Company of Heroes has made its name as one of the best Real Time Strategy games of all times. Company of Heroes 2 intends to continue this heritage by further developing and improvement of all of the gameplay aspects. It is worth to make use of the below guide to fare well in the reality if the game.
Coming into contact with the game for the first time, may be a brutal experience for those of the players, who are not acquainted with the basic rules of the gameplay and the introduced changes. Regardless of whether you are matching up against the computer or another player, the game is unforgiving when it comes to hesitation and each, even the slightest, mistake may be a decisive factor in terms of failure. To avoid surprises, before the first war expedition, it is worth knowing how to play the game and also getting acquainted with the rest of this guide. It will constitute an exhaustive source of knowledge for the veterans of the Eastern front in the first installment of the game, and for newly-recruited conscripts alike, who have never had a rifle in their hands.
This guide has been drawn up basing on the normal difficulty level, and it includes:
There is nothing left to do now, but to get busy. To the frontline! Mother Russia is calling for you!
Arek "Skan" Kaminski
Company of Heroes 2 is, obviously, a real time strategy. You gain resources that you use up to build production buildings, where you create your units, which you then lead to the battlefield. The gameplay is fast-paced and you will very often have to control military actions in various parts of the map simultaneously.
There are four main resource types in Company of Heroes 2, which you use to develop your base and create new units:
Manpower- the basic, and the most important resource in the game. It is used for the production of units, construction of buildings and global upgrades. It is delivered directly to the base so, it is the only resource whose supply is guaranteed. The manpower grow rate depends on the current size of your army. With sizeable forces , the rate is considerably lower and, with small ones, proportionately higher.
Munitions - used to employ abilities (e.g. throwing grenades) and to upgrade companies. It is supplied by the seized territories and depots.
Fuel - fuel is the key factor for how fast you will be able to develop your armies to formidable units. Fuel is used to construct buildings (and also for development of battle phases in the case of Germans). It is delivered from the seized territories and fuel depots. Cutting the enemy off the supplies of this liquid gold, will mean victory in the majority of cases.
Unit Count - the unit count is not a resource as such. Each unit in the battlefield consumes a given amounts of the unit count points. Once your army is big enough to reach the limit, you will no longer be able to produce new units. Until the existing ones lay down their lives for the motherland, at least.
Another basic issue is the map where you play the game, and the sectors into which it is divided. Individual territories provide supplies and mark the points of key strategic importance. In order to seize a territory, you need to move a unit into that region. If there are no enemy units stationed there, the territory will soon be seized. What is important here, territories can only be seized by infantry, infantry in trucks or the soviet tanks in the safe mode.
The controlled territory delineates the frontline in a way and acts as a supply line, i.e. each sector needs to be connected to the base in order for it to supply resources. If any of the territories is cut off (the right side of the map in the above screenshot), it will remain under your control, but it will not supply any resources. The sectors that have been cut off start blinking, which makes them easier to notice.
Individual territories are divided into:
The environment has considerable impact on the battles
Company of Heroes 2 is an incredibly dynamic game, owing to not only the fast-paced gameplay, but also to the weather conditions and changing topography of the surroundings. All of this, thanks to the Essence 3 weather engine and the, so called, "True Sight", i.e. the faithful rendition of a soldier's range of vision, as well as the influence of weather on him. What does the True Sight consist in? in having the soldiers (and the player, as a result) not see what is behind every element of the surrounding that is higher than a single soldier. This gives an opportunity to set traps for the unaware enemy units by simply hiding behind a wall. The wall may be, however destroyed with artillery fire and, as a result, all units hidden behind that wall will be exposed . The range of vision is also drastically limited by snowstorms and, that is why it is so important to use the environment to your advantage.
A snowstorm itself deserves a separate paragraph because it is the biggest innovation since the times of the first installment of the game. Weather conditions influence not only the range of vision of your units. During colds and snowfalls, snow banks will start appearing, which will effectively slow you down. Also, rivers will freeze, which will give you the opportunity to walk over them. This, however, makes you vulnerable to the enemy fire or explosives which will destroy the ice and send all of your troops underwater. Finally and, probably most importantly, low temperatures may bring about the death of your units. This is signaled with a blue thermometer icon appearing next to the units. If the "mercury column" of such a thermometer reaches the bottom, the soldiers will start to die. To prevent this, lead your troops towards fires and hide them inside buildings and vehicles. This will cause a red thermometer icon to appear, which means that the soldiers are warming up and will soon be full of strength and stamina again.
Taking proper care of your soldiers during snowstorms may pose a decisive point between victory and failure. You will be informed about the incoming snowstorm verbally and with a large stopwatch in the screen that displays when the snowstorm starts. Start then a fire with your bomb squads or move your units towards buildings. The snowstorm itself, and the cover it provides can be taken advantage of to launch an offensive attack at the unaware enemy. During snowstorms the airborne units cannot be used, which will considerably weaken the enemy. Remember also to delineate the routes manually so that your soldiers can avoid snow banks and move around close to fires. To delineate a route manually, press, and hold down the shift key and click the points on the map that you want your units to march through.
Have you already finished the campaign mode, but you still want more? Would you like to try yourself in the multiplayer mode, but you do not know how to start? Are you kicked out of every match because you are a noob? Do not worry, everyone was a beginner once. In this part of the guide, you will learn the basics for multiplayer skirmishes and suggestions of tactics for both sides of the conflict.
Notice, that the suggested tactics are not considered step by step, what and how to do it to win. It is a general overview of the tactics that use the assets of both sides depending on the phase of a match (early game - the beginning and the initial expansion, mid game - both armies have access to units of intermediary quality and late game - both sides have the full arsenal, and the best Abilities, at their disposal., which may, but do not necessarily have to ensure victory, and which you can, or even should modify in accordance with your knowledge and your preferred playing style.
First of all, you need to know what you need to do to win the match. There are two ways in which a match can be won. The traditional total destruction of the enemy, or the points. When it comes to points themselves, both side start a match with equal amount of these. By controlling the Victory Points (stars on the map) you decrease the enemy's amount. The first player (or team) to reach 0, loses. There are three Victory Points. As a result, to win a match, you need to control the key territories throughout most of the game.
Since you already know what the rules to achieve victory are, there is still one delicate matter of how to play in order to win. The internet matches are no different from playing against the computer. But, as much as you can, in the single player mode, stop for a moment and catch your breath, due to the kind of the played script, a flesh-and-blood player does not ensure such luxury. That is why speed and knowledge, of what you want to achieve, are such important factors. First of all, it is worthwhile to learn shortcuts. They will ensure with being able to take your actions incomparably faster than in the case of clicking with your mouse. Each Ability and unit to produce has its own shortcut that, usually, corresponds to its name in English. You can see it in the left-hand lower corner of each icon. Also, the production buildings have their own shortcuts, which correspond to the F1-F5 keys.
Another important matter is using the resources. While playing, you should know what and when you want to build. The resources should never lay fallow in your stock, they should be made use of as soon as they appear. It also pays off to know the cost of every unit (these can be found in the section of this guide devoted to the military) and have your plan of development prepared beforehand. You should then control how many units of the resources you already have amassed and, once you collect the right amount for whatever you want to produce, you start the production in two clicks of the mouse. The ability to develop quickly is especially important in the case of playing as the Germans. By building up faster and more coherently than the enemy will ensure you with initial advantage, which may very soon turn into victory if the enemy does not react properly. In order to master the shortcuts, and building up, organize 2vs1 games with the computer. The computer in your team will take care of the battle, while you will be perfecting the shortcuts and the building of the units.
It should also be noted that buildings should not be built side by side which would expose them to artillery fire. By keeping a distance between the buildings you build, you decrease the risk of enemy mortar shell damage two or more buildings at the same time, which might happen if they were built side by side. Furthermore, in Company of Heroes 2, unlike in the case of many other RTS games, you can easily do with one structure of a given type. There is no point to building two structures of the same type because, first of all, of the cost and, your inability to use the potential of two same buildings to its fullest.
An important aspect of the game is the, so called, army modification that you can access directly from the main menu. You can devise a few sets of generals and special bonuses for the units that you will be able to access throughout the matches. By winning, losing getting achievements, playing - in brief, you will be gaining consecutive experience levels, which allows you to unlock more options and Abilities.
Once you come up with your initial strategy that you intend to utilize in the battlefield, it would be a good idea to increase its capabilities by means of bulletins. Do you like making use of the SU - 76? Search through the tabs in search of an upgrade, and you will learn that you can cut the time in which they get promoted to Veterans, by 10%. What you need for that is the light experience level, destruction of 40 lightweight vehicles and 20 SU-76 units with the third veterancy level. The requirements that are necessary to be met to unlock bulletins can also be fulfilled while playing against computer. So, you can play several matches in which you focus on meeting the requirements and then, when matching up against the "live" opponent, you can have the appropriate boost at your disposal. Try and figure out your preferred playing style but, do not stick to it at any cost. Be flexible. You never know what the enemy can dish out for you. Do not restrict yourself to one type of units only. Keep various Abilities for various occasions.
Russians require tricky encirclements
If you have already finished the campaign mode, owing to your knowledge of the available units, it is best to try playing as the Red Army throughout the first skirmishes with the live opponent. Russians build faster and cheaper. In a direct battle, though, they are weaker than the Germans and, that is why, their tactics should be based mainly on seizing territories as quickly as possible and spreading the enemy forces. That is when you should use your numbers to attack the spread German units.
Early Game
Right after you begin, start seizing the nearby terrain with your engineers. Enlist 2-3 units of conscripts and one more unit of engineers, and one of the conscripts again. Send them in large numbers to seize the terrain, including behind enemy lines. At this stage of the game, the Victory Points are not that important. The most important thing right now is to spread the German forces and have them surrounded everywhere. Avoid being involved in a 1vs1 battle with grenadiers, especially that they may be reinforced with a heavy machine gun. In such a situation, retreat and do not put up fight and attack only when you outnumber the enemy, and you can easily attack from two sides. Good weapons against the Heavy Machine Guns are Molotov's cocktails which will force their crew to change positions.
Develop flamethrowers with your engineers and start building Guards Rifle Anti-Tank Command, and roll the M3A1 into the battlefield from there. M3, accompanied by engineers, with the Ability of using flamethrowers is going to pose counter-balance for the Machine Guns and grenadiers. Use this to cut off the way behind you as you attack at the front. .
Mid Game
The general strategy remains unchanged. Avoid well-balanced fights with the Germans and retreat to spread their forces, and attack only if they are outnumbered. With a bit of luck, you should be able to get a German Heavy Machine Gun. Create one, or two, teams and combine them with the Machine Gun for support.
Take proper care of your M3. It should remain in constant movement. Two Panzerfaust shots can turn it into a pile of scrap metal with ease so, be mobile, be creative. At this stage into the match, the enemy will already have manufactured some vehicles including, which is quite probable, a StuG. To counter them, develop AT grenades. For conscripts. It isn't the best anti-tank weapon out there, but it should do against the StuG and trucks. When you notice heavier tanks, like Panzer IV, it is high time that you invested in some more powerful equipment. If you have fuel depots under your control, and you have saved a lot of it, you should start building the Tankovij Battalion Command. Otherwise, use the ZiS cannons from the Guard Rifle Command.
Late Game
If you already have the TBC, there is nothing more left for you to do, but mass investing in the reliable T-34 that will probably determine your victory . The problem, at this point, may be The Elephants, the Tigers or Panthers. Should the need arise, build the last building and deploy the SU-85. Also a Katjusha Rocket Launcher may come in handy.
The Germans need to be played aggressively
In a direct battle, Wehrmacht is definitely stronger then its enemies. It develops definitely slower. The strategy here is to start exerting pressure on the enemy straight away and not let him achieve superiority in numbers which you wouldn't be able to handle later on.
Early Game
Start by building the only available building and send out scouts to seize terrains for you. In the new building, equip yourself in to or three teams of grenadiers and two machine guns.
Aggression, aggression and aggression once again. Push forward and seize everything you can. Try to push the battle over to the enemy territory . In 1v1 battles, grenadiers will, practically, always have the upper hand over the conscripts. The only threat the conscripts may pose, is when they fight at close quarters or, when they throw a Molotov's cocktail into a building that you keep your units in. Try and follow the infantry with the Heavy Machine guns for support. Remember that you want to launch at the enemy straight away and get him cornered. If the other player does not react fast enough, there is a chance that you will achieve victory straight away. Otherwise, you will have to keep your enemy checkmated without giving him the opportunity to take control over resources, and wait until you will be able to develop heavier equipment. Also try and create the
Leichte Mechanized Kompanie , where you should create new Panzergrenadiers and a 251 halftrack. 251 can be equipped with flamethrowers, which you should develop to stamp out any attempts to surround you undertaken by the enemy.
Mid Game
You should now control most of the resources including, at least, two Victory Points. Build fuel depots because fuel will be necessary later on. Try to reach the point at which you will be able to manufacture tanks, as quickly as possible. If vehicles give you hard time, try rolling out the Pak cannons. If, at the other hand, the enemy prefers deploying the infantry, try and control him by using the Panzergrenadiers and HMBs in larger quantities.
Depending on how you are doing, you can deploy 1-2 more Ostwinds for support against infantry or the StuGs against vehicles. An ideal situation would be where you could skip this part to the Heavy Panzer Corps and focus there on producing the Panthers.
Late Game
The Panthers are your main objective as, they top nearly every type of equipment, in terms of versatility, that the Soviets can dish out. Building three units of this type should get things done . If you want to achieve to al. Victory, you can also try rolling out a few Brummbars and Panzerwerfers, to launch direct attack on the enemy base.
In comparison, the red Army is weaker than its German counterpart. Whatever it lacks in quality, though, it makes up in the numbers, low costs of unit production, pace of development and versatility.
The headquarters for the Soviet army. Upgrades such as field hospital (the wounded units next to the base will be treated), Molotov's cocktails and AT grenades, can be developed here. It can create two types of units.
Combat Engineers Squad (240 Manpower, 6 Unit Count points).
