Game guide for Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 will allow you to discover all secrets of car mechanic's work in the virtual garage. It contains complete walkthrough for every mission in single-player campaign, with information about car parts designed for repair or change, precise pictures and list of challenges and tasks, that makes full image of job given to player, including financial reward for completing orders. The guide also offers general advices about functioning of the garage and service for various vehicles. It contains description for test drives, service books and virtual garage walks where you can find important points that make jobs easier. Advices section has been enhanced with fragments mentioning repair of used parts and methods of moving to various points in the car as well. The final part of guide is the list of all parts available in the shop including their prices and car's elements they are designed for.
Contents of game guide for Car Mechanic Simulator 2014:
Amadeusz "ElMundo" Cyganek ()
1. Before buying a part, you should precisely diagnose the problem and establish which element should be changed. Especially in the beginning of the game mistakes made with wrong choice of parts can seriously harm your budget.
2. If you believe you have completely assembled the car and the game still does not let you end the mission showing message that car is incomplete, you should look into your equipment in order to find missing part. Elements that have high level of condition are usually those you have forgot.
3. It is always wise to go for test drive or make diagnostics test, even if it is not mentioned in the mission's targets. It allows us to check technical condition of all parts of the car.
4. There are no time limits and game does not allow to end the mission if you have made any mistake during the car's repair. Plan your actions with caution then and do not hurry.
5. Try not to do all targets in the same time - take care of each part separately instead. In that way you will avoid problems with repeating of the assembling of particular car's elements.
Perform an action
Show the menu
Camera rotation
Show the menu
Car controls
Camera change
Moving around the interior of the garage should not be problematic. All items and mechanisms necessary to functioning of the garage are at your fingertips.
There is a couple of ways to get to particular elements of the car:
To reach another parts of the car you can use Car Lifter controlled with the machine in the garage. Using it you can move under the car and check various parts connected mainly with drivetrain and suspension.
After lifting car with the Car Lifter you will gain access to:
Process of testing parts comes with two ways. First of them is option of checking condition of chosen car's element individually - to do that show the menu with right mouse button and then choose Examine Conditions option. By clicking with magnifying glass cursor on chosen part you will see (if it is possible) it's proportional condition and the part will get colour appropriate to it's actual condition.
ADVICE: Each item with less than 15% of condition has to be changed - otherwise game will not complete targets of your mission with success!
Other way to check condition of particular components is going for test drive or performing diagnostics test - they show mainly problems with drivetrain, suspension and gearbox.
Shop is one of the most important parts of the repairing process where you often start the operation of doing the job. You will find all parts for particular vehicles types there. To check it's offer chose "Access" option from the computer on the desk and then "Car Parts Shop". You will see complete list of over one hundred parts which you can buy anytime. After choosing fitting element and buying it you will find it in your inventory ("Menu" - "View Inventory") - you can see your property there.
There is also option of buying used parts but it comes with some limitations. First of all, this section has limited assortment - you will not find all parts available in the game there and the offer is changing regularly. Moreover, we must repair bought parts before putting them into the car and that comes with additional costs. So purchase of the used part is not always profitable because summary cost of buying and repairing can exceed price of a new part.
Repair of worn-out parts is a good way to save some amount of money, it also let us put worn-out parts in another repaired cars. We can repair both parts bought in the shop and taken out of the cars but that second kind of parts can be repaired only if it's condition is above 15%.
To repair the part we go to the tools table and choose Repair Car Parts option. Then on the screen appears the list of parts we can repair - after clicking the chosen item, a dialog window is shown where we can see planned cost of service. It is wise to check earlier whether purchase of a new part is not a better option.
If you have some free cash to spend you could be interested in looking on service books which help you get better statistics and make the process of tasks' realization faster. You can find them in Learning Books section, after getting to the computer.
There are following titles in the offer:
Book's title
Tools in garage
500 dollars
10% faster twisting off
Business Management
500 dollars
5% more income from missions
Become a better mechanic
500 dollars
1 chosen part will be automatically tested
Master of commerce
500 dollars
2% discount for goods bought in the shop
Lending money is a good way to avoid mistakes with wrong diagnostics and purchase of wrong elements. To get a loan you have to use your computer - by choosing Bank Loan option you can get 5000 dollars. But remember - you can use that kind of help only once so do it only if you really need it.
In the first few missions you will perform car's diagnostics by test drive that takes place on the maneuver square by the garage. It is composed of four parts.
First of them requires you to test the acceleration - you have to drive through the field with green border as fast as you can. After finishing the stage you turn right and go back.
Next fragment is brakes' test - to accomplish it you have to stop the car inside the chessboard marked with red border.
The third part is for performing a slalom and checking condition of the drivetrain - you have to handle a sequence of several quick turns so you should slow down and try to perform these maneuvers accurately by driving through all marked green fields one after the another.
The last part of test drive is designed for testing the suspension - in that order you have to get through the stage filled with speed bumps and stop in the end of the track to finish the drive.
When you receive your second garage, test drive is replaced with shorter and definitely more professional diagnostics station which allow you to check condition of brakes and suspension.
First stage of the diagnostics test is examination of proficiency of the front brakes. In that order drive with the front wheels on the appointed position and press continuously and later hold the braking button, until you receive result of the measurement.
