A Tile Trap Strategy That Will Leave Your Enemy Stunned

game of war tile trap march size

Increased March Sizes Allow For Tile Trapping

Because of the new March Size Increase Research, it is possible for big T4 players to bait others into hitting them on tiles. No longer is baiting limited to Strongholds. It's now possible to bait players into a tile trap by making them think you are Gathering.

Editors Note: This post was originally published in January 2015 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness on October 1st. 

The Rules Have Changed

With the new March Size Increase of 50%, bigs can now place 500k T4 onto a tile for farming. That means they easily crush any other March Size from T4 Strongholds. For example, these are all the T4 march sizes with their corresponding bonuses:

250k is the regular march size

312k is with 25% bonus

375k is with one 50% bonus

500k is with two 50% bonuses

How to Use A Tile TrapGame of War Food Tile Trap

  1. Research the March Size Increase in the new March tree.
  2. Use a 50% March Size Increase and send a massive army of T4. Enough T3 to ensure you lose no T4. After some feedback, it is recommended that you use a 20-30% meat shield ratio because you do not have the bonuses of you buildings and traps from your Stronghold. With a March Size of 500k Troops you will want at least 100k T3 even after all Item and VIP boosts are activated.
  3. Include your Hero in full war Gear and Skills.
  4. Turn on Anti-Scout and wait for a hit.

Executing A Tile Trap

  1. Leave your Troops Gathering in the forest or wherever for awhile before a kvk or kill event starts so that enemies think you have forgot your troops out there. Make sure your Hero is on the tile, and use an even mix of Normal Troops.
  2. Change your name and port somewhere else every time someone hits you so that it's hard for enemies to keep track of you.
  3. If available, Gather from tiles that noobs farm, like the really slow gold tiles that take 15min for 1 Gold or Monster tiles. This will make you look inexperienced.
  4. Risky: Send your troops out a little far from your Stronghold so the enemy does not immediately check the your Power. Some bigs will just attack a tile without actually looking at how much Power the enemy has, or will attack even if the Gatherer has a lot of Power because the enemy wants to smash them on a tile.

Pro Tip: Plant your farm nearby with a nearly identical name as your main. Send marches to nearby tiles with your farm so that it is hard for enemies to spot the one tile that is occupied by your main.

Did anybody use this on the last kvk? How did it work out? What other execution strategies do you guys use?



Special thanks to KoopTheTroop and LT for their input on this.