The basic construction units. You should always have, at least, two teams at your disposal. They are weaker than the infantry, but they can be upgraded with a flamethrower (60 munitions), which is very effective against the enemy footsoldiers. This is especially so if they are hiding behind a cover or inside a building. An alternative solution, may be to upgrade them to the Disposal and Detection Section (30A), which decreases the offensive value of the team but it will give you the opportunity to detect, and dispose of mines and cut through barbed wire automatically.
- Erecting production buildings.
- field reinforcement: mine deployment (30A), building of entanglements, starting fires (50A).
The mines are good for any type of units. Entanglements are for free and make it impossible for the infantry to march through but, the fires are quite costly so, you should plan beforehand where they will be most useful and don't place too many them.
- Repair. Used for repairing vehicles structures and bridges, First of all, you will be using it to repair machines but, it is worth remembering about the key strategic buildings as well, e.g. to prevent the roof of a church from collapsing onto the snipers inside.
- Wire clippers. A free way to remove the enemy's enganglements. This requires the Disposal and Detection Kit.
- Demolition (90A). One very interesting ability. It works like a manually-activated bomb (after you deploy it, it explodes after you click on it). Perfect for setting traps, useful also in offense. The downside is the high cost.
- Trip Wire Flares (10A, requires veterancy). After being used, detects the enemy units for 8 seconds
Frontovik Squad (240M, 6UC)
Regular Soviet infantry. They are discernibly worse than the German Grenadiers although, they do pretty well while fighting at close quarters. They can be well reinforced by some generals. Their additional attribute is that the temas are larger (6 soldiers) than the other, which is why they do well at scrounging the enemy weapon left in the battlefield.
- Merging. Joining the conscripts of an existing, modified team. Useful ability if you want to keep the more experienced units alive.
- Molotov's cocktail throw (15A; unlocked at the base). A primitive grenade. Small initial damage but, assuming that the enemy does not change positions, with time can easily kill the enemy. Especially useful against the units hiding in buildings.
- Oorah! (5A) A boost lasting ten seconds that allows your team to increase its speed and damage it inflicts. Especially useful thanks to the speed boost which enables you to flank the enemy quickly. Cheap to use so, do not hesitate to use it frequently.
-RPG-43 Anti tank grenade (25A). Short range and relatively low damage. It takes around 7 throws to destroy heavy tanks. It is definitely more economical and reliable to use the artillery.
- Trip Wire Flares (10A, requires veterancy). After it is used, reveals the positions of the enemy units for 8 seconds.
Scout Sniper Squad(360M, 9UC)
A two-man unit whose purpose is to eliminate single enemy soldiers at a distance. Unlike the German counterpart, the accuracy and the dealt damage are lower so, sometimes it take two shots to eliminate one soldier. The team consists of two people so, it is way easier to keep alive. Of course, it is vulnerable anyways so, it needs to remain hidden and protected as much as possible. Its range of shooting is higher than its range of vision so, it is a good idea to conduct reconnaissance for it with conscripts.
- Flare (60A). Reveals a specified fragment of the map for 35 seconds.
- Sprint (6A, requires veterancy). Snipers gain speed-up for ten seconds. An alternative for retreat if the sniper is spotted, so it doesn't have to return slowly to its position.
M3A1 Light Scout Car (80M, 20 Fuel, 2UC)
Reconnaissance car. It can transport a single infantry team, which can then fire at the enemy. Vulnerable to fire from regular type of weapon. It is good for speedy transportation of units. Equipped with a team of combat engineers, it turns into a real scourge on infantry.
- Overdrive (requires veterancy). For 25 the vehicle moves around faster and it is more difficult to hit it.
Penal Battalion (360M, 9UC)
One level higher than the conscripts. Pretty good surviving factor and good damage. Especially at close quarters while fighting other infantry units. They can be equipped with a flamethrower (60 Munitions).
- Throw an explosive (45M). Large damage but, it unfortunately goes off with a 5 second delay so, it works mostly against buildings.
- Trip Wire Flares (10M, Requires veterancy). Reveals the enemy units for 8 if used.
M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Gun (240M, 6UC)
An excellent defensive weapon against infantry. Position always where it is well protected, at least from one side and protect its flanks. It has a lower range to the side than its German counterpart so, it is easier to get from behind. The upside of the Maxim gun is that it is definitely faster to fold/unfold and it is operated by a larger number of soldiers and, therefore, it is more difficult to lose.
PM- 41 82mm Mortar Squad (240M, 6UC)
A very good weapon to sweep the enemy defense lines from afar or, to halt seizing of a territory by the enemy. At the same time, it is easy to lose and virtually harmless at short range. You should not leave it in one position for a prolonged period of time. It is more durable but, at the same time, slower than the mortar of the Reich.
- Supressing fire. Works well if you know where the enemy units are.
- Smokescreen. Shoots three smoke projectiles that provide cover.
- Precision attack (30M, requires veterancy). A very precise shot into the specific area.
ZiS-3 76mm Divisional Field Gun(360M, 9UC)
Universal long-range cannon. Works well against both the tanks and the infantry. Unfortunately, it has low mobility and firing frequency and, which is most important, cannot be withdrawn from the battlefield in the case of retreat. It should always be well protected to prevent it being captured by the enemy.
- Light artillery suppressive fire (60M). Shoots 6 shells into a specific area, effective against unarmored targets.
- Scouting (20A). Increases considerably the range of effectiveness for 20 seconds, while detecting all enemy's infantry units at the same time.
M5 Halftrack (120M, 30P, 3UC)
It can carry two infantry squads that conduct their fire from behind. Additionally, it allows to replenish the nearby units, as if they were near the headquarters. A typical support unit. It can be upgraded by anti-aircraft equipment for 90 of Munitions. This way, it is enriched by a good long-range cannon useful against infantry and unarmored vehicles. After this upgrade, it cannot transport squads, though.
- Overrun(requires veterancy). The vehicle is faster for 25 seconds and it is more difficult to hit.
T-70 Light Tank (160M, 55F, 3UC)
One very useful tank. It works well against the infantry and wins almost every skirmish with any other light vehicle. It is the only one to have the auto-repair function, not connected with a doctrine. Unfortunately, its assets seem negligible if the enemy rolls out heavy equipment into the battlefield.
- Repair (60Mu). The tank is subjected to repairs for the next 15 seconds.
- recon Mode. Increases the range of vision at the cost of disabling the main cannon. Useful in the case of the reconnaissance for friendly long-range units, like snipers or mortars.
- Secure Mode. The tank is capable of securing the areas but, is incapable of fighting at this point.
T-34/76 Medium Tank (240MP, 95P, 7UC)
An excellent tank. Small, maneuverable and relatively cheap. It proves its worth in almost all conditions. When in one to one fight, it can handle well-balanced battles even with Nazi heavy tanks. It is only vulnerable to Panthers.
- Ramming. T-34, is the only tank in the game to be capable of raming. The tank builds up speed and runs into the enemy vehicle leaving it utterly destroyed and unable to defend itself, until repaired. The same fate befalls the attacking T-34 but, If you have the superiority in numbers, when it comes to tanks, and/or you are certain of your intantry's victory then, it is an exceptionally valuable ability.
- Secure Mode. The tank can seize territories but, cannot fight at this point.
BM-13 Katyusha Rocket Truck (360 Mp, 85F, 9UC)
Long Range artillery. Unfortunately, it has a very poor accuracy and is vulnerable to enemy fire. It's only means of defense is rocket launcher with very long cooldown times. Useful only while trying to cut through heavily fortified positions.
- Suppressive fire from the 132mm rocket launcher. Quite effective against infantry, the biggest shortcoming being the cooldown times of 75 seconds. In practice, however, shooting all of the 16 rockets takes some fifteen seconds so, as a matter of fact, you can shoot every one minute.
- Concentrated suppressive fire (requires veterancy). The fire is more precise by about 50%.
SU-76M Assault Gun (160Mp, 55F, 4UC)
Anti-tank gun, almost useless in all other respects. Light armor makes this vehicle vulnerable also to infantry. Stay out of the enemy tanks' range. Fight infantry only with suppressive fire at your disposal
- Light artillery suppressive fire. The main weapon of the SU is very weak in fights against infantry. Su makes up for this by wreaking havoc among the infantry. Unfortunately, it has one minute cooldown but, it is free to use.
- recon mode (20Mu). Increases the cannon's range considerably and exposes all enemy infantry units for 20 seconds.
SU-85 Medium tank Destroyer (320Mp, 115F, 8UC)
Heavy and slow, It has big range and is accurate. When necessary, it will also survive in the enemy trap of tanks, thanks to hard armor and high durability, until the reinforcements arrive. Still, it is vulnerable to fire from mobile AT cannons and to infantry.
- Focused sight. Limits the seeing field to the sides and increases the range of vision ahead. It combines with Recon Mode, which makes for a really long range.
- Recon Mode(20Mu). For 20 seconds, it considerably increases the range of the cannon and detects all enemy infantry units.
Commanders are played in the game basing on the doctrines; similar to the first installment of the game. The main difference consists in a permanent set of abilities, which is ascribed to individual generals. This is unlike in CoH 1 where it was possible to select individual abilities.
By fighting, the player earns Command Points. After the first one is earned, it is possible to select one of the three available commanders, and the doctrine connected with that commander. At the beginning of the game, both armies can access three generals. By earning consecutive experience levels, it is possible to unlock two further generals. The general selection should be determined by your playing style.
A perfect tactic for tankmenIdeal for compulsive tankmen. Improves on the excellent T-34, gives it the ability to auto-repair and provides a considerable boosts to the damage it deals.
1 Command Point - Guards Rifle Infantry.
They supplant the Penal Batallion. Elite infantry perfect at close quarters. Equipped with anti-tank weaponry. Ideal to destroy lightly-armored vehicles but, from the side Or, from the back. They will also pose a threat even to heavy tanks. Additionally, they can be upgraded and receive an MG, which additionally increases their capabilities in the battlefield, in comparison to the enemy infantry.
1CP -1938 120mm Mortar Squad
Supplants the standard 82mm mortar. Offers improved range and Deal more damage.
3CP - Mark Vehicle
Allows you to Mark an enemy unit of your choice for 60 seconds. All of the nearby squads open fire at this unit and will deal more damage than usually. Useful, especially for quick elimination of anti-tank weapons.
4CP - Vehicle Crew Repair Training
All vehicle crews get the ability to repair, if not engaged into battle, in return for some ammo. Every vehicle should be repaired individually, which is different in comparison to CoH 1, where the repairs were conducted on a mass scale. Furthermore, the tanks cannot use their canons while under repair so, make sure that you do that in a safe spot.
4CP -T34/85 Medium Tank
An improved version of the T34/76, the only difference being the increased damage. The vehicle does not gain in terms of durability.
A good tactic for short skirmishes
It bases, mainly on the use of the conscripts. Its ability is to turn them from cannon fodder into formidable squads that can fight well-balanced battles with any enemy unit. Additionally, it offers the versatile ML-120 152mm Gun-Howitzer and, the mighty IL-2. This tactic depends mainly on fast pace of the game The longer a battle takes, the less useful this tactic is, due to the lack of heavy armor in both tanks and the artillery.
1CP - Guards Rifle Infantry.
They supplant the Penal Batallion. Elite infantry perfect at close quarters. Equipped with anti-tank weaponry. Ideal to destroy lightly-armored vehicles but, from the side Or, from the back. They will also pose a threat even to heavy tanks. Additionally, they can be upgraded and receive an MG, which additionally increases their capabilities in the battlefield, in comparison to the enemy infantry.
1CP - Hit the Dirt!
This allows your conscripts to fall to the ground for protection against the enemy fire. They cannot move then, though so, you should watch out for the enemy grenades and flamethrowers. If necessary, they can retreat.
2CP - Conscript Assault Package Upgrade
This equips your conscripts with two PPsh-41 sub-machine guns which increase damage considerably It constitutes an ideal combination with Hit the Dirt!, which turns the conscripts into more than a decent squad that can pacify German infantry.
4CP - ML-120 152mm Gun-Howitzer
Large range and big damage. Ideal to pound at the enemy HQ or the territories that it controls. It best works if positioned directly in the HQ or near it because, it will be then well protected and, its range will ensure permanent usefulness.
6 CP- IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks
For a short period of time, the plane will patrol a selected portion of the map and reveal it while, at the same time, inflicting damage to all of the enemy units. Unfortunately, due to the high cost of six experience points makes it available very late into the game.
Works well during longer battles
Weaker at the beginning, it gains in strength as you progress. It adds one of the best tanks in the game: the IS-2.
1CP - Shock Troops
They supplant the Penal Battalion. The most durable of the Soviet infantry. They are capable of enduring the fire of all German infantry. They ideally complement the IS-2 Heavy Tank.
2CP - Anti-Tank Gun Ambush Tactics
In accordance with the description to the game, the anti-tank units can be camouflaged to hide them from the enemy sight. In practice, this "all" refers to ZiS 76mm only. This does not change the fact that, if deployed in a smart way, they will break enemy's every attack before it starts for good.
4CP -KW-8 Flamethrower Tank
This tank offers two weapons: a flamethrower that works well against infantry, especially when there is a need to chase the retreating, and the standard 45mm cannon that is weak, unfortunately and will not fare well against the German tanks . Quite a lot of health points but the armor is very weak which confirm this tank's low value.
4CP - Incendiary Artillery Barrage
Moderately useful an ability. It sets a given region on fire and inflicts damage to the infantry in this area. This does not damage vehicles, though. Useful mainly while driving the enemy away from seizing a territory.
5CP -IS-2 Heavy Tank
The unquestionable king of the battlefield. Immense damage and high durability. If secured with the shock troops, it is capable of cutting through every enemy defense. The downside is the high cost.
Works well in each phase of the game
Universal tactic that offers fluent transition from the strong and durable infantry at the beginning of the game to just as tough tanks at the end.
1CP - Shock Troops
Supplants the Penal Battalion. The most durable Soviet infantry. They are capable of taking the fire of all German infantry.
