Guide Lissandra League of Legends S6


(Passive): Every 18 seconds Lissandra's next ability costs no mana. This cooldown is reduced by 1 second every time Lissandra affects the movement of an opponent using one of her spells (items don't count).

Ice Shard (Q)

Lissandra throws a spear of ice which shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing magic damage and reducing their movement speed for 1.5s. Shards that go through the target deal the same damage to other enemies hit.


  • Cooldown: 6/5, 5/5/4, 5/4 seconds
  • Range: 725

Ring of Frost (W)

Lissandra deals magic damage to opponents next to her and roots them for an instant.


  • Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds

Glacial Path (E)

Lissandra casts an ice claw a distance away from her that deals magic damage to all opponents touched. Reactivating Glacial Path transports you to the claw's location.

  • Cooldown: 24 / 21 / 18 / 15 / 12 seconds
  • Range: 1500

Frozen Tomb (R)

On the enemy: Lissandra freezes the opponent in the ice and stuns them for 1.5s.

On herself: Lissandra encases herself in the ice for 2.5s, becoming untargetable and invulnerable to damage, but cannot do any actions.

Dark ice emanates from the target and deals damage to the opponents. This ice lasts 3s and slows enemies.


  • Cooldown: 130 / 105 / 80 seconds


