When To Reset Hero Skill Points

hero skill tree hero skill points level 51

When To Reset Hero Skill Points

Resetting your Hero Skill Points is crucial to having the appropriate setup for war and Production. Your Skill Tree should be reset at least a few times each week at minimum depending on the situations you are putting yourself in.

3 Situations To Reset Your Skill Points

  • To prepare for war. DO NOT fight without re-skilling for battle
  • To prepare for Resource Production. After war, re-skill so that you produce resources to heal your troops and your alliance's troops. Never forget how essential teamwork is in having a powerful alliance.
  • To prepare for a long Research or Construction Build. Make sure you have maxed out level 1 and 2 in research and construction before big builds of either one.

I always save enough loyalty points to buy 2 hero skill resets. Just in case.

You don't always have to fill up an entirely category before moving to the next category.

Use our Hero Skill Tree to try out all the combinations you've ever dreamed of, and see what the best combination for your play style is!

Any other general notes people want to add to hero skill resets?