2CP - Armored Vehicles Detect
The infantry will be capable of detecting enemy vehicles from the distance twice as long. Moderately useful although, it will prove useful for the longer range of the ISU-152.
2CP - Conscript Repair Pack
The conscripts gain the ability to repair, just like engineers. This considerably boosts their value later in the game.
5CP - ISU-152 Heavy Assault Gun
Immense damage and long range. Unfortunately, the tank is very much vulnerable. Keep away from the main battles and take advantage of the long range.
6CP - IL-2 Precision Attack
Huge damage but, by skillful maneuvering the units, the enemy may escape the explosion radius. Best if used against buildings.
Specific tactic for the fans of espionage
A specific tactic. Does not offer direct improvements to the units but, provides the possibility of learning about the enemy's actions.
1CP - Radio Intercept
Each time a new enemy unit appears in the battlefield, you will receive a message pertaining to it. Thanks to this, you will know what the enemy is building and what he is up to.
2CP - Recon Overflight
Sends out a reconnaissance plane that detects all enemy units within its range, including the camouflaged ones.
3CP - Rapid Conscription
All the killed soldiers of individual squads are replaced with conscripts. In reality, this means exchanging Munitions for Manpower. It is useful because, the saved Manpower can be used elsewhere.
5CP - Fear Propaganda Artillery
Throwing propaganda leaflets at the enemy. Does not inflict direct damage. Instead, the enemy soldiers may retreat from the battlefield, at random or, fight less effectively.
6CP - IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks
For a short period of time, the plane will patrol a selected portion of the map and reveal it while, at the same time, inflicting damage to all of the enemy units. Unfortunately, due to the high cost of six experience points makes it available very late into the game.
In general, the Wehrmacht has a better-equipped and better -trained army at its disposal. Often it is the case, however, that there are fewer soldiers in an individual squad and, what is even more, the pace of development is lower. While the Soviet Engineers can build new structures without unnecessary preparation, the Germans must first develop the battle phase plan and then they gain the ability to build new structures. Still, the armies of the Third Reich are powerful and formidable which, if properly commanded, can sweep away any resistance in its way.
The German HQ. You can develop the battle phase plan which gives you access to better equipment and the Pioneers.
Pioneer (200 Manpower, 5 Unit Count)
Very similar to their soviet counterparts. They can be equipped with flamethrowers (60 Munitions) or the Mine Diffusal Package (30Mu).
- Building of production buildings.
-Field Reinforcements: bunker (150Mp), entanglements, Teller mines (60Mu), mine field (80Mu), fire (50Mu). A bunker can be reinforced with an HMG nest , field clinic or conscription point. The mines are more specialized than the Soviet ones and they inflict more damage. Teller is used against tanks. Mine fields, on the other hand, consist of four AP mines.
- Repair.
- Wire clippers.
- Field first-aid kit (30Mu, requires veterancy). Heals the specified squad, cannot be used on self.
In general, the Wehrmacht has a better-equipped and better -trained army at its disposal. Often it is the case, however, that there are fewer soldiers in an individual squad and, what is even more, the pace of development is lower. While the Soviet Engineers can build new structures without unnecessary preparation, the Germans must first develop the battle phase plan and then they gain the ability to build new structures. Still, the armies of the Third Reich are powerful and formidable which, if properly commanded, can sweep away any resistance in its way.
The German HQ. You can develop the battle phase plan which gives you access to better equipment and the Pioneers.
Pioneer (200 Manpower, 5 Unit Count)
Very similar to their soviet counterparts. They can be equipped with flamethrowers (60 Muntions) or the Mine Diffusal Package (30Mu).
- Building of production buildings.
-Field Reinforcements: bunker (150Mp), entanglements, Teller mines (60Mu), mine field (80Mu), fire (50Mu). A bunker can be reinforced with an HMG nest , field clinic or conscription point. The mines are more specialized than the Soviet ones and they inflict more damage. Teller is used against tanks. Mine fields, on the other hand, consist of four AP mines.
- Repair.
- Wire clippers.
- Field first-aid kit (30Mu, requires veterancy). Heals the specified squad, cannot be used on self.
Panzergrenadiere (360MP, 9UC)
Elite infantry. It does well both in motion and at close quarters, they do worse from afar. Individual soldiers are durable so, whenever the opportunity arises, try and approach the enemy as close as possible. They can be upgraded with two pieces of RPzB 54 Panzerschrek. This costs as much as 120 of munitions but, it is going to constitute a decent and, more importantly, quickly attainable weapon against enemy vehicles. After the upgrade, stay away from direct fight because they become more vulnerable.
- Bundled Grenades (45Mu). A excellent grenade, which is capable of destroying even the elite infantry straight away. It also inflicts pretty heavy damage to vehicles.
- Field first-aid kit (30Mu, requires veterancy). Heals the specific squad , cannot be used on self.
SdKfz 251 Halftrack (120MP, 30 Fuel, 3UC)
A useful unit. Can transport two squads and replenish losses in teams. It is durable, at the same time . For 120 Munitions, it can be equipped with two flamethrowers, which makes it a vehicle feared among the infantry. Unfortunately, it cannot transport soldiers then.
SdKfz 221 Scout car (80MP, 25P, 2UC)
Quick and maneuverable. Works well against the infantry and medium vehicles. Very good for flanking or taking out snipers. It can be upgraded by a KwK 30 Autocannon (70Mu), which considerably weakens it against the infantry but, enables it to top any light vehicle of the enemy. Vulnerable to anti-tank weaponry.
- Infantry awareness (10Mu, requires veterancy). Detects all enemy infantry units within a quite large area. Useful and cheap to use so, make a frequent use of it.
Pak 40 7.5cm Anti-Tank Gun (360MP, 9UC)
The basic anti-tank weapon. Just like in the case of the other manned cannons, it is faster and, in general, better than the Soviet one. Its ailment is too few soldiers on the team.
- Target weak Point (35Mu, requires veterancy). Incapacitates the team of an enemy vehicle for several seconds.
StuG III Ausf. G Assault Gun (230MP, 95F, 10UC)
Cheap and pretty valuable a tank. Works well for counter-attacks on the light and medium enemy units. Due to the low piercing force of the projectiles, fighting heavier tanks poses a problem for this tank. Unfortunately, the turret is non-rotary so, it uses much in terms of mobility and, it is easy to flank. For 30 Munitions, it can be equipped with MG-42 which increases (minimally) its usability against the infantry. Use in early- and midgame . Once you are further into the game, you should focus on the available alternatives.
- Target Weak Point (35M, requires veterancy) Disables the team of the enemy vehicle for several seconds.
Flakpanzer IV Ostwind (320MP, 115P, 9UC)
The best anti-personnel vehicle in the game. Fast and maneuverable. Ideal for flanking maneuvers and counter-attacks. At the same time, it is highly vulnerable to anti-tank weapons and therefore, it should be kept away from such. Another downside is the fuel requirements. Investing in Ostwinds will considerably decrease the anti-tank value of your army so, you will have to rely on the slow PaK 40 units, or panzerfaust, as a result.
- Blitzkrieg Tactics (30F, requires veterancy). Increases the vehicle's mobility considerably. Useful especially in the case of the infantry flanking maneuvers.
Panzer IV Medium Tank (320MP, 115F, 8 UC)
Universal tank. A better alternative for the slow StuG. It can be improved by adding a Mg 42 gun (30Mu). The greatest downside is its armor and high cost. .
- Blitzkrieg Tactics (30Mu, requires veterancy). Increases the vehicle's mobility considerably. Useful especially in the case of the infantry flanking maneuvers.
Panzerwerfer 42 Multiple Rocket Launcher (360MP, 85F, 9UC)
A truck equipped with long-range missiles. Useful only in the case of fire against heavily-fortified defense positions.
- Counter Barrage.
Sturmpanzer IV Brummbar (520MP, 170F, 13UC)
Mighty, durable and a very slow tank. It is capable of taking anti-tank fire but, in direct battle with the other tanks it is not doing that well because of too slow cannons. Ideal for frontal attack directly onto the enemy HQ. It can be improved with a MG 42 (30Mu). Tremendous construction cost, alternative tanks in the doctrines should be a better choice.
- Target Weak Point (35Mu, requires veterancy). Incapacitates the team of the enemy vehicle for several seconds.
Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank (440MP, 165F, 11UC)
The actual pride of the German Army. Almost perfect tank although it is merely a "Medium" vehicle. IT has a very good front armor plate, good range and high damage. It is capable of destroying most anti-tank weapons. Its down side is weak back armor plate and weak capabilities against infantry. This can be partially alleviated by buying the MG 42 for 30Mu.
- Blitzkrieg Tactics (30Mu, requires veterancy). Increases the vehicle's mobility considerably. Useful especially in the case of the infantry flanking maneuvers.
Defense tactic
A defense tactic with quite a potential for anti-tank use. It is complimented with the most powerful off-map weapon
2 Command Points - Panzer Tactician.
Each tank will gain the ability to hide in the smokescreen. Incredible effective in fighting anti-tank weapons and other tanks. Should the need arise, it can also be used to cloud retreat.
3CP -Hull Down.
The infantry may cover tanks with sandbags which renders them immobile, but increases their defense, precision and shooting speed. The ability can be disabled at any moment for the tanks to be mobile again.
4CP - Pak 43 Emplacement
The pioneers can put up a big anti-tank cannon of large range. It is an ideal solution if you are in need for an anti-tank weapon and you do not have any fuel, e.g. when you have already decided to invest in Ostwinds.
4CP - Command Tank
A special Panzer IV that increases the defense capabilities of all nearby tanks.
6CP - Railway Artillery Support
Arguably the mightiest off-map weapon . Three mighty powerful projectiles drop onto selected area and destroy virtually everything in the way. It can be, however, easily dodged so, it is better to use it against stationary targets.
This tactic Works well with multiplayer games
Another typically defensive tactic. It boils down to using artillery. Probably the most effective in multiplayer.
2CP - SdKfz 250/7 Mortar Half-track
A self-propelled mortar. Not as powerful as the stationary ones but, with good management and rapid movement, it can be considered a decent support in every battle.
2CP - Smoke Bombs
Clouds of smoke from the planes. Bigger and more effective than smoke grenades or Panzer Tactician. The general rule remains unchanged. It covers your units and makes it possible to launch a surprise attack or, cover retreat.
3CP - Relief Infantry
Reserve "Ostrupen" infantry. Definitely weaker than the regular German infantry but, very cheap and produced on a mass scale.
4CP - leFH 18 Artillery
Constitutes a response to the Soviet ML-20 gun-howitzer. Discernibly weaker and not that precise. Still, if properly secured, it will wreak havoc in the enemy lines.
6CP - Sector Artillery
Artillery attack on a specific sector with 105mm projectiles. Best to prevent a territory from falling into enemy hands.
Tactic focusing on reconnaissance and anti-tank weaponry
Tactic focused on vehicles. It is weak at the beginning of the game but, it gains in strength with the passage of time. At its disposal, it has excellent intelligence and anti-tank weaponry.
2CP - Half-track Riegel 43 Anti-Tank Mine
A mine deployed from trucks, which easily destroys enemy vehicles. You first need to determine which route the enemy will be advancing to ensure yourself with advantage.
2CP - Reconnaissance Overflight
The reconnaissance aircraft will be dispatched to the defined location. Its range is considerable so, it will expose a large portion of the map. Useful especially for pinpointing enemy cannons.
3CP - Spotting Scope
Tanks gain broader vision while stationary.
5CP - Elephant Tank Destroyer
A mighty anti-tank weapon that no tank can withstand. Its only downside is that it has gigantic requirements (640 Manpower, 260 Fuel).
5CP - Stuka Bombing Strike
A powerful bomb that destroys everything in the specified area. A very interesting point is that it can be used to neutralize the enemy's territories so, you can claim the enemy's Victory Points this way.
A tactic for infantry fans
For those who enjoy playing the infantry. It ensures good support from the beginning of the game as well as airborne and artillery support later in the game. It requires lots and lots on Munitions to make full use of its assets.
1CP - Ambush Camouflage
The infantry and the HMG will go into a camouflage mode, while behind a cover or on snow. When they start their fire against the oblivious enemy, they will deal more damage then usually.
2CP - Jaeger Light Infantry Upgrade
The infantry can be equipped with Gewehr 43 semi-automatic machine guns, which in general have a larger range then they are faster to reload. An additional, interesting element is the ability to interrogate the dying prisoners (the ones that crawl) to pinpoint the enemy units for several seconds.
3CP - Tactical Movement
All infantry units, apart from those that man the heavy equipment, will move faster then usually for the next 20 seconds. Useful mostly against for global attacks. There is no point in using it only to make one unit move faster to flank he enemy, due to high cost (40Mu).
4CP - Light Artillery Barrage
Moderately useful. It's best for driving the enemy away before seizing a territory.
6CP - Stuka Close Air-Support
One of the best abilities in the game. In a standard way, the JU-87 will start firing at the specified area and, turn around several times to repeat the attack, which increases its effectiveness.
The tactic of rapid assault
The doctrine for those who like and, above all, can playing fast. It is a typical Blitzkrieg. Requires swift gathering of resources and development but, once it shows its true power, it is unsurmountable. Additionally, it is the only doctrine that provides access to the best tanks in the game: The Tigers.
1CP - Cargo Truck
Will provide you with access to a special truck. The truck, if parked in a territory, doubles the resources delivered by that territory. You can have one truck per sector.
2CP - Artillery Field Officer
A special support unit. Ensures increased accuracy of the nearby units and can order all nearby cannons to lay fire on specific territory. Useful if there are many foot soldiers around.
3CP - Strafing Run
Ju 87D brings the nearby enemy infantry under fire. Very effective, especially for cutting off the retreat route.
5CP - Tiger Tank
It allows you to produce, arguably, the best tanks in the game: the Tigers. Equipped with thick armor, an 88mm cannon and a MG 42it can crush absolutely everything in direct battle.
