This SMITE guide describes all of the most important functions of the game and it also helps with getting to know its basics. It often happens that the slang of the game is confusing, especially for the beginners, therefore, the first chapter of this guide contains the dictionary of all of the most important collocations and sayings in the game. The second chapter is a detailed description of the basics of the game, such as control over the Gods, usage of Wards to maintain the vision on the map, Last Hitting, etc. In the next chapter the player will find the game modes, as well as different kinds of games within particular modes. In this chapter you can also find detailed description of the main aims to achieve on the particular map, as well as some advices which may be useful during the game. The heroes of the game are also very important, therefore, the next chapter of this guide is devoted to them. In this chapter the player will find out about the types of the Gods, their strengths and weaknesses and their role in the game. In the next chapter you can find information about the Gods' functions in the team and their detailed description. What is more, there also is a description of the free rotation of the Gods and the possibility of getting 5 Gods for free at the beginning, something that every beginner will base on. After getting to know all of the Gods, it is good to check on the next chapter to see the heroes which are recommended for the beginners. Playing those characters is not difficult and it surely will help in getting to know the basics of the game. The game client's most important functions and the interface of the game are also described in this guide. The guide is filled with mini maps, with main game aims marked on them.
Table of contents:
Lukasz "qwert" Telesinski ()
This dictionary contains collocations and abbreviations which are used in this guide as well as in the game itself. Knowing them will make the communication within the team easier and faster. It is not always possible, during the game, to use complex sentences, so, undoubtedly, they will make things easier. Dictionary, to ease the use of it, is alphabetical.
AA (Auto Attack) - Automatic attack, which is accomplished by pressing PPM on the aim.
AD (Attack Damage) - Physical damage which is the result of one's character's attacks.
AFK (Away From Keyboard) - It is a term which a player uses when he/she needs to stop the game for a moment and to leave his/her character by himself/herself for a moment. It also has a pejorative form in case, when a player just stops playing, and as a result is an AFK.
AoE (Area of Effect) - It is the action of the skill on a certain area.
AS (Attack Speed) - Character's attack speed.
Aura - A bonus effect, which, more often than not, incorporates other members of the team, for ex ample the aura with additional bonus for the attack speed.
BG (Bad Game) - The BG abbreviation is used, mostly after the game is finished, when a player wants to show that he/she is not happy with the result of the game, for example when one of the allies left the game and the rest of the team had to play 4 to 5.
Bot - The name of the bottom lane on the map.
BRB (Be Right Back) - A player is telling the he/she will be right back.
Brush - Brush which is placed in different parts of the map.
Buff - Bonus which changes the statistics of a given character which continues for a while, for ex ample bonus to Reynar's attack speed.
Build - Set of all of the character's skills and items.
Burst - Making a huge damage in the shortest amount of time possible.
Carry - Characters which are a bit weaker at the beginning of the game so that they need to be reinforced by a suitable farm and gaining of the kills.
CC (Crowd Control) - It is a name for all of the effects which limit the control over the character, such as fear, stun, slowdown, toss etc.
CD (Cooldown) - A time of the renewal of a given skill.
Daily quest - Daily quests, which players do to earn some currency in the game - favor. After finishing a quest from one day the next one will be given to you on the next day.
Def (defend) - It is a defense of some particular place on the map, such as Tower or phoenix.
DC (Disconnect) - Is a disconnection of one of the players from the game.
DMG (Damage) - Abbreviation which simply means damage.
DoT (Damage Over Time) - Damage made over some particular period of time.
Feeder - A term for a player who feeds the opposite team, by getting killed all the time in their favor. It has a close connection with a term "Fed" which defines a player who has a lot of kills.
Focus - Means being focused on a particular enemy or building.
Gank - A term for a help from a team in killing an enemy. If we ask someone to kill an enemy on our line we ask for a gank.
GG (Good Game) - It is used after the game is finished in order to thank allies and enemies for a game.
GJ (Good Job) - When someone did a good job during an action it is nice to reward him/her with a short GJ - Good Job!
GL (Good Luck) - Used at the beginning of the game in order to wish allies and enemies good luck.
God - A God.
HF (Have Fun) - Used at the beginning of the game, mostly with GL, to show that you hope that everyone will have fun during the game.
Kiting - To kite means to hold off an enemy so that he/she can't come close enough to fight you.
Leaver - A term for a player who left the game and never came back.
Harass - To harass an enemy in order to lower his morale and health bar.
Lane - Lane, aisle, there are three of the on the map.
MIA (Miss in Action) - It means that someone is missing on a given line.
MID - The name of the Middle Line on the map.
MOUNT - The saddle horse on which you can ride on the map.
MS (Movement Speed) - The speed of the movement.
