there anyone who plays this that can teach me how to play this? My game has completely gone to ruin. I was alright with the beta and at launch, and now I've gotten so rusty I haven't tasted the sweet nectar of success in dozens of games. Why is everybody else so good now?

Still: what a game. StarCraft II is perhaps the champion of mechanics and balance, and has become a game so refined it's the standard bearer for the biggest resurgence of the eSports scene since Thresh. Honestly, once you've tried a few games of this you'll probably find yourself entertained just watching other people play it.

What a difference an absence of a year and a half can make, though. Back in the old days I'd just spam a decent MMM build and steam-roll the opposition. It doesn't seem to work anymore. I've lost everything when it comes to StarCraft II. I haven't played CoD online in a while, either, so now I'm terrified the next time I boot that up I'll be terrible at as well. I'm probably right guff at Street Fighter now, too. What happened to me?

Maybe next week I can talk about how awful I am at League of Legends.