5CP - Fragmentation Bomb
The fragmentation bomb, due to the ease it can be dodged with, is best against buildings or stationary squads. Inflicts heavy damage to any kind of enemy, although it is relatively weaker than the rail gun.
Main Objectives:
1. Reclaim Stalingrad
2. Destroy Panzer IV
3. Secure the rail station
Bonus Objectives:
1. Free the imprisoned civilians
2. destroy the German tank with the German anti-tank cannon.
3. Finish the mission without summoning reinforcements
1. The mission starts with two assault units at your disposal. It is the strong and tough type of infantry, which comes equipped with grenades. Your first assignment is to follow the T-34 tank. Use the nearby ruins for cover (the green shield next to the unit means very good cover, yellow moderate, red none) in follow the tank. After several tens of meters, the tank will explode (make sure that your soldiers do not stand next to it), and a cutscene will play afterwards.
In the middle of the road, the Germans have deployed a strong HMG nest. Marching with your infantry towards the nest is sheer suicide. The gun needs to be flanked and attacked from the sides, where it is defenseless. At this point of the mission, you will receive the possibility of calling new assault units. In order to meet the requirements of the bonus objectives, (3) you cannot use it. Play slowly and keep behind the cover, and make use of the grenades (the E key), as soon as they are available, without exposing yourself to the direct enemy fire, and you will easily achieve the bonus. . If you, simply, want to complete this mission as quickly as possible you do not need to worry too much about your losses, in connection with this ability. Once it is available, activate it to call the next squad into the field.
Use the grenade (E), to eliminate the HMG teamAt this point, it is Best to divide the soldiers into two groups and send them towards the Upper portion of the map. Remember that you should make extensive use of covers and, when you Get close to the HMG, use your grenade and eliminate the team.
You will be notified that the German artillery is nearbyFurther on your way, you will encounter two howitzers. Against these, the assault infantry's machine guns are like squirt guns. You, again, need to flank the howitzers and eliminate their teams. The route to the howitzers is full of the German infantry so, you can take your time and do not hurry, and move from cover to cover. The Germans will not be moving so, an ideal solution is to throw a grenade, kill out all in the team, move behind the next cover, wait until grenade is available again and repeat. Move your forces in two groups, on the left and on the right side of the map.
One of the German cannons is net to the building from the bonus objectiveIn the meantime, in the left portion of the map, the bonus objective will activate (1). The nearby building is under German fire. You need to make it in time to help the defenders before they all die. There is plenty of time so, once again, there is no reason to hurry. Grenades will do the job. What is even more, directly next to the liberated building, there is an ideal passage to one of the howitzers.
Panzer IV enters the battlefield2. Panzer IV, against which your soldiers are defenseless, will roll into the battlefield. To destroy the tank, you need to obtain anti-tank weapon. The only problem is that it is protected by an HMG, which ids impossible to flank this time around, because of the wall around it. To remedy that, use the smoke grenade to cover your units and make your way over to the other side of the wall, next to the HMG. Here, throw the grenade over the wall, which will solve the problem, and open further passage.
After you obtain the anti-tank weapon, destroy the tank from behind.The cannon is protected but, the anti-tank weapon, is no threat for the nearby infantry squad. Let the guards sacrifice their lives for the motherland, seize the canon in move it to the right to have a clear shot at the back of the Panther, and fulfill the bonus objective at the same time (2).
3. After you have seen the next cutscene, the last phase of this mission will start, where you need to recapture the nearby rail station. It is protected by three HMGs supported by armored cars. Make use of your trophy canon and eliminate them from afar (remember to keep the canon team behind a cover!). In the meantime, continue flanking with the infantry and, when you are close, use grenades. This will quickly pulverize the defense positions.
You will have to fight the next Panzer directlyThere will be one more Panzer IV to come around. Deal with the tank using your cannon (if it has been damage, you can find a replacement near the place where the MGs were stationed) and soon, it will be history, similarly to the first mission. But, the way to the final victory is still long.
Main objectives:
1. Protect the frontline
2. Use explosives to destroy remaining equipment
3. Scorch the soil
4. Protect the yard
5. Retreat to the bridge
Bonus objectives:
1. Keep the assault teams alive
2. Do not deploy a single mine on the road.
The ability to "Merge" (M) is a good way to keep experienced squads alive.1. You start the game with two squads of conscripts. Immediately, go to the frontline to the North of the map. "Merge" (the M key) toy merge your soldiers with the decimated assault squads. This ability is useful used to keep alive your most experienced soldiers. Throughout the entire mission you will be able to call new conscripts on a regular basis, which you should take advantage of. Once you notice that in any of the assault squads a soldier died, use the merger to replenish your losses. Do this even if the conscripts have to get under enemy fire to reach the squad that they are supposed to join. If you play the Soviets, it is worth learning that if there is a greater victory to be achieved, considerable losses are not only acceptable, but also required. Whenever a conscript is killed, do not hesitate to call for another one. Assault squads are definitely better a unit and they have the "priority in surviving ". So, do not forget to control their numbers on a regular basis (a full squad is 6 soldiers) and merge as often as necessary. This will make it easier or you to complete the bonus objective (1).
Next, you need to protect two positions. It is not going to be exceptionally difficult. It is enough to keep your soldiers behind covers and, when a squad approaches, throw a grenade their way. After a while, the Germans will retreat but, unfortunately, this is going to be only a momentary relief because the nearby area will come under fire from Stuka, and the enemy will resume the attack. At this point, you will have to retreat deeper into the territory.
Transfer your soldiers into two points that you need to protect, until the nearby trucks are loaded. Two assault squads into one of the points and two into the other. Start moving slowly your regular infantry to the back but, allow them also to slow down the enemy progression also. If necessary, make use of their special ability which will ensure them with temporary boost to damage and speed.
At this point, the Germans will start attempting flanking and will be trying to enter the sector from the back (the above screenshot). Guard every side of the entrance point to the territory. Your greatest friend here will still be covers and grenades
You need to set explosives to the heavy equipment2. Once the trucks are loaded, there will still remain several cannons and trucks in the battlefield that cannot fall into the enemy hands. You will receive command over several engineer squads, which can set explosives (X). Use them to blow up the marked targets.
The destroyed trucks will not support the ReichThe explosives should be activated manually by left-clicking on them . Before you do, however, make sure that there are no units (especially assault units) left in the battlefield. You do not want to make them meet their Maker by mistake. By destroying the equipment, you will complete this part of the mission.
Near the HQ, there are flamethrowers3. Your next task will be to set the nearby houses on fire. Retreat with all your units into the main yard, where there is the HQ. In the base itself, you can develop a field hospital, which will come in handy so, do it straight away. Deploy your units around the covers in the yard. Move one or two of them to the right, across the road next to the HQ.
Fire will quickly devour the nearby hutsEquip your engineers with the nearby flamethrowers and, make them use these to destroy the buildings marked on the map (V).
The fields will be manned by GermansYour next target to set fire to are the two fields at the rims of the map. Send two squads into the right areas. If you want to, you may send conscripts there also, for support, as there are quite a few krauts in the fields that you are supposed to set on fire. This is not necessary, though and the engineers should be able to deal with them on their own. If any of the squads is on the brink of dying, retreat to the HQ immediately with that squad and replenish losses. Have the field burned down by another squad of engineers.
Set mines to destroy the enemy vehicles4. Now, you will have around two minutes to prepare your defenses before the final German offensive. Do not waste your time and order engineers to deploy mines on all roads leading to the base not, if you want to fulfill the bonus objective (2). Still, you need to keep in mind that the battle will be more chaotic then. Keep deploying the mines within a kilometer of each other, until the time runs out. Keep the remaining squads concentrated in the main yard, close to the base to have them healed and replenished, if necessary.
The Germans will conduct a heavy onslaughtOnce the attack begins, the Germans will be driven away from the base like rubber balls bouncing off a wall. If necessary, you should call new squads into the battlefield, an also do not forget about grenades and the other abilities, especially if a German truck cuts inside. After being destroyed, such trucks will also provide excellent cover so, you should make use of this also and wait until evacuation is announced.
Further defense will be impossible and you need to retreat5. Once you are informed of the evacuation, there will be nothing else for you to do than mark all your units and use the retreat ability (T). The soldiers will start running to the bridge automatically and, as soon as they reach it, the mission will draw to the end and a cutscene will start.
Main objectives:
1. Protect the mountain range
2. Retreat to the village
3. Protect the village
4. Protect the HQ
5. Recapture the mountain range
Bonus objectives:
1. Recapture the mountain range without losing any vehicle, at the General difficulty level
2. Set, at least, 10 mines before you start defending the village
3. Capture at least 3 enemy weapons
Use the HMGs and conscription to protect the posts1. With only a squad of conscripts and three HMGs at your disposal, you will have to protect three key points that guard access to the village. The first attack will start at the foot, the second one on top and the third one in the middle. After you drive the enemy away for the first time, mass attacks will start from every possible direction. The most important matter is not leaning out from behind the cover, as well as the protection of the Maxims' sides.
Soon, the Germans will double their efforts. As a "consolation prize" you will gain access to better trained conscripts which you will be able to cal to the battlefield by using the ability. They have Molotov's cocktails at their disposal (V) and may be equipped with machine guns. The whole trick is to introduce them to the front skillfully. If everything goes according to the plan, all squad are doing well (which is not that probable) and you are incapable of calling new units- use the other ability that enables you to retire a squad in order to receive additional unit count points. This will enable you to call new conscripts in. While retreating, remember that squads with less experience should be retired as the first ones It is also a good idea to leave a few "newbie" squads in the field to have them ready to replenish your losses in better squads, by means of merging.
Infantry stands no chance against tanks2. Several minutes into the battle, heavy equipment will roll out into the battlefield. Further holding of your positions will be impossible so, you will have to retreat behind the river.\
Produce and improve on the guard riflemen as often as you get the opportunity to3. this will win you about 3 minutes to get prepared for the attack. First of all, you will have now access to the Guards Rifle Infantry, i.e. an elitist Soviet infantry. Produce them and upgrade them as soon as it becomes possible. Apart from the high battle standards, they also heave the ability to slow the enemy vehicles down, which you will find useful in the upcoming battle. Next to the defense positions, there are four anti-tank cannons. Man them with your conscripts in order not to waste your Guards Riflemen. Also equip the engineers with the flame throwers lying next to the HQ and order them to deploy mines around the river, and on the exit roads to fulfill the bonus objectives (2). As much as possible, try to deploy the mines not too far away from the defense positions. Before the main attack, the enemy will send a scouting unit which can be easily eliminated with the Maxim machine guns. It would be a loss of resources to waste your mines on it. If there is time, and it is possible, you can enclose them within entanglements to make sure that the mines are activated only by vehicles, and not the infantry. As an alternative, you can also use explosives in the place of the mines which explode after they are activated, instead of on contact. Still, their high cost will limit the numbers of these that you can deploy. Try to deploy them mainly on the ice and wait to make sure that you drown as many of the enemy units as possible.
Unmanned heavy equipment should be immediately seized by conscripts.The battle itself will be quite an ordeal. First of all, use your cannons to destroy the ice under the enemy vehicles. If any vehicle manages to drive into the village, use the guard riflemen to slow it down and then, use the ZiS cannons. The infantry should be relatively quickly eliminated with the HMGs. It is also a good idea to make use of the flamethrowers that the engineers are equipped with, that will prove useful against any attempts to flank you, and enter the village. Also, remember to replenish any losses (among the guard riflemen above all) with conscripts.
4. After the exhausting battle, the enemy forces will turn out to gain the upper hand again. Retreat deeper into the village and protect the HQ. Soon, a small surprise will appear.
T-34 tanks coming to the rescueSoon, T-34 tanks will roll into the battlefield. They will make the tables turn and will drive the Nazis away. T-34 is one of the best Soviet units in the entire game. What you need to do now, is recapture the terrain across the river that you lost earlier. You can do it in two ways - either by total destruction of the enemy forces or, by taking over the entire territory. Regardless of which tactic you decide to follow, there is nothing more to do but enter, forcibly, the area occupied by the enemy. Keep your engineers close to the tanks and order them to repair the vehicles, if necessary (if you are playing at the "General" difficulty level, you will also fulfill the bonus objective 1).
Seize all posts or destroy all units to complete this missionIt is also a good idea to get the remaining units across the river as well. This will make the process of recapturing easier. Before you deal the final blow, do not forget to send the infantry to seize, at least, three cannons, in order to fulfill the last bonus objective (3).
Main Objectives:
1. Deliver a source of heat to the soldiers
2. Recapture the terrain from the German hands
Bonus Objectives:
1. Seize all enemy posts by using snipers only
2. destroy all 10 tanks
This is the first mission in which you will experience winter and its effects on the gameplay. You start this mission with two squads that are freezing and they need to get warm to avoid dying. The cold level is symbolized by the blue thermometer next to the squad icon. When it falls to the bottom, your soldiers will start t freeze and die so, on winter maps you should always watch the heat level. The squads can get warm next to a fire, inside buildings or inside vehicles. Also covers that shield from wind are capable of halting the freezing process.
The blue thermometer signals that the squad is freezing and it needs warming up at fire1. Go West until you reach a fire. Unfortunately, considering your marching speed, one of the squads will not make it to the heat source. After they get warm, a cutscene will start, and the game proper afterwards.
Marching through snow banks slows down your squad2. Keep going West, along the path, towards the star that you can see on your minimap. On your way, you will find an MG-42 among the buildings. Equip it to your squad and return to the main route.
After you get there, you will be ambushed by the Krauts. Equipped with the MG-42, you will quickly deal with the threat, especially that soon two squads of snipers will reveal themselves and finish off the enemies.
Set the explosives on the immobile tank to fulfill the bonus objectivesYou r task now will be to take over two enemy outposts marked on the map. Do not do directly there, though. Instead, go North along the road. On your way, you will find an HMG that's worth collecting. After a short walk, you will reach a hut where you will find a squad of engineers. They will tell you about tanks hidden under the snow, scattered all around the map. Due to the lack of their teams, they are easy to set explosives on (2). The first one of such tanks is to the right of the hut so, destroy it straight away.