Noob - A pejorative term for players who don't know how to behave during the game and who make things harder. Most often it is confused with the term Newbie.
Newbie - A beginner.
OOM (Out Of Mana) - A player is telling the team that he/she is out of mana, which is needed to use a given skill.
OP (Overpowered) - Characters which are overpowered are far more stronger than the Rest of the characters and they Reed to be balanced.
Passive - Passive skill of a character.
RE (Return) - Used when an enemy has returned to his/her former position after being lost for a while.
Root - The negative effect, which forbids a character's movements.
Silence - The negative effect which forbids the use of Any skill and silences a given aim.
Skillshot - A skill which needs a ability and timing in order to hit the enemy.
Skin - Additional skin for a character, which you can buy for the real money.
SS - Abbreviation for "Miss" which means the same as MIA.
Stun - Stun which overpowers the enemy and forbids the taking of any kind of action by him/her.
Support - Term for the players who help the team with additional effects such as auras, heeling etc.
Suppression - Negative effect which forbids the character's use of the skill.
Tank - A character, which takes all the strokes from the enemy and all the scathes so that the team can attack the enemies.
TBH (To Be Honest) - Simply to be honest, and to say what you really, honestly think about a given topic.
TOP - Top Line on the map.
TP - Teleport.
Taunt (Mockery, Taunt, Provocation) - The negative effect which provokes the aim to attack the character which used that skill. The provoked character uses the control over the figure for the as long as the taunt lasts.
Before you start to conquer in SMITE it is recommended that you get to know the functions, which are offered by the game's client. There is a whole lot of different icons, and still, there are new coming all the time, so it is good to get to know them. It might be hard for you at the beginning but sooner or later you'll get used to it all. In the tabs, which are available for the game's client, you can find many different information, as well as you might find out something about the game itself and the mythology.
You can get a lot of different, very interesting information from the main screen, including the information about the new items in the game, such as skins, maps or the new Gods. What is more you can visit the player's profile, shop or start the game. The main functions of the main screen are described below.
Your icon is in the left bottom corner, you can change it any time, by pressing on it with the left button of the mouse. The icon can be chosen from the currently available ones. They can be collected, and sometimes you can get them for some particular achievements or events. You can also buy it in the shop. The level of your profile is shown on the icon, on the right hand side you can see the experience progress bar. The information about the gems, for which you can buy items, can be seen below. You can gain stones in contests, get them as gifts or buy them for the real money. The meter of Favor, the game's currency, which you get for taking part in the SMITE games, is under the gems. You can buy Gods for the Favor. At the very bottom there is a "mastery level", which is the level that defines the God's worshipers, you can read more about that in a different chapter.
In the middle of the screen there is rather big chat, where you can see all the messages. You can use it to communicate with other players.
In the right bottom corner there are many different icons. The first one, on the left side, shining green, is a "party" icon. Here you can try to organize your team, made out of your friends or you can join one already existing.
The next button is a friend list. It is divided into the online, offline and the ignored players.
By using an "add friend" button you can add more players to your friend list.
The last icon, the one with the exclamation point, is responsible for the dialog window, where you can see all the most important information about faults, announcements about the game or the invitations to the game or friend list, etc.
In the top left corner there is an options icon, where you can change the settings, such as graphics, sound, controls, etc.
You can buy the treasure chests for the gems. In those chests you can find more gems, skins, boosters or exclusive God's skins.
Shop offers different commodities to the players. You can buy Gods, skins, icons, boosters, etc. Additionally, there is an option which enables you to use the discount code, so if you win one in some contest you will be able to use it there. After typing it there and finalizing the whole operation, the reward will be added to your profile immediately. What is worth noticing is the ultimate god pack - all of the gods with their skins, and the ability to gain all the newest ones.
In the right side of the screen, right behind the "PLAY" button, there is the option which enables you to return to the main screen, that option is called "home". If you have some window opened, shop for example and you want to quickly return to the main screen use this button.
In this bookmark you can get to know all available Gods, you can listen to their voices and see the skins. In this bookmark you can also retrace the progression in the game with a particular God and you can check the Worshipers. At this point you can also use the character builder. In here you can construct the build, which is the composition of all of the items and the God's abilities. You can do it beforehand, so you won't have to spend that much time doing it during the game.
You can fill all the free spacer as you wish, you can add items in different categories: starters, core, offensive and defensive. After pressing the small box "build" next to the item, it's statistics will be added immediately and you will be able to see the changes. You can also assign the skills which later on, during the game, will be automatically learned by the God on the different levels of the experience.
Press the skill that interests you and it will add automatically from the level 1 to the level 20. It is worth to spend some time setting those sets in order to save some time during the game. Remember, if you want it to work you need to mark the autoleveling or autobuying of the items, otherwise it won't work!