In the second part of the test you will check brakes in the rear of the car - analogically to the previous operation.
The third stage is the test of the front suspension. Do test it you drive on the position and watch the car going through the durability tests.
Perform an analogical operation also with the rear suspension driving a few meters further.
Chip tuning is a possibility unlocked only after achieving the third garage (Order 44). You can then access a special room where you can increase power of the repaired car with the special program.
To enter the chip tuning room choose Roller Dyno - tune car option.
You will be moved immediately into the car. Use the laptop which you will see (Notebook - chiptuning).
That is the notebook's main menu. You gain access to three various options but only the first and the third one are useful in tuning the car. Second option is a small manual that explains how the chip tuning works.
Program Eeprom is an application you perform the actual tuning with. Task is not too much complicated - by using plus and minus icons below each column you are trying to set all three of them on an equal level. Additional impediment is fact that by moving one column you affect also another one so planning the subsequent moves is a bit complicated. Percentage numbers at a side indicate what level columns have to reach to increase car's performance by that value. After finding a fitting setting press Write Eeprom.
OBD Link Pro is a program that confirms values achieved during the tuning and change them into additional power delivered to the car. Using it you can assure how much car's performance has been actually increased.
First garage looks like most of the buildings that are work place for amateur mechanics. Nevertheless, it does not mean you will not find anything you need to comfortable work with various cars and orders. Apart form car on the lifter in the middle of the room (which is hard to be missed), you will handle also a couple of other tools.
If we are speaking about orders, the most important thing is computer which allows you to buy every part necessary to do the repair and check the offer of used car elements.
Another important thing is the panel which allows you to control the car lifter - by using it you can quickly get to the car's chassis in order to repair defects connected to the suspension or drivetrain.
Garage's exit door gives you access to the maneuver square - you can perform the test drive there which allows you check condition of various car's components.
Table with tools and vise gives you access to the repair panel where you bring chosen parts to the state of usability and use during the another orders.
Oil Container is for filling resources in the jerrycans.
The last thing worth mentioning - even if the least useful actually - is radio which allows us to change the type of music played in the background anytime.
Although the second garage has bigger surface, you will find here the same set of tools as in the first garage.
Door put in the middle of the glass wall lead us to the diagnostics path where we can test every repaired car.
Right by door there is car lifter's operator which allows you to get to the car's chassis.
On the opposite wall there is computer which gives you access to the shop and service books...
...and right next to it there is radio.
The last important element of the garage is a place for repairing the worn-out parts.
The third garage is definitely the most modern garage which clearly marks your progress in the art of repairing cars.
The most important innovation is chip tuning room where you can increase the performance of the repaired car.
Gate allows you to perform the test drive.
Next room is the well known already diagnostics path.
In this place you will repair some of the destroyed parts.
Thanks to the car lifter you will get to the chassises of the repaired cars.
Oil container will allow you to fill reserves of that liquid.
Computer gives you access to the shop's offer, resale shop, bank loan and service books.
And there is also radio which allows you to turn the music on and off.
CAR: Genesis Town
You have to do the routine control of condition of the car's brakes. Client wants you to replace front brake pads and check front brake discs. First step on completing task is going to the computer and buying two Brake Pads for 50 dollars each.
After doing that go back to the car and start realization of the task in the following order:
Do exactly the same with the second front wheel. After you end realization of the order show the Repair Order/Invoice document from the menu and press the Repaired button. You have just completed your first mission.
CAR: Aisan Cougar
In this task you will have to replace three filters - air, oil and fuel - after one-year exploitation. Order begin with changing the oil filter by doing the following actions:
Air filter is the closest to the oil filter so take care of it in next order:
The last thing we need to replace is the air filter:
CAR: Revton Van
During drive on a bumpy road your client suddenly heard a strange knocking sound from the front wheels - your job is to remove the cause of that sound. Accordingly to the guidelines, begin with the test drive. After doing that three problems will be marked - with sway bar end link left and right and with outer tie rod.
Take care of sway bar end link left and outer tie rod placed by the left wheel:
Do exactly the same with the front right wheel (except of replacing the outer tie rod).
CAR: Vulcan Family
PARTS: none
Your client requires information whether his car deck computer has any defects. In that order perform the full scan of that element:
CAR: Revton Wind
PARTS: none
Your client does not have money to buy a new starter so he asks you to repair the old one and put it back to the car. Begin with disassembling the starter from the car:
Then go to the repairing table and repair the removed starter for 92 dollars. After finishing that process go back to the car and assemble the starter in the same place.
CAR: Aisan Cougar
Client is complaining about straitened work of the gearbox - it is definitely harder to change gears than it was before. Unfortunately, it is not known which elements have been damaged but your client suspects that problems with the clutch are guilty.
Solving the problem begin with performing the test drive - after doing that pick the Examine Conditions mode and take a look under the hood. If client has mentioned the clutch it is time to check it's elements - but before you will be able do to that you need to remove also the gearbox. It's disassemble is a little bit more complicated:
Repeat the same actions with the right wheel. Then make another steps:
Below we can see clutch elements - we remove damaged Clutch Release Bearing and broken Clutch Friction Plate. Go to the computer in order to buy new parts and put them into the car by turning on the Assemble Mode. Then screw and assemble Gearbox, Starter and the rest of the removed suspension's elements.