Focus now on the seizing of the outposts. You can do that in two ways - traditionally by launching a direct attack, or silently by using snipers. The latter option is definitely a more interesting one and, additionally, it will allow you to fulfill a bonus objective (1).
Snipers are also immune to freezing so, the latter option will save you trouble connected with finding a fire during the march. Depending on which option you have chosen, hide your units in the hut to save them from cold and set out to the outposts with the snipers only or, warm up inside the hut and go to the outpost with your entire armada.
The camouflaged snipers are capable of dealing with infantry very quicklySnipers should be able to score one kill per shot (in theory, in practice you sometimes need two shots). They can camouflage behind covers and are excellent at taking out teams of heavy equipment, and for setting traps. Unfortunately, they are not too tough and easy to kill and that is why it is important that they remain in hiding. Set out with your snipers deeper into the map and move slowly with the auto-attack on (H). Once you reach the entrance to the field, take cover and use the flare (F) to light the enemy positions. Start shooting manually (the right mouse button click issues an order to shoot) and take out the oblivious Germans one by one. If there is a squad that approaches you too much, start firing your sub-machine gun (V)to make them fall to the ground. In case of a more serious threat, do not hesitate to use sprint (N) and retreat towards the hut. Most probably, the Germans will return to their positions so, the entire action will be possible to repeat. If you do not want to perform the bonus objectives, you can, of course, use the HMG to support your snipers but, you need to watch out for cold.
So, just like before, keep moving, camouflaged, from cover to cover and kill out another outpost. First of all, take out the HMG team.
Once seized, the outpost will become the HQ where the units will be retreating.After you have taken over the second star, the area will become your HQ for the rest of this mission. You will be granted the option of enlisting new conscripts, which you should take advantage of to supplement the losses. If you have lost a sniper, there is a truck nearby which, after it is manned, will perform the function of supplementing the nearby squads. Make yourself at home and do not forget to blow up the nearby tanks (2).
The way to the fuel point will be operated by HMGsIN between the fuel point, which you need to seize, and the HQ there aren't really any fires. It is an open area controlled by several MG-42s so, for the next time, instead of the whole army, it is better to dispatch snipers. Eliminate the HMG teams using, traditionally, camouflage and flares.
On your way, you will encounter a few more of enemy's depots but, the tactic remains unchanged up until you reach the fuel point. There is another "inconveniently" situated HMG (the above screenshot), which cannot be brought under fire from a cover, and only in the straight line. Load your engineers, equipped with a flame thrower, into the truck and unload them directly next to the building, and they will handle the nuisance from the house.
To reach the last point, take the longer route from the SouthThere is only one last point to capture. Do not go towards it directly and take the road on the Southern portion of the map, where you will find another tank, among others (2).
Mortars can easily wipe out the snipersReach the base from the bottom(remember to hold your fire). The situation will be a bit more complicated because of the mortars that can quickly squash the snipers. The problem may be solved in two ways. You can attack the base with the regular units, from the side of the fuel station to draw the enemy's attention, and then use the snipers to the South to eliminate the mortar team. As an alternative, you could snipe the mortar team from the South and retreat as soon as you are spotted and the mortars respond with fire. The mortar bomb makes a high parabola. When it is fired, it takes a lot of time before it touches to the ground. The only thing you need to do, therefore, is retreat the snipers as soon as you notice the shot being fired. Afterwards you can return to your position and repeat the whole action. The whole team should be dead within three such repetitions.
As soon as the mortars are neutralized, the rest of the soldiers should pose no threatAfter you seize the HQ, Germans will try to counter-attack. Man the mortars quickly with the infantry. The snipers and the nearby HMGs can be hidden in the nearby huts.
Sinking the tank will finish the mission.Soon after the attack starts, the enemy tank will appear on the battlefield. Quickly, target the mortars at the ice on the river and fire at the area where the tank is standing, to send it to the bottom. After they lose the tank, Germans will lose all the steam and will retreat. This will complete this mission.
Main Objectives:
1. Secure the borders
2. Seize the bridges
3. Halt the German counter-offensive
4. Destroy the enemy HQ
Bonus Objectives:
1. Secure the Northern bridge
2. Locate and destroy the enemy artillery
3. Complete the mission without using the Katyusha rocket launcher
First of all, you need to remember about one inconvenience in this mission; the, so called, Order 277. Every now and then, you will be informed, verbally, of the appearance of an NKVD commissioner in your HQ. All of the units that retreat while the officer is there, will be executed. So, watch out for your soldiers more than usually, to prevent losing experienced soldiers. Just like usually, use the enlistments tool to supplement losses in the better squads.
1. First of all, you need to seize three nearby points. You start the game with an M3A1, which if equipped with flamethrower wielding engineers, will work perfectly at capturing points. Support the vehicle with guard riflemen and, of course, the HMG, and you should be able to pacify the nearest point quickly. It is also a good idea to enlist two squads of snipers and, at least, one anti-tank cannon.
The point to the North is a harder nut to crack, with soldiers hidden in the nearby buildings. That is where the flame truck will prove its effectiveness. Take the route below and drive around the buildings to get them from behind to burn town the team (the above screenshot).
Destroying the artillery will not only grant you the completion of a bonus objective but also set a slower pace to the rest of the mission.After you capture two points, you will receive two Katyusha launchers to your arsenal. These are trucks are equipped with pretty strong but, pretty much inaccurate, long-range rockets. You always need to keep them at the back, due to the fact that they are defenseless in direct fight. If you want to perform the bonus objective (3), get rid of them and enlist two mortars instead. A bit further to the West, there is the first German point with artillery, whose destruction is also one of the bonus objectives (2a). You can try out the Katyusha on it, or destroy it adhering to more traditional methods, i.e. by using riflemen reinforced with HMG and/or a sniper.
The truck should be in constant movement during the attacksThe last point can also be quickly eliminated with the use of the M3A1. Of course, you should remember about supporting it with the other units. The first cannons and light vehicles will start to appear in the battlefield so, counter their fire with fire from the ZiS cannons and the HMG. If you encounter a StuG, it is easy to neutralize by driving around it with your M3A1. The StuG does not have a rotary turret and it is too slow to turn quickly. Keep diverting its attention by circumventing the vehicle and, have the ZiS cannons pulverize it. Remember to repair the truck, if necessary.
Capture the bonus bridge to ensure yourself with reinforcements2. The next phase of the mission will start. It consists in capturing the bridges to the city. Before you set out for the main bridges, it is worthwhile to close the artillery matter (2b) and liberate the third bridge (1), with valuable reinforcements coming through. Both of the places can be bombarded with Katyusha launchers or mortars, to eliminate the defenders quickly.
Before you capture the second bridge, make sure that you have your heavy equipment deployed properlyCapturing bridges may be troublesome because of the cannons and HMGs hidden in bunkers. Katyusha launchers/mortars will come in handy for the next time. Make use of your snipers and their flares to see what is ahead of you. The trucks and the infantry, with the reinforcements from the back should pacify the points that you earlier laid fire from afar on. Finally, before you capture the second bridge, make sure that there are more than half of your soldiers, well hidden behind covers, on both.
Use the AT grenades that the conscripts are equipped with, against the vehicles that manage to cut inside3. A mass German offensive will start on both bridges. The good news, though, is that production of T-34 will be unlocked. It is worth investing in those straight away. You will get two new tanks for free, one to assist on each bridge. They will prove useful because the Germans will have StuGs at their disposal. Try and have two ZiS cannons on each bridge. Also, regular mortar fire at the bridges will also be useful. Do not try flanking the enemy at this point and do not walk onto the bridge. Ultimately, the heavy equipment should be destroyed before it reaches the point and the infantry should be eliminated with HMG fire after it walks onto it.
Use the flare to learn how to prepare for the German defense4. There is nothing left to do but deal the final blow to the enemy. You will be equipped with a new ability, the IL-2 aircraft that will provide support. Use the flares to find out what is ahead of you and slowly push forward, while eliminating any resistance. The HQ itself can be destroyed from afar with Katyusha/mortar fire. Even if there are any units left on the map, the mission will be completed.
Main Objectives:
1.Eliminate the enemy snipers in the marked sectors
2. Escort the snipers to Isaakovitz
3. destroy enemy units around Isaakovitz
4. Hold your positions until Isaakovitz is free
Bonus Objectives:
1. Recapture the fuel and munitions crates
2. Destroy all German trucks
3. Kill, at least, three snipers using the M3A1 Scout Car
4. Complete the mission with, at least 50% of the HQ's HP on the General difficulty level
New abilities will come in handyAround there are snipers and you need to get rid of them, and capture the nearby territory points at the same time. It is worth acting fast because the Germans have a lot of heavy equipment around, including several Panzer IV units which, if ignored, can easily halt any progression. Also here, the Order 227 is in power so, do not forget to exert control over your units and, under no circumstances, should you retreat them with the officer at the HQ. You will also have special abilities at your disposal. Spot vehicle and mark vehicle. The former detects all enemy vehicles near the infantry. Useful, but you should not abuse it due to the high cost of using it. Launch it only when certain that there is a vehicle around, in order to find it and destroy quickly. The latter focuses fire from the nearby units on the specified vehicle, which increases damage. It is more expensive so, limit the use to the enemy tanks.
M3A1 is excellent for taking out snipersAt the beginning of the mission, develop AT grenades at your HQ, for the conscripts. Their radius of damage is small and the damage is relatively small but, they can be used as a swift response to the enemy vehicles. Then, develop flamethrowers for your engineers which you should load into the M3A1 scout car. Just like In the previous mission, two such cars Gould be excellent for taking down the defenders and, on top of that, you will perform a bonus objective (3). Make sure that it is constantly in movement because the Germans will have the anti-tank weaponry at their disposal, which can quickly sweep the trucks away. Set out Westward and secure the first outpost. After you seize it, leave there an HMG and a ZiS cannon because the enemy will be sending its troops there on a regular basis, to recapture the territory.
Remember to burn up the cannon team in the first placeBy using the flaming M3A1 capture the outpost in the middle of the map. Keep moving around and change direction frequently to avoid falling victim to the canons. After you have eliminated the defenders, leave equipment, just like in the case of the previous territory.
Bonus targets will be protected by armored vehicles and PanzershrekIf you want to perform the bonus objective (1) still before you capture the last point, go to the Northern part of the map and obtain the resources of your interest there. Watch out because there are Panzergrenadiers there and they come equipped with Panzerschrek. There are also several vehicles. Your M3A1 should be able to take one more shot from Panzerschrek so, you can assume a margin of error. Also, take the infantry with you who, with their grenades, should be able to destroy another German truck which makes you a bit closer to the performance of the bonus objective (2). As an alternative, you can lay mortar fire on those points or get a ZiS cannon to help you there. After you obtain the resource crates, take over the last spot, which will start a cutscene.
The Germans will try to recapture the lost outposts2. Now you will have to race against tie a bit. Within about eight minutes, you will have to reach captain Isaakovitz with the squad of engineers. Unfortunately, this is not going to be an easy task because the Germans will be attacking by sending trucks and Panzer IV after you. That is why it was so important to deploy cannons earlier in the key points. Take the first attack, repair the equipment and go Eastwards.
Before you free the captain, you need to destroy the nearby enemy baseWhen you are ready, move slowly your entire armada over from both spots, so that they cover the entire road up to the covered house. Push slowly forward and deploy all of your units in this portion of the map. Then, take one of your M3A1s and approach Isaatovitz. Now, you will have to destroy the enemy base (3), which, assuming that you have your entire army with you, should not be a problem. Note - if you have not performed the bonus objective connected with destroying all trucks (2), do it before you reach Isaakovitz. Deploy your infantry all around the map and use Vehicle detect to find them quickly and destroy them.
The attacks will be coming from all sidesThe Germans will launch their attacks, which you will have to withstand for the next 6 minutes. Spread your forces, so that the fire is directed at every possible direction i.e. the North, the West and the South. First of all, you should seize the AT equipment that the Germans left behind since, you will be attacked by a swarm of Panzers. Use the covers, supplement your stronger squads with conscripts, use grenades, vehicle mark and target weak point. If a cannon loses its team, immediately dispatch a new squad to take the control over the cannon. Try not to have two different cannons targeting one spot. Each weapon should defend its sides and not overlap. If there is a tank cutting into the middle of this whole mess, shower it with AT grenades, instead of losing time to aim one of your cannons. If you are well protected from each side, the mission will be successful. If you are playing on the General difficulty level, and the HQs health gauge is above 50%, it will mean that you have also met the requirements of the bonus objective (4). It is not that difficult on condition that all of your forces are there at the moment of attack and you will not have to waste time to get them over to the bottom of the map.
Main Objectives:
1. Secure the Eastern bank of the river
2. Seize the German base
3. Protect the German base
4. Destroy all of the remaining strongholds
Bonus Objectives:
1. Complete this mission without seizing or producing mortar
2. Destroy the German HQs from close distance at the General difficulty level
3. Achieve third rank veterancy with SU-76
4. Destroy or seize the second German howitzer
Keep away from the ship. It will explode as soon as you come near1. You need to make your way across the river covered with ice. At the other side, there is a German le.F.H.18 howitzer, which poses a considerable threat not only due to its power, but also because it destroys the ice on the river, with the Soviet army going across. So, it is a waste of time to wait any longer and it is best to start pushing forward from the very beginning. The way to the other side will be peppered with all kinds of infantry. You have several assault squads and conscripts at your disposal. The conscripts, due to their disposability, should be cutting through the way in the first place, with the assault squads behind them. Do not hesitate to use both Molotov's cocktails and Oorah! Also fill in any losses in the assault squads by joining with the conscripts.
