[Beginners Guide] League Of Legends Going Up Top


A lot of the time you are forced to go in lanes where you don’t want to play. Usually the worst or slowest to respond in the champion pick menu get the last choice of having to go up top. There is no doubt about it going up top is the most boring part of LoL matches. But in this guide you should be able to push up right up to the enemy base and then be able to help out your other team mates by ganking the other team along with your jungler and Mid player.


Your team will start off together here in your spawn. If you die or recall, you will be teleported or re-spawn here. You can also buy Item from the shop. Buying Items from the shop is very important in League of Legends, it will make you more powerful and the right combinations will see you overwhelm your enemies making you unstoppable.

Choosing your path

There are 4 different places on the map where you can go. TOP, BOT, MID & JUNGLE. If you are new to League of Legends, you should stick to TOP or BOT. In a normal game, you will see 1 person for TOP, 2 BOT, 1 MID & 1 JUNGLE. in these guide of course we are going to talk about going up "TOP"

Going Up TOP

If you choose the TOP path, then you will either be on your own if one other has gone jungle or with another player. The Lane is a curve shape that goes directly into their base just like the others Lanes. There are a couple of differences, though. to the right you will see water, in that water there is a place where 2 monsters show up. The monsters that show up are called the Rift Herald and the Barron. Both of these monsters are usually avoided but if you did want to take them on, you will need your team mates to help you out., the Barron more so then The Rift Herald.

The Rift Herald

This monster will spawn at 4:00 and respawn at 5:00 at 19:45 he will de-spawn but if you are in combat with him he will despawn at 19:55. If he dies he will grant the slayer The Doom’s Eve buff, the monster is classified as a Large Monster and will only grant one stack of Devouring

Dooms eve

o   Empowered Recall
o   10% increase in damage
o   40 movement speed
o   Nearby allied minion are greatly enhanced


o   40% attack speed
o   +30 on-hit magic damage

The Barron Nashor is the most powerful monster on summoner’s rift in League of Legends. RIOT has described it as "This is a very powerful hostile monster, approach with caution! Killing this monster will yield great monetary and magical rewards to the team, but it should not be confronted alone". This is completely true and most of the time this monster is left alone. If you do attack and kill him, you will get the following

Hand of Baron

Self buffs

o   Grants up to 40 attack damage and ability power (scales with game time)
o   Improved Recall:
o   Reduces channel time by 4 seconds.
o   A successful recall restores 50% of your champion's maximum health/mana and grants +50% movement speed for 8 seconds.

Minion Aura

o   All minions
o   Increase speed to match 90% of average movement speed of nearby champions capped at 500 movement speed
o   Gain resistance to slow effects
o   Non-super minions have 75% damage reduction versus area of effect, damage over time, and persistent effects
o   Melee minions
o   Gain +50% movement speed when within 800 units of enemy minions or turrets
o   Increased size
o   +75 attack range
o   +75% damage reduction versus champions and minions
o   +30% damage reduction versus turrets (similar to cannon minions)
o   Caster minions
o   +20 attack damage
o   +50% missile speed
o   +100 attack range
o   Cannon minions (beyond turret range)
o   +600 attack range
o   +50 attack damage, but attack speed is halved
o   Attacks are now Area of Effect (200 range) and deal double damage to turrets
o   Super minions
o   +25% attack speed
o   Gain +50% movement speed when within 800 units of enemy minion or turret

Champions top pick for going up top

Now these are only a some of the champions you could pick to go up top 


Marksman, Support

o   Good poke
o   Good supporting role for later match
o   good farming


o   Low health
o   Easy to Gank
o   no escape


Fighter, Tank

o   Great sustain paired with increasing tankiness!
o   One of the best lategame carry-deleter thanks to his kit and the new "Villain" mechanic
o   Only limited by his cooldowns!


o   Overall low mobility: speed boost is nice but the lack of a blink or jump forces us to use flash
o   Low crowd control ( people can run from him
o   Easy to kite (run away and still get hit)


Fighter, Tank

o   Extremely strong
o   Great farming abilities
o   Apprehend keeps enemies from running away


o   No escape skills
o   very slow
o   easy to gank


Marksman, Assassin

o   Great poke
o   great farming as when you kill an enemy an explosion hit everything around them
o   nice escape skill which can be used to catch up with running enemies 
o   very squishy
o   Ultimate hard to use 
o   Slows and caught abilities are lethal 


Fighter, Assassin

o   Ult makes him unstoppable
o   very strong
o   great scale


o   very slow
o   easy to gank
o   no escape 

Tip for TOP

When going up top you will most likely be on your own so take a Champion with good poke (range Attack) and Crowd control. This will allow you to fight the other champions at range without the risk of them hurting you, plus you will be able to farm up minions earning you quick EXP and gold.

When you can push up as quick as you can to destroy the towers.

If you reach their base, then drift into middle to help out

You can also go with a strong champion that either have a lot of health or able to gain a lot of health by farming up minions. With them been able to use a lot of damage it means the towers will be able go down more quickly. The thing to look out for is that tanky champions are usually quite slow and have no escape so be careful when facing other champions or if there are no champions visable.

Times to be careful when on Top

o   Another enemy player is not visible on the map, you might be getting Ganked (Enemy player group up on you) press down on CRTL and select enemy missing to warn others.
o   If you fight the Baron
o   Two enemy player are up top, ask for help from the jungle if you really need him
o   Don’t forget to help out you other team. If you see the champion, you were fighting drifting into middle quickly push up and destroy their tower and then help out


This guide should give you the knowledge of the Top lane and what is accepted from you. Basically you need to push up as much as you can. If you need help ask the jungler, once you have reach their base help out your other team members. Still very boring from the other places from the map but it is a safe place to go if your new to the game and still an important role.