CAR: Genesis Town
Your client has replaced the battery four days earlier - unfortunately, problems with the ignition appeared again. Apart from another replacement of the battery he asks you for checking condition of the alternator which could be reason of that problem.
Nevertheless, take care of the battery problem in the first place. In that order go to the computer and buy a new battery, then replace the old one using the following plan:
Alternator is located in the valvetrain which is placed on the right side of the engine (if you look from the driver's point of view). To take care of it act with the following plan:
As it turns out, alternator is seriously damaged - it has only 6% of condition. Only reasonable option here is buying and assembling a new alternator. In that order go to the computer, use shop's offer and then put the new part in place of the old one and assemble Serpentine Belt again.
CAR: Revton Van
Client complains about too loud sounds coming out from the exhaust. Your job is to check particular parts of that element. In that order use Car Lifter and then look at the chassis with Undercarriage - inspect option. Turn the Examine conditions mode and test following parts:
After doing tests it turns out that both mufflers should be changed. Purchase new ones in the web shop and then go back to the Undercarriage - inspect view:
Then assemble new mufflers and screw the exhaust pipe on it's place.
CAR: Aisan Cougar
In another order you have to take care of problems with the drivetrain. To find their cause perform a test drive and then check particular elements with Examine conditions module. Only part lit with red colour is Power Rack Steering - but to get to it you need to twist off a few another parts. To do that:
Do the same with the right wheel. Then use Car Lifter and go to the Engine - inspect mode with view from below. Remove the worn-out power rack steering and replace it with a new part, bought earlier. Start assembling tie rods and wheels and make the car complete.
CAR: Genesis Town
Another client turned out to be a little unwise - he was driving on a fuel reserve and he probably overheated the fuel pump. Your task is to replace it. Process begin with buying a new part in the web shop. Then:
That's it - mission success!
CAR: Revton Van
This time you have true-life situation - your client has given the car to his wife and it returned to him with broken gearbox. Your task is to replace it. To get to the gearbox we heed to disassemble a few other parts.
Do the same also with the right wheel. Then go to the Engine - inspect view mode and perform following actions:
Buy the new gearbox and place it in place of the old one, screw the disassembled starter too. Then assemble removed axles and wheels.
CAR: Revton Van
Your client orders replacement of the oil filter and pouring a new oil to the oil pan - that is very quick order. Begin with change of the oil filter:
Oil change is a little more complicated operation. Use Car Lifter and go to Engine - inspect mode with view from below. Then:
CAR: Aisan Cougar
Your client has decided that it is time for complex repair of the timing. He also listens to his friend's idea and decides to change the water pump. Before we begin with replacing these parts we need to examine condition of particular elements - in that order pick the Examine Conditions mode and test all elements of timing which are located on the left side of the engine's cover.
Tests shows that almost entire timing should be replaced. Purchase following parts:
Buy also Water Pump. Then go back to the Engine - inspect view and remove all elements of the timing in the following order:
After removing all elements of timing go to Assemble Mode and assemble bought items in order opposite to presented earlier order of disassembling (from water pump to serpentine belt).
CAR: Vulcan Family
Your client is complaining about a loud knocking sound during drive on bumpy roads. Your task is to find and eliminate the problem. In that order begin taking care of the order with the test drive. After that check conditions of particular elements with the Show Conditions mode and look under the hood. You will see there that sway bar end link right is responsible for the noise. Buy new item and replace the old one:
CAR: Genesis Town
Client plans to do complex repair of the car he bought recently - in that order he wants you to do some basic repairing operations. First of them is a change of the oil and air filters. Buy new parts and replace them - in the first place assemble the new oil filter:
Then replace the air filter:
Another step is the oil change:
Checking the timing becomes the last step. Go to the Examine conditions mode and check conditions of particular parts of that element. As it turns out, only part designed for replace is Timing Belt:
CAR: Revton Wind
Client wants you to repair the car that has big mileage already. He noticed problems with making turns. Your task is to find cause - solving problem begin with performing test drive. Then check condition of particular elements with the Show part conditions option and look under the hood - it turns out that left and right drive axles are responsible for the problems. Buy new axles and begin replacing parts:
Do exactly the same with the right wheel and right drive axle.
CAR: Revton Van
Your client has struck some unidentified object by driving on bumpy road and he suspects he has probably damaged one of the exhaust pipes. Your task is to check which part of the exhaust has the defect and replace it with the new element. To examine these parts use Car Lifter and then go to Undercarriage - inspect view mode. Then inspect every element of the exhaust with the Examine conditions module. In result you will find out that Exhaust Pipe Middle has been damaged. Buy the new part and begin the replace:
CAR: Vulcan Family
Client is complaining about more and more noise when he accelerates with the car. Another factor influencing the comfort of driving is too dark light on elements of the dashboard. Your job is to find cause of that problem. An answer can bring performing the OBD Scan. Get into the car with the Interior - Get in option and then perform test with the OBD Link - check errors option. Once you performed the test choose the Show part conditions option and look under the hood by choosing the Engine - inspect option. As it turns, responsibility for all problems has the alternator located in the valvetrain. Buy a new part and begin replacing parts:
CAR: Aisan Cougar
Your client has bought a new car but he has already serious problem, in the very beginning of owning the vehicle - the client is unable to start the car's engine while he wants to present his new possession to his parents fully functional. Your task is to find the solution to the problem. For the problem with ignition the OBD Scan will be certainly helpful. Perform it and then choose the Show part conditions option. Next, look under the car's hood by choosing the Engine - inspect option. First problem can be clearly seen - Ignition Wires are in the terrific condition:
Removing of the wires reveals another problem - influence on the car's ignition have also four totally worn-out Spark Plugs - buy four new plugs and begin replacing all these elements:
CAR: Genesis Town
Client wants you to replace all Rubber Bushings in the car. Buy four new bushings in the shop and begin their replacement:
FIRST BUSHING: You will find it in the hole that ends the left part of Suspension Arm Front-Left.