Get rid of the mortars in the first placeThere are two mortars across the river, which you need to eliminate in the first place,, best with grenades. At this point, you need to decide whether you are going to fulfill the first two bonus objectives (1) (2). If you are playing this mission for the first time, it is not the recommendable solution, because you are not too experienced. The mortar, in itself is heavy and, having no mortars with you will make things even more complicated. Further in the mission, you will have to destroy heavily fortified German bases with short ranged weaponry. Germans will have at their disposal tanks for protection, which is going to make things even more difficult. If you are still bent on achieving the bonus objectives, leave the mortars and focus on the penal battalions and their ability to throw explosives throughout the rest of this mission. They inflict a lot of damage but they have the delay time of 5 seconds. That is why they are good against buildings. It is also crucial that you develop AT grenades at your HQ. Attacking the German bases will hinge on these two abilities. The penal battalions will be showering tanks with grenades and the buildings with the explosives. During the attack, you should also provide support from the other units, especially the HMG, to sweep the enemy infantry off their feet.
If you still want to simply beat the game, order a conscripts to the mortars and have them fire at the nearby enemy positions from here.
The howitzer is harmless when approachedSeize the howitzer. It is a powerful long-range weapon. Unfortunately, it cannot leave its position. Either way, it is a good idea to man the gun and, alongside with one guard battalion, order towards the river. Later into the game, the enemy will often walk around the entre map in order to get you from behind. The howitzer, along with the infantry squad will persuade this out of his mind.
You now need to take over the nearby German outpost. In the above screenshot, you can see an HMG hidden inside the building. Take advantage of the wall in the form of a cover, and throw a grenade over it to remove the HMG from its position without sustaining any losses. The outpost, of course, should be meantime under your mortar fire (as long as you do not want to achieve the bonus objective). At this phase, it is worth investing into some other units. A sniper will do good here, you also definitely need to enroll engineers and, at least one, ZiS cannon. Seize also all of the German weaponry.
Seizing the outpost across the river will result in a new HQ being constructedSeizing the outpost, will mean the performance of the first one of the objectives and the area will be arranged as your new HQ. You will also receive a new ability "Fear Propaganda Artillery". It is a unique ability that allows you to shower the enemy with the propaganda leaflets. The Germans, consumed by the reading, may fall to the ground, be less effective in battle or even retreat.
SU-76 will be perfect to neutralize the second howitzerYour armies will now receive reinforcements in the form of three SU-76, a mobile weapon against vehicles. It is excellent for taking out lightly-armored vehicles. Unfortunately, it is not as effective against infantry, and it is fragile at the same time. It also stands no chance against heavy tanks and it will inflict rather negligible damage to the vehicle while getting destroyed after a few shots. That is why relying on the Su is not recommendable. This does not change the fact that they are useful and it is a good idea to keep them as something to fall back on. Achieving veterancy with at least, one of them is also a requirement set by one of the bonus objectives. (3). Another bonus objective (4) consists in destroying or seizing the second of the German howitzers. Dealing with that will be a good task for the SU-76. Order them towards the howitzer straight away, and get rid of it. Then, order your men back to the base.
Before seizing the terrain, it is a good idea to secure the Eastern frontline2. Launch a frontal offensive and seize the enemy's base. Use the SU-76 to deal with the light vehicles. The sniper and the remaining troops will take care of the rest. After you have destroyed the enemy soldiers, before you take over the base, seize all of the heavy equipment and deploy it facing the covered portions of the map. Especially, you should make sure that the two AT cannons are deployed this way. It is a good idea to deploy several mines also.
The attack will consist of three waves3. The Germans will try to recapture the base. It is going to be a long and tough battle. Make use of the nearby buildings and hide your snipers, and the HMGs inside. If you are playing with the howitzers, order them to lay constant fire over the approach routes to your HQ. You should withdraw your SU-76s also, to the back, as soon as the German tanks will appear on the map. Otherwise they will be destroyed pretty quickly. Pound at the Panzers with your ZiS cannons and shower them with AT grenades. The attack will consist of three waves. It is also worthwhile to set the meeting point for the production buildings directly in the battlefield. This way, you will have new units join the battle as soon as they leave the buildings. If you cannot handle it, you can make use of the new ability scorched earth tactic which, for the next two minutes, can lay mortar fire onto the territory. Watch out though, it can easily kill your units as well.
The remaining bases can be destroyed from afar, with mortar fireGo North and seize the remaining two key points. To the East of here, there is the first one of the remaining two strongholds that you need to destroy (4a). you can do it quickly, with mortar fire, or with frontal attack using your penal battalions if you are aiming at the bonus objectives, just like it has been written earlier. If you are attacking with the infantry, you also should not forget about smoke grenades to cover from the enemy sight. After you destroy the stronghold, the reinforcements will arrive from the East. Now, you will have the Germans surrounded.
PaK 43 is one of the best AT weaponsBefore you launch the final attack, you should make sure that you have captured the PaK-43 cannon located in the North-Eastern portion of the map. It is a mighty long-range weapon that will be very useful while dealing with the tanks in the last of the Reich's strongholds.
The last one of the strongholds will be heavily guardedThe attack on the last stronghold (4b) can be launched either with the mortar fire or by direct onslaught . It is very well defended so, either way, this is not going to be easy. Right now, however, the enemy will have nothing to respond with and even a failed attack will not have immense effects. If you cannot do it at the first take, simply replenish your forces and repeat the attack. The last stronghold will soon fall and you will finally be able to catch a breath or two.
Main Objectives:
1. Escort the allied tanks
2. Hunt for the Tiger in the village
3. Hunt for the Tiger near the landing site
4. Drive the Tiger to your HQ safely
Bonus Objectives:
1. Finish the hunt without calling for additional squads
1. Follow the tanks and collect any ammo on the road (the above screenshot). The convoy, to all intents and purposes does need no escorting so, you do not really need to stick close to the tanks.
"Enter the Tiger"Soon, a Tiger will appear from behind a barn. Panzer VI Tiger. The biggest and the mightiest tank in the entire game. Soon you will learn that fighting the tank is a failed cause. The escorted tanks will soon end up in flames. You will receive a message urging you to retreat. Do this quickly in order not to attract the tank's attention and save the infantry's lives.
One of the cannons is to the left of the Western key point2. You will receive measly reinforcements from the South, equipped with AT rockets. You can give up sending the infantry out against the kitten. The rockets will barely scratch it. Instead, you should focus on the explosives and AT weaponry. Leave the main forces South and send conscripts to comb through the village. Around, near the key points, there are two M-42 cannons. These will not save you, because the damage they are capable of inflicting will also be minimal but, it is still a better weapon than the rockets.
The second one is to the right of the Eastern oneThe other M-42 is located in the Eastern portion of the map. After you obtain both, send them to the South to meet up with your main forces. Search through the village with the only infantry squad and seize both key points. Any ammo will be of value. Avoid the Tiger and run away if you bump into it. You also have two abilities at your disposal: vehicle detect and conscription. If you want to perform the bonus objective (1), you cannot make any use of the latter. You should also wait with using the second one, for now.
Explosives are the most serious threat to thee TigerA good spot to set a trap is e.g. the church in the Southern portion of the map. Use your engineers to set explosives around it. Position your cannons on the sides, so they can fire at the Tiger on both sides and, when it starts to attack, keep adjusting their positions accordingly to the side, you get out of the line of fire. In the meantime, from the back, it can be approached with infantry, so they can inflict some damage with rockets. But, as soon as the Tiger targets them, hide them. In general terms, it is a good idea to deploy explosives on the main road. Even if you do not use them up now, they will prove useful further in this mission. When the tank is initially damaged, it will leave to the North. You need to chase after it.
The Tiger can be easily tracked down with the tread markings on the snow.3. The Tiger, although damaged, is still deadly dangerous. It will retreat to the North, to the nearby landing strip. Directly before you reach the airstrip, you will find one more M-42, which you should take care of. Before the showdown, it is a good idea to seize both key points and gather all of the available ammo. You will know where the Tiger is by following the tracks on the snow so, move slowly and carefully. It is a good idea to make use of the sniper's flares here.
The Tiger will not give up easilyOnce you are ready, pick a nearby building again and set your cannons there. Try luring the tank there, by using your infantry. Also, do not forget about your engineers and their bombs. Finishing off the Tiger will be a long and arduous task but, it will have to give up eventually.
Use the engineers to repair tanks4. The destroyed tank now needs to be repaired and delivered to the base that the starting point to the South will be transformed into. Man it quickly with an infantry squad and order the engineer unit with the reparations. Before the tank regains its mobility, you will have to protect it from German attacks that do not want to let the tank to fall into your hands. Deploy All of your units around the tank. Position the cannons and the HMGs to the North and to the South. You can use your M5, which you will be granted, to deploy your units. You can also produce one cheap cargo truck, which can hold several squads, but is defenseless.
Produce at least, one Zis at the headquarters and one or two infantry squads. Then, deploy them near the church where you have been hunting the Tiger not too long ago. This will create a small outline of a defense line. Gather the remaining units around the tank and its guard. The entire region between the HQ and the tank will fall into enemy hands but, this is an acceptable loss. After some time, the Tiger will be mobile again but, do not use it yet. Wait patiently for the engineers to repair it in one hundred percents. Only then, start your march to the South.
IT is worthwhile to make use of the tank's offensive capabilitiesThe region between the HQ and the tank has been cut off and, most probably, built up by the enemy. You still have the Tiger at your disposal, which is 100% functional right now. You also have the entire army around it so, do not hesitate to unleash this power to destroy enemy trenches.
Engineers can repair tanks during battlesWhenever the Tiger is damaged, make stops and repair the tank. Haste is not required in this mission. It is much safer, and more secure, to wait for the repairs to be completed and attack with the fully functional tank. Once you reach the HQ the mission will be complete.
Main Objectives:
1. Liberate Orsha from the German hands:
a. Secure the nearby territories
b. Make it through the German defense lines
c. Seize the German depot and the HQ
Bonus Objectives:
1. Restore communications with the command
2. Complete the mission without restoring the communications
3. Create all of the available tank types
M3A1 equipped with a flamethrower will provide considerable support at the beginning of the mission1a. First, you will have to seize the three nearby territories. The enemy outnumbers you so, you need to act fast. Create a mortar team. At first focus on the Western point. It is heavily protected and, which makes things even worse, this is an open area where there aren't too many covers. Frontal attack is troublesome so, try using the sniper to take out the cannon teams silently. Also, smoke grenades will come in handy to provide you with cover as you move around. Anyways, it is almost certain that you will be spotted. Try to draw some of the enemy forces away and return to the base to deal with them one by one, and unleash mortar fire onto the rest. It is a good idea to return to the M3A1 and the engineers with the flame throwers but, only temporarily. You should aim at the M5 with two squads of flamethrower-wielding engineers. To produce them, you first need to build the Tankovij Battalion Command, so try to reach this building as fast as possible. After you have secured the key point, it is also a good idea to build a fuel depot there, to increase the influx of this resource. Also, try to build the motor guards, not only to make the rest of the game easier (but mainly), but also to perform the bonus objective (3).
The German Stuka will perform regular air raidsThere will be a German Stuka to fly over the map. It is going to be the permanent occurrence here. It is not too crushing a power but, it will be doing a good job killing out your soldiers and driving you crazy. To minimize the losses, spread your soldiers into various ends of the map when it comes, to prevent them from staying in groups. Also, remember to replenish your losses each time after the raid.
Capture the eastern key pointLay mortar fire onto the next point. Then, reinforced with AT weapon, seize the outpost. Just like in the case of the previous one, build a fuel depot there. In the meantime, it is also a good idea to invest into some heavier equipment, like the T-38.
The Stuka will destroy the radio station1b. The Stuka will come flying round again. This time, it will destroy the radio station which will effectively jam all communications. This disables access to the airborne reconnaissance and, you will also receive no reports of the incoming enemy aircraft. You can remedy this by seizing the territory to the East (1), by laying mortar fire onto it and launching an onslaught with M5 and the T-38. You also have an option of not doing that to boost the difficulty level and, achieve the bonus objective (2).
Another point to the East should be manned after it is seizedIf you still haven't done that already, it is high time that you invested in M5 equipped with flamethrower-wielding engineers. It is a definitely better alternative for the M3A1. It offers not only thicker armor and room to hold two squads, but also allows you to supplement the damaged squads. You can buy another one and equip it with the AA set. They will be very useful e.g. against mortar teams that there is going to be a lot of on the map. Attack another point to the North of the most recent one. You, of course should lay artillery fire on it. After you do, deploy, at least, one AT cannon there. Additionally an HMG an infantry squad and tanks. From the North, you will be attacked, on a regular basis, by armored vehicles, including the StuGs and Panzer IVs. You cannot let them cut through this outpost because the tanks wreaking havoc at the bank can even threaten the HQ. As for now, keep defending this outpost, soon the time to strike will come.
Seize control over the other camp to the WestThere is only the point to the West remaining. After you lay mortar fire attack it from the bottom with your regular units. At the same time, Send your M5 from the North. Of course, you should focus on the teams of the heavy equipment in the first place. After you neutralize the defenders, the main part of the map will be seized. You now need to cut through the main defense line of the Germans.
Before you launch the attack, use the M5 to get rid of the HMGsDirectly to the North, there is a broken bridge. Over the bridge, there are the main defending forces. There is a lot of snipers and AT cannons. Direct attack into the crack will be a suicide. Of course, there are ways to do it. Before you respond to the German defense, dispatch the M5 to the mounds on the ground, on both sides of the bridge where there are still single posts. Burn them up and return while keeping away from the middle of the bridge.
The engineers are able to put up a special, secret weapon, an ML-20 Gun-Mortar. It has a tremendous range and incredible damage. Position it vis-a-vis the bridge within a safe distance, like in the above screenshot.
ML-20 will crush the enemy defenses with easeThe ML-20 fire will quickly decimate the enemy forces. When their numbers fall considerably, enter with your tanks and the M5s to finish out the remnants Then, seize the point and the frontline will be broken. Before the final liberation of the city you still need to get rid of several units to the East.
Dispatch mortars and the M5 for support to the East, to the second defense line. On your way you may still encounter some survivors in the form of mortar teams or HMG teams. Once you reach your destination, you will notice that there are lots of entrenched tanks here. Fortunately, most of the m are StuGs that cannot rotate their turrets. Position the mortars to their sides (the screenshot) and lay fire on the tanks, with the M5 as a protection from infantry, and for replenishing losses within the mortar teams.