The next bookmark is responsible for the player's profile. In here you can find a lot of information about the statistics, achievements, badges, etc. It can be a bit disorientating at the beginning, but don't worry, you will orientate brilliantly in no time. The number of statistics, so called GODWILL, is very important, you will get it after the game is finished. You start with 100%, but you will lose the GODWILL if you will leave the game during it's durance, and you will get less Favor for playing the games. So it is worth to play fair, who knows, maybe miracles do happen?
Worshiper Details
. In here you can find information about the worshipers, which you gained for your God, by playing the games. After each the God gains a certain amount of the worshipers, which is described by the level of Mastery. After getting 50 points the God's level gets to the Mastery 1, there can be 10 of them. Every next level needs more points, of course.
Recent Matches
In this bookmark there is the history of all the games with their statistics. It is good to check it from time to time and t analyze the result of the game - you might find some inaccuracy, for example in the selection of the items for the particular God and then you will be able to work it out in the next game.
Here, you can find the information about the clan. But, if you are not in one of them this bookmark is not the part of your concern.
Refer a friend
SMITE rewards everyone who enroll New players. Through this bookmark you can invite your friends to play SMITE and if the decide to play you can get a lot of Favor and Gems. After every 5 levels gained by your friend you get additional rewards.
SMITE offers the possibility to watch the stream transmissions from the very popular Twitch from the level of the game. It is not something exceptional but it surely is a bonus. You can learn a lot from the streams so it is worth to check on them from time to time.
In order to be a part of a league you Reed to have the 30th level and AT least 16 Gods on your own (Gods form weekly free rotation are not available in those games) and at least 1 level of the mastery. The first 10 ranking games are positioning, it means that after playing them you will get assign to one of the leagues, it depends on the number of the games that you won or lost. Each of the leagues is divided into 5 divisions (V - the weakest, I - the strongest) and the Masters division. The king of the league as well as the divisions represent the groups o players which are on the same level of the skills. For winning the game the players get the Tribute points, and for losing the game they lose them. After getting 100 Tribute points in a certain league and division you have a chance to get into the higher division. If your game was exceptional and your achievements were impressive, it is also possible to skip some divisions and get to the higher division.
PLAY (The beginning of the game)
After choosing the game you need to decide which God you want to play with. You can chose only one of them from the pot of available Gods. Remember that you have plenty of time to make that decision, you can even consult your choice with the rest of the team. After you have decided you have to confirm your choice with the "LOCK IN" button. Then you have to wait for the game to add the rest of your team.
After the waiting time is over and the system has called the rest of the players on their platforms the game will start in 10 seconds. During that time you can see the Gods that you will be playing with and you can start thinking about the tactics of your game.
SMITE rewards the players who log in regularly to the game. If you use your account everyday (or at least log in to the game on a daily basis) you will get an additional bonus. For the first logging in you get +75 Favor, for every next 4 logging in you get respectively 125, 250, 350 and 450 Favor. During the 6 days of logging in you can get 15 Gems, and on the 7th day you will get 35 of them. Summarizing it is +1250 Favor and 50 Gems for free! So simply it pays off to log in to SMITE even if you don't have that much time for playing.
The first win of the day gains the player the additional +100 Favor. What is worth mentioning is the fact that the bonus for the first win of the day is charged separately for every game mode. So if you have time you can get a lot of additional Favor.
As it is already known, during the game the player gains the gold, which he/she should invest in additional items, so that the God can develop. The shop with all of the items is divided into different categories: usable for example liquors, wards), defensive (armor, magical resistance), offensive (attack speed, physical damage), magical (skill force, mana's regeneration) and those which are responsible for the movement speed (such as shoes and some of the offensive items). Additionally each of the characters has his/her own bookmark with the recommended items which is made specially in order to make the player realize what is worth to invest the collected gold.
1. The window in which there are the information about the God's statistics. You can also find 6 places with the bought items.
2. The God's portrait with his level.
3. Life and mana bar.
4. The panel on which you can find skills, usable places as well as liquors.
5. Mini map.
6. The team's panel.
7. On this bar you can see the score in kills, the amount of the gold gained by both of the teams and the time of the game.