SECOND BUSHING: You will find it in the same place of the Suspension Arm Front-Right.
Replace both bushings and go to Undercarriage - inspect view. You will find last two bushings in holes located in both rear wheel hubs. Remove worn-out elements and assemble new parts.
CAR: Revton Van
After replacing all spark plugs your client has another problems with his car - the water pump started leaking and draining fluids could have damaged one of elements of the timing. Switch to the Engine - inspect view mode, choose the Examine Conditions mode and then check all parts of the timing. You will see that the timing belt has been damaged. Buy new water pump and new timing belt and begin the realization of the task:
CAR: Sceo LC500
First order in the new garage does not require too much effort from you - you have only to perform a test on the diagnostics path with the Path Test - check car option. You will find the detailed description for this simple task in the "Diagnostics path" chapter in the "Basics of gameplay" section.
CAR: Vulcan Family
Your client's car does not want to start while it is required functional on the following morning - you have to find and eliminate the cause of that problem. Begin accomplishing the task with the OBD Scan. Perform it, then choose the Show part conditions option and look under the car's Hood by choosing the Engine - inspect option. Perform following steps:
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
Client has driven through a huge hole in a road and he has damaged the left side of the suspension. Your job is to check and then replace particular parts of that element. Begin the realization of the order with performing the test on diagnostics path with the Path Test - check car option - then turn on the Show part conditions mode and go to the Engine - inspect view mode. You will see the true art of destruction - doubtlessly, replaced should be:
Begin completing the order:
A quick look to the inventory reveals another very expensive trifle - Vulcan Spectre Front Left Wheel should be changed as well. Buy following new parts:
Assemble all bought elements - start with the Rubber Bushing and Suspension Arm Front-Left, then lower the car with the Car Lifter, go to the Wheel - inspect view mode and assemble the rest of new parts.
CAR: Aisan Cougar
Another client orders you to replace all brake pads in the car - it is one the most standard repairing procedures for the car. Buy eight new parts and start the process of replacing them:
Do the same with remaining three wheels.
CAR: Revton Wind
Your client is complaining about a loud knocking sound that disappears after fifteen minutes of driving. Your task is to check where lies the problem and then to eliminate it. Realization of the order begin with the test drive, then turn on the Show parts conditions mode.
Look under the car's hood with the Hood - Engine-suspect option - problem we have to handle with, is the broken Exhaust Manifold. Use the Car Lifter, buy a new manifold, go to the Undercarriage - inspect view mode and then replace that element:
After you have assembled the new manifold, screw all removed elements back with the Assemble Mode.
CAR: Genesis Town
Your regular customer has another order for you - this time defects are caused by his wife who trusted the satellite navigation and was guided to damaged bumpy roads. It caused serious harms to the car's suspension - so you have to perform the complex maintenance and repair of that subsystem. The order begin with performing the Diagnostic Path test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. You will see many parts that must be immediately replaced:
As you can see, there is a lot of work for you to do - buy all necessary parts and begin from the front of the car:
Sway Bar End Link Left + Shock Abs. A Front-Left:
Shock Abs. A Front-Right:
Suspension Arm Front-Right:
Now use the Car Lifter go to the back of the car with the Undercarriage - inspect option:
Shock Absorber, Suspension Arm Rear-Left A, Suspension Spring Rear:
Rubber bushing:
CAR: Olsen Grand
Customer is complaining about problems with starting the engine - even in the situation when he is driving the car every day. Your job is to check parts and replace the damaged ones. In that order perform the OBD Link Test - then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. After a bit longer parts checking it will turn out that the broken Air Filter is the answer to the problems - buy the new one and make the replacement:
CAR: Revton Wind
Your client has bought a new car recently but he is complaining about the too hard suspension. He is not certain whether the suspension is in the good condition. Your task is to check which car's elements should be replaced. In the first step examine the car with the Diagnostic Path Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. You will see an unusual thing - all four Suspension Springs should be changed. Purchase two front and two rear springs and start working:
Front suspension springs:
Do exactly the same with the right wheel.
Rear suspension springs - right:
Rear suspension springs (left):
CAR: Aisan Cougar
The car designed for repair was not used for the last two months and it did not start when client attempted to drive again. Your job is to examine what should be repaired or replaced. Perform the OBD Link Test - then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Take a look on the engine with the Engine - inspect option - as you can clearly see, the empty Battery is to be blamed here. Buy a new part, remove the old one and assemble the working Battery.
