For this devastating collaboration, read the guide!
The aim of this guide is to explain the slightly complicated synergy that exists between items that can be used together by certain lucky champions in LeagueOfLegends. The idea of the build is to make use of the new items created with the Tear of the Goddess .
The idea is to multiply the items which gain power through mana so that each item strengthens the power of the others. The build will only be usable by champions who are able to quickly charge the Tear of the Goddess as we will see in this guide.
It isn't the simplest build to understand and will also require a bit of practice to use it properly, however it is very efficient! You will also have the personal satisfaction of having a champion/build with a lot of options, rather than a limited champion like Garen who won't allow you to progress much.
What is the Tear of the Goddess and what changes have been made to it since Season 2?
The Tear of the Goddess from Season 2 to Season 3.
The Tear of the Goddess is an item which grants mana and a mana regen.
It is created with the help of: (400 gold) +
(180 gold) + 120 gold to complete the item = 700 gold in total for Season 3.
This is a relatively low price for an item that grants 7 mana regen every 5 seconds as well as 250 direct mana. So 920 gold for a rank 1 item. You should also take into account that with each spell cast you will gain 4 mana maximum (what we call a "stack"), but also 4 mana in total because the bonus mana is added to your mana pool. So if you do a spell at 50, for example, this will indirectly reduce the mana cost of the spell by 4 or 8% as well as increasing your maximum mana.
A completely stacked Tear of the Goddess will return up to 2420 gold in rank 1 stats, but these stats are secondary because we are talking about mana and mana regen, so the objective is to transform the secondary stats into first, like damage, resistance, etc...
To compare here is the item in Season 2:
: (400 gold) +
(390 gold) + 205 gold to complete the item = 995 gold in total for Season 2.
The base mana bonus was 350 instead of 250.
And the maximum mana bonus was 1000 instead of 750.
A reduced cost of 295 gold!
However the items that we could create with the Tear of the Goddess weren't as good, as you will see, and the item is more expensive to you will obtain it slightly later, by going back faster to buy the item we can do a few spells to gain 100 mana, it will be enough to do 25 spells at the right intervals, which is very fast.
The item is much more interesting in Season 3.
At the end of season 2, the item was much less interesting than it is now, and it wasn't possible at this time to stack several Tears of the Goddess, whereas now once the Tear is completely stacked, the items created transform:
- the Manamune transforms in the Muramana >
- The Archangel's Staff transforms into the Seraph's Embrace >
The simple items, Manamune/Archangel's Staff, are slightly less powerful overall than before, however they now have an evolution once the Tear is charged at 750 mana/750 mana. So you will have to get to this stage quickly!
The trick that makes the difference
If you buy two Tear of the Goddess you might think that they both stack, but in fact the stacks are shared, which means that your two Tears will have the same bonus but since it is a unique bonus you can only benefit from one of the Tears. Once you have charged the two Tears, even if you have a Manamune
and the Archangel's Staff
only one of the two items will be upgraded, and the other item or Tear can be restacked from 0!
And this is where the trick comes in, previously it wasn't possible to stack several Tears, but now when you complete an item like the Muramana or the Seraph's Embrace
it's possible to stack a new Tear and have, for example, the Muramana
(1000 mana) + Seraph's Embrace
(1000 mana) + a 3rd Tear fully charged!
(1000 mana).
So these items work very well together! However you will have to be careful, it isn't possible to charge 3 Tears quickly with champions who are not suitable. Also the 3rd Tear is fated to be sold at the end of the game to take a final real item, because it isn't possible to stack Seraph's Embrace or the Muramana
, don't dream now guys.
So you will have to see which champions are suitable for stacking the Tears and which tricks will get you there fastest.
The tricks to "charge" a Tear of the Goddess faster.
W can gain mana twice as fast as we're supposed to with this item!
This increases the maximum mana of 4 for each spell that the player does. The mana gain has a cooldown of 3 seconds, however it is possible to stack it more! It's possible to gain up to 8 mana every 3 seconds by spamming the spells. This means that you gain twice as much mana than you are supposed to!
Some champions like Anivia bug, and you gain stacks when casting and at the activation/end of spells.
For example, Anivia's Q gains 4 at the start and 4 when it explodes, same for the ultimate which gains 4 mana when cast and 4 when it is over.
The idea is to cast the spell and stop it very quickly to be able to quickly stack the Tear without a high mana cost.
We stack the Tear with the ultimate because by doing it with the Q not only is it slower because the spell has a longer cooldown, but also because it makes Anivia more vulnerable since she no longer has a stun. Anivia has a micro cooldown on her ultimate which prevents prevents being able to immediately re-deactivate her ultimate, and the duration is longer than the 1 second necessary to gain the 8 mana.