8. The God.
9. The Score Table.
10. Alerts - warnings that you can send to the team.
SMITE is the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) type game in which the players fight with each other on the particular map within a special set of rules. Each of the players controls one character, in SMITE the characters are Gods. They are known from different mythologies, and each of them has some unique abilities, which develop together with the experience level. Nevertheless, SMITE is different from the typical MOBA game, such as DoTA or LoL. In here the player controls his/her character with the W,S,A,D keys, unlike the other games in which the player controls his/her character with the mouse buttons. What is more, the view is different in here. The player sees the character from behind it's back, not from the above. Two teams fight with each other to win, as it usually is the aim in games of that type. In order to achieve that, you firstly need to gain experience, to promote your God to the higher levels and to develop his abilities. Gold is also very important, you can get for killing (Last Hitting) minions or killing the hostile characters. The rule is simple - the more gold you have, the better items you have and the stronger your character gets. During the game you need to get through the enemy's buildings - watchtower and Phoenix. After beating the fiery bird the way to the enemy's base is open. In the base there is the last enemy - Titan. The game is over after you defeat Titan.
SMITE is based on the micro - paying, the usage of the game is free. Each of the playable characters, runs and runic books can be get for Valor points, which the player gets for playing particular games. For the real money the player can buy Stones, for which the player can buy the additional skins, which in turn are not available for Valor. Skins have the visual value only and they do not impact the statistics. Stones have one more big advantage, namely, you can get Gods faster.
A firm control over the controls makes the playing easier. Therefore, it is good to get to know the pattern of the controls and to apply it to your own settings.
Use W,S,A,D to move your character.
Use space to make your character jump.
Use them to use the additional option of the item bought in the shop.
They activate additional usable items, such as healing liquors.
After using that key your character will teleport to the base.
The character's abilities are marked by the numbers from 1 to 4. The number 4 is responsible for the unique ability, so called Ulti.
After choosing the ability and pressing the Mouse Left Button the character will make the attack which corresponds to the chosen ability.
You can quickly accelerate the level of the particular ability using the keys from F1 to F4.
After pressing that key during the game you will see the score table, with the number of kills/assists/deaths of the particular characters. You can also check the progress of your talents.
You can regulate the zoom by rolling the scroll up and down.
Using that key during the game you will quickly go to the shop.
As in other MOBA games, the vision and clarity of the map in SMITE is very important. The majority of the map is hidden in the Fog of War and you can't see what's in it until you get in there with your character or until one of the team members goes there. The map is illuminated by some of the characters' abilities, minions. But, the most popular way to keep the clarity of the map is the usage of Wards, which are available in the shop.
Ward: Normal Wards, which are available in the shop for 75 of gold, illuminate the map for 3 minutes and then they disappear. You can have two Wards in your bag pack and any three totems on the map (they include Wards, Sentry Wards and totems from the Eye of Providence items) at the same time. Wards can be destroyed by your enemy, but he/she needs to have Sentry Wards because Wards are invisible.
Sentry Ward: It is available in the shop for 135 of gold. It is more expensive because it senses the invisible hostile Wards and Sentry Wards. It illuminates the map for three minutes and then it disappears. You can have one Sentry Ward in your bag pack and one three totems on the map (including Wards, Sentry Wards and totems from the Eye of Providence items) at the same time.
The usage of Wards is very Simple. You Just Reed to buy one in the shop and then leave it on the map in the place that you want it to be.
The violet circle is the scope in which the Ward can be left. At the time of choosing the Ward you still can move around the map, therefore that scope can get bigger. After choosing the place you need to press Mouse Left Button and it is done. It is worth to invest in Wards because they guarantee safety to your team and they acquire a lot of information about your enemies, their position and plans.
The Last Hitting getting gold for killing minions. At the beginning of the game the Last Hitting is slower, but it gets faster with time. Good farm allows one to buy better items, that in turn makes the champions grow stronger. Farm is described by the idea of the Creep Score (CS), which basically is the number of the killed minions and neutral monsters. CS grows ONLY by the Last Hitting.
There are 5 types of the game in SMITE, and each of them is divided into particular modes. They all differ in the rules, configuration and the size of the map, strategy and the units to gain. You need to try very hard in order to gain the main aim - victory. Getting to know particular modes of the game will make it easier.
Choosing that type will enable the player to get to know the rules on the particular maps. The player can take part in so called Tutorials, in which a woman's voice tells a player what to do step by step until the end of the game. Tutorials are divided into different modes of the game so that the player can get to know all of the most important information.
After going through the Tutorials it is good to spend some time in this type of the game. The player will be playing with the players led by the computer but he/she will be able to cooperate with his team members. Bots are not demanding but they are very good for the beginners, as they can practice the accuracy of the skill shots. The fights with bots are divided into the following modes: Conquest, Joust, Assault and Arena. All of the modes are described below.
If you know of the basic rules of the game and the players led by the computer are not a challenge for you anymore it is time to start the real game and to challenge the real players. In the Normal mode of the game the player can go through everything that he/she has learned and can get to know new things and configuration of the teams. The Normal type is the most challenging and it is divided into particular modes.