CAR: Olsen Grand
Customer is complaining about problems with the engine - it sometimes happens to turn off for a split second. He was looking for an advice in other garages already but no one has found any defect. You need to examine what is wrong. As always in cases like this, begin with the OBD Link Test - then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Take a look on the engine. The first problem are broken Ignition Modules in the front and the rear of the engine - purchase two such modules and begin the replacement:
By the chance we find also a problem with Spark Plugs. Remove all three of them and buy new ones - screw them in the place of their predecessors. Assemble removed Ignition Wires V6 Front. Repeat the operation in the rear of the engine.
The second part of the order is the broken Fuel Filter - use the Car Lifter and go to the Undercarriage - inspect view mode. Remove the broken Filter located on the fuel tank and assemble a new one.
CAR: Genesis Town
You client has bought a new car and it turned out that Timing Belt is hooking against edges of the Idler Pulley. Your task is to repair that. We are taking a look to engine with the Engine - suspect option and then we check the valvetrain with the Examine Conditions tool. For immediate replacement there are:
Purchase new copies of these parts and begin the replacement. Remove elements of the timing in the following order:
Then replace parts indicated earlier and assemble them in the opposite order by using the Assemble Mode.
CAR: Vulcan Family
There comes a specific knocking sound from the car during accelerating and braking, which indicates a problem with the drivetrain. Your task is to check and inspect that case. Begin normally - in the first step examine the car with the Diagnostic Path Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. As it turns out, both front shock absorbers and suspension springs have been damaged - purchase new copies and start accomplishing the task:
Do the exactly the same with parts in the front-right side of the car.
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
Customer is complaining about sudden breaks in the engine's work which can be very dangerous while driving on city streets. Of course, you have to take care of this task and find the cause. It is located around the fuel tank - Fuel Filter and Fuel Pump should be replaced. Buy new copies of these parts and begin completing the order:
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
The driver who orders you to do the repair noticed that his car has tendency to slide on the right side. You have to diagnose that problem and repair the defect. Begin with performing the Test drive and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. You should be looking for problems right by the wheels and in the drivetrain - the problem is the defective Rubber Bushing in the Suspension Arm Front-Right. Buy a new part and begin accomplishing the task:
CAR: Sceo LC500
Driver has noticed significant decrease of the engine's power - find the cause and possible solution for that problem. In that order perform the OBD Link Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Take a look under the hood with the Engine - inspect option - you should replace Air Flow Meter and Air Flow Tube V6. Purchase new copies and begin the replacement:
Leave Plastic Cover Engine V6 removed for now - as it turns out, you have problem with the oil as well and you have to change it as quick as you can:
CAR: Revton Van
Client is complaining about delayed wheels' reaction after turning with the steering wheel - initial diagnosis suggests that we are dealing with the drivetrain problems. Examine what exactly is this order for and solve that case. Begin with the Test drive and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Look for the problems by the drivetrain and suspension - in result you will find out that Inner Tie Rods and Outer Tie Rods on both sides of the axle are broken. Purchase new copies and begin accomplishing the task:
Do exactly the same with the right wheel and tie rods.
CAR: Olsen Grand
As it turns out, a car is not the best idea for a present for the teenager - he has been driving just for a while and he has managed to damage the gearbox already. Repair the broken part and bring the car to the former condition. In that order begin removing elements connected to the gearbox:
Do the same with the rear right wheel and both front wheels. Then:
You can now repair the gearbox (which is the cheaper option) or purchase a new part (a more expensive way) - the choice is yours. Assemble the gearbox on it's place and complete the car by assembling the rest of removed parts in chosen order.
CAR: Genesis Town
Customer has noticed a leakage from around the engine and, although he has very slim knowledge about cars, he recognized it as a enough reason to call you for help. Your task is to localize the leakage and stop it. The Water Pump is responsible for that problem. Replace it with a new copy or do the repair:
CAR: Revton Wind
In another order your client complains about low driving comfort and he indicates the suspension as the cause. Check whether he made a right diagnosis. Perform the Path Test and then go to the Show parts conditions mode. Results of the test will show that you have to deal with the rear suspension - take a look on it then. Indeed - both Shock Absorbers Rear and two Suspension Springs Rear should be changed. Buy new copies and begin the replacement:
Repeat the operation with the rear right wheel - in this case before you disassemble Suspension Arm Rear-Right A you have to remove also Muffler Rear.
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
In another task you have to face the problem of the engine that happens to stop working suddenly or works very problematically. Perform the OBD Scan and then choose the Show part conditions option. Take a look under the Hood by choosing the Engine - inspect option. Overall, you have to deal with three parts - Ignition Wires V6 Front, Ignition Wires V6 Rear and Ignition Module located in front of the engine. Buy new elements and begin the replacement:
CAR: Vulcan Family
Customer has bought a car with incomplete engine - your task is to fill it with missing parts and bring the car back to the state of full usability. The list of missing elements is very large - it contains following parts:
Purchase all these parts and assemble them by the engine. Then perform the Path Test.
CAR: Revton Van
As it turns out, in this car brakes almost does not exist already - an immediate and general repair is necessary and it is your task to perform it, naturally. In that order perform Path Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions option. Begin playing with the brakes then:
Front left wheel:
We have both Brake Pads and Brake Disc to replace here. Purchase these parts and perform the replacement:
Front right wheel:
Only Brake Disc is designed for replacement here - buy a new copy and replace:
Rear left wheel:
You will change Brake Caliper and Brake Disc here. Buy new elements and assemble:
Rear right wheel:
Changed should be: Brake Disc and both Brake Pads. Buy these elements and close the order:
CAR: Revton Van
PARTS: none
Client is complaining about too small amount of power in the car - it is especially noticable when the car is fully loaded and it has to drive upward. In order to fix that perform the chip tuning. You will find it's complete course in the "Chip Tuning" chapter in the "Basics of gameplay" section.
