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Might and Magic Heroes VI Emperor's Will Walkthrough - A Restless Griffin (Part 15)


Slava cannot be everywhere at once! Build a Hall of Heroes in your town and recruit another Hero.

Active Objective - Build a Hall of Heroes
Active Objective - Recruit a Secondary Hero

Reward: 1500 Experience.

Double click on your town and go to the building menu

Build the Hall of Heroes. You can recruit additional heroes in this building, Also you can revive your fallen heroes and hire the ones that have fled from a battle. The Hall of heroes costs 2000 gold to make. After building it, click on the new tab with the mug to open the hall of heroes where you can hire new heroes or heroes who have retreated during a battle.

Go over all the Heroes and recruit the one you like. I recruited Lady Cordelia, a Level  1 Knight with the Stand Your Ground Master Specialization. She only has a few units with her, so recruit units in the town for her before getting her to explore and help you.

This will complete the Heroes quest.

Now you have two heroes to manage you can cover more ground. But it also means you have to spread your units between more then one hero so each of your armies might be less powerful then if you just recruited all units for yourself. However, you can use the new hero as a relay of sorts, transporting new units between the town and the main hero. That way you dont have to go back to town every week to recruit.

Every turn, make sure to make use of both heroes' movement points.

Lets take care of the primary quest A Restless Griffin

Ishtvan, thee Legendary first Duke of the Griffin, is buried somewhere in the region, separate from his descendants. The road leading to his tomb is blocked. Slave should investigate the situation.

Find a way to reach Ishtvan's tomb
Defeat Ishtvan and put the vengeful spirit to rest

Rewards: Purse of Endless Gold

From the Gateway, Head West then North then East. This will take you to the Mausoleum.

Note that some artifacts are part of the same "Artifact Set". Equipping several Artifacts of a same set gives your hero additional bonuses. You start receiving these bonuses as soon as you equip two artifacts of the same set.

Visit the observatory near the Mausoleum to clear the fog around your area.

Head to the Mausoleum entrance and fight the creature that is guarding it - Ishtvan! He is a level 1 Ebon Knight with various undead in his army including Skeletons, Ghouls, Ghosts, and Ravenous Ghouls.

Once you defeat him, enter the Necropolis town and convert it to complete the quest and get your reward, a Purse of Endless Gold artifact giving you 250 gold per day.

homm6 converted town