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The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 27 – Chapter 5: Pittsbrugh (Alone and Forsaken)

The Last Of Us Walkthrough Part 27 – Chapter 5: Pittsbrugh (Alone and Forsaken)

After everything that just happened it does not seem like it cannot get much worse. Some of the men who were trying to ambush you have made it to the truck. They will pull Joel and Ellie out. The one on Joel beats him up some then attempts to spear Joel on a glass shard. Quickly mash “Square” to resist dying here. After that rush over to Ellie who is getting choked out by the other guy. Bash his face in with melee. After that Joel and Ellie get their packs back and it is time to get moving. The problem quickly becomes how to deal with the 4 hunters in front of you.

The solution is not too hard: stealth. Do not fire, break away from the combat and start using Listen Mode to find them. Move in and out of the garage to find them and take them down without drawing fire on yourself. When you need to shoot, do so decisively for a kill. After a bit of a delay from the start 3 more Hunters will join the fry: 2 more melee and 1 more Gunner. Just keep in cover and use Listen  Mode to take them down. It will not be too long before you have them all dead.

When the fight is over it is time to loot the area. Head back to where you started and go over to the counter that is to the right of it. Search there for supplies. After that head over to the ATM near where the truck got smashed and search there as well as the alleyway for more Crafting Items. Head across the street and search of the office on the left for more supplies.

With all that in hand go over to where Ellie is nearby the far-left corner. She will point out a shutter door Joel can raise. Interact with it to do just that. Once inside go over to the left and look on the shelving there to find the Level 2 Tools. After that scope the area like Ellie was saying. The Hunters have been leaving more of the corpses here. Take some more time to loot those shelves for supplies. Over to the right of the Level 2 Tools you will find the Smoke Bomb. Grab it and Joel will add it to his inventory. Now head over to the back right-hand side to find an artifact: “Tourist Manifest”. Grab it to add it into the collection. Head over to the lockers to the right of that and check them for more supplies. After that it is time to get out of here.

To leave this area just go on up to the blue door and open it. Head on up the stairs to the next door and go through it. Once in this next room go over to the right and into the little camp they have set up. Look on the shelving by the far door to find the next Training Manual: Splinting. This is the first Training Manual for your Medical Kit, improving it by 33%. Search the area for more Crafting Items and whatever else you can find then head back into the hallway.

Back in the hallway go over to the right and open the door there. Through this door at the end of the hall you will find some more Parts and other supplies. Turn to the right and look at the end of the room to find a Workbench. After that look on the right-hand wall. You will find the artifact: “Ambush Map”. Now head through the other door in the hallway to get outside. Ellie spies a smoldering pile of bodies. She is fairly certain they were not infected. Head on up the stairs to the left of the door. Joel will spot a bridge that will get them out of town. Now they just need to get to it.

Head over the railing and down to the street level, going straight forward. Just as you get to ground level again, keep going to the car in front of Joel. You can find some Supplements there in the form of the plant by its bumper. Over to the left you will likely find some Parts and over to the right as well. Head on down the alley now and toward the bus ahead of you.