SU-85 are a good counter-balance for the tanks of the ReichThe mortars are capable of dealing with it on their own but, take the tanks that have been protecting the point, to speed things up, and launch a frontal attack. First of all, make use of the
SU-85, which are long-ranged, and will easily finish off the enemy tanks The entire region will be now under control. The only thing left to do is destroy the two German HQs.
The entire fire should be focused, first of all on the ElephantThe depot will be, as you should have suspected, protected by a set of vehicles. Including the mighty Elephant, which can easily sweep the Russian tanks away. Before you attack, get here all of your AT cannons. Have, at least three SU-85s and some two mortars. The German defense, although strong, cannot take this much pressure and will soon break. Seize the territory.
After you destroy the HQ, the city will be capturedThere is nothing else left to do, but raze the German HQ down. Directly behind the HQ there are several mortar teams and cannons so, before the attack, lay fire from afar onto it. When there are no other units within range, push forward and finish off the remnants. There is nothing else to do here but seize the region. Orsha has been liberated.
Main Objectives:
1. Seize the main square in Lublin
2. Seize two of the three marked territories
3. Destroy the castle gate using ISU-152
Bonus Objectives:
1. destroy the castle gate without losing ISU-152 on the General difficulty level
2. Neutralize all Elephants and PaK-43s, before they destroy any vehicle
3. Seize the Lublin main square without losing a soldier or a vehicle
The base will be under regular attack throughout most of the mission1. Your first objective will be to seize the nearby main square. Before you do, however, secure the access to the HQ since, within several of the beginning of this mission, you will be, most probably attacked by an enemy infantry squad. The base will be attacked, on a regular basis, by small squads. Usually, it is going to be a battalion or two, or an engineer squad that will come to set explosives here. A covered HMG from the North and a sniper will definitely suffice to secure the base.
M5with two flamethrowers will be a formidable supportWhen it comes to attacking itself, your armies should rely mainly on tanks and M5 with engineers in this mission. Bringing the infantry in should be limited mainly to seizing the equipment left in the ruins. You should be wary of the mines that are plentiful here everywhere. You can equip one of the squads with a mine diffusal package but, it is not necessary. A single mine will not cause much damage and, the damage dealt to your units can be quickly fixed by the engineers from M5. Play slowly and calmly, you should not hurry in this mission. Before you attack the main square, you need to clear the area to the West of the HQ, by using the M5 with flamethrowers and the SU/t-70.
While seizing the main square, do not use soldiers to perform the bonus objectiveYou then need to attack the main square, using the M5 to eliminate the infantry, and follow with tanks. You should be able to perform the bonus objective (3) this way. What is important, the killed engineers in the M5 (or any other soldier type inside the truck) will not count as the killed soldiers. Even if one or two engineers die during the attack, this will not prevent you from performing the bonus objective.
Dispatch the M5 for reconnaissance, against tanks, use the SU-852. After you capture the main square, secure it with, at least, one HMG and e.g. a mortar. Now, you need to capture at least two of the three marked territories at the edges of the map. It is best to go East first, where there are tanks stationed. Removing them at the beginning, will make the rest of the game easier. Produce one or, even better, two SU-85s . Also seize the two AT cannons left behind by the Germans. Send the M5 to do the reconnaissance job. Among the ruins there will be the enemy infantry men hidden, including snipers with flamethrowers and panzergrenadiers with Panzerschreks. Take them out with your M5 and, do not forget to unload the engineers and order them to do repairs once the truck is damaged, e.g. by a mine. If you encounter any German Panzer, try to lure it towards your troops where there should be an SU-85 waiting for it. (it is a good idea to turn the focus on to increase the range of vision: SU-85 are more vulnerable at close quarters).
SU-85 is a real tank destroyerIt is a good idea to learn the middle section of the map before you launch an attack to the East. There will be mortars, snipers and a lot of other units in there. Also, do not forget about your tank destroyer that you should use to fight tanks of the Reich. Once you clear the area, move slowly your cannons, M5 and tanks to the East, towards the repair point. A part of the forces, e.g. the swift T-70, that are effective against infantry, should be left in the middle, just in case there are still some remnants there, or, the enemy launches an attack.
Tanks can be repaired Turing battlesBefore the onslaught, make sure that the two AT cannons are deployed, and lay mortar fire on the territory. Also the commander's abilities will prove useful, especially the IL aerial attack. Unfortunately, it consumes tremendous amounts of munitions so, do not use it too frequently to be able to use the abilities of individual units. As far as it is possible, try to eliminate the Panzers one by one. An also do not forget about the engineers inside the M5 that can repair tanks even under heavy fire. The M5 itself should also be used to eliminate AT weaponry of the enemy and the enemy infantry.
Do not let the Elefant destroy a single vehicle to per form a bonus objectiveSeizing the repair point will really make things easier for you. Further to the East, in the territory that you need to seize, is the Elefant which needs to be destroyed before it destroys any of your vehicles, if you want to perform the bonus objective (2a). Fire your mortars at it. Remember about the cannons and, first of all, about the SU-85. If necessary, get back to the repair point. Also remember about the infantry that you need to set on fire with the M5.
After seizing the territory, continue along the road to the NorthAfter you seize the territory, the first part of the task will be done. Now, along the map's rim go to the North. On your way, you will encounter single tanks but, they should not be too much of a threat. The main armored divisions of the enemy has been shut down so, you will not have to worry about the German tanks anymore.
The next outpost you should weaken from afarThe observation point that you encounter on your way to the next point should be neutralized from afar with the use of mortars and special abilities. To the North of the map, there are the enemy Panzerwerfery 42s, i.e the German counterparts of the Katyusha rocket launchers, which can quickly and effectively decimate your troops if they are immobile. After you weaken the defenses, capture the observation point quickly and then launch an attack on the enemy's Northern HQ.
Seize the second one of the enemy points to complete the second objectiveUsing the tracking ability, locate the nearby infantry and lay mortar fire on them. Have the tanks deal with the transportation units, which are going to be ample here. Also, do not forget about the always-reliable M5 and its flamethrowers. The Paznerwerfers are completely defenseless when approached so, they will pose no threat to you. After you seize this point, the second objective will be completed. You can now set out to the castle but, if you want to achieve total victory, and make the end phase easier (especially if you want to complete the bonus objective 1), you should seize control over the last point to the West of the map.
PaK-43 is also subject to the bonus objectiveYou will receive two mighty ISU-152. Use them alongside wit the remaining units that you received in the middle of the map and set out for the last point. Order your forces stationed to the North to go there also, to corner the enemy. The enemy forces on both roads will be nothing out of ordinary. A lot of snipers, infantry with grenade launchers and mortars. There is no point in hurrying so push forward slowly to prevent losing your soldiers (especially that, since you received the ISUs, you are probably way above your unit count) and, if necessary, make stops to repair your tanks. On the Northern road, there is still the issue of the PaK-43 cannons that are the bonus target (2b). watch out for these. Lay mortar fire on them or send out the M5 to burn the teams up at closer distance. On your way, there will be three such cannons.
Also, make sure that you do not expose your forces when close to the castle because they can get under the enemy fire. Especially the artillery team is vulnerable to that.
Before deploying the ISUs, get rid of the castle vanguardAfter you finally deal with the enemy forces, deploy all your units, apart from the ISU where the game tells you to. There will still be small forces that need to be dealt with.
Before you start the battle, fix your equipmentOnce you have dealt with all of them, position your tanks all along the houses opposite the castle's gate. Keep your SU-85s and AT cannons on the right and on the left ends. You can now position your ML-20, if you can, but you should be able to manage with the battle without the howitzer. Repair all of the tanks with your engineers and only then, order both ISU-152s to their positions.
The enemy army will stand no chanceThe Germans will launch an attack but, they will be completely harmless against such deployed and prepared forces. If necessary, send out the engineers to repair the tanks that have been damaged. After a few shots, the tanks will breach the gate and another mission will make it to the history.
Main Objectives:
1. Eliminate the German officers
2. Ania must survive
3. Abduct the informer
4. Free the prisoners
5. Escort Ania to the evacuation point
Bonus Objectives:
1. Mobilize all three types of partisans
2. Snipe the Opel driver
3. Destroy the radio tower
1. This mission puts you in control of three squads of Polish snipers. This is going to be two standard squads of two and the third one consisting of Ania. Ania is a sniper veteran. She is excellent at camouflage, even in motion and also shoots perfectly. She needs to survive the entire mission (2), so take care of her and sprint (N), or even retreat if necessary. All three squads can also set explosives, just like engineers and entrench themselves to create covers and disappear from the enemy's sight. You need to kill three officers, with the first one to the North, not too far away. Apart from the officer himself, there is also a lot of infantry there, and that is what the main problem is. Before you eliminate the officer, you can set explosives on the way to your soldiers.
Bombs will effectively thin out the enemy squadsShoot the commander and, when the Germans will dash out, blow up the bomb. The ones that survive, should be finished out with snipers hidden around. It would be god not to lose any one of the partisans, also if things do not go according to the plans, get back and repeat the action.
Key points will supply you with ammoSeize the point to gain access to Munitions. Collect also the ammo in piles around the place. It is very important that you constantly have a lot of ammo on you to be able to use all of the abilities of the snipers. In this mission, there is no point in hurrying. Move slowly from cover to cover. If necessary, you can even make a longer stop to replenish your ammo. You should always have on you at least 30 units before attacking the enemy.
To the South of the captured point, there is a truck. Position Ania in the middle of the road and order her to set a cover (the screenshot). After some time, there will appear the enemy Opel Blitz. Take a shot at it to perform the bonus objective (2).
Fires will draw the attention of the nearby GermansTo the South of the truck there is a stack made for a campfire. Ania can set such stacks on fire to draw the attention of the nearby Germans. Deploy your snipers in the bushes and set the heap on fire. Wait for the nearby squad of engineers to appear and open fire at them, from all three squads. This will quickly deal with the enemy.
The radio relay will be well protectedFrom here, it is a good idea to go to the North to perform the bonus objective (3). Approach the radio tower slowly, best done with Ania, because there is an enemy sniper on the tower. Just like earlier, it is a good idea to deploy explosives around. Snipe the sniper then. The German soldiers will have grenades on them, which you should be careful about. If they happen to throw a grenade towards a lying sniper, do not hesitate even one second and get out of there. You can always return to that spot in a moment. Also, remember about the smoke grenades for covering your progression. Once you eliminate the nearby soldiers, set an explosive on the tower and destroy it. Also, collect the nearby ammo supplies.
Spread the enemy squadsReturn to the South and go West towards the next officer. For the next time, there will be a lot of enemy infantry and a sniper. It will be best to divide the enemy units and make them chase you around the woods. Send Ania ahead and snipe the sniper. When the nearby infantry starts chasing her, run into the woods. Wait for a moment and return. The enemy squads should be divided, far away from each other so, it will be easier to take them out.
Shoot the second officerThere is nothing else left to do but to approach the officer's house and shoot him. Then, seize the territory. It is the field hospital also, you can heal your soldiers here and supplement any losses.
The last point is the most troublesome one. Apart from the standard set of sniper +infantry, there are also two mortar teams there, as well as a transporter, which the officer can use to escape and thwart the entire plan. Approach from the South with Ania only, who disguises herself way better than the remaining snipers. The rest of the snipers should be retired towards the radio station, which you should approach from the East to prevent being spotted by a sniper or mortar team. Order them to mine the way to the HQ, the way shown in the above screenshot, and hide somewhere near. When you do that, shoot the sniper with Ania and, whenever necessary and possible, take out the mortar teams. The regular infantry should make it out into the road, which can be taken out with the remaining snipers and a bomb.
After you have destroyed the truck, finish out the officerControl the officer's, and the truck's position at all times. Once he starts to flee, do not forget to activate the bomb at the right moment. As an alternative, you can use the same maneuver as with the Opel driver. After you destroy the truck, finish out the officer. Then, seize the point to complete the first objective.
Use Ania to remove mortar teams3. From the South, German reinforcements will arrive. Set out to the North, towards the informer. Try to move around in hiding and stay away from roads, where German trucks will abound. Clearing the area where the informer is, is quite a standard procedure. Eliminate the heavy equipment teams in the first place. If necessary, get back, you can also use explosives to your aid but, not too much to have enough ammo to set several bombs in the near future.
After you secure the area, do not send Ania to the informer. First of all, mine both exit roads, as well as the area directly before the house, just like in the above screenshot. Then, hide the snipers in the nearby houses, and then approach the informer's house with the girl.
Try to use the bombs against the German trucksYou will have to endure the Krauts' attacks for two minutes. They will be trying to kill the informer. Do not use up bombs against infantry. Soon, enemy vehicles will appear on both roads and these are the ones you should be blowing up. You will also gain the ability of summoning another sniper squad, which you should do. After two minutes, Ania will leave the house with the informer. Another part of this mission will be completed.
Camp fire will come in handy again4. Go towards the prison. Stick to the covers near the trees and try not to get involved in fights with the Germans, if you are not spotted. In front of the entrance to the camp, you will find another stack. Hide the snipers around and have Ania set the stack on fire, and chase the nosy Germans that decide to find out if someone is roasting sausages around.
After you get rid of the guards, do not forget to take a shot at the commanding officer, to prevent him from calling out for reinforcements. Then, set the explosives to the gate. The freed partisans can be enrolled, which will complete the bonus objective (1).
In the hospital, heal the wounded5. Make your way to the last point quickly. You simply need to move quickly with your entire army. The enemy squads that you encounter can be quickly eliminated. On your way, you can visit the field hospital, if Ania, or any of the others, is wounded. It is close to the evacuation point from here. It will be guarded by several more soldiers. Kill them or simply pass them by sprinting.
