Weak Spots Guide: Maus - World of Tanks Guru
When it comes to armor the first tank in World of Tanks that comes to mind for most players is the tier 10 heavy tank Maus. It’s main role on the battle is to soak up damage, bounce shots, and be a meat shield for it’s team. It’s overall armor is the best in the game with it’s hull being 200/185/160mm and it’s turret at an impressive 240/210/210mm. Dealing with a Maus can be tough as it does not have many weak spots, and the main ones(lower frontal hull, rear hull) can be angled to a point where they are unable to be damaged no matter what gun you have.
There are a few things to keep in mind if engaging an enemy Maus. First off if the Maus is angled and facing towards you…don’t both plunking away at it’s obvious frontal lower hull as it is no longer a weak spot to most guns and even gold rounds in some cases. Number two is don’t bother shooting the small view port on top of the turret as it does no damage to the Maus’ health points. Keep in mind the side of a Maus has additional spaced armor on the lower half of the side(where the armor starts to cut back in) making it very difficult for any gun to damage). And lastly, the Maus is slow! sometimes retreating to flank or deal with it’s support is the best option especially if you are not in a tier t10 tank,
The index at the bottom of each picture describes a few abbreviations used and also the format in which the armor details are described in. Effective Armor (EA) refers to the overall effectiveness of the armor without normalization.
The armor values are presented in three different scenarios for the angled view of the tank.15° frontal(75° side), 25° frontal(65° side), 35° frontal(55° side), and 45° frontal(45° side).
Frontal View

Frontally the Maus can be difficult to handle even for anything besides tier 10 tanks and some tier 9’s. The lowest armor values are found on the lower front and even they pretty tough against most tanks below tier 10.
Angled View

Once a Maus angles it is essentially game over even for tier 10 tanks. The turret weak spots from the frontal view can be used if the Maus driver does not angle his turret in between shots in which case both the frontal turret and side turret are immune to anything thrown at them.
Side View

While the armor on the side of a Maus is still impressive it becomes much more manageable to deal with if you avoid shooting the turret armor.
Rear View

Much like the rest of the Maus the rear is very well armored and can still be tricky to deal with when angled.