The Deadliest Cores: Four Horsemen + 1 Bonus Core Recipe

game of war core carnage

The Deadliest Cores: Four Horsemen + 1 Bonus Core Recipe

There's plenty of great cores to craft in the game right now, but I've noticed that a lot of people are putting far too much value in crafting a core with "extra" bonuses, when that is not always the best approach.

game of war meme core

but one can zero a lot of newbs in the meantime

Which Cores Are Worth Crafting?

As if MZ didn't make core strong enough on it's own, they added special secret bonuses to a lot of core recipes if specific pieces are used. So, which ones are worth using and which ones aren’t is the question everyone is asking.

Let’s start with the older, but still effective cores.  The two I am referring to, are the asteroid and comet cores.  Most everyone knows about these two cores and that they give extra bonuses. These are best used as accessory core, especially if you are going for an all-around core set, instead of a troop specific core set.

Pro Tip: Where these two come in handy, is the new wonder point system in the new kvk scoring format.

We have done posts on these cores in the past and have the recipes for those here: Special Core Crafting Recipes

Here's What's New With Core Crafting

GoW released the new four horseman cores and they are awesome.

Four Horsemen Blog Four Horsemen Epidemic Core Four Horsemen blog #2

These cores are phenomenal for all around troop attack sets and the new pieces have some amazing debuff boosts.  I personally used these pieces in the last kvk and the debuffs make wonder battles extremely fun.  Lets look at what the new recipes can do.

The Four Horsemen Cores

There are 4 recipes. The higher the level of pieces the higher the level of bonuses. In this article we are using level 6 pieces.

Four Horsemen: Mutilation

To make the Mutilation core you need an Aching Legs Core. The combo is: Four Horsemen mutilation coreExtra Bonus Range: 20-24%Bonus Percent Extra PercentTroop Health 54.28 23.71Strategic Troop Health 54.53 23.38Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff 42.2Enemy Troop Health Debuff 42.14Troop Defense 48.1 21.16Strategic Troop Defense 48.21 21.87Enemy Strategic Troop Defense Debuff 57.89Enemy Troop Defense Debuff 59.82Troop Attack 106.3 15.49Strategic Troop Attack 108.11 14.92Enemy Strategic Troop Attack Debuff 33.35Enemy Troop Attack Debuff 33.2March Speed 239.19

Four Horsemen: Epidemic

To make the Epidemic core you need a Famishing Armor core . The combo is:Four Horsemen epidemic coreExtra Bonus Range: 35-40%Bonus Percent Extra PercentTroop Attack 60.91 21.18Strategic Troop Attack 61.43 21.06Enemy Strategic Troop Attack Debuff 33.06Enemy Troop Attack Debuff 33.04Troop Health 88.64 23.86Strategic Troop Health 90.51 23.95Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff 65.84Enemy Troop Health Debuff 65.83Troop Defense 129.51 21.18Strategic Troop Defense 130.24 21.02Enemy Troop Defense Debuff 20.95Enemy Strategic Troop Defense Debuff 21.14

Four Horsemen: Obliteration

To make the Obliteration core you need a Prickling Crown core . The combo is:Four Horsemen obliteration coreExtra Bonus Range: 15-25%Bonus Percent Extra PercentTroop Attack 34.98 36.91Strategic Troop Attack 35.45 37Enemy Strategic Troop Attack Debuff 56.38Enemy Troop Attack Debuff 56.66Troop Health 102.24 23.41Strategic Troop Health 105.43 23.28Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff 62.54Enemy Troop Health Debuff 61.38Troop Defense 108.49 39.17Strategic Troop Defense 108.14Enemy Troop Defense Debuff 21.03Enemy Strategic Troop Defense Debuff 21.21

Four Horsemen: Carnage

To make the Carnage core you need a War-torn Edge core . The combo is:Four Horsemen carnage coreExtra Bonus Range: 15-30%Bonus Percent Extra PercentTroop Attack 93.64 15.22Strategic Troop Attack 93.07 15.24Enemy Strategic Troop Attack Debuff 50.09Enemy Troop Attack Debuff 49.9Troop Health 25.15Strategic Troop Health 25.09Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff  24.75Enemy Troop Health Debuff 24.78Troop Defense 47.73 29.34Strategic Troop Defense 47.92 29.32Enemy Troop Defense Debuff 21.42Enemy Strategic Troop Defense Debuff 21.49

Four Horsemen: Armaggeddon (old but great)

To make the Armaggeddon core you need a Asteroid core . The combo is:Four Horsemen armaggedon coreGives attack, health, and defense boost.

Bonus Training Recipe

To make the Piercing Helm core you need a piercing helm core . The combo is:

Fine Powder, Dragon King Scales, Metal Wire, Fiber Cushion, Gold Dust, Round Beads

Four Horsemen stats Four Horsemen crafting screen

Using these 6 with blue and purple pieces, you can expect a training boost around 22% for a total of around 65% total troop training speed.  Pretty solid little recipe, especially if you are going to be training troops on a massive scale.  Boost duration stinks though, on 31 minutes.  It does give you a bonus on trap defense, but I don’t think many will make this core for that boost.


There are roughly 40 bonus recipes for cores, but these in my opinion are the best.

The other bonus recipes are decent, but better cores can be made without the bonuses.

I am currently working on a follow up article to this one where I will be showing you specific examples of bonus recipes vs a custom made core and why I chose some custom cores over the bonuses.

Contributed by General Bow

Article 1: All Core Crafting Basics
Article 2: The Essential Core Crafting Strategies (Coming 12-10)
Article 3: How to Craft Great Core Gear
Article 4: Crafting Cores with a Purpose
Article 5: Crafting Your First Core
Article 6: When to Take Chances While Crafting
Article 7: The Most Under Rated Core Gear
Article 8: The Best Core Gear You Can Craft
Article 9: The Deadliest Cores: Four Horsemen + 1 Bonus Core Recipe