CAR: Sceo LC500
Customer is complaining about too quick wearing of the tires - find the cause of that troublesome situation. Perform the Path Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Use the Car Lifter and take a look on the chassis. Following parts should be changed:
Buy all elements that was indicated. Go to view of the engine from below with the Engine - inspect view mode and disassemble and then replace all parts from the "FRONT CHASSIS" list.
Go to the rear chassis with Undercarriage - inspect option. Before you replace the suspension arm you have to disassemble Muffler V6 Rear-Left - only then you can replace the defective suspension arm with a new one.
CAR: Vulcan Family
Customer is complaining about increasing costs of the car exploitation - but he emphasises that he does not mean the increasing fuel price but constantly increasing fuel consumption of the car. Find the causes and eliminate them. In the beginning perform the OBD Scan and then turn on the Show part conditions option and take a look under the car's Hood by choosing the Engine - inspect option. Two first culprits are Air Filter and Air Flow Meter - buy new parts (or repair the air flow meter) and replace them:
The last element designed for change is the Fuel Pump. Buy a new part and replace:
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
Client is complaining about the whining coming from the rear part of the car. Except of solving that problem, he also asks you to replace all filters and to change oil. First of these problems is connected to the Axle differential - buy a new one and perform its replacement:
Do the same with the rear right wheel. Then:
Now take care of filters - begin with the Oil Filter:
The next one -Air Filter:
In the end the Fuel Filter:
Your last task is the oil change:
CAR: Revton Van
You have to do a typical, routine car maintenance - check condition of the engine and replace worn parts, check the oil as well. Go to the Engine - inspect view and check condition of all elements located by the engine (valvetrain, air subsystem, oil filter) by using the Examine conditions tool. Use the OBD Link to test the ignition subsystem. In result - replaced should be:
Buy new models of these parts and start replacing:
Also the oil should be changed:
CAR: Olsen Grand
The car is too heavy - the customer is complaining about problems with outrunning theoretically slower vehicles. Tune the car with the chip tuning and repair all worn parts. The only element that requires the repair is Air Flow Meter. Buy a new part or repair the old one and replace it:
The second part of the order is a chip tuning in which you have to achieve at least 10% power increase. Go to the appropriate room (with the Roller Dyno - tune car option) and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Revton Wind
Customer is complaining about too high fuel consumption - as probably reasons he indicates a problem with some part or insufficient optimization which you can improve through the chip tuning. So, if we have problem with the consumption, we need to replace the Fuel Filter and the Fuel Pump. Buy new parts and take care of their replacement:
Another thing that should be replaced becomes Air Filter:
Also Water Pump should be changed - you can repair it or buy a new part:
Second part of the order is the chip tuning - you have to achieve at least 10% power increase. Go to the appropriate room (with the Roller Dyno - tune car option) and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
After hot night spent on drifts, the driver orders you to perform a general maintenance before the tomorrow's show. Check and change all worn-out elements of the car. Perform the Path Test and then go to the Show parts conditions mode. Following parts should be replaced:
Damages are small - you need to change only Brake Pads by both wheels. Buy new pads and take care of their replacement:
Do exactly the same with the right wheel.
Drive Axle Left and Drive Axle Right remain for replacement here. Buy new parts and change them:
Repeat the same maneuver with the rear right wheel.
CAR: Sceo LC500
This time your garage has been visited by the company car - by order from his employer, the employee asks you to perform the complex maintenance of the vehicle: the car needs to exit the garage in the perfect condition. As you can see, the price does not matter here. Perform the Path Test then the OBD Link and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Let's take a look on particular elements that need to be replaced:
We are dealing with broken Drive Axle Left here. Buy a new part and assemble it:
Sway Bar End Link Right and Outer Tie Rod qualify for replacement here. Buy new parts and replace them:
For replacement designed are: Rubber Bushing with Suspension Arm Front-Right. Buy new elements and assemble them:
We have Catalytic Converter V6 for replacement - buy a new one and change:
The finale of the big repair is the replacement of Sceo LX500 Rear Right Wheel, Rubber Bushing, Suspension Arm Rear-Left A, Suspension Spring Rear and Shock Absorber Rear. Buy all these parts and start assembling:
Oil change:
CAR: Grand Olsen
Client was driving a bit too fast on bumpy roads and it resulted with a visit in your garage. Perform the complex maintenance of the vehicle and replace damaged parts. Perform the Path Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Use the Car Lifter and look under the chassis with the Undercarriage - inspect option. One look on the situation - and you will see that following parts should be changed:
Purchase all indicated parts and start replacing:
CAR: Genesis Town
PARTS: none
One of your former customer's wife took a few lessons in a rally school and now she wants to take part in true rally. Therefore you have to achieve at least 40% power increase. In that order perform the chip tuning - go to the appropriate room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Vulcan Family
During the drive yesterday your client's car has dropped the exhaust - your task is to assemble a new one. Use the Car Lifter and go to the car's rear with the Undercarriage - inspect option. As you will see there, several elements of the exhaust are missing:
Purchase all necessary elements and assemble them in the following order:
CAR: Revton Wind
Your customer has two problems - first of them is connected to the ignition: the client has to take a dozen or so attempts before he manages to start the car. The second problem is about too much noise coming from the car's rear when driving through bumps. Perform the electronics test with the OBD Link option and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Look on the engine with the Engine - inspect option - the starting problem is caused by the damaged Starter - twist if off and repair it or buy a new part. Then assemble it.