It is a traditional mode, which is in all games of this type. Two teams, consisting of 5 players, fight with each other on the opened map, which is divided into three lines - top, mid and bottom. Lines are sliced with the jungle, the neutral part of the map in which you can meet bigger creatures. Each one of the camps in the jungle is filled with the particular monsters, after killing them you can get some bonuses - bigger damages, bigger movement speed, etc. The main aim of both teams is to kill the hostile minions in order to get experience and gold, which is needed for buying items. The players must get as close as possible to the watchtowers placed on the lines, in order to move the fight closer to the enemy's base. Right before the base there is a Phoenix, which, unlike the majority of the towers has the ability to regenerate. Killing of the Phoenix guarantees the entrance to the base, where the last and the most difficult to beat enemy - Titan. The game ends after killing Titan. The CONQUEST is the most popular mode of the SMITE and at the same time it is the most challenging. The cooperation is a key to success in here, so don't try to do everything on your own.
1. The base in which you start the game. Your Titan is there as well, and you have protect him in case your enemies get into the base.
2. Friendly Phoenix - the last line of the defense. Phoenix, unlike the other watchtowers can attack and it can regenerate.
3. Watchtower - building which you Reed to protect from your enemies. Capturing the tower shifts the game deeply into the map. In order to get the advantage over your enemies you need to take over their towers. The towers attach the first thing that gets in their scope, but their main goals are minions, but if you start to attack your enemies near their tower they will attack you.
4. Harpies' Camp - killing them gives you additional gold.
5.Camp with the damage buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get bonus for the damages that you make, it lasts for 2 minutes.
6. Camp with the movement speed and attack buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get movement speed and attack speed bonus for two minutes.
7. Camp with the mana regeneration buff - after beating the biggest enemy you will get the aura, which will enlarge the regeneration of your God's mana, and it will make the cooldowns smaller.
8. Giant - the strongest enemy in the jungle. After Betting that one you will get the buff which will upgrade you statistics for 4 minutes.
9. Gold Harpy - significantly stronger than its kin. After killing it you will get cash and experience for the whole team of yours.
10. Enemy's base - the hostile Titan is in there, and you must destroy it in order to win.
In this mode you can play 3 to 3 or 1 to 1. On the map there is only one available line which is surrounded by the jungle. You can test your God in there, for example against computer.
1. Your base in which you start your game.
2. Phoenix, which protects the entrance to the base.
3. Watchtower.
4. Camp with the movement and attack speed buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get movement and attack speed bonus.
5. Camp with the damage buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get bonus to the damages that you make, it will last for two minutes.
6. Camp with the mana regeneration buff - after beating the biggest enemy you will get the aura which will enlarge you God's mana regeneration, and it will make the cooldowns smaller.
7. Your enemy's base - the hostile Titan is in there, you Reed to destroy it in order to win the game.
If you have ever player League of Legends you surely must know the popular mode - All Random All mid. Each of the players controls random God, the game takes place on the map with one line only, without jungle or camps with neutral monsters. In such a small area the game is very dynamic and exciting, what is more a lot of kills happen there. It is yet another mode which is perfect if you want to get to know the Gods. It is, indeed, worth to check on it.
1. Your base, in which you start the game.
2. Phoenix, which guards the entrance to the base.
3. Watchtower.
4. Enemy's base, in which there is a hostile Titan, who you must destroy in order to win the game.
Arena is something for the death matches lovers. In Arena mode the division into lanes, jungle, towers, etc, no longer exists. The players play on the open space with two portals at its ends. The rule of the game is very simple - get your minions through the enemy's portal and don't let the hostile minions get through yours. Each team starts with 500 points and the main goal of the players is to reduce the enemies points to 0. There are three ways to achieve that: killing the hostile God takes 5 points, killing hostile minion takes 1 point, and each hostile minion escorted to the hostile portal takes 1 point as well.
1. Your portal, you need to protect it, so that hostile minions don't get through it. Your base is placed behind the portal, it is cloistered with a wall.
2. Phoenix, it guards the entrance to the base.
3. Camp with the movement and attack speed buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get the movement and attack speed bonus for 2 minutes.
4. Camp with the damage buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get the bonus to the damage that you make, it will last for 2 minutes.
5. Camp with the mana regeneration buff - after killing the biggest enemy you will get the aura, which will enlarge your God's mana regeneration, and it will also decrease the cooldowns.