Main Objectives:
1. Seize the bridgehead
2. Seize the center
3. Seize the Poznan Citadel
Bonus Objectives:
1. Destroy all of the German howitzers.
2. Seize the town hall and the square before general Kolpaczki does
3. Find and rescue the penal battalions in Poznan
A quick and chaotic mission where, more with the Germans, you will be racing against the Soviet general who also wants to earn for himself a name of the Poznan liberator, as well as against the Soviet command that will be urging you to capture the city as quickly as possible. In general, the value of a single squad, or even a vehicle, is unimportant here. What matters is time, soldiers can be replaced. So, you should not be wasting your most valuable resource and start by building mortars. The hardcore of your army should be based on these, as well as on tanks. Traditionally, it is also a good idea to invest in an M5 with flamethrowers. Also, do not forget about infantry.
Whenever possible, use the ability to enlist new soldiers, and send them to the nearby territories to seize. Their lives are absolutely unimportant, the most important objective is to seize the point. If they fail, simply send the next batch to follow.
The destroyed bridge will be impossible to cross1. Use your mortars to lay fire onto the left side of the defense wall, where there is one of the howitzers located. This is required to complete the bonus objective (1a). Send the main forces directly to the gate as soon as it turns out that the bridge is destroyed. That is why you will have to cut through the wall.
Knock a hole into the city wallsYou will receive an ISU-152, which is, as a matter of fact, the only unit that you should take good care of. That is why you should keep close an M5 with engineers onboard, so they can repair the damage if necessary. Use it to fire at the walls where the game suggest you should. Act quickly, If Kolpaczki is the first one to cut through the wall, he will gain the upper hand in the race.
You quickly need to set your base behind the wallsAfter you area through, try and seize the territory as quickly as possible. Also, dispatch your infantry to the wing that you fired your mortar at earlier, to eliminate all of the survivors. Do not send the units to the East, in order not to reinforce the rival-ally.
Push into the city2. Now you will have to seize two points that are central to the city: the main square and the town hall. You will also receive airborne support. Do not wait around and seize the next terrain to the North. . Watch out for the tanks (SU-85, ISU-152) and the enemy's AT weapons (M5 with flamethrowers). Keep sending your infantry that way on a regular basis, with the order to take over the equipment. If you are at an advantage over the yellows, you can devote some time to repairing tanks.
First attack the town hallLeave some of your tanks in the seized point, for defense against prospective attacks. ISU-152 reinforced with the M5, mortars and two smaller tanks should be dispatched to the East, towards the town hall (2b). It is going to be exceptionally well guarded. Keep sending in additional infantry and lay fire on it with the IL-2, before the onslaught. Some of the forces should be tied up by the ally attacking from the South. Once you seize the town hall, you will be able to free the penal battalion (3).
Kolpaczki's army will be moved backRight afterwards, the 69th Army, commanded by Kolpaczki will retreat from Poznan and you will be have to do the rest on your own. From now on, you will be regularly informed of the dissatisfaction of the Soviet command that the recapturing of Poznan is taking so long. After some time, the game will display a special bar which is a time gauge. It measures time until the moment when the command decides that you are too slow and inept, which will equal failure. That is why you need to hurry.
Ramming with T-34 can immobilize the enemy TigersDispatch infantry to all territories to the South and to the East which, for some reason, still remain under the enemy's control. On the right wing, you will find the howitzer from the bonus objective (1b). First of all, you should capture the main square (2a) and that is where you should move your main forces. The main square is also heavily guarded, also by Tigers. Try to lure them away from the main forces and destroy them one by one. What proves useful here is the T-34s, which can ram the enemy's tanks. This immobilizes them, at the cost of own damage. Also, remember about ISU-152 and about the aerial support. You can also deploy the powerful ML-20 gun-mortar, by using the engineers but, make sure that the Citadel remains within its range.
Take over the second central point to the cityIn the main square, you are going to need the infantry, in the form of cannon fodder. First of all, eliminate the AT weapons and enemy mortars. Secure the area and you will find the rest of the city under your control.
Repair the damaged tanks if you still have time3. Depending on how much time you still have left, you can now catch some breath and repair the damaged equipment, as well as supplement your squads. Make sure that no enemy units walk around with impunity, at the back and take over the territories. Use your infantry and the M5 to finish off the survivors and recapture points. Once you are ready, set out for the citadel.
It is worthwhile to drive away theThe entrance to the citadel can be captured by storming it with penal battalions. Most of them will be wiped out mercilessly but, they should succeed at destroying the walls with their explosives, and drive the heavy equipment teams away. Thanks to this, your tanks will be able to get inside.
Dispatch your M5 to destroy the last howitzerAs soon as you take over the terrain behind the first wall and draw to yourself the attention of most of the enemy's tanks, dispatch the M5 on one of the sides, to ram into the Germans from behind and destroy the howitzer (1c). Most likely, it is going to be a suicide mission but, it should effectively take down the howitzer, and also the teams of some other, heavier equipment. Do not worry about this loss. The team will be decorated post-humously.
Focus on destroying the citadelThe finale is the mass attack only. Use everything you can and whenever you can, set the gathering point directly in the citadel. The most important thing now is to make it before your time runs out. Not all of the enemy units need to be eliminated. The Germans will give up as soon as you wipe out most of them and damage the citadel.
Main Objectives:
1. Secure the road to Halbe
2. Surround the city
3. Stop the Germans from fleeing
Bonus Objectives:
1. Do not let any of the Germans escape the encirclement
2. Complete the surrounding maneuver without enlisting any new units
3. Finish the encirclement of the Germans before they find out
You will be attacked right after the mission starts1. Right after this mission starts, you will be attacked by several German squads. Although they will pose no challenge, you should not underestimate them if you want to complete the bonus objective (2). After you eliminate them, lay the mortar fire onto the area in front of you. There is a PaK-43, among others, which needs to be neutralized if you want to receive armored reinforcements.
M5 will be excellent to get rid of the cannon teamsAs of now, there is no need to hurry so, if you want to decimate the enemy, do it with the mortar. If, however, you do not want to wait, you can speed t he process up by sending the M5 with flamethrowers into the battlefield. Instead of approaching directly along the road, dispatch it through the woods and attack from the left. Focus on the cannons and the infantry with AT cannons. Do not venture too far to the North, as of now, you should focus on the front line units. As soon as you eliminate the PaK, you will receive a T-34, which you can also dispatch into the battlefield.
After you eliminate the first units, do not seize control over this territory. There still are a few tanks to the North, which you should deal with first. Man the Paks left by the Germans and turn them to face North (the above screenshot).
The German tanks will soon give inDispatch now one of the squads to the North to draw the tanks' attention and get back. You will receive two additional tanks, including the heavy IS-2. Use both of them, and the trophy weapons, against the enemy tanks.
Before you seize the point, repair all equipment and supplement your squadsAfter you eliminate the tanks, this will be the only moment when you can still catch some breath. Search through the entire available region and collect every weapon left by the Germans. By seizing weapons, you divide your squads into two so, use the M5 to enlist new soldiers and supplement all squads (this will not count against the bonus objective 2). Repair all your tanks and only when everybody is completely ready, seize the nearby key point.
Make your way through to the first point2. Now you need to surround the nearby city to close the encirclement. The game suggest dividing the army and sending them to the left and to the right. Still, if you are going to complete the bonus objectives 2 and 3, then sending them all in the same direction is probably a better solution. Start by going to the left and push forward with the entire army. There will be a lot of enemy soldiers hiding in the woods so, every time before you walk into the woods, lay mortar fire on it, especially if you can see enemy barricades on the map. First send the M5 in, as a form of reconnaissance to eliminate all heavy equipment, which you should seize, immediately afterwards, with your infantry, and supplement their numbers with conscripts from the truck. Also, both of the airborne abilities will come in handy.
Seize control over the road to the cityOnce you reach the first point, leave the mortar, the HMG, the AT cannon, one of the tanks and one or two infantry squads, facing the city. Backtrack with the rest to the South, to the starting point. Make sure that you do not approach Halbe too much. Take exactly the same route that you took at the beginning.
Continue towards the railsIn here, the situation will be similar. Take out the heavy equipment teams with your M5, and the vehicles with the tanks. Seize every piece of equipment left behind and supplant the squads to their maximum number.
Seizing the rails will finish the encirclementSeize the last point just like before and deploy your equipment facing the city. Use your engineers now to repair the tanks and the truck quickly. After you seize this point, the encirclement will be done.
No German should get out alive3. the Germans will start desperate attempts to escape at both sides. With your units properly deployed, however, you should not find it problematic to stop them from that. No German may escape if you want to complete the bonus objective (1). Use your aircraft, you can now use conscription and create new squads. Use them, predominantly, to supplement heavy equipment teams. Do not forget to repair your tanks and grenades or the Molotov's cocktails at the infantry's disposal. After several minutes, the mission will draw to an end.
Main Objectives:
1. Seize the government district
2. Clear the Kroll Opera House
3. Capture the Reichstag
Bonus Objectives:
1. Eliminate the German howitzers
2. Complete the mission without producing any vehicles
3. capture the German StuG, Brummbar and Ostwind
4. Complete the mission within less than 60 minutes
The Berlin ruins abound fanatical defendersThe final mission in the Berlin ruins is quite unique. First of all, the Germans are practically bound to lose and it is very difficult not to complete this mission successfully. Virtually, only if you ignore to produce new units, the Germans may send out one or two squads to destroy the base. Still, their basic task is to obstruct the progression of what's inevitable - the collapse of the Third Reich. They are hidden virtually around every corner, often equipped with all sorts of weapons. Almost always, before you "visit" a territory, you should lay mortar fire on it. You should also dispatch the conscripts as the first into an area, as a cannon fodder. Throw grenades behind every corner of a bigger street and, in general, stay vigilant. Leave no portion of the city unchecked.
Due to the specificity of this mission, the difficulty level is defined by the player themselves, by determining how many bonus objectives they want to complete. Completing all four bonus objectives, during one game, is very difficult a task that requires very well developed micro-managerial skills, i.e. effective handling of individual units during fights and, simply luck.
The general tactic is changeable, depending on your own goals:
1. Definitely the easiest one. There are four howitzers operating in Berlin which need to be disabled. The Howitzers themselves are no threat to you because they are directed towards the outside of the city. They will be guarded, however, by infantry equipped with all sorts of Panzerfausts or flamethrowers.
2. easy to perform. Create two mortar teams, two sniper and two engineer teams. Limit the remaining units to assault soldiers and guards. Do not create HMGs or AT cannons. There is plenty of that in the streets of Berlin and the German equipment is generally better when it comes to offensive features. Man the seized cannons with conscripts in order not to waste the valuable infantry.
3. Due to the unpredictability, the most problematic bonus objective. To capture the tank, you need to chase away the enemy's team first. To do that,, the tank needs to be heavily damaged, best if immobile (ramming, target weak point). The most difficult thing is not to destroy this tank so, try to "feel" manually the level of damage that you need to inflict.. The StuG can be found at the beginning of the government district, the Ostwind is in front of the opera house and the Brummbar as far as the Reichstag.
4. Probably the most difficult bonus objective to complete. The easiest way to complete it is by focusing on the main targets only and to ignore the key points. Still, there will be soldiers coming from the points that you left out so, you should keep some modest defense squads as a reserve. In general, you need to hurry here, so, it is a good idea to use some fast and maneuverable vehicles (T-70, M5) and send the infantry forward in the first place, to tie up the enemy, who will then be raked by the heavier artillery from afar.
This mission will start in the middle of battle1. This mission starts in the middle of the battle. Do not launch the assault and calmly exchange fire from behind covers and replace the lost soldiers with conscripts. If time is of essence to you, you can send your soldiers upwards along the alleyway, which leads to the bridge entrance. Thanks to this you will surround the enemy.
The bridge is minedAfter you kill the defenders, dispatch one or two squads over to the other side of the bridge and keep the main forces off the bridge. It will soon turn out the bridge is mined and you will have to evacuate all those staying on the bridge. Fortunately enough, the explosion will not destroy it.
While taking over new terrains, secure yourself from each side using supportAfter you secure the point over the bridge, you can launch an assault on the ministry building or, seize the nearby areas to ensure safety behind and increase the asset supply. Traditionally, rake the outpost region with mortars before direct attack. You will also find smoke grenades useful, to cover your soldiers.
Northwards there is an abandoned StuGNorthwards, there is an abandoned StuG, with a squad of pioneers willing to man it. Take them out before they do and seize the tank. Further on, near the fuel point, there are a few more German tanks (including a Panther) and cannons so, you are going to need considerable forces to seize them.
PaK-43 can easily cut through tank armorDirectly to the right of the ministerial building, there is a PaK-43, which can quickly turn tanks into a pile of scrap metal. You can take it out with mortars from afar. As an alternative, launch a massive attack with your infantry, covered with smoke, or M5 if you create vehicles.
Take over the ministryIn the ministry itself, there are HMGs and lots of Panzershreks. A sniper will come in handy here. Take over the building and complete the first part of the mission.
2. The entrance to the opera house is very heavily guarded. Still, to the right side of the map, there is a side street (the above screenshot). You can dispatch small forces this way and backtrack to encourage the Germans to chase after you. At the same time, exit the street to surprise them and surround them.
Seize the opera houseIn the opera house there is an enemy virtually behind every corner. Keep your HMGs and other cannons directed in all directions. Also snipers will prove useful here. Seize both points in the building and you will pave the way to the Reichstag.
Use the airborne support and the ML -203. The way to the Reichstag is very heavily guarded with a multitude of HMGs, tanks (including the Brummbar) and PaKs. Fortunately enough, you will receive air support that will be immensely useful here. You should also bet your stakes on the infallible ML-20 for raking the defenders. The way will be full of entanglements and mines so, it is a good idea to create, at least, one squad of engineers equipped with the mine diffusal pack.
The last line of defense is constituted by two TigersThe Reichstag cannot be destroyed so, do not rake it from afar and storm it directly. As a last, desperate resort, the Germans will throw two Tigers at you. Focus all your fire on the tanks and destroy them one by one. Once they are destroyed, the game will end! Congratulations!