Weak Spot Guide: T110E3 - World of Tanks

The T110E3 like the T95 which comes before it is an absolute monster in the frontal armor department.  Many struggle to find it’s weak spots since even the lower glacis can be difficult to penetrate(especially at close range).  This guide will help with dealing with a T110E3 from the front, sides, and rear. I did not include an angled view since if a T110E3 ever angles you simply shoot the side armor and/or the lower glacis plate closest to you.

The index at the bottom of each picture describes a few abbreviations used and also the format in which the armor details are described in. Effective Armor (EA) refers to the overall effectiveness of the armor without normalization.

 The armor values are presented in three different scenarios for the angled view of the tank.15° frontal(75° side),  25° frontal(65° side), 35° frontal(55° side), and 45° frontal(45° side).

Frontal View 1


Frontal View 2


Frontally the T110E3 is very difficult to deal with using conventional methods. The lower glacis while weak in some spots is difficult to pen for a lot of tanks and at under 50mm becomes much stronger and can bounce shells left and right. The commander’s cupola unlike the T110E4 is actually pretty damn strong and should be avoided.  This leaves you with 3 options to aim for on the front of the T110E3.  On the lower glacis closest to the tracks is the main weak spot area and the 76mm (A3) area is at the bottom of the “clips” on the lower glacis.  Moving up you have A1 which can be penetrated at close range shooting down into it, and A2 which can be penetrated by high penetration HEAT/APCR shells.  On the top of the T110E3 is a very small weak spot in A5 which is only 75mm thick but make sure not to hit the view ports or the heavily sloped roof armor.

Side View


The side of the T110E3 is rather straight forward for most tanks besides scouts with low penetration.  Simply avoid shooting the track areas with no hull armor behind them and the casemate/turret section and you will be fine. Once again avoid shooting the commander’s cupola since it is still 229mm thick from the sides.

Rear View


The rear of the T110E3 follows the same pattern as the side armor. Simply avoid the casemate/turret area and the tracks and you’ll be fine.