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Might and Magic Heroes VI Hero Abilities Guide - Realm Abilities

Below is the list of realm abilities in Heroes of Might and Magic 6

Tier 1:

Architect I
Creature dwelling production is increased in the area by 1
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Economist I
In the course of his adventures, the Hero tends to find 20% more gold and resources
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Scouting I
Increases the Hero's Scouting Radius by 1 and allows him/her to see the precise number of creatures in neutral armies, in enemy armies, towns, and garrisons within his movement range
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Tier 2

Architect I I
Requires Hero Level 5
Requires Architect I
Town buildings are 20% cheaper to upgrade and convert. Hero has to be in the town for this effect.
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Economist II
Requires Hero Level 5
Requires Economist I
Marketplace rates (Resource exchange) are more favorable.
Counts as 1 extra marketplaces
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Scouting II
Requires Hero Level 5
Requires Scouting I
Increases the Hero's Scouting Radius by 1 and allows him/her to get accurate information on enemy heroes within his/her movement range (abilities, equipped artifacts, reputation,etc).
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Plunder Mine
Requires Hero Level 5
The Hero consumes all his/her remaining movement points to plunder an enemy mine, immediately taking production worth 3 days in advance. The mine stops production for the plundered days
School: Realm
Reputation: Neutral
Active Adventure Ability

Sabotage Mine
The Hero consumes all his/her movement points to sabotage an enemy mine. The sabotaged mine stops production for 7 day(s).
Visiting enemy heroes will clear the sabotage effect but lose all their movement points in doing so.
School: Realm
Reputation: Neutral
Active Adventure Ability

Tier III

Architect III
Requires Hero Level 15
Requires Architect II
Once per day, the hero can help organize construction in the visited town, granting time for another building to be constructed.
School: Realm
Reputation: Neutral
Active Adventure Ability

Economist III
Requires Hero Level 15
Requires Economist II
Produces 1 wood and 1 ore each day
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability

Scouting III
Requires Hero Level 15
Requires Scouting II
Increases the Hero's Scouting Radius by 1 and reveals the location of all unclaimed resources and artifacts on the overview map.
School: Prime
Reputation: Neutral
Passive Adventure Ability