Game of War has followed up their previous HUGE UPDATE with a second one in less than a week. It appears that they are not taking the recent tension lightly. They are giving us what we asked for, which is frequent game updates pertaining to the changes requested by the community. Let's see what they have to say.
As a follow-up to our prior Game of War Update, we wanted to catch everyone up on some of the items in progress.
Lag - we have been making several daily updates in an effort to increase Game of War's responsiveness. Two distinct efforts are underway - UI responsiveness and Combat Performance.
This week I was talking to a game designer friend of mine who mentioned it would be extremely difficult for Game of War to simultaneously improve stabilization of the game while adding so many new features. He said that if Game of War were to solely focus on reducing lag they might be able to do it, but the fact that they are keeping the game as stable as it is is while releasing this many new features is impressive.
My vote would be for less features and more lag improvements right now because I think it's more crucial that core game functionality works best, and all new features in addition to them are just special bonuses that aren't necessary. I rarely, if ever, hear players asking for new content.
Lag continued - The first change pertains to the former. Our engineering team has been painstakingly implementing several UI optimizations over the last few months. We have released some of these new improvements already, and you'll have noticed some of the content-heavier screens load more quickly.
This is certainly what we want. Have you noticed improvements?
Lag continued - As for combat performance enhancement, last week, we released a large optimization for scouting. Additionally, we are committing to having our developers, who empires will bear a special MZ logo, perform various tests in the Super Wonder. Any slowness we detect will be triaged and addressed quickly. Our tests will NOT affect Super Wonder performance.
It will be very interesting to hear how Stayalive responds to the improvements that are made during the Super Wonder. Positive feedback from him on what MZ engineers are able to optimize will go a long way with the community. Considering the Super Wonder is the game's most high tiered feature, it's important to keep it stable. From interviewing Stayalive and Kuran in the past, I remember them having to guesstimate timing to account for lag when fighting in the Super Wonder. Not only that, but scout bombing people to crash their game was a legitimate strategy for awhile.
Dig Timers & Drops - [they will be reduced due to popular demand]
Not sure by how much, but let's hope it's a lot!
Infernos & KvKs - You may have already noticed we have been introducing more varied infernos on top of your favorite infernos and doing it more frequently. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to add even more new Infernos with prizes appealing to all players.
Four-character alliance tags - today, we will be extending support for Alliance tags to contain up to 4 characters!
To put this in perspective, 3 character alliance tags means there was approximately 94 x 94 x 93 = 822,000 options. So if people were complaining that they couldn't create an alliance tag because there weren't enough options left, than amount of alliances was probably approaching 821,000.... LOL
Now that MZ added 4 tags, the amount of options is 94 x 94 x 94 x 93 = 77,244,000. That's insane.
Disclaimer: I could have done that math totally wrong, someone smart please correct me!
Rally Speed-ups - we have decided to limit Rally Speed-up usage to 1 per Rally March, which will impact ONLY Rally Marches against Wonders or the Super Wonder. This adjustment will be released prior to the opening of the Super Wonder.
I feel like this was something Stayalive and other SW players might have asked for because rally marches in the wonder come down to milliseconds, and with the use of unlimited rally march speed-ups, fighting would get very costly and difficult to predict.
Well, that's all for now.
Leave your thoughts in the comments.