Having the right reflexes
You must always use your spells when going back to the base, except obviously for your ultimate as the cooldown is too long, but the spells that you can cast without an enemy target nearby should be cast each time you go back. The reason for this is so that you can stack your Tear very quickly.
In the same way, if you have a champion with spells that don't cost mana, like Nidalee or Elise
, spam your spells for free to quickly stack your Tears without being in any difficulty.
I strongly recommend that you take a Cristalline Flask aka a bottle . Why? Because it gives you some sustain in the lane, but also because it reduces the time needed to be at full health/mana in the fountain by spamming your charges.
Also, another trick consists of consuming the stacks of the bottle in the fountain up to 3 charges and head back to the lane, you will have a regen of 3 stacks of the bottle straight away, or 30 seconds of regen that gives you 300 HP + 120 mana. This is also good for reducing the time needed to go in the fountain as well as to cast spells while moving in the lane without losing mana as this will obviously stack with your base regen!
It's interesting to note that this item gives the same amount of HP per second as a potion, but the two can't be used simultaneously.
How can you tell if a champion is able to quickly charge the Tear of the Goddess?
The champion must have spells with a short cooldown to be able to use them quickly.
They should preferably have non target spells, in other words spells that you can cast anywhere to continue to gain mana even when there is no enemy target! This might not seem very important, however it is a crucial criteria for quickly charging a Tear!
For example:
He doesn't have any non target spells other than his ultimate, but the ultimate has far too long a cooldown to stack the Tear, so you will have to stack it on the enemy targets, making things quite slow. Ryze can stack a Tear in about 14 minutes by constantly casting spells at the minions.
She only has non target spells, both in her human and cougar form, so she has 7 spells with quite short and different cooldowns that can quickly stack a Tear. This means that she can stack a Tear in about 7 minutes by spamming her spells once she is at level 6. In other words, twice as quickly as Ryze.
He has his poison which can now stack the Tear of the Goddess by activating it a few seconds, this stacks very quickly. It is possible to stack about 80 mana each minute, allowing you to stack the Tear in about 10-11 minutes.
At the end of the guide after showing what this build can do we will show which champions can get the best from it.
The concept of the build and how to go about it
The idea is to have some heavy damage both in AP and AD and as magic damage. But also to be able to survive with a lot of HP, items that can be activated and a huge mana pool. This might seem impossible, and yet...
The heart of the build:
The process to follow:
The goals is to always stack the Tears!
- Do a Tear of the Goddess quickly and stack it as quickly as possible.
- Then go with Boots of Speed and a Catalyst to be more tanky and survive enemy bursts.
- >
Once the Tear has practically finished you buy the Manamune and a 2nd Tear. Basically, once the first Tear has finished, the Manamune transforms into Muramana and adds burst depending on your current mana, to your basic attacks as well as your single target spells, by activating the item. This will also give you some attack damage depending on your max mana pool. Once the Muramana is ready, the 2nd Tear can be stacked, and not before!
- Quickly buy the Archangel's Staff which will give you a lot of power with your mana pool and allow you to stack the Tear 20% faster by gaining 5 mana per spell instead of 4.
- >
The Archangel's Staff should quickly be fully stacked to give you the Seraph's Embrace, Muramana as well as a Rod of Ages. Once you have the Seraph's Embrace, you can take up the Tear of the Goddess that you can stack once again simply for the mana bonus that it gives you, until late game when you can sell it for a more powerful item.
- >
Transform the Catalyst into a Rod of Ages to have more damage/tank more.
The 3rd Tear isn't necessary, if you don't have a champion who stacks it very quickly then it's useless! If you are already well fed and you will quickly have all your items then it isn't necessarily very interesting.
It can also be good to buy some armour or magic resistance if your opponent has chosen to go with a physical/magic penetration build.
- At this time you can go with the items you want, it really depends on the champion you are playing as well as the enemy team, so don't hesitate to look at the builds for the champion you are playing because it can be quite specific.
Note: you can't stack a new Tear of the Goddess if the Tear hasn't be transformed into Muramana or the Seraph's Embrace!
Cost and stats from the build in the mid game with a comparison with a standard build.
The cost?
2100 for Manamune > Muramana.
350 for the Boots of Speed.
2700 for the Rod of Ages.
2700 for the Archangel's Staff > Seraph's Embrace.
700 for a third Tear.
750 approx. for the Sorcerer's Shoes.
So 9300 Gold.
Comparison with a classic AP build
Sorcerer's Boots,
Haunting Guise,
Rod of Ages,
Rabadon's Deathcap,
double Doran's Ring costs 9535 Gold.