6. Enemy's portal to which you need to escort your minions.
Each team consists of 4 players, the map is smaller as it has only two lanes. There are standard towers on the map, which you need to destroy. War engines will help you in pushing the line faster. They will appear on the map after the team got 100 points. You can get points for killing the neutral creatures in the jungle (5points), killing the hostile God (5 points) and for killing the hostile minions (1 point each). War engines behave in the same way as minions do, but they have more mana and they make more damage. What is more they concentrate on getting particular aims, which are destroying the enemy's towers. Significant is the possibility to teleport to the friendly war engine through the portal, which is in the base. Also the NPC appears in the middle of the map, IMMEDIATELY after killing one you will get the war engine.
1. You start the game here.
2. Phoenix, which guards the access to the Titan.
3. Watchtower.
4. Camp with the movement and attack speed buff - after killing the biggest creature you will get the movement and attack speed bonus for two minutes.
5. Camp with the mana regeneration buff - after killing the biggest enemy you will get the aura, which will enlarge your God's mana regeneration, and it will also decrease the cooldowns.
6. Camp with the damage buff - after killing the biggest monster you will get the bonus to the damage that you make, it will last for 2 minutes.
7. After killing the neutral creature, which is placed in the Middle of the map, you will get the war engine.
8. The hostile base, you need to get there.
In SMITE there are plenty of Gods which can be controlled by the player. Each of the Gods plays a particular role in the team and each of them has some unique skills. Each of the players can choose the God that suits him/her, the God that he/she bought or the God that is available in the weekly free rotation. The heroes are different from each other due to their playing style and they are divided into few categories.
Each of the Gods has some unique skills, which can be developed during the game, thanks to the current situation on the map or some particular strategy.
The first skill can be chosen at the level 1, the next on the next levels. After getting the level 6 you can invest the point in the, so called, ulti, which is the God's special skill. Assigning the points to the skills is very simple, after gaining the next level you need to choose the skill and then press the key from F1 to F4, which is assigned to it. After choosing the key the level of the skill will rise by one level.
Their main aim is to make as much damage as possible in the smallest amount of time possible, most of the time to one target. The y focus on making the physical damage by using the skills. They are very mobile, which enables them to get to the target quickly and to eliminate it. Unfortunately, they are not tough, therefore they need to be very careful not to become a target themselves. Playing as the Assassin demands consideration, patient and timing, as well as a bit of insanity, as some of the undertaken actions can end tragically. Archane, Thor and Bastet are good examples of exceptional Assassins.
+ huge damage made to one target
+ interesting skills
+ introducing the havoc within the enemy's ranks
+ huge mobility
- vulnerability
- small efficiency in fighting with armored enemy
- they require a lot of skill and perfect timing
Fighter is a kind of a hero who is very tough and who fight brilliantly in the tackle. The fighter is a hybrid of an assassin and a guardian, as he found the balance between the offensive and the defensive. They, usually, don't make a huge damage in the small amount of time. The fight in the first line, and they have the ability of restricting the enemy's control of his/her hero. Sun Wukong, Odin and Hercules are fighters.
+ they do good in one to one duels
+ they are tough
+ quite big damages
+ the skills restricting the enemies' movements
- not efficient against Gods, who fight over a big distance
- they are no longer as sufficient in the further phases of the game as they are at the beginning
They are the figures made in order to support the team, who usually use the magical power. They also have the abilities to control the enemies' movements. The wise usage of the Guardian's skills enables keeping the allies alive as long as it is needed for them to take care of the enemies. Guardians are not made to make the damages, but they are able to receive a huge damage in order to protect the allies. Ares, Athena and Hades are great examples of the Guardians.
+ skills strengthening the team members
+ skills restricting the enemies' movements
+ endurance
- no ability to fight against other figures (Mage, Fighter, etc.) in direct encounter
- underestimated function
- sometimes it is hard to be a Guardian
In most cases these heroes are the best in fighting on a distance with using their magical skills. The typical mage has the skills that enable him to make the damage to one target, on a particular area as well as the skills that are responsible for restricting the enemy's control over the hero's movements. Mage is not a survival type of a hero, therefore he is bound to loose in a direct encounter with an armored enemy or an assassin. A good example of mages are: Anubis, Freya and Ra.
+ huge damages
+ skills making the AoE damages
+ sometimes the CC skills
- vulnerability
- using the skillshots requires some experience
- mana dependency
Gods, who fight on a distance, ma king the physical damage, usually by using the basic attacks (Auto Attack). The majority of them has the skills that restrict the enemy's control over his/her hero's movements (slowdown, stun, push), as well as skills that, during the skill level development, enlarge the statistics (damages, attack speed, movement speed, etc.). The Hunter's main role is to constantly harass the enemy from a distance. Shooters are the best source of the damage in the final phase of the game, therefore they are the enemies' main targets, and so they need protection. The best examples of the hunters are: Artemis, Neith and Rama.