The second problem are broken Rubber Bushings located in Wheel Hubs Rear - buy two bushings, use the Car Lifter, go to the view of the rear chassis with the Undercarriage - inspect option and then replace these damaged Rubber Bushings.
CAR: Vulcan Family
PARTS: none
One of your customers is very pleased about your reducing the fuel consumption services - now he comes back to you for increasing the power of his engine. In that order perform the chip tuning - go to the appropriate room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
One of wheels in your customer's car has been blocked during the turn. Your task is to repair that - perform the Path Test, then the Test drive and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. As it turns out, the right wheel is the main culprit - you have to replace the wheel itself (Vulcan Spectre Wheel), Sway Bar End Link Right and Shock Abs. C Front-Right. Buy all these elements and start realizing the order:
Additional problem is Suspension Arm Front-Left and Rubber Bushing placed within - these elements are also designed for replace:
CAR: Olsen Grand
Your client has flooded the engine with water when he was driving through the river during the offroad ride. Perform the electronics test with the OBD Link option and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. The test will indicate problems with following parts:
Purchase all mentioned parts and start realizing the order:
Ignite module:
Fuel filter:
CAR: Aisan Cougar
PARTS: none
Your customer has received some money for his birthday - he wants to spend it on improving the performance of his car. Therefore you need to increase car's power by at least 40%. In that order perform the chip tuning - go to the appropriate room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Sceo LC500
After few attempts of independent repair, your client came to a conclusion that the best solution is to hand over the car to the professional mechanic - especially if car's condition is getting worse and worse. The driver has ruined his vehicle - we are going to spend an unusually long afternoon in the garage. Perform all necessary tests (OBD Test, Test Drive, Diagnostic Path Test) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. It's time to start working:
For repair we have:
Buy all these parts and begin the replacement:
Tie rods:
Repeat the operation with the right wheel.
Suspension arm and rubber bushings:
For repair we have:
Buy all these parts and begin the replacement:
Shock absorber, suspension arm rear-right, suspension spring:
Rubber bushing:
Rear right wheel (brake disc, brake pads):
Rear right wheel (brake disc, brake calliper):
You have to replace following parts here:
Buy these parts and start replacing:
Exhaust manifold, left muffler:
You have to replace:
Buy that element and perform it's replacement:
The last step of the repair is the oil change:
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
Your customer is taking part in a rally at the next weekend - therefore he asks you to check the condition of the suspension and the engine, to perform the chip tuning and to increase engine's power by at least 20%. Perform all necessary tests (OBD Test, Test Drive, Diagnostic Path Test) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. After you did a bit longer analysis, you will see that following parts qualifies for change:
Purchase all parts and start replacing them:
Shock absorber rear:
Fuel pump:
Timing belt, serpentine belt, belt tensioner:
Another step is the oil change:
The last task is to increase car's power by at least 20% - in that order perform the chip tuning. Go to the proper room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Genesis Town
Your client has tried the engine tuning in special offer but instead of saving money, he will lose it - many components located around the engine has been damaged during the process. Perform all necessary tests (OBD Test, Test Drive) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Following parts require a quick service:
Purchase (or repair - that applies to Alternator and Starter) all elements and start the realization of the order:
Alternator, timing belt, serpentine belt, belt tensioner:
Ignition wires, ignition module, spark plugs:
The last step is to increase car's power by at least 10% - in that order perform the chip tuning. Go to the proper room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Revton Van
Someone broke into your customer's car last night and stole a part without which the vehicle can not drive. Searching will not take too long - missing Battery is responsible for such situation. Buy a new battery, go to the Engine - inspect view and assemble the new part.