Which offers:
- 650 HP and 650 Mana
- ~350 power
- 40 magic penetration
- 6 mana regen every 5 seconds
Stats in mid game, approx. 25mins
In the mid, with a Rod of Ages, the Seraph's Embrace, the Muramana, a third Tear being stacked and Boots you can easily reach 4000 mana.
This represents 9300 Gold and provides the following stats:
- 180 power thanks to the Seraph's Embrace.
- A potential shield of 1000 HP for 3 seconds with a cooldown of 120 seconds.
- 100 bonus physical damage thanks to the Muramana
- Bonus magic damage reaching up to 240 bonus magic damage for you basic attacks and your single target spells.
- 650 HP and mana as well as 80 AP thanks to the Rod of Ages.
And a total of:
- 4000 mana
- 24 mana regen for 5 seconds
- 20 magic penetration
For the same price the stats and damage bonus is significant, especially if the actives of the two items are well used!
Stats brought by the build in the end game
Stats in the mid game, in the end game
In the end game, you can easily reach 5000 mana.
This represents 15000 Gold:
- 210 power thanks to the Seraph's Embrace.
- A potential shield of 1250 HP for 3 seconds with a cooldown of 120 seconds.
- 120 bonus physical damage thanks to the Muramana
- A magic damage bonus reaching upto 300 bonus magic damage for your basic attacks and your single target spells.
- 650 x 2 = 1300 HP and Mana, as well as 160 AP thanks to the two Rod of Ages.
- 60 armour, 15% Cooldown reduction, and 40 AP from the Iceborn Gauntlet.
And a total of:
- 5000 mana
- 24 mana regen for 5 seconds
- 20 magic penetration
With this build you will be able to slice up your opponent in the mid game very quickly. However you will have to take possession of the blue rune so that you always have your maximum mana and get the most out of the actives of the items with are dependent on your current mana.
The snag is that you will have to quickly stack the Tears and you will be relatively "normal" in terms of damage until you get 20 mins into the game.
How to get the most out of the activated items Seraph's Embrace and Muramana?
Seraph's Embrace:
The Seraph's Embrace is an item which can be activated, providing a shield of 25% of your current mana, allowing you to take some heavy damage, however note that the item cannot be activate during a control and has a cooldown of 120 seconds. This will allow you to surive enemy bursts quite easily as well as bait, in other words to push your enemy to make a mistake by activating the shield when your opponents thinks they can kill you. From that point Nidalee's burst will do the rest and allow you to make a kill quite quickly.
The Muramana:
The Muramana provides a damage bonus of 6% of your current mana, but costs you 3% of your current mana in an additional cost to your spells or each basic attack. So you will have to activate it at the right moment and deactivate it when it isn't useful for farming, for example. Activating it before the impact of a spell like Nidalee's Javelin works and allows you to deal a lot of damage to your target.
Basic rules for getting the most out of your mana build.
Getting the most out of your mana build:
- Don't activate the Muramana on the minions!
- It is a difficult build to use, you will have to practice a bit to master it well.
- Activate the Muramana before the impact of the spell. It's on impact that the damage is calculated, so it is possible to cast a spear, last hit a minion and only afterwards activate the Muramana before the impact to deal damage.
- This build is very manavorous, despite the big mana pool, you will have to take the blue buff because you will lose 3% of your CURRENT mana to deal double this value in bonus magic damage. Which is why it is good to have a lot of mana and the blue buff.
- You will also quickly stack the Tears and accumulate mana with the two items and dominate the game.
- Shield or damage, they are slight opposites in the use of mana. However the good thing is that being at full mana, you can yse your shield in defence or if you are not in danger, keep your mana to use it aggressively against your opponent, and you will certainly have a less effective shield, but it will still represent 400 shield if you don't 'only' have 1600 de mana.
Which champions benefit from these stats and are able to quickly stack the Tear of the Goddess?
The following champions more or less fit these criteria:
Elise, who can very quickly stack the Tear with their 7 spells, 4 of which cost no mana and many of which are non target. The two champions also have several single target spells and are able to get the most out of the stats provided by the build.
Syndra: a non target spell with a short cooldown, which allows you to stack the Tear quite quickly, and an ultimate which benefits from the incredible burst of this build since it does several single impacts and activates the Muramana several times, dealing huge damage.
Ryze: take quite a long time to stack the Tear of the Goddess because practically all their spells are target ones. But they also benefit from the bonus mana, especially Ryze who gains a huge amount of power. Evelynn receives a big shield and her attack/movement speed allows her to quickly kill her opponent. Evelynn isn't necessarily a good choice since she has difficulty profiting from the damage of the Muramana.
Singed: he doesn't benefit much from the damage bonus of the Muramana because it is difficult to use a lot of basic attacks, however the mana gives Singed a lot of HP, 25% of his mana added to his HP gives some quite tanky results!