+ huge damage
+ attack from a distance
+ huge mobility
- a huge responsibility, especially in the final phase of the game
- a good Hunter must be good at Last Hitting
- he is bound to die if he gets into the middle of the fight
Each of the players will have a particular job to do for the team to work well. That is why Gods in SMITE are divided into categories - due to their function in the game. It is good to get to know these information in order to fit into the game.
The main aim of those figures is to eliminate fixe target - usually the most dangerous ones, who might be a threat to your allies. Usually ADC enlarge their strength by buying items which give the physical damage bonuses. They attack from a distance, therefore the always need to be careful about their positioning, no to get into the enemy's main line of fire. It is not an easy task, because the fate of the team depends on your success. ADC focus on a good farm and killing, because they need a lot of gold to get equipment. ADC, usually, gets help from the Support. Sometimes it can be hard to get set up with another player, but it is essential for getting a good result.
This term relates to the heroes who can keep the whole line by themselves. Those figures get higher levels faster than others because they don't have to share the experience with anyone else. The main aim of the solo laner is to destroy the hostile minions, which will enable you to attack the enemy's towers, and not to let the enemy get to your defensive buildings. If you play such a responsible role in the game it is good to invest in hardiness and survival.
You can be a Support in many ways. Firstly, you can focus on accompanying your ally (most often ADC) and helping him/her by healing or restricting the enemy's control over movements. Secondly, you can turn into real armored "tin" and get straight in the middle of your enemy's ranks, in order to focus the enemy's attention on yourself, and to let your team destroy the enemies.
Mid laner play a similar role to the solo laner, but he/she has more duties. Firstly, you need to take care of what is going on in you line. Your priority is the Last Hitting, in order to get as much gold as possible - you can use the nearby camps from the jungle. The next very important thing is to push the line to get the towers. What is more you need to help your allies on other lanes. If it is possible you should get to the top or bottom lane and try to gank the enemy. Pushing and pressing your enemy is an important part of the strategy! Simply because on the mid it is very important to quickly deal with the minions, the best God to do that are Magi. Thanks to their skills AoE can quickly deal with the neutral enemies, and they make a huge damage to the hostile heroes.
Junglers are Gods who are the best on the neutral ground - in the jungle. It is a very dynamic role, as you need to be very active in helping your allies in getting the advantage over your enemies. Junglers farm the neutral camps, so that their allies can use the benefits of different buffs. What is more they take care of the vision on the map and they try to push the enemy into the defensive by enlarging the preponderance on particular lanes. Whether you warn your ally on time or not, depends on the clarity of the map, so it is good to check on the mini map and situation. Putting Wards in the crucial places on the map will enlarge your efficiency. Your main goal is to help your allies getting the kills. But remember, in the later phase of the game the team will get more help from a mid laner with a good farm or ADC than from the jungler. The best junglers are assassins.
At the beginning of your adventure with SMITE you will get 5 free Gods. Each from one of the classes available in the game. From the very beginning you will have Gods from all of the categories: Assassin, Hunter, Warrior, Mage and Guardian. But it is worth to notice that the free Gods depend on the time in which you create your profile in the game. Therefore, the starter might be different for different players. The creators of the game make sure that the starter is as suitable for the beginning as possible.
In SMITE, as in other MOBA games, the pot of the heroes, that you can play with without the need of buying them, changes on the weekly basis. There are 5 Gods in the rotation, always. It means, that you basically, without buying any additional heroes, will have 10 of them. The free rotation is a good opportunity to check how particular Gods deal in different situations.
Basic information:
Difficulty level: Low
Mobility: High
CC: Average
Damages: High
Hardiness: Low
+ Huge damages
+ additional damages during the team fights, due to the passive skill
+ Stuns
- Low hardiness
- Attack in the Bad timing equals death
Thor is an assassin, so he specializes in making damages. His skills give him quite a big crowd control. Thanks to his passive skill (Warrior's Madness), Thor get bonus to the damages for every God who is nearby. Thor can throw his hammer (Mjolnir's Attunement) at the enemy and do some damages. Remember, that Thor's hammer makes the damages to all of the targets that it gets through, and on its way back it makes double damages to the hostile heroes. Teleporting to Mjolnir is a good option as well, you do it by pressing the skill again - it gives Thor a huge mobility. The Thor's second skill is the Tectonic Rift - Thor throws the ground with his hammer and it stuns the enemies nearby. The third skill I so called Berserker Barrage which makes the Thor's hammer spin and it makes damages every 4 seconds. Thor's exceptional skill is the Anvil of Dawn - if you have ever seen any Thor movie, you must remember the moment when he gets high into the air and then hits the ground with a huge speed. This is how this skill looks like!