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
Client was driving through wilderness recently and that careless jollity ended with problems with the suspension. Your task is to examine the condition of the entire chassis. Perform all necessary tests (Diagnostic Path Test, Test Drive) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Following parts should be replaced:
Purchase all necessary parts and replace:
CAR: Sceo LC500
Your customer was late so he was driving very fast to the airport - unfortunately, he paid for it with problems with the exhaust. Your job is to examine, find and eliminate the cause. Perform the Test Drive and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. After quick analysis you will find out that following parts are designed for change:
Purchase all necessary parts and perform the repair:
Timing belt, serpentine belt, belt tensioner:
Exhaust manifold, muffler rear-left:
CAR: Olsen Grand
Your customer has tried to tune the engine on his own and his toying ended badly - an unendurable noise comes from the car and the engine do not want to start. Your task is to repair all broken parts. Perform the electronics test with the OBD Link option and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Results of tests are very unpleasant - following parts qualifies for change:
Purchase (or repair if we are talking about air flow meter) all necessary parts and replace:
Timing belt, serpentine belt, belt tensioner, idler pulley:
Spark plugs, ignition module:
Air flow meter:
The last step is to increase car's power by at least 20% - in that order perform the chip tuning. Go to the proper room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Revton Wind
Client comes to you in car with very old engine - your task is to completely renovate it. In addition to that you have also to change oil. Perform the electronics test with the OBD Link option and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. After tests following parts qualify for replace:
Prepare new models of mentioned parts (or repair them - that applies to air flow meter) and begin the great renovation of the engine:
Timing belt, serpentine belt, belt tensioner:
Spark plugs, ignition wires:
Air flow meter, air filter
Oil filter:
You have to change oil in the end:
CAR: Olsen Grand
Your customer hit a curb strongly yesterday - the suspension was harmed in the accident. Your task is to find and repair damaged elements of the suspension. Perform the Diagnostic Path Test and then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. The test has indicated problems connected mainly to elements by the left front wheel - you have to change:
Prepare new models of these parts and start replacing:
Tie rods:
Suspension arm, rubber bushing:
CAR: Aisan Cougar
A serious customer comes with a serious list - your another task is to replace gearbox, clutch, drive axles and starter. Purchase following elements (you can repair gearbox and starter):
So let's begin the replacement with removing the axle:
Do exactly the same with the front right wheel. Now it's time to take care of the gearbox:
In the end assemble new axles:
Repeat that operation also with the right wheel.
CAR: Sceo LC500
This time the customer orders you to perform the general maintenance and the renovation of the entire suspension. The first step will be to perform the Diagnostic Path Test - then turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Moreover, test manually each unexamined element of the suspension - by each of four wheels you need to check the condition of:
It's time to start changing defective parts:
You have to replace here:
Purchase these parts and replace:
Suspension arm:
You have to replace:
Acquire all parts and start realizing that part of the order:
Suspension arm, rubber bushing:
Shock absorber:
In this case you have to replace:
Prepare parts and start the operation:
Shock absorber, suspension spring, suspension arm:
Rubber bushing:
The last part of the task is to change:
Gather parts and work:
Suspension spring, suspension arm:
CAR: Vulcan Spectre
There is another complex maintenance ahead - this time you have to examine almost all subsystems of the car. Perform all necessary tests (Diagnostic Path Test and Test Drive) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode.
Step 1 - wheels and brakes
In this step you have to replace:
Buy these parts and replace defective elements:
Repeat the operation with the front right wheel (except of replacing the wheel) and with the rear right wheel (except of replacing the brake disc).
Step 2 - gearbox and clutch
You have to replace only one thing here:
Purchase it and begin a bit complicated process of disassembling the gearbox and replacing the plate:
Repeat that operation with the rear right wheel. Then:
Step 3 - engine and exhaust
In this case you have to replace:
Purchase these parts and replace:
Timing belt:
CAR: Genesis Town
Taking part in race is not always a good idea, especially if you drive a city car - the car has broken down after one special stage and now you have to make it fully functional again. Perform all necessary tests (Diagnostic Path Test, Test Drive) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Tests have shown that following elements should be changed:
Gather listed parts and start replacing them with new models:
Air flow meter:
Spark plugs, ignition module:
Fuel pump:
Muffler rear:
You have to change oil in the end:
CAR: Olsen Grand
Customer orders you to repair two subsystems - clutch and exhaust - and to change oil. Perform all necessary tests (Diagnostic Path Test, Test Drive) and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. Use the car lifter and take a look on the exhaust. These parts are designed for replace:
Prepare new parts and start replacing:
In the second part of the order you will take care of the clutch. Following parts are designed for change:
Prepare new elements and perform the replacement:
Do the same with the rear right wheel and both front wheels. Then:
In the end you have to change oil. Use the Car Lifter and go to the view of the engine from below with the Engine - inspect option. Then:
CAR: Sceo LC500
Client asks you to increase the power through the chip tuning by 20%. Moreover, he orders you to change brakes. Perform the Diagnostic Path Test and turn on the Show parts conditions mode. As it turns out, almost all elements of the brakes are responsible for this situation - all Brake Pads, Brake Discs and Brake Calipers should be changed. Purchase the proper amount of these parts and perform the replacement:
Repeat that operation with remaining three wheels. The last step is to increase car's power by at least 20% - in that order perform the chip tuning. Go to the proper room with the Roller Dyno - tune car option and start the tuning application - Program Eeprom.
CAR: Reddot Town
It is over of the adventure with Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 - only thing you have to do now is to play with random missions in "Infinite" mode. In return for time spent with their game, developers offer you a ride in city car V6 4x4 which was named after the developer from Rzeszow - Reddot Town.
Car Mechanic Simulator in PC version is a game that has relatively small system requirements. It doesn't have great visuals - in comparison to other titles it looks average but it adapts to level of graphics in the sims genre. The game guide has been created with PC version, on computer with Intel Core i5-4570, 4 GB RAM and MSI Radeon HD7770. That specification entirely fulfills the recommended configuration and I didn't have any problems while playing in the single-player campaign. The game requires activating on Steam.
Single-player: Yes
Offline cooperation (split screen / hot seat): No
Online cooperation: No
Multiplayer: No
The guide was created with PC version, on computer with following specification:
The game worked without bigger problems on the computer with that configuration - there were no FPS rate drops during the play.
Yes, it is possible to play Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 on laptop.