Thor is very good in team fights as he can stun many enemies at the same time. But remember, if you decide to play with Thor in the Support role you will have o take the majority of the damages on yourself, therefore try to protect your ADC and get him a good position to get a kill.
Basic information:
Difficulty level: Mid
Mobility: Low
CC: High
Damages: Average
Hardiness: High
+ this hero can play the role of the tank
+ crowd control
+ is good in the Support role
- doesn't make big damages
- is not good in dealing with the camps in the jungle
is a figure which supports his allies very well. He is a very tough guy. Thanks to his passive skill he can harass his enemy and make increased damages. Ymir can bring on an ice wall in order to block the passage and make the retreat harder for the enemy. It is the best in the jungle fights, it separates the enemies and their allies from getting their main aim. By his next skill, Glacial Strike, Ymir send a shock wave in some particular way and it makes damages and slowdowns the hit enemies. Frost Breath, his next skill, restricts the enemies' movements - Ymir uses his breath to freeze the enemy for longer than 2 minutes. His exceptional skill is so called Shard of Ice. By using it the God can make AoE damages and slowdown the enemies that surround him.
Ymir is a great tank. Try to use your hardiness and crow control skill. Skilful slowing down or putting an ice wall to close the escape way is a good way to achieve the success. Remember to be careful when you put on the ice walls, not to, accidentally, put your ally in a tough position.
Basic information
Difficulty level: Low
Mobility: Average
CC: Average
Damages: High
Hardiness: Low
+ easy play
+ huge damages on one target
+ AoE damages
+ Good for quick pushing of the line
- Skillshots, which make life harder
- Vulnerability
- No able to do much without mana
Ra plays a role of a typical Mage, he makes damages from the distance and he is great in pushing the line. Each skill used by this God enlarges his movement speed, so it enlarges his mobility. Celestial Beam is the first skill of the God of the Sun. Ra brings on a ray of light which wounds every enemy who gets hit. The second is Divine Light, it is far more interesting than the first one. Ra surrounds himself with a beam of light, it can be detonated and it can make damages and blind the enemies. This hero can also call a pillar of light (Solar Blessing) to heal allies or to damage enemies. The next skill of this God is Searing Pain. Ra evokes a beam of light, which he lets in the straight line to seriously hurt the enemies.
Ra can make huge zonal damages, so try to clear the wave of the minions and try your luck on a different planet. But remember, in order to be a good Mage you need to be good at hitting with your skills, and it won't be easy at the beginning. Try to foresee the enemy's movement and hit with your skills in front of the target, so that it gets in a way during the casting.
Basic information
Difficulty level: Low
Mobility: High
CC: Average
Damages: Average
Hardiness: High
+ High hardiness
+ Healing ability
+ Mobility
+ Crowd Control
- He is not made to make huge damages
- huge mana loss
- weak at Last Hitting
Guan Yu is from the warriors' family, so he is a well armored God. What is more he is rather a mobile hero, which helps him to move across the map quickly and to support his team in the crucial moments of the fight. Guan Yu, thanks to his first skill (Conviction) can heal himself or a team member. The second skill, Warrior's Will, enables him to charge, it will damage and slowdown the hit enemies. During that skill Guan Yu is insensitive to the crowd control, so you can get in the middle of the hostile team. Thanks to the Taolu Assault the hero can spin his weapon and make damages with it. Guan Yu's last skill is Cavalry Charge- another charge, but this time on the warhorse.
Guan Yu is a great figure who can introduce the muddle within the enemy's ranks. Slowdown the enemies with a Charge and it will help your allies get kills. Remember, this character can heal himself or his ally, so don't forget to use this skill whenever it is necessary.
Basic information
Difficulty level: Low
Mobility: Average
CC: Low
Damages: High
Hardiness: Low
+ The ability to attack from the distance
+ Huge damages
+ Back Flip!
- Low survival
- The World Weaver skill can be blocked by an enemy
Neith is a Goddess who fights from a distance by using her bow. She makes a huge damages from the distance. Neith is a particular Goddess, as her skills can get some additional effect in the place of the ally Goddess's death. The main skill of Neith is Broken Wave, which is shooting from her bow in a straight line and damaging enemies in the straight line as well as immobilizes them. Unravel is a skill thanks to which Neith can make big AoE damages, and she also can heal herself. By Back Flip, Neith can escape from a tough situation and then keep attacking. World Weaver is an exceptional skill of this Goddess. She stretches her bow and lets go of the arrow, which has a huge scope, and what is more it gets to the target even through some impediments.
Neith is great on the lane and she make quite a huge damages. But remember, her skills use a lot of mana so try to control that. If you get a chance to get a kill near the enemy's tower do it, but remember to save some mana for the retreat.